
Religious Leadership Quotes

There are 344 quotes

"The Prophet raised the flag of tawheed in a land of shirk on his own, which is more difficult than raising the flag of India in Islamabad."
"For he taught as one having authority, and not as the scribes."
"Put a Bible in her hand and a message in her heart, and you'll see why thousands flock to her conferences."
"Benedict XVI's stunning decision to renounce or resign his position to end his reign prematurely was also arguably a signal of the abruptness or shortness of his reign."
"It seems that if God did lead the Mormons to Salt Lake City, Utah, he used James Reed to get them there."
"Unite, unite, unite! October 4 is all about religious leaders uniting and then putting pressure on political leaders on November 1."
"It's very clear the pope promotes The ecumenical movement; no one on the planet is able to promote and Lead The ecumenical movement like the pope of Rome."
"Solid pastors don't compromise in the way Michael Todd does in this video."
"It's good to see the church and the Vatican and the pope taking a firm stance on this."
"Who started the Catholic Church? Jesus Himself."
"The biggest problem in the world isn't the democratic party or corrupt politicians, it's Christian pastors and leaders who have forsaken their sacred duty."
"Jesus was the only world revolutionary and religious leader who said, 'I came to die for you.'"
"Some Bishops in America are not forthcoming, bold, Apostolic when it comes to the church's teaching."
"Greatest author, greatest philosopher, greatest pastor, greatest theologian, greatest preacher, greatest book, greatest sermon."
"Christ and his Church are always handed over to his enemies from within." - Archbishop Fulton Sheen
"Faith is too low, a traitor is spreading falsehoods about you. Other followers may also be led astray."
"Ezra, the scribe and priest, became the spiritual leader of the people of Israel, and helped them to preserve the divine word of the Bible at the center of their lives and at the heart of their faith."
"Jesus is on the throne putting all of his enemies under his feet. He's the king that was always promised."
"Obey me so long as I obey God and His Messenger, but if I disobey you owe me no obedience."
"The pain has turned into anger that no longer merely concerns my resignation but increasingly also my person and my papacy as a whole." - Pope Benedict XVI
"The Prophet is an extremely powerful man who not only appoints the top people in the LDS Church but the Mormons believe also has the capacity to receive brand-new Christian revelation directly from God."
"Certainly a weapon that has been used for a long time to justify a lot of corrupt religious leadership."
"Trump is not the answer, the Republican Party is not the Savior, Jesus Christ is."
"Furthermore, the Red Mortal Blade was taken and hidden by the Senpou High Priest, the man who founded Senpou Temple."
"We need some holy holy bishops who come out and their mitres and their Crozier's and preach like Apostles apostolic success with apostolic succession that will convert a nation."
"Ordained Apostles of Jesus Christ always testify of Him. They point the way as we make our way through the heart-wrenching maze of our mortal experiences."
"A man of God is not rich because he prayed for the sick, a man of God is rich because he's providing solutions."
"Boldness being contagious—more bishops speaking out without fear."
"Jesus Christ is and should be the king that rules our hearts."
"Pope Urban II himself cited the Book of Daniel stating that God had indeed 'changed the times' and offered a new remedy for human sin."
"House Indoril: intertwined with the Tribunal's rise to godhood."
"Jesus is our Savior and he also needs to be our Lord."
"Pope Francis is the head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State."
"The response that religious leaders need to make is that there are eternal moral values that are worthy of commitment, worthy of defense, and you want them to win."
"David Koresh, the self-appointed lamb of God, watches helplessly as his apocalyptic church falls to pieces."
"A truly Catholic president will consecrate the Republic to the Sacred Heart of the most holy Son, and this consecration will sustain the Catholic religion in the years that will follow."
"The Captain of the Host of the Lord came and gave Joshua the details of God's battle plan."
"We need to repent, Christian leaders need to do a better job."
"Stop trying to make the ministers be Pastor Jennis. They're supposed to strive to be like Jesus."
"The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a mercy even to those that opposed him."
"The prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam combined in a single personality the highest degree of spirituality."
"There's not a person in the whole of history that can compare with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam."
"We're not alone, we have some good and holy priests, and they're saying the right things and they're doing the right thing."
"I think pretty soon you're gonna see Bishops like Schneider Strickland, probably some African Bishops, in a very similar situation to like Castro Mayer."
"King of kings, lord of lords, conquering lion of the tribe of judah."
"Pope Francis, addressing more than 1.3 billion people who follow his faith, has emerged as one of the most powerful persons in the world."
"I don't want to serve man's agenda. I want to serve in a place where I believe God gave a thought to a leader."
"When you are anointed, Kings will come to you. You don't have to go to Kings."
"Men a call to a position of unique responsibility under God."
"His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj was revealed by Pramukh Swami Maharaj as the guru of BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha."
"The movement with arguably one of the biggest return on investments is the back squat."
"For myself I will rejoice, the devil is roused, the Church is awakening, and I am counted worthy to suffer for Christ's sake."
"My mission is to propagate the message of the Ahlulbayt, not propagate the name of Adil Kareem."
"Flattery don't mean nothing to a man of God."
"Pastors, talk about this stuff. Stop refusing to address the headlines that American Christians need to know about."
"We are the remnant that God is raising up, and we're going to stand up and stand together and boldly proclaim the truth of the living God."
"The Black Christian church needs to operate like Minister Louis Farrakhan in the Nation of Islam and the Hebrew Israelites, teaching racial and economic empowerment."
"Silence can be agreement, as you know, silent screams."
"Simon you are rock, and upon this rock I will build my church."
"People want to hear from the prophets more than almost anybody."
"We must walk united with our differences. There is no other way to become one. This is the way of Jesus."
"The Lord continues to put in place through his prophets all that is needed to help us prepare to receive him."
"God is raising up Sarah's in this generation."
"This is not about my pontificate. I'm a good pope."
"As Christians, we should be leading the fight against things like racism."
"He is a humble man, he's the leading advocate for the rebuilding of the third temple... he's for everyone."
"Jesus was like let me live with the commoners, let me live."
"The irony is that after Constantine, Jesus, who had been crucified by the Roman army, was now depicted as its leader."
"I challenge ministers to quit this crap and stand up and walk with God and live what you preach and quit upholding killing children."
"Some pastors probably don't think their people can handle it."
"We actually listen to the grand priest's advice more than our own."
"If the church could only understand that, collectively, if we will just roar, if we will just stand for what we love and what we believe in, then the opposition would be no match."
"Even if it ends up that Biden is in the White House, the case is certainly not lost because Jesus Christ is still on the throne."
"God has granted access to the great sacrament, but pastors have locked the doors."
"Jesus Christ, The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David has conquered, he has mastered all things, he has won all battles, he is in command, he is Victorious and He Reigns."
"Season Two is about the consequences of the publicity that surrounds Jesus and his followers."
"Pray the rosary, family. If you're a dad, lead your wife and your kids in praying the rosary."
"Be the man, pick up the beads, and lead your family."
"If you're mispronouncing the Quran and you're the leader of the Muslims and you're deliberately reading it wrong, he should move somebody else forward."
"He's relentless in making sure that every single person that came for the hajj is hearing from him about what this message of his is."
"He made people love the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam so much that they couldn't wait to meet him."
"There's no political Messiah, but there is the one and only Messiah, the Lord Jesus."
"You don't want to fight your own church. Most movements occur top down, from the pulpit down into the rank and file of the church."
"Imagine by 2022, hundreds of pastors preaching with the bold conviction of Jack's."
"Those millions of dollars and those private jets didn't come from the most high, it came from their parishioners."
"Join us in our pursuit of the ultimate King, Jesus."
"Reverend Billy Graham, one of the most inspirational spiritual leaders of the 20th century, he was a giant. He won't see his likes again."
"Jesus during his Earthly Ministry does all kinds of commanding and rebuking."
"He's a pastor to them, well who am I to question that? Like I'm not, wow, I actually did not know that."
"Jesus gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers for the equipping of the saints."
"Joseph Smith at his greatest, as a prophet, was not merely Joseph Smith. He was a prophet, made so by the power of God."
"We need prophets who cry out 'thus saith the Lord.'"
"Your job as a pastor is not to grow your church, your job as a pastor is to faithfully convey the word of God to whoever shows up and let God take care of the growth."
"This is really about Jesus, the King of Kings, the Lord of lords."
"Love is speaking the truth. If we had more clergy and religious willing to speak the truth, the church would be truly united in her mission."
"Thank you all for standing with me in the mission of leading people to Jesus Christ, for winning souls into the kingdom."
"Evangelist Luis Palau: 'Known as the Billy Graham of Latin America.'"
"If God won't be your leader, then guess what? You will have a leader, and that will be the Antichrist."
"We can no longer endure these lies, this corruption. These bishops need to answer."
"As Christians, we must loudly, clearly, and boldly declare no to vaccine passports and no to the tyranny of this government."
"As pastors, most of the time, we spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to say a thing. God, help me to articulate this thing so people can understand it and live it out."
"The minority view is not held by the large group of religious leaders... but the majority is typically wrong."
"The first member of the body is the head, that's right, the head is Christ."
"I've been a prison worship leader for 25 days."
"The pope is one of the great voices of reason and compelling moral authority on the subject of the climate crisis."
"Pray for them, pray for the pope even if you don't like him. He's the leader of the church, he is the vicar of Christ."
"Pastors can make mistakes... test everything that is said."
"Resistance was exonerated by Benedict; we need to gather that resistance again."
"Not every pope or bishop lives up to his calling."
"The confusion from Rome endangers the trust in the successor of Peter."
"If he's saying that, it's kind of hard to say like 'Oh, this Pope got it totally wrong.'"
"Father James Altman is a fantastic preacher. Everyone is talking about him."
"Some of these pastors and even from some conservative evangelical traditions have really fallen into thinking about the world in a Marxist sort of framework."
"I'm here to tell you God is looking for a generation of people that are going to know him."
"Abu Bakr, the clear number one in that category."
"There is a king that is coming and his name is Jesus."
"Priests could really get that zeal of, we're here to really be the first ones to deliver the message of Christ."
"An eternal King whose interests are not self-motivated but driven by love."
"He goes from being that humiliated human being to being called as 'Umar ibn al-Khattab radiyaAllahu 'anhu used to call him Sayyiduna- our master who was freed by Sayyiduna, our master." - Omar Suleiman
"There's another King, and His name is Jesus."
"I'm seeing a new generation of young pastors, young theologians, young thinkers who are mounting a resistance."
"I believe that God is looking for four groups of people... willing to give themselves to host the presence of the Lord."
"We are good at selling savior, we are not good at selling Lord."
"Now you know that the idols of the demon pea have been found."
"It was nice to see him call out other bishops who have largely been silent on this catastrophe in Rome."
"God replaced Moses with Joshua. That's right!"
"You mean to tell me that the fourth pope was black, but the first three were white?"
"Stop hiding under a rock, come on and start preaching Jesus, stop cowering in fear and going, 'Oh my goodness, what's happening in this world?'"
"We've got to remember who we serve folks, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That's who we serve, and we always have to remember that God is in control, even when it looks like utter chaos. God's in control. Don't ever forget that."
"I thank God for being able to stand up here before you this morning and bring the message that God put on my heart."
"Stand up church, speak out church. It is time to hold your back like a bad rooster and push back against this golden calf culture."
"Let the king of glory return to this Earth, let the lion of the tribe of Judah be the king of kings and Lord of lords forever and forever."
"Church members across the globe he says will feel loved and will hear president Nelson testify of Christ."
"As a person with a facial deformity, it creates environments where you're a target."
"There's a new sheriff in town, his name is Jesus."
"I advocate that every bishop should confess the Declaration of Truths."
"There's only one individual that we need to build up and that is City Guru Granth Sahib ji Maharaj."
"I declare in the name of Jesus, make them come to themselves now, and I declare that we will see an overflow of men in church next year in 2022."
"Preachers are not celebrities; we're servants."
"Joshua served the Lord and he was filled with power."
"One of the most difficult things is not seeing the shepherds of the Church stand up."
"Some of these people are running churches, but they're not prophets. They look like prophets, but they're not working with divine realms."
"The whole company of prophets preparing a way for Jesus to come again."
"At Olive Garden, you get unlimited breadsticks."
"We have what I call a cowardly Pastor problem because they don't want to get involved in the political situation conservative Christianity and
republicanism have grasped hands in a way that's very unhealthy."
"I don't want to be a megachurch, I don't want to be a maggot"
"He's one of the most famous ministers in our lifetime really and led the longest revival."
"Hasan and Husayn are the leaders of the young men of Jannah."
"God really is using pastor Jason and pastor Liz and Freedom Christian Center."
"The problem with the church isn't about scopes of influence, it's about yielding to the conviction of the Holy Spirit."
"You want to raise them up to be godly people and I think that's when you look at uh this qualifications for elders I think it's kind of like that old guy on the tombstone."
"Some of my Ukrainian pastors who are calling out Russian pastors for not speaking out against war... nobody wants this war."
"Good preaching notices what God is doing now."
"Beth Moore has millions of followers who have followed her up to the mountaintop of the bethmoor altar on their way to meet jesus."
"The church should be leading the way in reparations."
"Jesus is the one who's standing up for people at the margins of society."
"Prophets declare Heaven's will, the church declares Heaven's outcome."
"Jesus Christ is walking around as the owner and coach of his church."
"Kasper was the president of the Pontifical Council for promoting Christian unity."
"Every single Pope since the council has contributed to this problem. Francis is the logical extension of this, the final stage of this."
"Peter absolutely is the leader of the Apostles in the early church."
"Pastors, bishops, rabbis, and other faith leaders have gathered in mass... and have asked that the attorney general and senator step up and get involved."
"Our world desperately needs is the king of kings and Lord of lords."
"We are prophet-led; this is the Church of Jesus Christ presided over by a prophet."
"US bishops, priests, Cardinals, laity aligned with the Democratic Party."
"Religious leaders are willing to think outside the box."
"We must be the example to emperors and kings and presidents and persecutors that we serve the one who is truly Lord and God."
"If you're not an ax swinger, you're a phantom weight preacher. That's right, pocket knife preacher. That's right."
"Father, you are the king of kings and the lord of lords."
"There is but one party of order capable of restoring peace, and that is the party of God."
"You're going to reap a harvest folks because we've dethroned our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in this country we've dethroned him now do you have a king in your life."
"What fixes the problem is when preachers stand up and faithfully preach the good news."
"The kind of leaders Jesus wants the disciples to be are servants of everyone else."
"We need to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and not wish any ill on Israel." - Dr. Michael Youssef
"God stands at the head of this work. It's not Joseph Smith, it's not Russell Nelson, it's the Savior Jesus Christ."
"She officially opens Angeles Temple, the largest church in the United States, seating about 5,400 people."
"Asahara was rich, with the religion worth a cool 1 billion American dollars. He was also worshipped by thousands of people."
"Our Lord gave the example on what to do when people leave the church."
"The Messiah is working to restore us as the people, the men, and the women."
"When God's men rise up, things are going to change. When we fail to rise up, as the Bible makes clear, things will disintegrate."
"Christ expresses the truth and does God's work from within normal humanity."
"The church needs to be at the front of this conversation."
"We want honesty and we want more priests doing their job and not being encumbered by church leadership. It should be a simple request but uh it's been difficult."
"May Allah really bless Dr. Yet, he's an inspiration for me."
"The pope should be a gardener, not a manufacturer... he prunes if he needs to."
"There is a cultural cry today for Kingdom men."
"Jesus comes as King of Kings, Jesus comes as Lord of Lords."
"Pray for the bishops that they may have a spine enough to stand in defense of the deposit of the faith."
"Preachers today are filled with showmanship, but Elijah made a nation tremble."
"Elijah delivered the word of God fearlessly, despite overwhelming odds."
"He's the king of kings and he's the lord of lords... That's my king."
"The Church is not doing a very good job of reigning."
"What an amazing message from a Protestant pastor."
"The Antichrist will rise to power and deceive the vast majority of humanity subtly and seductively swaying men and women around the world."
"The Lord is raising up a generation of Elijah-type prophets who are going to stand... in front of kings and presidents... God will back up their words with power."
"God is calling out the Israel of God to stand up with men and women of God that have integrity that will stand up and speak the truth."
"We got one message his name is Jesus Christ as we attach our life to his our brokenness our weakness our smallness doesn't matter because we're attached to one who is sturdy and strong and who is faithful."
"I am the Messenger of Allah, and I will not disobey Allah. He will help me." - Prophet Muhammad
"MacArthur is a hero of the faith, a godly man who can be trusted."
"As soon as Francis is gone, the next guy, Pope Francis, has appointed roughly 60 percent of the cardinals who are going to elect his successor from among them."