
Occult Quotes

There are 180 quotes

"The fascinations with the unseen and this fascination hasn't gone away, although religion to a large extent has died within the Western world."
"So we thought it would be funny if I tried the Occult Baby Challenge because I know so much about babies."
"This situation and the many other paranormal experiences had led to a lifelong fascination for Darren Evans with the occult and finding out just exactly what Zozo is."
"I think the danger is unprecedented, I think that we can't overstate how dangerous getting involved in the occult is."
"It's easy to think that the occult is just myths and fiction. But when you start to apply archaeology and science, you can really get to the truth and the nuggets have of real fact that underlie all of them."
"There are occult groups pushing certain agendas onto the world, hiding things in plain sight."
"Crowley's Bible also proclaims the law of Thelema: 'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.'"
"The whole history of the occult is a legacy of daring exploration."
"We believe in transformation, not destruction."
"The Emerald Tablet is perhaps the single greatest and poorest understood of all texts in the Hermetic and occult philosophies."
"Investigators believe incidents could be linked to the occult."
"This is not a game... there is an enticement to the occult like nothing else."
"The Gregor is seen in occult circles as an energy form which, according to the martianist order of the Knights of Christ, aims to set the human being free from the hold of the prince of the world."
"Carved into the ground was a large pentagram with strange runes and markings all over it."
"A friend of ours is into deliverance. He used to be in the occult and turned his life around and loves it for Yeshua now."
"Chaos magic is a modern form of occult practice that emerged in the late 20th century."
"The occult is about hidden knowledge or veiled knowledge, stuff that you can't quite quantify."
"Occult knowledge is self-explanatory; it's just having knowledge on all of these types of things."
"And that is so amazing, you know, for people watching and listening, for people that I've interviewed in the occult, that once they encounter the presence of God or they feel that peace for the first time, it's so life-changing."
"The George Stickney house: believed to be tainted by devil worshipers."
"In the face of new Divine occult power, the Quincy rapidly modernized."
"If you're a fan of the occults or if you're a fan of fairies then you're probably gonna enjoy particularly the new animations and stuff that this mod brings."
"The occult is the deception from the garden about becoming like God, same thing different wrapping paper."
"Let's uncover the secrets of the Nazis and the occult."
"The Nazis were actively hostile towards the occult."
"At a certain level of development, Mystics create realms of consciousness, while Occultists help individuals at any level of being."
"A sigil is a symbol used in magic, often the pictorial signature of a demon or other spirit."
"King Paimon knows and can teach science, art, and other secret things, such as the mysteries of Earth, water, and mind."
"Each demon can bestow upon the conjurer great gifts of wealth, dignities, and good familiars and can bind men to the conjurer’s will."
"There are generally two different types of victims. One, a majority of the subjects come from multi-generational self-professed Luciferian families or bloodlines and are programmed to fill their destiny as the chosen ones or chosen generations."
"In an age where catechesis is almost destroyed completely and the tradition of the faith has not been handed on hardly at all, the occult and the devil's deceptions can enter in very easily."
"The heresy of the day becomes the occult, and the church does have the power to crush it and bring people out of it."
"The world of the dead moving to the world of the occult provided plenty of inspiration."
"The search for secret knowledge through supernatural means is undoubtedly a practice as old as mankind itself."
"Beyond spirituality and popular culture, Crowley's influence also infiltrated and shaped scientific thought."
"The occult is hidden knowledge, doesn't mean bad, it doesn't mean evil, it doesn't mean negative, it doesn't mean Satanism, Voodoo, or any other specific occult practices."
"The occult practitioner... they all want the five 'P's': Protection. Prosperity. Potency. Pleasure. and Power."
"From the looks of it, it's probably the most similar occult to vampires."
"These Works have had a lasting impact on Western occultism setting foundational ideas and symbols that would be adopted by later figures such as Aleister Crowley."
"Lavis Baphomet wasn't merely an abstract symbol it was an active tool for individual and Collective transformation."
"This is limestone, let's release the spirit to the netherworld."
"Lori became so captivated by the occult writer's views and thoughts that she became almost obsessed with his ideas."
"Crowley once said 'Certain actions produce certain results', and no matter what you might think about him, his actions produced results which have shaped our world in a variety of ways."
"The year is 1927. You have received an invitation to attend a prestigious private auction in Vienna, Austria, an auction of occult items."
"Each of you has different reasons for your interest in the occult, and each of you has a strong need for adventure."
"You will gain spiritual insights, most definitely occult knowledge that will help you through these highs and lows in life."
"Evocation seems to be the summoning or banishment of a spirit, demon, or God."
"Every occultist, every person that practices magic needs to read one of his books."
"Embrace your spirituality, study the occult and astrology, study things that are hidden, embrace your spiritual journey, learn about yourself, really embrace who you are spiritually rather than who you are physically."
"The many powers attributed to advanced occultists is due largely to their knowledge of this fact and their intelligent use of this stored-up energy."
"The grand grimoire: rumored to be one of the most potent occult textbooks ever written."
"When you enter the world of the occult for the first time, it's kind of daunting."
"I wanted to create this video for beginner occultists and even if you aren't a beginner, I hope you find it helpful."
"Let's get into the occult books that I would recommend and just some general places to start for the occultist."
"That night after I did the spell something felt different in my room, it felt heavier in the air."
"I keep using the word 'decentralization' because I want the crypto community to clash with the Esotericists and maybe spawn some awful new occult reincarnation NFTs."
"His character has a fixation with the occult and black magic, so whether this film served as inspiration in Richard's personal life to dive deeper into the occult or not, I think it's a great place to start in finding out the truth on the matter."
"'The voodoo dolls look... you know think about this Witchcraft and occult people are cursing objects with the intention of getting them into your home and then the thing is causing havoc in homes so yeah it can happen.'"
"We discovered a giant pentagram drawn on the floor with bones in it, hoping that these were just someone's lunch leftovers from their edgy picnic."
"I felt someone's fingers grab the back of my shirt thankfully the occultist's hand didn't have a solid hold on me because I ducked and managed to escape his grip."
"A lot of people who may have wealth and have sought out the secrets of the occult and so on and so forth, they may know the divine feminine is returning and so they're going to honor the divine feminine in many ways."
"Every time he comes up against these things, where there's this kind of occultish thing, there's the idea that there are forces at work from the other side."
"The history of chaos magic: a dissatisfaction with the state of occult groups."
"Sigils is probably the main thing you think of when you think of chaos magic."
"You see people deeply involved in the occult and trying to gain these supernatural powers. That's where you see a very high incidence of UFO events."
"This is the first time in the history of this planet that a grimoire has been produced for mass consumption."
"Empirically speaking, there is something there. Like there is some relation, probably in some regard, maybe it's just a muscle settling point or something, but there is something there. It's not like it comes completely out of the blue."
"Raven familiars assist in communication with the deceased, uncovering secrets, and navigating the shadowy realms of the occult."
"Hinrich Himmler had a deep and disturbing fascination with the occult, believing he could summon dark forces to help shape a new world order."
"The occultist defined as something hidden secret and Supernatural in nature."
"Break with every contact with the occult, renounce it, confess it, renounce it."
"I've spent many years studying demons and other entities," Rohan smiled.
"I think it is absolutely okay to buy occult related items just for the aesthetic. Nothing wrong with that."
"Honestly, as long as you're being careful and not using symbols that are related to some sort of closed practice, I think it's perfectly fine."
"Candle magic is something which I think beginners can easily practice and get the hang of quite quickly, and this book, I think, will definitely give you a good starting approach to candle magic."
"We deal with arcane and occult objects."
"Writing occult books isn't a get rich quick scheme. It isn't even a get rich slow scheme."
"Spirit channeling the occult, he hate it. I hate it all."
"This interest in the occult is very strong among college students. Dracula fits into that because most people think of him here because it is the occult interest."
"Black magic and all of that is very real."
"The greatest obstacle in proving the authenticity of the occult lies in finding facts. However, if the facts are there, even the most hardened skeptic has an open mind must finally acknowledge the actual existence of the supernatural."
"The deeper I delved into Satanism, the occult, the mystical history of the past, the more I realize how little I know, how much is yet to be revealed."
Monod concludes that "the occult was not killed off by science or the Enlightenment [thinkers]" but instead "coexisted with them [and] borrowed from them."
"The Warren occult Museum... it is full of items that Ed and Lorraine Warren have collected over the years from their paranormal investigations."
"The grand grimoire: widely regarded as the most potent and deadly of the occult books in existence."
"Himmler's obsession with the occult and the esoteric."
"The first really strange thing to happen was that my friends and I stumbled upon a pentagram made out of salt with a dead bird in the middle."
"I had seen her slip the throat of a little black cat and pour its blood on her naked body"
"I've always been interested in mysteries, the occult, horror, and conspiracy theories."
"I found out it was a satanic coven."
"They are drawn towards the mystical occult, gifted in them."
"Probably black masses or something of that nature going on in that Forest."
"For over two centuries now, The Magus (or The Celestial Intelligencer) has been one of the most sought-after grimoires of ceremonial magic in the anglosphere."
"The difference between the occult and the supernatural is who initiates the process. In the occult, people have to initiate it. But oftentimes, we seek Holy Spirit and we seek God."
"People involved in the occult, people involved in cult-like practices, people involved in the rods you're talking about."
"Demons don't care what you chant as long as you open the door to them."
"In the occult, Krampus is not merely a folkloric figure but a symbol of the primal untamed forces of nature and the human psyche."
"Predictably, Ashley fell in with the occult scene in London, drawing the eye of one Aleister Crowley before he became a Malkavian."
"Is that a ritual dude that's a yeah it's a pentagram."
"I still think the coven had something to do with it. From where I stand, it's a little too inconvenient that a real witch's coven could be sitting right there in town and have nothing to do with this."
"Crowley began but never finished this ritual; he was unexpectedly called to Paris and he never dispelled the 12 Kings and Dukes of hell that he summoned."
"The principal spirit in Freemasonry is witchcraft."
"Remember, occult practices affect you."
"He was leading the chant and they all circled around a bunch of candles set in a pattern with a big book next to a dead black cat right in the middle."
"If the Tarot is a gateway drug into the occult, the Thoth deck is a jet pack drug into the multiverse."
"These symbols are all apparently demonic signs."
"The advanced occultists can find peace in the midst of the noise."
"I am excited about 'Do Your Worst' by Rosie Danan. Sparks fly when an occult expert and a disgraced archaeologist become enemies with benefits in this steamy romance."
"The walls had various symbols painted on them in a deep crimson, in the middle of the floor there was what seemed to be a..."
"That wouldn't be my first experience or dabble into occult-related experiences being a park ranger."
"The eighth house is the house of the mystical, the occult, the spiritual."
"There are some incredibly warped, weird things that happen in the area of séances in the occult."
"Such a dream isn't new, in fact, one of the greatest texts of occult sciences imagines just such a debate on the topic of cosmology and alchemy."
"You are drawn to the esoteric, to the occult."
"I'm an investigator, my dear. Fields of expertise: the occult, anomalous phenomena, and such like."
"Hellboy, renowned occult investigator, field agent for the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense since 1952."
"No one is ever lost to God. So even if people have walked down that dark road of the occult, God is looking for them."
"Angel's investigations lead him to New Orleans, where he enters a terrifying world of murder and the occult."
"It's most often associated with the Ars Goetia from the Lesser Key of Solomon."
"Tarot cards and Angel cards are completely occult."
"The occult museum is basically the place where Ed and Lorraine Warren would take the haunted objects."
"The galdrabok... details the occult practices of the island in the late Middle Ages."
"All these occult religions are always talking about enlightenment, how you can be pulled higher, how you can evolve into this higher state of consciousness."
"All of reality is suffused with divinity and occult forces which, because the microcosm and the macrocosm mirror one another, can be manipulated through various ritual practices or magic."
"The word 'occult' means beyond human understanding, mysterious, secret, hidden."
"Of the many sins the colonists hoped to leave behind, was perhaps the most dangerous temptation of them all: what we would now call the occult."
"John Dee was a very learned mathematician, scientist, astronomer, philosopher, alchemist, astrologer, a teacher, a spy, and a communicator with demons and with angels."
"And then for the second story, we head to Russia and meet academic and occultist Anatoly Moskven and his very strange dolls."
"In this way, the Pythagoreans understood friendship, not as a matter of personal affection, but as that invisible bond which unites those who study the occult sciences are initiates of the mysteries."
"The grand grimoire is a textbook of sorts containing all sorts of black magic spells."
"Almighty God, I renounce my involvement in all forms of the occult in Jesus' name, Amen."
"Your greatest gift to the world is your deep occult knowledge, and you can be a superb teacher of this."
"A man of an unwearied fancy, curious in the search of any occult knowledge."
"The Ouija board's history is steeped in occult beliefs and religious controversy."
"Deadly demons could be released by the one-pound boards if they are in the hands of anyone."
"I'd like to join the Occult Club."
"The seven Ray energies correspond to many Septenaries which provide the basic building blocks of occultism."
"A determined young woman and a damaged occultist risk their lives and souls to perform a dangerous ritual that will grant them what they want."
"The Ahsoka series was at its best when it embraced the weird, creepy, and occult side of things."
"Although she never joined the second death cult, she independently pursued the occult."
"The UFO is real and the evidence from occultic sources is that it is hostile to Christianity."
"I had a fascination with divination, the occult, and spiritualism... anything to offer some sort of proof that there's more to this reality than what we believe."
"He was very knowledgeable in the occult, probably the most knowledgeable person I've ever encountered in my life as far as the Paranormal goes."
"All the kids say that a group of devil worshipers started using the place for rituals."
"The occultist does not try to dominate nature but to bring himself into harmony with these great cosmic forces and work with them."
"The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was a secret society dedicated to the study and practice of occult hermeticism and metaphysics."
"We are the Occult Observation Catalogers, OOC for short."
"I got fascinated with magic and the occult."
"...the only way we can think about an occult is public sphere isn't the one that demands we disregard all of our particular specificities."
"I love references to horror stuff, and when the show goes off into an occult direction, especially at Jerry's expense, I really have fun with it."
"You're very mysterious, you like the occult, you dive into spirituality."