
Hiatus Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"After a succession of poorly received tie-ins in the late '90s, South Park's odyssey in video games took an extended hiatus during the 2000s."
"Odd is good, and rather typically, the band started to feel tensions rising as they recorded this record, resulting in another hiatus, surprise surprise."
"Honestly, I think taking an unintentional six or seven-month hiatus actually was like the best thing that could have happened to me..."
"It was such a black eye for the brand that it caused Eon Productions, the owners of the Bond IP, to suspend the secret agent from active video game duty for the last 10 years."
"Osaka, who won in Melbourne in 2019 and 2021, has not played on the WTA tour since September."
"The Rock's break from Hollywood reminded us just how great he is."
"I do hope I haven't disappointed anyone too much for how long I've been gone. I needed to take some time for myself."
"If you don't hear from me for a while I'm probably just going through something and I'll be back."
"We've done with this record cycle, so until another record, there shall be no more shows."
"They did say that they were going to take a break."
"This is the longest we've ever gone without being on stage."
"After my first video on Night City, I took a bit of a break from the game."
"I haven't played guitar for three weeks. I honestly don't remember staying away from my main source of creation for so long."
"She's been gone from the scene for a hot minute but she is a really talented skater."
"As bad as I hate to say it Jeff probably doesn't need to get back into the business for the next year or two."
"We're not quitting YouTube we're just taking a little break if we don't post on Sunday this is why."
"I'll take a bit of a break from Hunter Hunter content for a video or two while I let the comments on this one simmer for a while."
"I do not announce if I take like five days off of Instagram or whatever I'm pretty much just tapped out for a minute and you guys kind of know that by now."
"We took a week off we did we took a week off we took with VidCon big opportunity so we didn't see you guys last week so we missed you finally back."
"The Jedi Order was broken but not dead, more so taking a necessary break."
"My lovelies, it has been a little while since we have done an America's Next Top Scandal Girls video."
"Taylor was working on another album in between 1989 and reputation it was never released."
"It's been a long time since her last album."
"Hiatus Brain" essentially, when fans are far enough into a hiatus that they begin to make outlandish conspiracy theories and ferociously focus on minor details.
"In 2009, the band unexpectedly announced that they'd be going on a break."
"It's been 11 years since No Doubt put out its last studio album."
"This is my first YouTube video in days."
"I'm taking a break from YouTube, a sabbatical, not quitting."
"He's coming off a career-long 17-month layoff."
"I feel like I haven't done one of these videos in a hot minute so I'm very excited."
"I just wanted to make this video really quick to let you guys know that I'm going on a little Hiatus for the next one to two months but when I'm back I'll be taking the channel in a bit of a new Direction familiar but new."
"You know we took like a four or five day break."
"There will be no more hunts for the month of January. I don't believe I think we're gonna take we're gonna stop for a while um and kind of assess the situation with the new year hopefully we get a better year."
"At some point, we have to start questioning if Blackpink themselves are part of the reason for their hiatuses."
"...just to quickly before David sort of signs us off, we are back next year... January 23rd, 2021. We are back on the air, we're taking a bit of a hiatus."
"I really want to start creating again because it feels like it's been a while."
"I hadn't watched it in what three months four months something like that. Very painful very painful."
"There's some of the last Grishaverse content that we are going to be getting for a while."
"I quit streaming for like a year and then I was like well I'm broke dude I had do you do cool stuff do you step on stuff no I might get into it though can can I make you an I make a lot of money"
"I didn't race for a couple of seasons."
"That was the last night we stayed outside for at least a year."
"I've stepped away from business for 10 years because I thought there wasn't really anything I could write about."
"It's been a freaking hot minute since I recorded a new video."
"I feel like them three years and eight months really gonna preserve me for my fans because I ain't gonna, I got enough music but I ain't gonna drop as much because I kind of want them to miss me and see you know how real it is."
"I do think Janice is going to be in the show. I think she's gonna go off on Hiatus for a bit."
"This trip was my getaway. If you're wondering where I've been, I haven't posted in about four weeks. That's because I've had a holiday."
"I stopped making albums for two years, and I got crazy for a while, and I stopped that too, just getting drunk and crazy every night. I mean, after a couple of years, it gets boring."
"...so we will be back here in the Raymarine Live studio on the 28th. So for the next two weeks, we're going to be off."
"Black clover got basically put on hiatus, canceled, whatever you want to call it."
"We're back to Cosmere things, no more Skyward things for a long time."
"Does this mean that I'm done with YouTube completely? No, it doesn't. I will be back at some point."
"It's been a hot minute since I filmed."
"Normally, hiatus is supposed to be a vacation from the news."
"I would post on my stories but I didn't post a photo of myself for six months."
"I will see you after Christmas for a fresh midweek ramble."
"It's been a minute since I've gotten to sit behind the camera."
"It's crazy to think that Ready Player One was his last movie until West Side Story."
"It's very good Monday, but this may be, well, probably will be, our last very good Mondays for quite some time."
"I haven't uploaded a video here to YouTube in about a month because Bonnie and I just moved."
"I need to take a year off, I'm gonna start a YouTube channel."
"BTS is the First Act in history to win a dang during their Hiatus."
I just want to talk to you guys, like I haven't done a YouTube video in so long, and you guys are like, "Where are they? We miss them."
"But, where have I been? It's been about 10 days, 10 or 11 days, maybe even 12 by the time y'all see this, since we put out a video."
"Thank you for still continuously watching my videos while I literally was taking a break."
"If Beyoncé were to have a four-year hiatus, she would come back and people would still accept her."
"With a whirlwind of opportunities and responsibilities on my plate, I have decided to take a break."
"26 Oscars but he hasn't made a film for 14 years."
"These guys have been in hiatus, they've been chilling, recuperating, living their best lives."
"It's been about four months since I photographed the night sky, and that's the longest it's been in the seven or eight years since I started."
"It's been a good time this last year to sort of take stock of Survivor generally since we didn't have it for a year."
"I went through a season with struggling with depression... I just had to take a break from everything."
"It's been a long time, the series has been on hiatus for like, what, 10 years? So it sucks to have to wait so long to finally get more Bleach."
"I am going to be suspending my astrology readings and consultations for the month of September as I develop my astrology course for beginners."
"Rollins is winning because Triple H isn't going to wrestle again for a time."
"It's getting everybody back together after the three years of hiatus, we've missed each other."
"I missed doing the pod, you know, and it made me really, really like take a breather and figure out like what I want to do next."
"It's been a while since I've done any rap."
"I didn't know if I would ever work again. I kind of took a break to have kids and then when I was ready to come back, it wasn't like it was before."
"I'm not leaving YouTube forever, I just need to be very careful to make sure I look after myself."
"It's been a little while since I've done one."
"Despite this offer, BTS felt it wasn't the right time for a hiatus, as they were just starting to gain more public attention."
"Why has there been such a gap in traveling to space in the past 30 to 40 years?"
"It's been a while since I made any videos on this channel, which is a shame because I really enjoy this channel."
"I'm going to be taking a hiatus to spend time with my one and true love."
"A group's hiatus is a rest from group activities."
"I aggressively missed Sung Mingi, and him being on hiatus for that long was a really, really big worry for a lot of a teeny."
"I love you guys, I know I disappointed you by not posting videos but everybody needs a break."
"...the tall, strong, black-haired, and Charming champion of the people have finally arrived to the scene after his long-awaited Hiatus."
"This is the longest break we ever had from vlogging on this channel since we started YouTube."
"After his third album, Sean Paul took a breather from the music scene."
"Thank you very much for sticking with me, especially during this hiatus I've been having."
"After a very, very long hiatus away from the channel, we're back."
"I fully understand and deserve your anger and disappointment toward me."
"I don't have any recent drawings, I haven't touched a pencil in about two years plus."
"S Coups was a trainee since 2010 and actually has been known to take a hiatus from Seventeen to take care of his mental health, which I really respect especially in this industry."
"It's been a very long time. I've taken a short break because I've been very busy with life and work."
"After a hiatus of a few months, I'm finally back."
"I put my guitar aside for a while."
"It's been over a year or so since I've made a jellyfish."
"Sorry for taking such a long hiatus, but I've just been working on a lot of stuff that I'm really excited to show you soon."
"Usually when I take like a little break or hiatus from filming, it's mainly because I'm either busy, I'm not feeling good, or I just have so many things going on."
"This is not goodbye... we are exhausted... we've decided that we will take a hiatus."
"We are going to do that while we work behind the scenes to kind of talk through some stuff, get our life together."
"They're on hold, but I think that really, they're both on the same page that the team will continue one day."
"It has now been over three years since the last chapter of Hunter x Hunter was published, making this by far the longest hiatus that the fanbase has ever endured."
"Wow, Oda definitely planned this because he knew he was going on break afterwards."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, thank you for understanding about my hiatus."
"I didn't fall out of love with music, I fell outta love with what came with music for a while."
"I've been away for a while, but I was going through a major transformation."