
Witchcraft Quotes

There are 447 quotes

"If you're a little larger, you float more... so a thin lady wasn't a witch, right?"
"Before witches were crucified, they were our midwives, healers, nurses, and counselors."
"Witchcraft is a lot simpler than you think it is. In its basic and most effective form, magick is actually incredibly natural and simple."
"Embracing the elements is important... the witches' power comes from the universe itself. This is natural power that you're harnessing."
"Pokémon is a game that teaches children how to enter into the world of Witchcraft, how to cast spells, how to use psychic phenomena."
"Witchcraft is an ancient practice that spans countless cultures and centuries, but what happens when magic meets modernity and tradition meets TikTok?"
"Do you know what makes up a witch a bit different from humans? A witch is born from pure magic, more specifically, a sort of magic nucleus, almost like a pearl."
"It's one of our oldest customs that when a witch turns 13, she has to leave home for a year to begin her training."
"Witches are known to use the world elements and resources to channel their energy such as fire, water, air, and most notably the moon."
"A witch doesn't need materials; a witch just needs to practice the craft."
"This book, 'The Witch's Path', is for advancing your craft at every level. It will help you get unstuck, find inspiration."
"The people called me a witch; I was famous not only for my abilities but also for my age."
"Stragonaria is an archaic word for witchcraft and it is a pagan-oriented religious system."
"People love witches, they love dressing up as witches, they love making playlists inspired by 'witchy vibes'."
"The Book of Shadows is said to be the greatest book of ritual magic known to Modern witches."
"The modern witches' sabbath... can be traced back to much earlier traditions, the pagan rituals that marked the Earth's changing seasons."
"All witches were mediums then and they couldn't have all been bad or they wouldn't have had any dealings with the very religious persons, so I can't go along with saying that a witch is an evil person."
"I did no wrong; I just had a vision she would die, and of course she did. I'm a witch, but a white not a black one who serves the devil."
"Werewolves have never been proven; however, in certain countries, the topic is taken very seriously and sometimes connected with some sort of ancient witchcraft."
"Depending on the witch, they may practice their abilities through different belief systems such as Shamanism, Voodoo, or Wiccan."
"Witches can perform telekinesis, lifting objects with an unseen force, among other abilities."
"Raven literally being the witch we all wish we were right now."
"Witches aren't evil, witches aren't bad, they're literally just into spirituality like I am."
"The power of witchcraft is embedded in your ignorance."
"The power of witchcraft is because of your ignorance."
"Witchcraft is a practice. Wiccans call themselves witches and they practice witchcraft within their religion. All Wiccans are witches, but not all witches are Wiccan."
"The reason why witchcraft is so integral to my life is because these practices are more than six thousand years old and I have such pride in that. I feel like I'm carrying the torch of my ancestors."
"The most difficult part about being a witch: acceptance."
"Art magic is something that is extremely incredible. I've used elements of our magic throughout my whole entire witchcraft and wicked journey since I was like 14 so I feel like I know quite a lot about this subject."
"Gerald was seeking something stranger and in 1939 he found it. Gerald was about to become a witch."
"This is the foundation text, the closest thing to a Bible of modern pagan witchcraft. It's called 'The Book of Shadows'. It's Gerald's own magical workbook, his experimental notes for what wicker would become."
"A witch on their own can't do that much but when they get together they're so powerful."
"A confession of a witch in my judgment is enough to hang a witch."
"Remember, everything, including witchcraft, is all about balance."
"You don't have to do advanced magic to be a powerful witch."
"My goal is to make witchcraft accessible to everyone, especially those in the city."
"Witchcraft is a blend of many cultures, beliefs, and mystical beliefs."
"I'm finding out why our 16th and 17th-century ancestors believed witches and black magic weren't fiction but horrific fact."
"Witchcraft is very nature based, empowering, and mystical."
"Double, double, toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble."
"However, the idea that a witch is involved sticks throughout history."
"Witchcraft connects you to the earth and other people."
"But what is a witch? Where did they come from and why were so many dealt with the response of murder and execution?"
"The 1590s were also notable for James's growing fascination with witchcraft."
"The urban legend of Annie Palmer is that she was a witch and she would use dark magic to kill her victims."
"White people stole witchcraft from African beliefs."
"Witchcraft is a valid practice but it also isn't role play either, misinformation brings fear and a lot of the time people are scared of what they don't understand."
"If you would like to learn more about magic and you would like to learn more about specific aspects of Witchcraft or magical Traditions I'd recommend doing further research."
"Witchcraft deceives through rituals, but ties you deeper into evil."
"You cannot win against the dark side operating under witchcraft or sorcery."
"The word 'witch' just means wise and intuition. It's just your intuition."
"There is no such thing as good or bad witchcraft; it is all bad, hallelujah."
"Generational curses are being broken tonight, witchcraft has been broken, voodoo is being broken right now in Jesus' name."
"Witches were willing to risk getting hanged to keep their forbidden traditions alive."
"We might as well have some fun with these witches."
"But if you want to become a witch later in life, that's so freaking cool. I love it!"
"It's impossible not to fall in love, but this of course follows our main character Sophie who at the beginning of this book is cursed by a witch."
"Expert in all things witchcraft and wizardry."
"Witchcraft is like love: it is meant to be felt, lived, experienced."
"A witch is just a woman in total control of herself."
"Speaking as a witch, or at least someone who has been accused of witchcraft on more than one occasion this week."
"Maybe Agatha is like, 'Yo, you're the first witch to pop back up since Salem.'"
"Somebody's envious of you and they keep trying to do spell work to obstruct."
"Witchcraft deals with the spiritual world initially."
"Witchcraft isn't good or bad; it's like a hammer—you can build a wonderful house with it or beat somebody over the head with it."
"To call someone a witch was the same as calling them evil."
"Witches have a real relationship with the true magical world, following the flow of magic."
"It's women like that who were accused of being witches back in the day."
"Willowdusk Essence Seer, witchy and magical, harnesses black and green magic over life and death."
"Witchcraft is the tool of the oppressed class."
"We just break witchcraft and sorcery off of them, Lord, that you would draw them into your presence, heal their hearts, and grant them the gift of repentance."
"These narratives about accused witches having magical powers kind of undermine the historical facts that these women were falsely accused."
"Both of these symbols are understood to be symbols used in witchcraft."
"Don't limit yourself, witchcraft is a tool of need."
"We learn as practicing witches to tap into forces of nature and to actually... use those."
"Balance is so important within witchcraft; going to either extreme is not healthy."
"It's not wrong to change a spell that you find in a book."
"Witchcraft in its essence is really about empowerment, finding your own strength, taking responsibility, taking action, and being accountable."
"Intuition and working intuitively are core principles of witchcraft."
"Am I a witch for having catalogued over 200 stars?"
"The ritual is so beautifully simple and yet ultra witchy."
"Witches represent the fear of an empowered woman."
"Witchcraft has been thrown around so many times, and then you are called a witch, and there has been a confusion with regard to what is actually witchcraft."
"A good witch always has to have her hat."
"Witchcraft isn't just one thing and not everyone is going to use the same tools."
"Intuition is by far, in my opinion, next to critical thinking, next to researching, one of the more important aspects of Witchcraft."
"Within witchcraft, the casting of a circle and the laying of a compass are two very powerful techniques for magical practice."
"It gets a little overblown when people think you'll be burned at the stake as a witch in medieval Europe."
"Her ability to win didn't come from her powers, it came from just being a [__] witch."
"According to the Canon Episcopy, witchcraft was alive and well in Europe back then."
"witchcraft, It's Not Innocent, it's from the devil"
"Witchcraft is always interesting to me, especially the darker takes on it."
"It's important to remember that witchcraft is a craft, and it takes time and effort to develop and nurture."
"Behind every act of witchcraft, there's an agenda to steal, kill, and destroy. But God's power is greater."
"You must always be condemning these things and even some stuff we don't understand we call it witchcraft."
"I don't actually mind that witchcraft has become mainstream. I neither think it's exceptionally good or exceptionally bad."
"How would you explain witchcraft to someone who has no idea about it? So, witchcraft is a practice that connects people to nature and to the energies around them."
"A witch is simply someone who practices witchcraft. That can be anyone, which is a gender-neutral term."
"I do really like this platform and I really hope that I can actually make witchcraft accessible to people."
"'The voodoo dolls look... you know think about this Witchcraft and occult people are cursing objects with the intention of getting them into your home and then the thing is causing havoc in homes so yeah it can happen.'"
"She probably just had a normal life overexert herself and happened to become a witch due to carelessness."
"There is a revolution among the Pagan and Witchcraft communities, a movement away from prescribed ritual and neo-pagan practices, and reaching back towards what Foxwood says is the heart of any true witch."
"Witchcraft doesn't hold a lot of negativity unless you mean for it to."
"I think it's theory time because I think I've cracked the case. I'm pretty sure you became a witch, and I think she turned into candy."
"They're like lighting candles and hexing you."
"People literally die from witchcraft. It's not something to play around with."
"'But I'm a good witch, and the people love me. I'm not as powerful as the Wicked Witch was. He is a good wizard whether he is a man or not I cannot tell, for I have never seen him.'"
"Your book feels like how a witch should feel...it shows you what it feels like to be a witch."
"The Supreme won't listen to an ordinary witch teacher."
"Has any other witchery done you any good in life?"
"...death is literally all around you so being comfortable with death and just kind of saying hi to it and being you know building a relationship with the idea of death is something that I think is pretty integral in a witch's life."
"This person knows that you're like, you've perfected this leadership when it came to your dark magic, any type of witchcraft, dark magic, whatever, because somebody kept doing something to cause you some sort of drama and conflict."
"This book provides a comprehensive look at the ways in which witchcraft has woven itself into the fabric of society."
"Shamans were pro-social and prominent in their communities. Witches were feared and shunned by all."
"Only those that know the word of God can escape the slavery that witchcraft causes."
"It's not about shiny charms, not about books, it's about being a witch, the bone in the darkness, and dealing with the lamentation and the tears. It's about being real."
"Witches don't have leaders of course, but everyone knew that Granny Weatherwax had been the best leader they didn't have,"
"Knowing when to use a shovel is what being a witch is all about."
"A witch can do anything she puts her mind to."
"You know, I'm a witch. I can turn you into a frog."
"The hex is on Wanda. So another witch came here, put a hex on Wanda, and she's doing all of this."
"We can immobilize witches in the city of London, we can seize their means of transportation."
"Witches are not ordained to repent; they are ordained to be killed."
"I've always wanted to watch this show and after 20 years I'm finally glad I did if you're in the mood to watch a show about witchcraft with Gothic attire and Aesthetics you should definitely check out witch hunter Robin."
"I thought that her as a witch with her potions was just too freaking cute."
"As has been established by historians such as Dr. Carlo Ginzberg and Eva Pox, the element of the medieval witch's sabbath contains relics of the ancient spirit cults and localized pagan folk beliefs of Europe."
"Modern witchcraft is results-focused magic, not necessarily following the dogma of any particular tradition."
"My favorite part of practicing witchcraft is the way it has changed my perception of the world, making every little thing magical."
"Witchcraft doesn't have to be expensive; it can be something that we undertake on a relatively low budget with just things that we are capable of foraging."
"So, yeah, please, please, please support actual witches and practitioners who are sharing their hard-learned information about it."
"To be a witch is not to dress a certain way. I mean, there's many practitioners who will dress witchy in their aesthetic, but they also many others that look like they dress how everyone else dresses or they might dress in a very different style than you might expect."
"Manifestation is something that is almost now separate from witchcraft. It's a part of Witchcraft, but it doesn't have to be all of Witchcraft."
"To be a witch, you have to practice witchcraft."
"Regularly practicing witchcraft is only going to help you. It's only going to benefit you. It's only gonna help you thrive as a witch."
"Witchcraft is just something that you do. It's not something that you believe."
"I'm a firm believer in the Supernatural, I'm a green witch and Wiccan of course so it's in my blood"
"There are no rules in witchcraft."
"You don't have to buy anything for witchcraft. Personally, I'm an incense gal."
"Almost every pagan culture has its own form of traditional witchcraft."
"Every female witch is destined to either be good or bad."
"The vast majority of the role of the witch was due to her role as an herbalist."
"I cured my lifelong depression with witchcraft."
"Witchcraft doesn't need any moving parts, because everything that is needed is already there."
"Rebellion is the same as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is the same as idolatry."
"My familiar takes the form of a fox."
"The familiar's job is to help guide you."
"Every witch has the potential to have a familiar."
"Do I think every witch wants a familiar? No."
"A witch always has a piece of string," Miss Tick stated. "A witch sees further than most."
"Witches don't use magic unless they really have to," Miss Tick advised. "It's hard work and difficult to control."
"Granny Aching was going to be a witch," Tiffany asserted. "Even if Tiffany had to argue all day."
"Discover Salem's dark history, where accusations of witchcraft led to tragedy and curses that still linger."
"Wherever there is rebellion, sooner or later there will be witchcraft."
"Equating miracles with witchcraft is false."
"Every land that has been locked up by witchcraft or by iniquity will be unlocked so your people can prosper like never before."
"Baba Yaga is a famed and feared figure in Slavic folklore, often depicted as a witch-like old woman who lives deep in the forest."
"I legit feel like a witch now. I mean I am, but..."
"For every witch casket sold, a tree is planted."
"We wanted to design a quintessential witchy pin to show the world that we are proud of who we are."
"This is authentic witchcraft, not fantasy, not Harry Potter."
"When you are controlled, you are under a spell—that's the definition of Witchcraft."
"I'm a witch, but I'm better than you."
"But then a lot of people started working with this type of combination of witchcraft and then elements from Wicca and ceremonial magic and folk magic and some satanic symbolism."
"I'm a witch. I'm a healer. I'm an intuitive. I'm a gift. I'm gifted."
"Crow Haven Corner is Salem's oldest Witch Shop, and anything purchased behind the purple curtains is donated to Salem's animals in need."
"I love reading about witchcraft and doing a deep dive into things like crystals."
"If you're not going ahead, if you're not getting forward, if you're not progressing, and everything in your life seems as if it's going backwards for you then more than likely witchcraft powers on you."
"The first set of dreams you will have will always be initiating fear or confusion. Remember, witchcraft dreams will always be the fruit of fear and confusion."
"If you see yourself flying in the dream, that's witchcraft. Someone is ruling your life through sorcery."
"Is witchcraft the answer to the world's problems? Who knows? CSUN shattered ladies seem to think it is."
"Witches are vessels. They don't have power, they have demons that have power."
"That is the face of folk magical belief, that is the face of 17th-century witchcraft, the way the colonists really believed it to be."
"Witch bottles, believed to contain spells from the 16th and 17th centuries, are washing up on Texas beaches."
"You have no idea what I'm going through. I have to do this alone. Because if I can't, what kind of witch am I?"
"I think people are still very much afraid of the word witch."
"They're mixing Christ with paganism and witchcraft."
"A witch never expects payment and never asks for it."
"No witch should be without a hat."
"Italy was on the cusp of modernization, however, the practices of witchcraft and sorcery still lingered on."
"Thank you guys for letting us be indulgent and I hope that you write your grimoire and that you find your fellow witches and that write their secrets on your pages and you take very good care of each other so thank you."
"If you are like me and love all things witchy especially around Halloween time, this DIY is definitely for you."
"So, those are all my things in the witchy gift guide this year. I hope that this list is useful. Let me know if there's anything that you would love to receive related to witchcraft that I didn't talk about in this video."
"Any advice for a beginner witch... start with your foundational practices... if you can get your basics mastered, that is really a great place to start... take that from someone who didn't get it right the first time."
"What is the best way to protect yourself from a satanic witch... unless they're specifically doing things to cause you harm, you really don't need to be that."
"I love your content, thoughts on naturalistic secular paganism and Witchcraft."
"If you are a strong enough witch you don't need medications."
"It's a very simple, easy form of green witchcraft or hearthcraft that I love."
"She's doing good things with making little witchcraft kits for beginner witches like me."
"I'm a beginner witch... I'm still, like, learning, doing research and things like that."
"This looks super cute. 'Hi, I'm a Witch, and My Crush Wants Me to Make a Love Potion.'"
"This girl Sabrina is a witch, I can't believe everyone believed her and not me."
"The eyes are the window to the soul so a witch will normally have very large sort of intense eyes that draw people in."
"It's all about manipulation, so behind scenes, you have witchcraft being done."
"Leylines quickly led into numerology and spiritual activity and thus witchcraft."
"Oh, my literal Witch of a stepmother like has a collection of mortar and pestles that she uses for her spells."
"So, let's move on, okay? The church got more involved in civil courts, and witchcraft became more of a secular crime because of that, sure."
"Anywhere witchcraft is in power, when Deliverance comes, there will be a tremendous conflict because it's the two kingdoms brought into the open."
"I do not know of any country today in the world where there is more Witchcraft and deliberate cultivation of satanic power than the United States."
"Through receiving a false gospel, they had come under the power of Witchcraft. They had become Bewitched."
"Witchcraft don't work on me. I ain't stuck, no witch!"