
Licensing Quotes

There are 333 quotes

"Series creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker grew protective of the license, and so began a nine-year gap between games."
"SpaceX just completed a massive step in obtaining the launch license! Things are picking up momentum!"
"Are we purchasing a temporary, completely revocable license that can be taken away at any time?"
"This game is particularly important as part of a licensing agreement struck by Capcom allowed them to place Akuma as a secret character in the game."
"The OGL license grants permission to copy, modify, and distribute the files, allowing for a lot of creative flow that has driven momentum for Dungeons and Dragons and tabletop as a whole."
"By 1940, 85 percent of U.S. screw manufacturers had a license for the design and the company grossed more than 1.3 million adjusted dollars."
"These licensing organizations are a threat to liberty."
"There is a guild aspect to it... but licensing does give you a floor of care for areas that are too complex for you to find out about in yourself."
"Doctors and engineers and accountants and professors are so expensive is because there's licensing."
"Billions are spent stopping copyright theft every year; trillions are earned licensing them."
"Licensing doesn't just line the pockets of the monopoly man; it provides an incentive to keep a property relevant."
"I've licensed ideas without even knowing how it was going to work because if there's interest then I'll go back and I'll build that prototype."
"As a phrase, this was first trademarked by the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority and is licensed to the US Department of Homeland Security."
"It was just the worst kind of language you want from a quote unquote open game license."
"We have listened: ogl 1.0a will remain untouched."
"We even got a little more than we bargained for with SRD 5.1 now under the Creative Commons license."
"There's a powerful need for an irrevocable Perpetual independent system neutral open license."
"It breaks my pop culture heart because the licensing deal that almost brought my childhood heroes back home with me is the same deal that prevents them from ever coming here in the future."
"Spotify won't just be making money through its artificial songs. They're now starting to license their own exclusive content."
"The real truth is streamers should be paying the developers and publishers of the games they stream. They should be buying a license like any real business."
"Thank you to the 45th Space Wing for Range Safety and the FAA for licensing today's launch."
"Licensed games tend to come with their own issues."
"Faster than a speeding bullet, both Titus and the Warner Brothers licensing team quickly struck up a strong business relationship."
"Before we get all these different licenses to make explosives and guns and bullets and everything else, starting with combat backpacks and body armor and boots and gloves and stuff like that, all very necessary."
"Back in September 2018, it was announced that publisher Athlon Games had acquired the rights to make an MMO or MMORPG based on the Lord of the Rings IP."
"Make music for platforms like PremiumBeat; these are platforms that license royalty free music to filmmakers and YouTubers."
"If you want to do your own thing, don't license someone else's thing."
"I would rather not have a license and not drive than have a license and not drive."
"Licensing is a very interesting issue for PES, and just yesterday we announced re-signing the Champions League for another three years."
"Do I get to license it or can anybody just do what Bri did and say 'Hey, give me advice from that book'?"
"Brand licensing: Your brand, their products, ongoing royalties."
"Some programs will not be available due to licensing restrictions."
"We believe that any interpretation that the ogl 1.0 or 1.0 a were intended to be revocable are we tend to be revocable or able to be the authorized as Incorrect and with good reason."
"Nintendo sort of relinquish the reigns of what other studios were allowed to do with the Mario franchise and licenses they let him have guns."
"The devs of fallout 1 wanted to use i don't want to set the world on fire by the ink spots as the game's main theme but couldn't secure the rights at the time settling instead for maybe by the same artist."
"Disney doesn't own Marvel when Universal Islands of Adventure opened... so Universal and Marvel made a deal."
"Activision swooped in offering a 50 million dollar bid for the license."
"Deserved or not, these are the only three people to have ever achieved a Triple Star license."
"Not all Weird Al songs are fair use but they don't need to be because they're all licensed."
"The ogl effectively allows independent Publishers to use a basic amount of the DND content and their rules for their own projects and products without ever paying royalties."
"Even services like Nintendo Switch Online that allow you to play ROMs every month provided you have a license for this service will only get you the games that Nintendo wants."
"These Windows 10 license keys from them are 100% legit."
"What could have made these Terminator games great was if the license holder was far less strict on the developers."
"This is one of the few video game movies where the license doesn't hurt the film."
"The best part is that unless you're an organization with more than five developers or making more than a million dollars in revenue each year, this product is free to use."
"Tata Iron and Steel Company once again applied for the mining licenses and received them."
"If you're going to use my technology, use it on a P2P peer-to-peer Capital Market spaces or pay for it or both."
"Disney miraculously changed their mind about licensing their characters."
"Games that go online do not just stay there indefinitely for all time we live in a world of constant licensing issues."
"So, we just been we're just waiting, uh, for, for the license procure dealer license."
"We should have to get a license to have kids."
"Give them the full curriculum required by the state that allows them to sit for their license after graduation."
"Ham radio is a hobby which an individual can get a license and it allows them to transmit on certain allocated frequencies in the shortwave spectrum."
"Peacock is trying to squeeze all of that juice out of that WWE rental."
"I'm completely convinced the GPL version 2 is the right license."
"Many enterprise products... would charge you huge money to license these features on their devices."
"It's cool after Marvel quickly gained the Star Wars license."
"...there are a lot of movies on this top 10 chart that say they're available on Max and Netflix but it's obvious that the boost in viewership was because Max has started licensing a lot of their programming to Netflix."
"...it's going to be very interesting to me if Max decides to license Barbie out to Netflix eventually if we see a big jump in viewership for Barbie."
"There are about one million and a half radio amateurs in the world all licensed by their governments to operate on assigned frequencies."
"Tony Khan licensed The Beatles for a wrestler."
"Licensing three lick supports the musicians as well as helping lick grow their music library."
"Unlike the electric bikes, because these have pedals, you don't need any license with them and you're super secretly quiet like a ninja."
"To me, it's not really a mystery why they lost the license. For one thing, there are newspaper accounts basically straight up saying that Toy Biz lost the license when Kenner acquired it because they could not meet retailers' demands."
"I recommend using Epidemic Sound, I've been using them personally for years."
"The issue is the licensing of a TV show, but like in your concerts, obviously she's singing her own songs... It's like, what are you talking about? What do you want?"
"No Surprise the urging worked and that same year Apple computer began licensing XOS script for its Apple laser writer printer"
"Licensing your work: providing permission for a commercial entity to use your images or your video or your paintings or your drawings or your media for a fee under specific conditions."
"The first indication that there's licensing issues with Unix."
"Committing the same violation more than once can result in license revocation, which is permanent."
"I am part of a bureau that licenses, monitors, and polices alien activity."
"Track Club is a music licensing platform built for creators that makes it so much easier to get the perfect music for your videos."
"The sheer number of playsets and brands they licensed were staggering."
"Legal battles surrounding 'Robotech' led to scarce official releases of 'Macross' until a resolution in 2021."
"If X had been developed under the GPL license we would have collaborated right we had been forced to collaborate because that's what the license does and I'm pretty sure the result would have been better than what we came up with either individually."
"FreeBSD is not only open source, it is free in open source. It is based on the Berkeley license or the FreeBSD license."
"As long as you are using flows within the context of the seated applications, you don't need a separate license for Power Automate."
"And once you get approved in Florida, let's say Florida is your home state or wherever your home state is, all you have to do to get the license in the next state is do their state requirement."
"To get something on a sync license in a TV show or a movie, you're going to have to have an Atmos mix, so people are thinking about that."
"Most people need a non-commercial Class C driver's license."
"...from A to B, but now it's great because they're only selling it for a month and a half, exactly, so you could in theory pay to license it and be like cool, we're not gonna sell it after this point anyway."
"Welcome to licensing: understand why and when to license your ideas."
"We're a sex on premise location, which means that we can't hold a liquor license."
"The license plate or our tag is properly mounted and secured."
"Microsoft Teams add-on licensing provides additional features to users with an active subscription plan."
"The problem with anything to do with telehealth or texting is that you have to be in the same state that you're licensed in as your client."
"The BSD license defines a minimal acceptable level of code."
"The BSD license is very permissive."
"Honestly, the biggest expense might just be getting licensed to keep deadly venomous snakes."
"They're going to run into some licensing difficulties although with the Players Association of the NBA."
"That offers free Vector images in SVG format with a Creative Commons Zero license."
"Your critical infrastructure shouldn't be held ransom by arbitrary changes in licensing fees."
"Upper Deck is the only card manufacturer that is able to produce officially licensed hockey cards."
"The server machine would need the network analyst license, but everybody that references the server is just making a rest request and it'll just return the results."
"Choose if I want to download the SVG version or the PNG. Now notice just above it says royalty-free license. So this particular icon that I've selected I can download for free and use, no problem."
"You can bid the bigger jobs... we're able to take on those bigger jobs cuz we have the license for that and the insurance for that."
"I got a carriage license, 1897 license for a carriage."
"Clearly no one had ever said anything like this to him ever before, he was completely nonplussed and thought that this would be the first thing we would address in therapy, who gives out these [__] professional licenses."
"Licensing for me means continuous education. I go to a lot of training by manufacturers. When you're a licensed contractor, you actually required to get continuous education. Keep educating yourself and actually you have to study and to pass the test."
"The widespread adoption of open source software in the enterprise is directly related to permissive licensing."
"Typically, it depends on your license, and the rule of thumb is you can have five guests for every paid license that you have."
"I'm licensed in three states: New York, North Carolina, and Connecticut."
"I've always felt that as long as it was done properly and licensed properly... from my standpoint, the more the better."
"We were looking for new ways to break new artists and were regularly being distracted by other labels trying to license our songs."
"Understanding commercial use licensing terms is important."
"In true Blender fashion, I am releasing this head under GPL version 3 license."
"I think those licensing schemes... don't protect consumers and children. What they do is they protect the people who already have a license and they keep the other folks out and make it harder."
"When's the last time you got paid for um the blanket license for your all your music to get paid on played on Tick Tock."
"You must have mixed feelings about those abilities of new licenses being issued."
"We're officially licensed by DC comics. We're the builder in the world that is, uh, we're very blessed to have that."
"Maybe it's time you try something different and really obtain your contractor's license."
"Different types of Power BI licenses include individually, pro license, premium license, and premium per user license."
"Every time I've purchased a Dell server, I've never needed to buy a license."
"Sir, are you SIA licensed? Isn't your badge supposed to be on display?"
"Get that license don't get stuck in studying for inlex that you miss amazing opportunities to go to the next level."
"Bring your own license to the cloud."
"Some Microsoft licenses may be taken to the cloud. It does make sense."
"Dataverse for Teams does not require premium licensing as long as you are building things within that team, you're using Dataverse within that team, and you're not using any other premium connectors like SQL or Salesforce."
"Our package managers now make it very easy, plausibly too easy, to add new dependencies without considering if we have a compatible license."
"Obtaining a driver's license in the United Kingdom is way more difficult than getting one here in the great white North."
"If he's not cleared to fight, he wouldn't be allowed to fight. The ABC made it very clear that if he had any suspension, any fine, any reason why he wasn't allowed to fight in any jurisdiction, they wouldn't license him to fight."
"This is going to be pretty much the only company that you're actually going to find legitimate licensed Disney images to work with."
"I wish I could license something from Star Wars to make it now. Post it on Christmas Day today potentially."
"Dungeons and Dragons Lego could end up being a big deal for Lego, changing the way that the company approaches sets based on licensed IPs."
"To maintain our license, we have to have education credits every two years."
"If you ever needed evidence that DC Comics is not a book publisher and doesn't care about that, they are just the hoarders of 100-year-old licenses, this would be exhibit A."
"If you forget and your license expires, you have to stop working."
"It's no cost out of pocket, but maybe best of all, we're licensed in more than 40 states."
"They reached out to other comic book artists and said, 'Hey can we license your character for our toy line?'"
"The single sales license never expires."
"Not only are you getting fun artwork from various artists all over the world giving you a variety of options for the types of paintings you can do you also know that that artwork is being licensed and the artists are being compensated appropriately."
"Open 3D is available on GitHub under MIT license."
"Quadrant is fully open source. It's distributed under Apache 2.0 license."
"Elvis's image is its own brand that can be bought and sold and maybe most importantly licensed."
"Having a clear streamlined licensing pathway for companies to comply is invaluable."
"Jiffy DOS is still sold under license so you do need to purchase a license for this."
"The more creators that end up using Licked, the more songs that they can license, which means Licked's library is constantly going to grow."
"I think you're ready for the provisional licensing exam."
"We've been coaching and mentoring inventors to license their products for royalties for the last 21 years."
"Reach out to the companies you want to license to; you can do it."
"...commercial Cinemas will soon be granted licenses in Saudi Arabia."
"I've made a license to play a church organ because to play the church organ you have to like get a license."
"It's Creative Commons, you can use it."
"The Kittle licensing for selling printables is actually very simple."
"One Simple Idea: Turn Your Dreams into a Licensing Goldmine While Letting Others Do the Work."
"I think this is a really amazing first wave for a new license."
"You can't get a driving license without knowing how to drive."
"Being able to license your likeness, that's the goal."
"This technology is already licensed to quite a number of companies."
"I love free and open source licensing and I want that in as much stuff as possible."
"Tracklib is really useful for this video because they have entire songs from real artists that you can get the license from, and it's royalty-free."
"An open license which basically gives permission to anyone to produce Dungeons and Dragons compatible content."
"You can play around with it a little bit and experiment, even before getting your license."
"Every country has their medical licensing board which grants you license to practice medicine in their country."
"As long as you went to school, went through the required curriculum, did the required courses, came out of school, and sat for your NCLEX examination, you will be licensed."
"Viacom loves to give out those SpongeBob licensing rights to pretty much anybody who has a pulse."
"The fact that they got the Ferrari license the way they were able to get it was a big deal."
"If you just got a technician license, you have full open access to all of the VHF and UHF bands for amateur radio."
"GMRS also uses higher power when you have that license, you can use as much as 50 watts."
"The license is an important part of Open Source."
"All of this is free as part of your standard license, you can use all of this."
"If you go and do your license, make sure to thank them profusely because they're taking their own time to do this and they really just love the hobby."
"You can drive this on a standard license, which is brilliant for a vehicle of this size."
"You're essentially getting an Azure database as part of your license."
"The Linux kernel is licensed under GPL version 2, which means the code can be freely copied and distributed."
"I love Medusa the Dollmaker's artwork and love that Diamond Shop licenses with her."
"An inventor should be allowed to exploit innovation himself or grant an exclusive license if the innovation is major."
"DuckDB is free and open source, it's MIT licensed."
"What better bike to have? How amazing is that if you've got an A2 license!"
"We were able to achieve 100% use case coverage and license every employee in the company."
"Stock photos are basically images that belong to you that can be licensed to other people for their creative use."
"We licensed millions of data points on American individuals from very large reputable data aggregators."
"You should be able to buy a license for something and use it indefinitely."
"Come up with your name, and then go get a business license."
"If you have a business license, there's a couple of great benefits that are yours."
"A license to use those images is more affordable than a buyout."
"Every one of the cut files that we have on our website comes with a free commercial use license."
"She could be licensing her songs to commercials and just sit back and relax."
"It's all royalty-free, good for Twitch."
"Dante is extremely popular today because Audinate has done a brilliant job licensing their technology."
"Licensing your code under the MIT/Apache 2.0 license... means that anywhere Bevy is used, your code can also be used."
"This talk is CC BY-SA 4.0, and indeed if you want to use these slides or what we're talking about today to do your own trainings, you are free to do so."
"Once you have your license, you are clear and free to be the barber you've always dreamt of being."
"Licensed by both Land Rover and Ford, it comes in two different models: the Land Rover Defender and the Ford Bronco."
"It's open source, it's free, there's no license around it."
"There is no annual fee for Global Mapper; you purchase a license that is your license perpetually."
"These are targeted at small business because they're affordable and they are license free."
"You can create an application and you can start servicing Power BI reports and dashboards to users that have no Microsoft accounts, no Power BI licensing."
"The awesome thing is if you do want to start your own business or you want to make things to sell, you don't have to worry about purchasing the license."
"Creative Commons is a licensing framework which allows content producers to publish their intellectual property."
"If you're going to operate any of the ham frequencies, you need to have one of the three licenses."
"The moment that a gamer pays a licensing fee to access the code of that game and then decides that they're going to play the game, that moment they start playing is now their own unique experience."
"I do now officially have a nursery license."
"I am really happy because I ended up running to ship out my CPA licensing documents."
"Initialize a readme file and also put the license as MIT license."
"I decided that this is working out, I'm making good money, so I went ahead and got my license."
"Everyone in the NFL signs the GLA, the group licensing agreement, which says if any brand wants to work with six or more NFL players, then everyone gets a piece of the pie."
"The great thing about Universal Print is that it comes with a lot of the licenses or subscriptions that you already have."
"This adult collectible is officially licensed from HBO's hit series Game of Thrones."
"To operate and run daily business activities, you must first get and file any licenses and permits within the state and local agencies, then pay your taxes."