
Personal Progress Quotes

There are 379 quotes

"I'm in beta. That's not an excuse for me not to grow. It's the reason why I have to."
"You want to figure out how to build momentum and make progress on something that matters to you today."
"The moment you stop focusing on this and you start focusing on what you can do to get your own life forward, the better off you'll be."
"You have to learn to leave them in the hands of God and move forward with your life."
"Progress over perfection. Eight minutes spent putting together this much stuff to get out of our house is eight minutes that I made progress."
"Gladly, he understood. We still exchange pleasantries now and then, but my life made speedy progress after that."
"If you've made any progress, you should be so proud and grateful for yourself."
"My report card improved... life was getting better."
"When you deal with spiritual dryness properly, you don't just get back on track. When you do get back on track, you find yourself far down the path, far further ahead, far humbler, far happier, far stronger than you were before."
"A new discovery, oh man, okay we got what, a pose 500 what, that's it?"
"We're realizing that we're not gonna be getting it done if we're constantly always hanging out with our friends."
"Progress not perfection, focus on how far you've come."
"Progress of this nature is an expression of higher levels of awareness."
"There's been a lot of progression, there's been a lot of happiness, there's been a lot of joy."
"Some things you have to walk away from in order to move forward; don't rush it, just keep going."
"Things are going to start moving on so beautifully for you this week."
"The only time you should look back is to see how far you've come."
"Passion, not determination, drives us forward."
"I always like to look back because it reminds me of how far I've come."
"You're either making progress or you're not; there's no middle ground."
"Old habits that were self-undoing for you... that were blocking your progress or addictions as well... can start dissolving."
"Going from absolute worst to absolute best. And so if your life or whatever part of your life is tracking with Venus, that part is going to improve significantly."
"You are making progress even if you don't feel like you are."
"You have got everything you need to move on."
"It's kind of symbolic of her walking into the future and taking control of her life."
"Continue the climb, continue the progression, keep going."
"It is time to come out of the darkness. It's time to follow the light now."
"Acceptance doesn't mean forgetting; it means moving forward with peace."
"But most importantly, we have to cling to our hard-earned personal progress and do our best to drown out that self-defeating voice within us, telling us to throw it all away."
"I've seen an overall trend upwards of some progress in my symptoms and quality of life."
"And then once I'm at that place where all of this is just starting to become natural and easy and my tolerance for activity goes up..."
"Life is good, little busy... making great progress with Midnight, great progress with XE, great progress with Reflect..."
"Everything's gonna be a-okay looks like you guys are putting in the effort putting in the work and everything is just buying this eight of disks that's a really good card for efforts and finding solutions and putting a lot of work in."
"The joy of seeing... that you've made progress is uncomparable."
"Let me show you what I organize this. I'm so happy with the progress we made."
"Enjoy the contentment of your life and keep it popping, pushing, and moving forward."
"Start where you are. You don't start where you want to be, you start where you are."
"It's a good time to do less, knowing that that's what's going to move you forward."
"As long as you're moving forward, everything's in the right place."
"When you're in a dark place and if you could write your feelings down and go back through it and see the progress, that's what did it for me."
"I'm not where I want to be, but thank God I ain't where I used to be."
"I'm like a little bit in a rut because I just I'm like what do I have to show for myself I'm 31 and I'm still doing the same."
"You're making waves there in January. You're in control of your destiny."
"Once you stop waiting on somebody else to help you, you end up making very significant progress."
"It really sucks because I feel like I was starting to get somewhere."
"It's showing things getting stronger and progressing for you in May."
"I worked myself up from the bottom, pretty much."
"Destination can change, but if I'm heading in the right direction in my life, I'm not losing track."
"I think you're doing a lot better than you know."
"You know, it's like, you might not see the progress that's being invested for a long time, but as long as you're doing - whatever you're doing in that day, you know, is what defines you."
"Things definitely speeding up for you, it's what you've been waiting for."
"Don't forget how far you've come because you see how far you have yet to go."
"Get a little notebook... it helps keep you so much more accountable to progress."
"Letting go is difficult, but necessary for peace and progress."
"No matter how far you still need to go, all that matters is that you're still trying."
"He's got something going and it's pretty impressive."
"Positive news, ambition, willpower, moving forward."
"Yes, it will happen, but if you keep looking at when other things are happening for other people, you will always feel behind."
"Don't compare yourself to others or judge yourself instead focus upon how far you've come and all that you've learned."
"Success is measured by progress you've made."
"There's more for you ahead of you than anything that's ever behind you."
"My legs were good it allowed me to start standing - walking and getting moving which I think drastically expedited my upper body healing."
"I'm actually happy that you're getting better. Everyone is so happy with me that I'm doing so well."
"You don't have to wait anymore. The work you've put into yourself is paying off."
"Things might really feel as though they're picking up for you."
"You don't have to do compound movements to continue to progress."
"My mental health this year has been on the rise and I'm just really, really happy with the progress I've made."
"I want to make sure that I'm feeding my mind what it needs to be happy and so that I'm making progress towards where I want to go in my life."
"I ain't going back to the plantation. I've come too far."
"The more I stuck to the principles... that's when I noticed progress in this terrain."
"There are things that are progressing, moving in your favor."
"Put yourself first and just know that in November, there is so much progression, happiness, joy, fulfillment, movement coming your way."
"Pick your head up, open the door, and step out into the world of potential."
"I always did really well in school, and I just progressed and progressed and progressed."
"You moving forward is what they do not like. You getting any forward movement in your life is like their worst fear. It breaks their heart."
"Your intuition is going to make it clear and obvious to you when it is time for you to move forward."
"I finally got my life together and I'm on the right track."
"Meaningful change matters to you, dedicating yourself to a process that leaps you forward."
"Despite what it may look like or feel like right now, you are moving forward past any type of obstacles in your life."
"Started seeing light at the end of the tunnel when stuff was getting smaller and smaller."
"Really proud of the progress that she's made."
"I think I'm now past the stuff. I think I am now beyond the stuff and should now have a clear route to be able to climb up to the top."
"I went from hobo to poor, I guess that's better."
"Trust your intuition, it's leading you forward through the murky waters."
"You are moving in the right direction and you should be really proud of yourself for all of the progress that you've made."
"Hope plus progress is when I feel the happiest." - Julie
"You're making major progress in the month of June."
"Little by little you have stepped up and up and up and it's only going to continue."
"He just started, he didn't even drip in like a month and a half."
"Just giving yourself a second to appreciate how far you've come and the progress that you've made."
"Life is happiness: hope plus progress." - Tony Robbins
"Progress does not happen overnight. Progress is gradual."
"I like being able to see that progress. I feel a lot stronger than I did six months ago."
"As long as you're moving forward in life and in Roblox, it's all good."
"Even if you can't see it, every single day is progress."
"Any progress is good progress I knew that it wasn't gonna be anything crazy but hey we're still trying to get to that goal of getting under 200."
"This is the transformation for 10 years ago versus now."
"Maybe the road ahead will still be hard but I no longer feel like I'm stumbling in the dark."
"You're dreaming of a better future and there's news coming your way to make it happen."
"Reevaluate your situation, pick up the pieces, and move forward."
"Happiness equals progress. If you are progressing in your life and you feel good about what you're doing, you will always be happiest."
"Life is about progressing and bettering true because if you're not doing that then you're never gonna be satisfied."
"I'm feeling great right now, we're making some good progress."
"Do not think you have to control everything in your life or you will miss the magic coming your way. It is the events that we do not expect that create the greatest joy and progress and outcomes in life."
"Your hard work is paying off; see the bigger picture and trust in your own high consciousness and spiritual connection."
"Progress is progress, even if it's just a little bit."
"This is an awesome awesome progression for him."
"As long as I'm making progress, I'm happy. I don't need a pickaxe that's 20 times better than the one I have currently."
"I'm just trying to make strides, man. I'm just trying to level up."
"Life is too short to be stressing over anything or anyone. Just keep moving forward, keep having fun, keep doing you."
"Your train is finally arriving to pick you up, Taurus, and it is good."
"You just know that it's time for you to move forward."
"I think I either will start progressing towards M2 or maybe we do our first kudra."
"Nine months ago, you couldn't have ever told me that this is where I would be standing."
"I'm moving forward and I feel like we're in a better spot."
"I'm doing pretty decent with reading. I've read 300 pages."
"The main thing to take away from all of this is that you play the game the way you want to play and you're going to progress on those things so it's natural Lyn progression."
"I love it and I think progress is a process."
"I think that today is progress. Might even go move my body, we'll see."
"I really hope this guide was helpful and I hope you'll enjoy the Showcase let's go."
"See an improvement on money. You can see improvement in your status even if it's a little or a lot. It doesn't matter as long as you're seeing improvement, that's what counts."
"Keep ascending, keep going forward. You're uncovering treasure."
"If you don't see no progress off you in the exact same position you were three years ago, it's done, like come on, like, yeah, you're not making no progress."
"I think I made some good progress in the past few lessons."
"It's time to start living again, to progress and put a smile on your face."
"You silently under the surface are making your way rising up."
"Some sort of positive news, positive movement forward for you, Sagittarius."
"You're not facing the past, Gemini. You've been working on the past issues. You are now up here."
"You're leaving this person in the dust, okay? You're leaving them in the dust, okay?"
"I'm still working on getting my own Holy Shock."
"Success in life is more about finding enjoyment and making progress more so than the end result."
"I began losing some weight, okay? I'm losing some weight."
"An accomplishment is on the horizon. You're accomplishing a lot this week."
"Dude after this I think it's all due to me, this is as far as I got in the other game I played."
"Celebrate footman because it means you are headed in the right direction."
"Keep moving forward because I do see a lot of admirers coming your way."
"Yo guys, check it out, I'm slowly getting the hang of it."
"You're on your path to healing; keep moving forward."
"It feels really good to finally be in a spot where I feel like I can train effectively again."
"Stop feeling the shame, chuckling guilty. You're going places."
"Seven of Pentacles it's been a long time coming now is the time is kind of what that says like a Harvest Time energy."
"I needed the first day. Once I got the first day, I can put together two days."
"Until you take over that driving seat and take responsibility and accountability, you're not gonna go anywhere."
"I was super excited to show you what sort of progress I've made."
"You don't realize how much you're progressing until you look back."
"Knowing where I am today for me is everything."
"You are moving forward after years and months of talking about a situation, talking about something you want. You are actually getting it."
"Every day we make a little bit of gains and at the end of the year we end up seeing in the mirror what we had in our mind and that's the whole goal."
"Every little progress that y'all get, be happy for it."
"Your life should progress. You should be more successful. You should be headed for your goals or reaching your goals."
"You're moving towards perfect partnerships and ideal situations."
"Beauty is being okay with the imperfection. It's in the progress of my push-up, the fire in my core, showing up every day just as I am."
"There is victory. Okay? I feel like you're leaving anything that's holding you back behind as you move forward."
"Gemini, you're doing what you need to do, moving forward with your life regardless of this person. You're not keeping your life on hold for this person. You only live your life once, right?"
"With the progress I'm making, I can't see myself stopping anytime soon."
"You're definitely on the up, you're on the right path."
"Even if you get five views for this video but the next video you get six views, that one view is progression."
"It's not like it just happened overnight, a whole year I had to work so hard."
"This is progress. This is me, becoming somethin' better than I was."
"Religion can be a barrier to someone's progress in life."
"Performance in the gym, you can see it. Just take a go, take a training log with you and take down the numbers. And then take down the numbers. And seven days after a week on foundation, it's that good."
"The key to unlocking it all is to move forward, forward only never backwards."
"Basically, it's the quite powerful accomplishment you're gonna have this week. It's to do with the last nine months and it's gonna happen with an element of surprise."
"Every month seems to be getting better and better."
"Just keep working, keep grinding, and pushing forward."
"You're moving forward, not backwards, forwards."
"If you shovel anxiety hard I'm not gonna say look at me now I'm amazing because I'm like I still have work to do."
"Progress is always the goal, and I'm right here with you, working on getting stronger every day."
"Big shifts happening, progress starting to flow, solid opportunities coming into your life."
"You're moving forward not only with your heart but with your money."
"That's the main thing. After I get a job, I get my first paycheck, get my license and stuff. That's the main thing. The money I make out here is all to get a room for the night, to get out of the elements, buy cigarettes."
"It's a necessary transition when you get this; you're moving forward and you're moving towards abundance."
"If you are putting something off, go for it because I feel so much better now."
"However, Cell is intrigued to see how far he’s come in all this time."
"The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you're not going to stay where you are."
"This 175 is so big for him; he's really making great progress."
"Prepare yourself for progress and prosperity."
"Remember to keep striving for progress over perfection and a little progress every day will go a very long way."
"You're moving forward, no more wasting time."
"I feel like I'm making progress, my stomach is not as bloated as it was last year but I'm getting there."
"Set aside an hour a day, don't overwhelm yourself. Every little step forward, even if it's the smallest of steps, is still a step in the right direction."
"If you truly love yourself, then you don't go back; you move forward."
"That's been something I have quietly been working on for the last couple of years." - Blockchain Backer
"The big one is really that I think like before if my symptoms were like an eight or nine now they may be more like a four or five."
"Everyone has this sense and this urgency to move ahead for new experiences."
"Your own pace cannot be measured against that of others."
"Trust in the divine plan, trust in spirit's timing, trust in the universe, and move forward."
"It doesn't matter how fast you're going because at least you started and you're going to hit your goals because you started."
"Five of cups in the reverse is like starting to see the glass half full rather than empty and moving forward."
"Compared to where we've come from, this is incredibly nice. Life is really, really good."
"Winning looks like small and consistent progress."
"Letting go of what lies behind... you can't make progress if you feel guilty all the time."
"You're moving forward... nothing is holding you back from whatever it is you've set your intention to achieve."
"Patience and progress. Have patience with yourself, you are making progress in the right direction."
"A wish is being granted because now somebody's moving forward with the chariot."
"Moving forward with clarity and self-sufficiency."
"Slowly, I just had to keep putting in the work... I'm getting there."
"Let's be honest, I started with a 14-second car."
"Every day, the dream gets a little bit more real."
"A lot of gains can be made in just a two year period."