
Law School Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"It cannot be easy to attend law school and still keep in close touch with multiple friends."
"Never let law school, or really anybody else, take away your sense of what's possible and take away your hope that things can be improved and made better in the future."
"Oh hi. My name is Elle Woods, and for my admissions essay, I'm gonna tell all of you at Harvard why I'm gonna make an amazing lawyer."
"I was in law school and I recognized... that I really didn't want to be a lawyer."
"I did not go to law school and rack up six figures in student loans to become a vigilante. That is for billionaires and narcissists and adult orphans."
"I wanted to start a channel where I helped law students get through law school."
"Law school can take you down many different paths and can be super valuable to just about anyone even if you don't want to practice traditional law."
"You learn a lot of this stuff in law school... like you know we take property in law school, you learn some of that stuff. Or you just learn how to think and how to make educated guesses."
"A lot of politicians went to law school. A lot of them have a legal background. Are you surprised? I mean, they're supposed to be problem solvers, they create policies, so it makes sense that a lot of them went to law school."
"Pay attention to your commercial and civil law subjects particularly when you're in law school."
"There is nothing wrong with getting some real-world experience before committing to law school, and in fact, law schools appreciate candidates that can bring professional working experience to the table."
"Your LSAT score, in conjunction with your GPA, will largely determine the range of law schools that you'll be able to get into, so it's important to take the process seriously."
"The personal statement is your opportunity to shine. It's your opportunity to tell your personal story and really give yourself some dimension to the law school admission staff."
"Applying to law school is a big decision and an even bigger journey. I know everything can seem really overwhelming in the beginning, but if you just take it one step at a time, you'll be starting your first day of law school before you know it."
"I highly recommend Student Code to anyone studying in law school right now."
"I graduated college in 1994 and law school was the default path for smart people or people are just good at school who didn't know what else to do with their lives."
"The Lord, it's kind of interesting... especially with patents... to use my technical knowledge... so law school was the answer."
"Law school didn't prepare you for anything."
"Some people come into law school with passions and commitments, and that's fantastic, but one of the benefits of this place is that there's an opportunity to do new things and to discover new passions."
"She made students the center of the law school experience."
"If you know that you want to go to law school, do it."
"The number one determinant of when you get into law school and the number one determinant of scholarship money is the LSAT."
"When I got to law school I loved it, really loved it."
"You don't need law school. Law school's for people who are boring and ugly and serious."
"You no longer have to clerk right out of law school. And so if you haven't done what you need to do in law school to be a clerk, do it in practice. Figure out those people who are connected to judges you might want to work with."
"Nobody cares by the way where you went to law school."
"I think when I was in law school at times it felt like it was taking forever... focus on what I had to get done."
"I'm going to go to law school and I'm going to become a prosecutor."
"I'm in law school at night; I've spent 20 plus years in law enforcement, and I'm going to change careers when I retire."
"Mooting is an essential part of the entire law school experience and understanding this art can definitely take you places."
"This woman had a PhD, she attended law school and was a teacher at the Bel-Air Academy at which Will attended."
"I plan on going to law school next year."
"I'm in my like save the world phase and applying to law school right now."
"She will thrive in even the very best law schools."
"Enjoy yourself, live your life outside of law school, law school isn't everything."
"The LSAT is not there to test your aptitude; it's there to serve as a barrier to make sure you really want to go to law school."
"Every single job I've gotten from law school has occurred because of the connections from NYU Law."
"If you're going to have $250,000 in loans when you come into law school, you need some serious cash to be able to service that loan debt."
"Clinics are the best part of law school."
"The first thing that's due is December 6: I have my 20-page paper due for my Use of Force in International Law class."
"I closed my eyes and I opened them and I was here... at a top 14 law school."
"Career opportunities have really opened up for me here; law school is next for me."
"Once she graduated from law school, she'd have a better opportunity."
"You don't have to major in anything specific for law school; you could literally major in anything."
"Monique had big plans; she had just finished her university courses and was getting ready for law school."
"You were admitted here because we felt that you would succeed here."
"It's never too late to go to law school at 40."
"I got in, I'm going to law school."
"If you don't have confidence in yourself, if you don't seize the law school experience, to better yourself, so that you can explain to the world what you have to offer, why they should hire you, then I fear you're not going to have a happy legal career."
"On the other hand, if you squeeze everything you can out of the law school experience... I think you're going to look forward to a bright future as a lawyer and your investment in law school will pay off handsomely."
"Most of my classes are about 10 to 12 students, that's a really good ratio for most law schools."
"This is the Brian Cave Courtroom where you will undoubtedly spend a lot of time in law school."
"I show you what it's really like to be in law school and all it takes to get here and what you can do after with that degree."
"I think it's ideal I actually never thought I would have this much fun in law school."
"I would recommend going to the best law school you can get into."
"Know why you're going... it makes the experience of law school a lot easier when you know why you're there."
"It's really going to pay off because not only will it just help you in your CV, it's also going to help you gain real-life experiences and skills that will translate over to law school."
"Georgetown was ranked as the 14th top law school in the nation for 2010 by the US News & World Report."
"It's okay to actively choose not to talk about law school with some of your law school friends."
"I'm still seriously considering going to law school."
"Your love for stationery will be ridiculous because you need to use so much stationery when you're in law school."