
Cliche Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"I hate the cliché 'she was a light to be around,' but really, she was."
"Be the change you want to see in other people. It's an old cliché, but it's repeated a lot because it's true."
"It's an old cliche, the pot calling the silverware black. It means accusing someone else of the same faults you too are guilty of."
"Be the change you want to see... cliche but it's true."
"Things will get better, I know it's cliche but things do get better."
"If you believe in yourself anything is possible and I know it sounds so stupid and cliche everyone says it but I genuinely like with everything that I have like I believe that that's the truth."
"This is kinda cliched, it rains as soon as the battle begins, but it's way too awesome to complain about."
"You need to first know yourself, okay? I know that thing is overrated and very cliche, but to be honest, you need to know yourself."
"But while it’s a cliche for us, it’s reality for Dr. Bright."
"An armed society is a polite society, and I know it's a cliche, but I honestly do believe it."
"A watch pot never boils, and I know it's a sort of cliched saying but it's so true."
"This design is just iconic. It's the Porsche 911 excuse cliche of Porsche 911 design cliches."
"It's sad in a sense because I always used to think we were unique, and then we just became this total cliche story."
"Keep the doors open, my wife is still in there. Ugh, don't do the 'someone is still in there' cliche."
"Character pulls this mask off because air is more likely than not to be breathable cliche."
"It's like a cliche to come to Paris and get a baguette, but sometimes the cliche exists for a reason."
"What I'm about to say now is such a cliche when talking about cars but it's just a really nice place to be."
"If the story was derivative from old Disney movie cliches, then I really think I could rate this higher than a score I'm going to give it. But the idea about the wishes really saved most of the cliche element."
"It was almost kind of like a trope I've seen before."
"The strong female character has become less of a good way to write female characters and more of just a cliche."
"We became a family. And it's a cliche but it's particularly true in show business."
"Nicely avoiding the age-old cliches right there."
"That's such a classic Hollywood cliche moment of the microphone."
"I felt like a total cliche, but really exciting."
"Yeah, man, like, you only live once. It's cliche to say, but it's true."
"I hope that I don't become a cliche. I don't think that's me. I don't think that I am. I think that I'm in a terribly sad situation."
"I know it sounds stupid and cheesy like something from a dumb Netflix show but there's literally no other way to describe what happened."
"Be here now is the cliche for what you have to do to be enlightened."
"It has become a cliche, to put it mildly, to bemoan how thoroughly God-awful 2016 was."
"It's such a cliche to say that he saved my life, but he really saves it every day; he gives me a life."
"Life's too short, it's a cliche but it's true."
"It's too cliche, I won't say I'm in love."
"Venice itself is perhaps the most beautiful cliche on Earth."
"Arguably one of the most cliche pedals you'll ever hear on a record that's easily overused is the wah pedal. However, it can sound absolutely glorious."
"This is such a cliche, Gina, but in time, it'll get better."
"It's a cliche but it's a go-to for a reason."
"Togetherness, what a curiously valid cliche it was."
"At the risk of sounding cliche, you complete me."
"It's cliche, but I think that's applicable to just about everybody."
"The trick to take the cliche and present it in a new and innovative way."
"Time literally stood still; you hear the cliches, I became the cliche."
"It's your typical or cliche type story of tour guide meets tourist, but with a happy ending."
"Life is literally like a box of chocolates, that's so cliche, but it is."
"Everything bigger in Texas, of course, I know it's cliche, but it's the truth."
"It's just about serving the song, as cliche as that is."
"The true power of friendship cliche, huh? Friendship, that's my power."
"How cliche, but the trees look nice, Saint Paul's looks cool."
"It's all super cliche, like there's like this playing with the cliche specifically for the fun of it and the excitement."
"Time is a great healer, it's a cliche, but it is true."
"It sounds so cliche, but just be yourself."
"It sounds very cliche, but it's genuinely a very inspiring thing to hear."
"If there's one thing everybody loves, it's a cliche."
"As cliche as it is, silence can sometimes be the most important therapeutic technique."
"It's a cliche because it's true, you need to follow your heart."
"I sound so cliche, what I am trying to do is say, 'I love you'."