
Forensics Quotes

There are 380 quotes

"Months or even years may pass before forensics can spark a fire under these cold cases."
"A forensic scientist, though, found Nathan's DNA on Denise's gear shift, which was interesting since Nathan had said during his initial interview that he had not driven her car in over a year."
"A single strand of cat hair and a discarded pair of shoes had given investigators the evidence they needed."
"Arthur Conan Doyle the author of Sherlock was himself a doctor and a scientist and was a great influence on the field of forensic science."
"In scrutinizing the details of Jeffrey Epstein, Tucker Carlson raises pointed questions about the inconsistencies in the reported circumstances, exploring the forensic aspects."
"Your DNA will hit the database in a matter of days. It's going to connect to all those files, all those missing unidentified persons."
"Forensic scientists were able to determine that the carpet fibers found on Jessica's body were consistent with the carpet fibers in James Crowe's apartment and in his automobile."
"The garbage bags in Crow's home had the same striations and offset overlaps as the bag with Jessica's body."
"In the end, the judge said, 'I find it admissible. Not only do I find it admissible, I think it's some of the best forensic testimony that I've ever seen, and the jury is going to be very, very interested in this testimony.'"
"Super glue has also become a staple of fingerprint examiners."
"I would be shocked like you if they didn't try to figure that out you know who put it in if they went to as far as to see if the trigger was pulled why not just dust."
"One DNA test could solve this 45-year-old case."
"We actually take the DNA evidence... tell you who someone is."
"Every time a bullet is fired through a firearm, it creates almost a fingerprint, a distinctive fingerprint for that gun."
"That's the part of forensics I love. When you can go a little bit deeper for the answer, and particularly, when it means something for somebody."
"The case against Pat Solace was solved through forensics detective work."
"But we had fingerprints, so now we have fingerprints, and that was the first time that we as a government and actually got extra fingerprints."
"They can't manufacture the evidence, so you have the evidence that's preserved from the scene, and hopefully it's still intact and we can do something with that in the modern day."
"The DNA matched. It was the connection they needed."
"They lured a victim to a private space, killed them quickly and efficiently."
"This is a swipe. It means that blood was on an object and then it was wiped on a surface."
"Mitochondrial DNA testing uses the DNA contained in the cell's mitochondria."
"There's no way that this gun that was recovered out of that car could have shot this bullet."
"The bullet in both of those murders were fired from the same weapon."
"Entomologists can find justice for the victims of homicide by following the trails of predators and parasites."
"Write on a notebook, just write naturally then rip it off, take a flashlight or something, even your iPhone, shine it at certain angles."
"The only evidence he left behind was spent bullet casings."
"Once we found that, we needed to verify if we have human remains here."
"We've already got DNA stuff all over the place, fingerprints and stuff."
"While genetic genealogy can trace your great, great, great grandfather, it's also a cold case cracking tool that is bringing justice and closure to families faster than ever before."
"The bubble wrap silencer explained how the square of plastic adhered to the bullet."
"Forensics can provide us with the satisfaction of bringing the guilty to justice."
"You have the DNA there, his genetic material everywhere, he got cut with the glass."
"The rifle miraculously shows a palm print after the FBI finds none. Incompetent, lying, or just missed it?"
"The carpet fibers found on the victims traced back to Bobby's car. They had found their killer."
"One thing that's really weird to know is that underneath Nicole's fingernails there was DNA of someone who wasn't Ron and wasn't OJ."
"Forensic examiners seek out that one clue that can break a case wide open, a clue known as the silent witness."
"DNA profiling can be used to solve crimes, exonerate innocent people, and reunite family members."
"He became famous enough in the field of forensic ballistics that he resigned his medical position."
"Over 40 years after they discovered his torso, his identity was discovered."
"But through forensics, arson investigators can piece together what's left and raise the truth from the ashes."
"I do not understand why I did this," said Gerald F. Nation, who was caught when an old fingerprint from the crime scene matched his in a new FBI national database.
"Not every serial killer has a signature routine, but some of them are found to exhibit a pattern of behavior either before, during, or after committing a crime."
"Suppose there was a science which could with certainty tie a bullet to the gun which fired it."
"The bones were carefully examined and DNA was extracted."
"It was her hair when she had the wound to the back of her head and the bullet exited the back."
"I basically consider myself a forensic scholar."
"The forensics are the forensics, they don't change, they don't lie. The facts stay the same."
"Forensics in this case were absolutely crucial."
"The aftermath of the Simpson trial resonated throughout the halls of science. Forensics itself was put on the stand, and it became clear that the most reliable witness can also be the most easily compromised."
"Let me tell you something. You do a lot of things to a body. Burn it, dismember it, do all kinds of things to get rid of a body. But, you know what? Tiny minute particles of DNA will still be around."
"He led forensics to uncover evidence linking him to brutal killings he thought he'd got away with."
"...I think out of anyone he has done the most forensic cases on cases of suicide, civil cases, cases of homicide, and he's been doing this for years..."
"The output of protocol analyzers can be used for forensics."
"He's clever enough to put the bodies of his first two victims in water so as to destroy forensic evidence."
"I have experience creating and implementing data preservation and collection strategies, doing data collections in a forensically sound manner, extracting data from collections, as well as analysis and metadata analysis of the evidence that I extract."
"The body should lay on the ground when we get done with it."
"Through forensics, arson investigators can piece together what's left and raise the truth from the ashes."
"But we could see that there were dental fillings, metal material consistent with the bullet fragments or jackets as well as identifying personal items like rings or earrings."
"We are trying to determine number one what caliber of round it was that did strike the victim and number two the path of the bullet."
"Stippling is a powder burn pattern left on an individual due to a close range shot."
"Your entire body is covered in epithelium, so when we talk about skin or epithelial cells, touch DNA cells if you will, coming off your hand, any part of your body could transfer DNA to an item."
"If we have the victim's blood and we have the suspect's impression in the victim's blood, it's like a smoking gun type of evidence."
"The major profile matched Leticia Stout with an estimated frequency of 1 in 28 billion."
"Initial tests on fragments of the door show that it was made of skin."
"There are a lot of things that can determine whether or not you leave prints behind."
"But forensic examiners look beyond the obvious to find proof of a killer's guilt and expose the elements of murder."
"In general, it's easier to leave prints on smoother surfaces; it's more difficult to leave prints on textured surfaces."
"I don't think that there's anything that we can't find or do when we use forensics."
"The bullet trajectory, the wound death is down."
"Your conclusion was that no portm trauma or pathology was present on the skeletal remains."
"The DNA profile is approximately 56 million times more likely if Samantha Josephson and two unidentified unrelated individuals contributed to that mixture."
"...the affidavit also describes how forensic evidence and video brought into focus a suspect and his movements before and after the crime."
"Chain of custody helps to establish how evidence has been transferred."
"To be a good pen tester or a good hacker you have to have some decent forensic skills."
"If you don't understand how forensics work then you are not going to be very good at making forensics difficult."
"Forensic experts debunked the commissioner's explanation, saying that with their excellent sense of smell, mice wouldn't mistake the drug for food."
"Autopsies revealed each victim had been shot at close range."
"Bite marks and attractions preserved behavior."
"The lack of soot and smoke in the victim's lungs revealed that the two women were killed before the fire started."
"Forensics really don't lie, it's really pretty exciting we link the casings of the gun, the gun to the man."
"Ken's DNA sample had linked him to the sexual assault and the murder."
"There's evidence on her body, there's bruises, she has discoloration of her knuckles. Either she hit something or something hit her."
"She's trained not only to find microscopic traces of human blood at murder scenes but also to detect blood traces on murder weapons which have been wiped clean."
"I've testified in authenticity analysis, transcription issues, voice identification, and cases involving unusual acoustic digital signal processing."
"He was convinced that since he'd never been to vermont and he'd never met chris marquis that no one could tie him to the fatal bond but he never realized forensic science would identify him."
"It was just amazing the way that they had pinpointed the paper wrapper the styrofoam the bomb everything that he had you know had put in the bomb the hex nuts were all right back to the manufacturer it was unbelievable that science was that good."
"The new forensic techniques have been absolutely key in this investigation."
"Our DNA is over 99% the same, and in forensics, we're targeting that less than 1% that's unique to an individual."
"This is the same except we're looking at many more locations and instead of a letter it's a number."
"Only one item of evidence is ever open at a time and evidence samples are processed separately in time and space from samples from known individuals."
"A forensic artist, an anthropologist, and a global positioning satellite would tell more about this victim than anyone could ever imagine."
"The forensic art allowed the dead to speak, and I think that's a really good thing."
"This knife has two blades and they are relatively parallel, they are bent at the tip and they're the size appropriate for the wounds that I saw, this is the weapon."
"Insects helped identify a missing person."
"The medical examiner determined her cause of death was due to blunt force trauma to the head."
"The work of one forensic artist may lead a daughter back to her mother."
"By all accounts the resemblance between the bust created by Frank bender and the actual John list was uncanny."
"To me, this means that the body has been moved in the postmortem interval."
"That took place at the autopsy facilities of the state forensic examiner office here in Bismarck."
"That pattern around the victim's body on the floor meant that he had been in that position prior to the fire starting."
"Miss Leonard's DNA matches areas both on the handle of that bat and towards the barrel end of it."
"We have enough marks to individualize this shoe print to this shoe."
"While detectives combed her apartment, forensics investigators poured over the evidence from the dumpster."
"For the first time, we can glimpse the victim face to face."
"So the state also raised 12 million dollars for technology that would help Advance video evidence and other crime scene investigative tools."
"With advancements in DNA technology, the swab was sent to the Montana State Police crime lab for analysis."
"Photography is important in processing a crime scene. Absolutely."
"It's gonna help get you accurate, reliable information across a large data set in a short amount of time. That's certainly a great way for us to approach forensicating in general."
"DNA is going to solve this. DNA and a cold case detective. It all comes together."
"Cause of death was massive organ failure due to percussive force."
"When a person is cremated the heat usually destroys any evidence of foul play. At least that was the theory until a scientist in Texas found a way to test cremated remains and in so doing made forensic history."
"One of the things that we specialize in, which is to me the most fascinating of all, is identifying the author of an anonymous letter."
"People lie, witnesses lie, families lie, suspects lie... forensic evidence does not lie."
"The tie that Cooper left behind was recently examined using an electron microscope."
"For federal agents, the bank robbery became an intricate case in modern forensics and dogged determination."
"The new shape of crime detection is a double helix."
"The second, after whom I have examined, is a police surgeon having conducted more than a thousand postmortem examinations."
"To work in forensic science, one must be highly analytical and detail-oriented."
"Forensics can be thought of as applying chemistry to study topics of a legal nature."
"In this experiment, we want to determine the presence of volatile components found in various inks which can be done for forensic analysis."
"That's the first interface of the software which is Autopsy, which is open, extensible, and fast."
"I hope this has been an informative follow-up to the introduction to memory forensics video."
"Acquiring data in a forensically sound manner is crucial for the integrity of the investigation."
"When acquiring data, it's important to never work with the original copy; always make and work with a forensic copy."
"Choosing the right image type is crucial; raw DD is an exact copy of the disk, while E01 has extra features like error checking built into the file type."
"Documenting all information at the time of imaging ensures that anyone looking at the image knows who created it, why it was created, and the evidence number."
"Verify images after they are created to ensure the integrity of the data."
"The system time at the time of imaging could be interesting."
"Attendance at the National Forensics Academy is the gold standard of forensic services technician training."
"The notion that scientific advances allow those cold cases the chance to go back and find that fragment of new evidence to solve cases."
"The results of the tests indicate that a person as yet unknown was involved in the deaths of the two girls."
"God bless them for working so hard. I love forensics."
"It's one of the challenges with forensic artifacts, that we have this rich data then a lot of times is nested, but how do I represent that horizontally?"
"FAW or Forensics Acquisition of Websites, is a tool to acquire web pages for forensic investigation."
"CAINE is a complete forensic environment with a friendly graphical interface."
"Volatility is an open-source memory forensics framework for incident response and malware analysis."
"Forensics is reconstruction. We attempt to reconstruct events so whenever we're doing forensics, we're trying to look into the past and reconstruct what happened with incomplete information."
"Everything has to be audited and logged for forensics purposes."
"We have to do more forensics work."
"Steel tools almost always leave behind some distinctive and often microscopic mark after their use, a signature as unique as a fingerprint."
"It was obvious from the beginning that the individual that had worked on this particular firearm knew something about forensics."
"He is the enemy of DNA, and fire is the bane of forensic investigators who try to recover DNA from torched crime scenes."
"Fingerprints are one of the most useful ways to analyze a crime scene."
"In bomb investigations, forensics means the difference between feeling safe and living in terror."
"The explosion had hurled the shrapnel up to 3,600 miles per hour; each fragment was carefully catalogued."
"Insects can make or break an investigation."
"For those of us who know how to listen, insects can be vocal witnesses to the circumstances of a person's death."
"Slowly, homicide investigators are beginning to realize the invaluable contributions made by the smallest witnesses to murder."
"DNA in this case is going to play a role."
"Everyone thinks DNA is this great crime-solving luxury that police have, and it is, but technology has advanced so much."
"Preserve evidence, no you still may need it decades later. When new forensic weapons become available, use them. Never give up."
"There's no rush; the body won't be going anywhere for another two days, regardless."
"DNA technology could have made a difference."
"The most important part of this whole identification is the verification step."
"Genetic genealogy is simply a tip; it's a lead generator."
"The interesting thing to me about Shrum is that many of the forensics books I've read don't even mention the existence of this artifact."
"Behind the scenes, the associated database used by Shrum contains a lot of other forensic artifacts that we can parse and paint a picture of a user's activity."
"We had in these forensic samples a kind of a code, a kind of a Rosetta Stone."
"The pressure is on the forensic team to find the truth because in this strange case, a confession is not enough."
"The analysis of DNA is now an incredibly powerful tool for the police."
"Using forensic science to assist in identifying their Remains and providing closure to families."
"Open-source products are used all the time for being able to examine evidence and being able to use it in a courtroom."
"We try to determine cause and manner of death."
"Time of death is usually calculated based on factors like rigor mortis, but when a body is in the cold, rigor mortis can be delayed by hours, or if the temperature is below freezing, even days."
"I think that a lot of people that commit crimes underestimate what we can do in the laboratory."
"The presence of antimony indicated that gunpowder was involved as well."
"We saw the actual fluorescing of tetracycline and upon seeing that, I suggested that they examine the records to see if Susan Davis had a prescription for tetracycline."
"Armed with the latest techniques, forensics experts are winning the war against time, liberating lost and forgotten voices from beyond the grave."
"Detective Jim Scharf learned about snapshot phenotyping, a new tool that used DNA evidence to predict a suspect's physical appearance."
"The double murder of Tanya VanCuylenborg and Jay Cook was a case that tested the boundaries of forensic science."
"Armed with photographs, scientific data, psychological profiles, and artistic talent, forensic artists breathe new life into unsolved cases."
"Fortunately, it was Michelle's suspicions, good police work, and new forensic technology that identified the drug quickly."
"A document examiner must read between the lines to lead authorities to the killer."
"The Persistence of investigators and advancements in forensic technology have brought us one step closer to unraveling the mysteries of the past."
"But today, forensic science can find justice for a victim months and sometimes even years after they have gone missing."
"Unseen no longer means undetected, thanks to advances in forensic science."
"I know that tape is a particularly receptive area for fingerprints."
"The reason the pathologist was not able to identify this as Jason's cause of death is because the stingers on those plants don't leave any marks on the human body."
"You are not going to escape what we're capable of doing in forensics."
"With a virtual machine, you can snapshot the virtual machine and then you can feed the snapshot image through many forensics tools."
"Preserving the integrity of the crime scene, a very very important task, is it not?"
"In forensics, this is the Holy Grail."
"The smoke is essentially exactly that, the appearance of a cloud around the bullet hole."
"My name is James Moreno, I'm the senior crime laboratory analyst with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement in Orlando, Florida."
"DNA is a foolproof way to identify perpetrators."
"Misconceptions: Forensic science perhaps isn't as foolproof as TV would have you believe."
"The luminol spray will cause the proteins in the blood to fluoresce, making them visible to examiners."
"Firearms identification is a discipline in forensic science where our main objective is to examine fired ammunition components."
"The fundamental premise of necro search is that buried bodies change the ecosystem around them forever."
"It's amazing what forensic scientists can accomplish."
"It's fascinating, often gruesome, but very important work."
"ISO 18385 is intended to minimize the risk of DNA contamination in products used to collect, store, and analyze biological materials for forensic purposes."
"So how can you tell if a system is hacked? In this video, we're going to do a deep dive into memory forensics."
"File systems are a crucial element of computer forensics."
"Understanding how these devices manage their data can provide forensic examiners with the ability to retrieve a wealth of information."
"The more we're able to understand how a file system does its job, the better the chances are at extracting information of forensic value."
"Those who understand the broader scope of how the forensic process works and don't simply rely on the output of automated tools will stand a much greater chance of success."
"The bullet must have been relevant either to the heart or to the gun to have traveled with a velocity great enough to penetrate."
"The police had the benefit of cutting-edge forensics, DNA profiling, and a technology to make sense of huge numbers of leads."