
Religious History Quotes

There are 496 quotes

"Donkey-headed Jesus: This is the Alexamenos graffito, a piece of graffiti in Rome that might be the earliest depiction of Jesus."
"The Great Awakening contributed so much good to the life of the church, it gave evangelicalism its first great expression of emotional piety and revival preaching."
"God had a wife, Asherah, whom the Book of Kings suggests was worshipped alongside Yahweh in his temple in Israel."
"The temple priests that would form the core of the Qumran community left Jerusalem around 150 BC. They believed the temple, the center of Jewish life and worship, had been corrupted by the influence of Greek culture."
"It's well established that teachings about Jesus spread far and wide very quickly after his death."
"You remember what the story was, the Christianized version is that Joseph of Arimathea used the chalice to collect the blood and water flowing from the side of the supposedly dying body of Christ on the cross. But see, this is where it gets interesting because it's another interpretation about what became of that blood and what the purpose of collecting that blood was."
"Thousands of years ago, Isis, Horus, and Osiris were thought of as a holy trinity."
"All the evidence points to this mountain as Mount Sinai, where the words now etched in the human imagination were first heard."
"During his lifetime, Jesus himself didn't call himself God and didn't consider himself God, and none of his disciples had any inkling at all that he was God."
"Our Lady of Victory... it was the anniversary of the victory of Christianity over the Ottoman Turk Muslim Navy at Lepanto in 1571."
"The legacy of Yon Hus and the Hussites would be smaller if it weren't for the fact that in about a hundred years after his death, and certainly within a hundred years the success of the Hussite League, you have the rise of the Protestant Reformation."
"Judaism, as we know it today, is based on traditions that go back thousands and thousands of years."
"Hermes, one of the most honored gods, had more temples in Gaul than any other god."
"Whether or not an actual Gilgamesh ever existed, his name and exploits have managed to live on in popular culture."
"In the earliest centuries, there was a lot of diversity within early Christianity."
"If you've got something about the historical Jesus that's written 500 years after he died, you have to figure out where'd that person get their information from."
"The emergence of manuscripts has closed the door on the idea that the Quran crystallized far after the death of the Prophet."
"Our challenge is hauntingly reminiscent of that faced by Peter, James, John, or Paul when they declared to the religious establishment of their day that God has sent new truths and new revelations into the world."
"Paul's influence is almost incalculable, perhaps second only in the world to Jesus Christ himself."
"Who started the Catholic Church? Jesus Himself."
"There's reliable ways to understand when Jesus was gonna be born."
"Our Prophet's lineage was from the best of all lineages. From the children of his father Adam, Allah chose who?"
"Paul violently opposed the church, he tried to destroy it."
"They had the Bible translated into English, which gave many people access to read it."
"If there's anyone in history who understood the reality of what it's like to be persecuted, it was the Apostle Paul."
"Hanania breaks the yoke off Jeremiah's neck... you broke my assignment and you lied to the people."
"Here you have this guy from the line of Cicero, starting really kind of the founder, you could say, of rabbinic Judaism today."
"Those Gods are the oldest recorded figures of worship anywhere in history."
"English is a sign of a Protestant church right to be able to have your bible in English but to maintain all this ritual and the beautiful language."
"Peter was about to convert the first Gentile, and in a world where the emperor of Rome was worshipped as a god, this was no ordinary convert."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls have provided invaluable insights into Judaism and early Christianity, influencing scholarly thought on biblical accuracy, religious beliefs, and the context of Jesus's life."
"The reality is not a Muslim thing. Muslims have not invented this notion of Trinitarianism."
"Islam was as progressive as the Prophet peace be upon him... there's nothing that was nearly as progressive."
"The Holy Grail is actually the bloodline that dates back to Jesus and Mary Magdalene."
"The transformation of Serapis into Christ the savior became a fictionalized tale of salvation."
"Many scholars believe that it's from Zoroastrian religion that the concepts of heaven, hell, a day of judgment, the devil, angels, and perhaps even the concept of monotheism itself may have stemmed."
"Just as the movie ends, it is revealed that the Gospel of St. Thomas was discovered in Nag Hamadi, and scholars have claimed it to be the closest record we have of the words of the historical Jesus."
"Islam needs to ask if it is possible that over a billion people have been misled by Abbasid propaganda regarding how and where their religion began."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza: not just a technological marvel, but also positioned at the exact center of the earth."
"Mystery surrounds Minoan religion: specific deities and practices remain elusive."
"Yahweh was originally part of a Semitic Pantheon descended from the Father God El."
"However, whether or not Cathars as a specific growing religion existed, those that opposed the Catholic Church most definitely did exist."
"So Jesus affirms Daniel and Daniel says that the world is going to be ruled by four great Empires it's going to culminate with the rise of the Antichrist and it's going to end with the return of the real Christ."
"The ruins at Gigantia on the Mediterranean island of Gozo near Malta constitute the world's second oldest religious structures," dating back at least 5500 years.
"Christianity won out because it had a more unified system of beliefs for both the common people and the initiated."
"Göbekli Tepe may just be the first place in human history where humans began to honor a god."
"The last century of the Roman Empire was Christian."
"The integrity of biblical history ultimately is justified by the expression of these languages."
"The Reformation did not plant a new tree; instead, it just grew new branches." - Unknown
"There has never been a time since the Great Awakening that even begins to compare with the spiritual impact that God brought upon the people living in this land."
"Acts 15 reveals the existence of a magisterium."
"You can't reverse engineer the 27-book canon of the New Testament without the judgment of the Catholic Church."
"Muslims believe that the temple mount was where Abraham's sacrifices, so it's really holy for Muslims and of course Christians and Jews."
"Israel has an opportunity to do what Adam and Eve failed to do, to remake a sort of Garden of Eden in a new land under the leadership of Joshua."
"The deadliest of all ancient conspiracy theories began in a small Mesopotamian village where a prophet named Mani started to preach a new religion."
"But did Jesus really curse the city 2,000 years ago?"
"You can't have it both ways. The one thing in life that is inevitable is change."
"On the day that the Temple was destroyed, the Messiah was born."
"The ruins of an ancient Coptic church were just found in Egypt along with a Roman fort."
"Mary Magdalene was an extremely important person in the Jesus movement. So important that I think she actually is the real founder of Christianity."
"The Catholic Church lost Britain over a doctrinal issue."
"This stone tablet proves that the idea of a suffering messiah even the messiah who would die was already there in Judaism."
"Muhammad didn't have the ability to write, yet he would recite the Quran."
"Join us as we explore the Book of Enoch, which reveals shocking mysteries of our history."
"Join me today for the chronicle of what may have been the most disastrous papacy in history."
"Prophet Muhammad was the cause of the fulfillment of the promise of a great nation to Ishmael."
"My book argues that the book of Genesis holds ancestral memory of at least three resets in human history."
"We'll get back to that soon... but now it's Catholic thanks to the Roman Empire."
"However, the folk legend of Jesus in Britain lives on; it remains a significant belief for many English Christians today."
"How could hell have been created by the church if we know that Jesus' brother and disciple believed in hell before churches were even established?"
"The very first proponents of Christianity in the form we recognize today were Galileans."
"Whatever else may be said of Christianity it is at least fairly agreed on either side both by friends and foes that this great religion took its rise around the personality of a certain particular Galilean teacher by the name of Jesus."
"Jesus had more women followers than he had men."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls cast new light on the emergence of Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism."
"Muhammad's story comes from the 9th century, much too late."
"The beginning of Islam: an anti-Trinitarian Christian movement."
"Jesus performed his first public miracle in Cana... by changing water into wine."
"There was a long debate among Christians about which books ought to be included in the Bible."
"Athanasius worked endlessly to defeat the Arian heresy."
"Islam was given by God to all the prophets, perfected by God in Muhammad's time."
"Jesus Christ grew up in what was then Judaism."
"It's ironic that they say Islam was spread by the sword."
"Synology is literally the science of the Shroud of Turin."
"The wisdom of Solomon: A mysterious apocryphal book pushed out of the main Bible by the Catholic Church."
"Abu Bakr was Mujahideen job is to bring the whole Quran together."
"Martyrs like Agnes were believed to offer special protection for the early Christians."
"The first people to place their faith in Christ were Jews."
"The churches were built in places where they couldn't be spotted, and they were made out of pure stone so that they could never be burned to the ground."
"Clearly, you cannot explain Jewish history apart from God. True, you cannot."
"Isn't that exactly what happened, isn't that why there's a second temple?"
"The very beginning with shepherds, they're counting, they would stack rocks."
"So much of who Mary Magdalene is has been misrepresented."
"Islam presents itself as the final religion sent by the same God who established Judaism and Christianity."
"So that soon as we talk about the Apostles' Creed we got to get that put right to bed right away that it wasn't written by the Apostles and it's a creed that took literally centuries to reach its final formulation."
"The standard Islamic narrative posits that all the prophets, especially Abraham, lived in Mecca."
"Mecca was not even thought of in the 7th century, not even by any stretch of imagination was it thought of."
"The Edict of Milan legalized Christianity and allowed freedom of worship."
"Luther's ideas had laid the groundwork for this in his works like 'To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation'..."
"Henry's actions and the actions of his successors like Queen Elizabeth removed England from Catholicism..."
"Preservation of history...was not only important, it was also possible...it was these guarantors...that were consistently telling and clarifying and correcting the stories about Jesus."
"Let me explain the fact that Jesus was thought to perform miracles... it's a fact of history but it doesn't prove that he rose."
"This Creed in first Corinthians 15, it's older than the book."
"Enemy attestation: The story has been spread among the Jews to this day."
"To sum up what we've covered, the so-called heretic Marcion, it seems, was the first Christian to promote an exhaustive collection of uniquely authoritative texts."
"It's perhaps the only example of a world religion going extinct."
"If the Prophet sallallaahu send them would be which etc then the plan here is this you have a problem with a prophet being accosted with black magic and he was healed."
"From the beginning there was dissension in Islam."
"Finally, we're getting a holistic picture, the missing link between the seventh century Arabs, the Nabataeans, the Quranic Nazarenes. How did they then become the Abbasid version of what we now know today as Islam?"
"The religion of the Hebrews may reasonably be expected to have been the same as that of the Druids."
"You cannot have the doctrines and ordinances has restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith without accepting Joseph's meth and the underlying history that is the basis for such."
"The Book of Enoch was so popular for early Christians that even the New Testament cites it."
"First Enoch only remained popular in Ethiopia, which still remains true to this day."
"These burials might represent the first solid archaeological evidence that there was a church here before Edward the Confessors."
"Christianity would rise and spread across the empire to become the foremost faith of the Western world."
"Protestantism arose in response to real error, real idolatry, real violence and abuse."
"The little Shepherds of Fatima were chosen and constituted as prophets of God's love."
"It was in Alexandria during the reign of Ptolemy II that the Hebrew Bible was first translated into Greek."
"Paul's main contribution was his argument that Gentiles don't have to become Jewish to be followers of Jesus."
"The Protestant movement grew into a revolution, the Protestant Reformation."
"The first body to be placed in the Capuchin catacombs was that of friar Silvestro Gubbio, still carrying a placard bearing the date of the event."
"The puritans were post-millennial in their perspective. What did they do? They established communities where they saw Jesus' lordship from the bottom to the top."
"The crucifixion of Jesus is the most well-established fact of ancient antiquity."
"I started listening to videos to Iran which he brings history of the Bible and where the stories come from."
"Reinhard Bonnke was the greatest evangelist in the history of the Christian Church."
"Muhammad is a monotheist. Even though everyone around him was a pagan or a polytheist."
"This verse that we're talking about was revealed because of what took place between the dispute between the Al-Ansari and Zubair."
"If it is a burial, a radio carbon date on a bone sample could help us work out if he was one of Glastonbury monks or possibly even a Cornish Saint."
"Sometime later, another chapel was built on the mainland at the same height, looking to the island with our reliquiae box at the altar for pilgrims to visit."
"Islam began as something strange, and it will return to being strange." - Speaker
"If Africa is the export of the Abrahamic Traditions—Christianity, Islam, and Judaism—and it is, then what distinguishes white Christian nationalism from the ways of knowing that left Africa and that the Romans adopted?"
"This is a thrilling story of where in which we see this religion that began in Bethlehem."
"This obscure family of ours was early in the Reformation and continued Protestants through the reign of Queen Mary."
"We are part of a church that has roots going back 2,000 years."
"In the year 1684, the Vatican removed 14 books from the Bible."
"Francis, a simple friar from Assisi, was one such person."
"If other Christians have always worshiped this way where could I go so for me coming from the Western Christian perspective to me the historical church always sort of meant Rome."
"The formation of the Canon was an organic process and no single Authority and no single council officially decided once and for all what should go in the Bible."
"So why do people think that the Council Nicaea decided on the New Testament? Apparently, this rumor is very ancient."
"To be steeped in history is to cease to be Protestant."
"The figure of Mohammed as portrayed in the Islamic sources is an amalgamation of various existing Arabic folktales which explains many of the embarrassing or contradictory stories."
"Even if you deny what St. Polycarp believed, he was taught and trained by Saint John."
"The goal of the Gospel is to win the Nations to Jesus Christ."
"Jerusalem is where David carried the head of Goliath... 3,000 years later, God placed his son Jesus Christ on an old rugged cross."
"Isaiah's context is Israel's Exodus, a Redemption for Israel."
"This was the real beginning of monotheism, the belief in one God alone."
"Julian, known as 'the apostate,' attempted to promote polytheism as the official state religion."
"The preservation of the Jewish Bible had incredible quality control."
"The Bible became the common Bible in the English language by King James."
"I see in you the problems that have existed in religion throughout the centuries."
"The Hagia Sophia was turned from a Christian place of worship into a mosque."
"One of the first scholars in the Islamic tradition to work on the Islamic tradition in the West was a great Hungarian Jewish scholar."
"Why did the early Church almost universally accept the Deuterocanonical books?"
"Massachusetts: the first British colonists in what is now Massachusetts were members of a branch of Christianity called the Separatists, better known as Pilgrims."
"October 31st should be a memorial of the Protestant Reformation. Reformation Day."
"Saint Athanasius was not among them; he refused to bow to Arianism and was exiled five times by his enemies who were entrenched in the church hierarchy."
"The Reformation splintered into Lutherans, Calvinists, Anabaptists, and more."
"Muhammad's life remains the foundation of the faith he founded."
"Mary Magdalene was one of Christ's female followers, present at the crucifixion, witness of his resurrection, and the first to proclaim the Christian message."
"Why were the Jewish biblical God feasts removed from Christianity? It's a question to ponder."
"Christianity sprang into being in the middle of the first century because the first disciples suddenly and sincerely came to believe that the God of Israel had raised Jesus of Nazareth from the dead."
"So the climax of the Book of Mormon is the fact that Jesus Christ... came to America to these people."
"I think Mark is the first Jewish document to emerge from the post-war period proposing a way to follow the god of Israel after the destruction of the Temple."
"There are people in the world who think that the Bible is nothing more than a story but I would ask them if that's so, then why did history play out exactly as the prophets foretold three thousand years ago?"
"The early Church in unison affirms Peter's presence in Rome."
"Expect change, it's all different than what Joseph Smith did."
"Moses and Jesus: both babies escaping a decree to kill children, both sent to Egypt."
"It's prophecy, not coincidence. Everything Jesus prophesized was written thousands of years before he was born."
"Vatican II was probably the most significant religious event in the 20th century."
"Apocalypticism: dreams of the day when God will intervene in history to set things right."
"It was founded around the year 1500 and focuses on Krishna as the Supreme deity."
"When the Gospels are written down, that was after many years of oral tradition."
"There's a scholarly consensus that Jesus existed in history."
"Why would you even invent Jesus? Let's just assume there wasn't one. Why did they create one?"
"The doctrine of the rapture was not discovered until the 19th century."
"But after the Council of Jerusalem’s ruling, even those central parts of Israelite identity and culture no longer applied to Christians."
"The adoption of Christianity often came from the top down when the King adopted Christianity, his vassals were often encouraged to follow him."
"So Susan is confident that the holy treasures of the second temple survived."
"Every one of us will live during the time of a prophet. If me and you had lived during the time of Jesus, we would be from his followers and we would be Muslim."
"For those who know my channel, we talk about Gnosticism a lot. Gnosticism is a version of Christianity that was banned by the church."
"One of the most commendable things that comes out of the role of the papacy... is somebody had to navigate the unavoidable melding of church and state in Christendom for a thousand years."
"Islam saved Jewry there in that part of the world."
"In that cave... the Word of God would be revealed, changing the course of history."
"The first great awakening is a great example of contextualization."
"Pentecost was not the beginning of a Pentecostal Church."
"God inspired individuals like John Wickliffe, Myles Coverdale, and William Tyndale to work and sacrifice to put the text of the Bible into the hands of the common man." - Ben Wilcox
"A lot of Christians are not aware of that Catholicism brought it back into America and made it popular."
"A lot of biblical scholars believe Hebrew writers invented the ages of the judges."
"Prophet Muhammad actually performed what people called Miracles, the prophets of God do, and his companions and the people of his time witnessed those Miracles firsthand."
"You don't have major heresy trials in the Latin West from about 600 to about 12200."
"Is there enough conclusive evidence to prove that a man-made Prophet Muhammad existed around 680? What does Allah mean?"
"The Magdala stone upends assumptions about ancient Judaism."
"Lucifer doesn't appear in the Bible—it's a later invention, a misinterpretation of a Babylonian king."
"Katherine of Sienna is one of the strangest and most intriguing of the church's Saints."
"The mysteries of antiquity have seemingly perished; the faith, however, of the golden age— the first religion of man—can never wholly die."
"If Jesus's Journey began here in the port of Jaffa and he was following in Jonah's footsteps it's clear where he would have been heading."
"So, for those of you who don't know, the Children of God, otherwise known now as the Family International, is a far-reach Christian cult that started in the late '60s by David Berg."
"The hebrew bible is essentially plagiarizing earlier traditions from other cultures."
"Ireland has always been a deeply Catholic country."
"We Catholics thought the same thing, and then the Protestant evangelicals came along and made the same mistake."