
Technological Advancements Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"Climate change and environmentalism... it's kind of been a big topic... and over the years, we've made quite the advancements... trying to clean up the oceans and switching to more clean energy sources."
"Science is a wonderful thing; it has improved our lives, lengthened our lifespans, and given us reliable tools to understand how the world works."
"The West's massive technological and social advances over the last thousand years...come from the West's more flexible social model."
"It's not like your own dreams, at least not yet, but the technology is already there to stand on the threshold of another's dream and push against it like aquarium glass."
"We were promised flying cars, and all we got was 140 characters."
"The Starlink satellites will soon deploy their single solar array and over the course of a few weeks, distance themselves from each other."
"So I don't know how you can't think that's maybe not more important than Apollo Soyuz. But I don't know, other than that, one of my other favorite missions, of course, I love like Falcon Heavy Demo Mission was incredible."
"What can the Forza teams do with Forza Horizon 5? Well, we've already seen it in action, and the results are typically amazing."
"We have really big updates coming this year."
"I think technology ends the moment AI goes exponential, the point of Singularity."
"There's an appeal of playing on any device that you like, like these things are true."
"Into the nation's living rooms and kitchens came bright new materials, man-made fabrics, and labor-saving devices."
"People really want their phone to last a long time and have the latest and greatest features."
"Technology is providing new ways to reveal evidence that would have been lost or unavailable just a few years ago."
"Games will continue to get more complex, more demanding."
"There's a lot to be excited about in 2021 and 2022."
"Things that would have once been seen fanciful are now facts."
"The evidence to suggest an intercontinental, highly advanced, technologically superior civilization once flourished here on our planet is highly compelling."
"It was a landmark case as it included the first DNA extraction of its kind to identify a murderer during a criminal investigation in the United States."
"DKC proved that the coming leap in graphical fidelity would allow for more immersive gaming experiences than what had come before."
"Movie creation is just going to transform completely."
"Laser mapping reveals hidden structures in the Amazon with hints at thousands more... revolutionizing archaeology."
"Countless features found in older football video games like ESPN NFL 2K5 that have not found their way to recent Madden's either."
"Iron Man is hyper intelligent philanthropist billionaire or whatever else but also innovative technologist who creates their own suit and then goes out and fights injustice and that is Sheree."
"One of the biggest new upgrades with the iPhone 13 Pro series this year is really with the display."
"This whole industry will blow up: transmission lines, battery storage, maglev trains, superconducting microprocessors."
"But yeah, I you know, it is safe to say exponentially more powerful than any Forge we've ever released, is my understanding."
"The retro tech scene is lively and always evolving, and has produced miraculous developments to improve video output from NES on up to Dreamcast and GameCube."
"Subjectively, it's one of the best around, we are seeing more devices coming out with front-facing speakers."
"Looking back over 100 years ago with the birth of combined arms Warfare it seems puzzling that the Germans initially dismissed the tank."
"This is just the beginning of this absolute revolution in healthcare."
"The next five years both technologically and creatively are going to really take this medium someplace that you've never imagined."
"Google's quantum computer called sycamore in late 2019 achieved what is known as quantum supremacy... in 200 seconds a task that the world's fastest supercomputer would need 10,000 years to complete."
"Overall this is a fantastic phone. It's obviously the best iPhone ever made. It's incredible, it's a joy to behold, I love using it."
"Space will be able to do once China builds an infrastructure in space will be more powerful than the invention of the internal combustion engine, the light bulb, and the airplane combined."
"These are awesome times to live in, ladies and gentlemen."
"The scientists realized they could build a remarkably accurate picture of the world beneath the waves."
"The match engine has undergone its biggest facelift since 2009."
"The future of gaming just got a little bit better."
"We're on the verge of something revolutionary."
"The concept of navigation: Africans can swim, have boats, and know navigation."
"The big leaps in technology between Skyrim and Starfield will mean Starfield will be much more robust."
"We're in an era of hyper rapid technological change, the fastest in history."
"Sentinel 6 missions are exciting because they're going to allow us to provide better information to coastal communities."
"When everything is connected, all of a sudden we have data that allows us to really understand the world."
"The speed, weight, and size efficiencies, the autofocus performance might allow you to do new things."
"Imagine what they could do. It's the innovation that could happen, it would be on another level."
"Interstellar travel may become reality sooner than you think."
"We're a lot closer to being Jedi than you might think."
"This is one of the greatest AI stories of our time."
"The distinction between games and movies has never been more clear."
"I'm very happy to see the Linux Gamers and obviously Steam Proton."
"The kind of development which has come from 2 years and where it's got to I've never seen this kind of progress before."
"Human-like robots to clean, cook, perform sex. Nothing more amazing than the microwave has materialized though. Name something more amazing than cooking food instantly."
"Jeremy's Jolly Games, where everything's going digital now."
"Digital transformation is here to stay. The pandemic will come and go, but the abilities that we have, the efficiencies that we gain, the capabilities that brought in, are what makes it so important to everyone." - Lisa Su
"The Witcher 3 is one of the best video games of this generation that you can now have for ten dollars, and it'll actually look like a modern AAA RPG thanks to these upgrades."
"A lot of good work going on in the background..."
"All these technologies that are coming... will be beneficial to people."
"Nintendo has some serious questions to ask about the future of their hardware business."
"Accessibility features feel like the sanctuary, like there's at least one aspect of the industry that has been getting better over time."
"Exciting times for those after a new high-end gaming monitor in 2024."
"We're due for some kind of major expansion of technology."
"Everything we shared on stage today, from UE 5.4 to fortnite Creator tools, is bringing us much closer to this goal."
"Graphics are getting incredible in video games."
"More and more developers are reaching remarkable heights in terms of visual."
"There's just so many science fiction things going on with this becoming reality."
"The innovations and advancements in technology in the past year have been absolutely awesome."
"Benjamin Harrison was the first president to have electricity in the White House."
"NEO: The contender, the potential successor to Ethereum."
"This is not just an upgraded Switch port; here, there are significant differences to discuss."
"Efforts shouldn't lag in trying to find ways to build safer track walls, reliable ways to prevent stuck throttles, dependable helmets, and harnesses."
"It's truly a generational difference and it's hard to imagine going back to the game and playing without ray-tracing honestly."
"This is more of a stepping stone in terms of what we can expect in the future."
"I think it's gonna revolutionize the gaming industry."
"AI is going to start suggesting cures for major diseases including cancer."
"I think in terms of this Apple announcement, the phone part of it is kind of like the least exciting. To me what's interesting for the business and what's going on."
"Technology improved a lot, so who knows maybe advancements in technology could find something now that those first tests hadn't actually found."
"All I'm saying is this isn't just a small step for fighting games it is a giant leap this [ __ ] is the equivalent of landing on the [ __ ] moon for fighting games."
"It's always been a fun job but I think the guys who invented this industry wouldn't believe where it is now."
"And, there you have it. A raytraced scene with reflection, global illumination, HDR, gamma correct rendering, point lights and textures, all still on a TI84 calculator, in case you forgot."
"What a time to be alive ladies and gentlemen... welcome to the future."
"It was a statement about our going into the nuclear age."
"It would be very hard to have an accident because it's got so many safety features."
"Electric vehicles, solar panels...things are gonna start kicking off now."
"That's the future of warfare, that's the future of everything."
"You are basically at the edge of a very powerful technological revolution."
"It's not so far-fetched to think that one day robot firefighters will be saving lives on shore as well."
"Using this technology, we're on track to end world hunger by 2035."
"We all got to live in a time when distances could be covered quickly, disposable products could be made cheaply, and best of all, we got to watch videos like this one on a personal computer."
"And it's truly amazing that today we're on the cusp of reaching these kinds of results in Unreal in real-time."
"The GH5 seems to overcome many of the biggest challenges with the GH4."
"I think the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race."
"One and a half years in, I think the PlayStation 5 is in a great spot."
"Such incredibly fast Journeys will open up to us when we approach the speed of light."
"Not every ancient civilization had a written language, not every technological breakthrough was recorded for posterity."
"The Ryzen 9 5900 HX offers everything we've talked about in previous Ryzen mobile 5000 reviews: chart-topping performance and thanks to new Zen3 architectures, much improved single-thread performance and IPC relative to previous Ryzen processors."
"In the last 20 years alone we've seen the rise of the iPhone, Facebook, the Mars Curiosity Rover and more. But these advancements were only the beginning."
"I think within a year plus you will see companies much much more comfortable i mean every day something new is coming out that's making crypto more accessible more favored by people and so forth"
"Ukrainians have also been huge on inventions and accomplishments they things like CDs bloodless blood tests vaccines against the plague and cholera postcode kerosene lamps and the first kidney transplant was performed in Ukraine as well."
"There is a place for remastered games going forward."
"Seriously, there's going to be a lot of interesting tech coming on."
"I think that, you know, disregarding all the advances that science is proposing to us and not utilizing these advances for our benefit would probably make us miss a lot of the good that science has to offer."
"Science fiction is converting into science facts."
"Just the amount of manufacturing design change in technology that's happening is truly fantastic."
"I don't think anything can ever truly replace having freaking Spock read out your tech quotes."
"What's more important than winning a war is winning a war in style and also however many technologies you have researched at the end of the game, also very important."
"Data is important because we've reached the point when we can hack not just computers, we can hack human beings."
"What Tesla is doing is just freaking amazing, they're pushing really hard."
"All of these G14 improvements are really going to shake up the 14" gaming laptop space."
"Why would you question self-driving cars and electric cars when clearly, that's where it's going?"
"The field of AI is heating up - stay tuned for what's next!"
"Was it the hard work of detectives and advancement in technology that could possibly help solve some of the world's greatest cold cases in the years to come?"
"Major aerospace corporations benefit from secret contracts involving reverse engineering, leading to attempts to sabotage genuine disclosures."
"When comparing games from 1991 to ones from 2021, it’s easy to see improvements in terms of how games look, how they run, and how they feel to play."
"The exciting promise of this next industrial revolution."
"We're living during the most extraordinary time ever in human history."
"I always have been pretty optimistic about Humanity's ability to make cool [__]."
"It's really difficult to overstate just how much extra speed can be gained with the tech and how high the skill ceiling is."
"Definitely huge differences and upgrades so I am appreciative of thinkway toys of at least."
"The screen size itself is impressive; everything else going on with this display has just been phenomenal."
"Honestly, I don't know what wizardry Samsung did with this phone, but the battery life has been great."
"This car has so much that you can do, it's really impressive."
"This is an incredibly exciting time to be a PC gamer..."
"The complicated mixture of sophisticated technology, space-age machinery, and starry-eyed fantasy in today's science fiction films just may serve as inspiration for a coming generation of scientists."
"The Spitfire's Merlin engine, born from the racing circuit, propelled it to a top speed just three miles per hour slower than the Luftwaffe's BF-109E."
"Kia really has been upping the refinement on their cars, upping the luxury, upping the technology, upping the comfortability factor."
"AI is one of the sectors that has remained consistent, exemplifying relative strength versus the rest of the market."
"AMD actually has a lot to be excited for going into 2024."
"Microsoft's Xbox Series X has struck back against Sony's PlayStation 5 in the battle for console supremacy."
"The late 90s were a great time for PC gaming 3d graphics cars were gaining traction in a big way while developers were exploring new genres or simply pushing the limits of existing ones."
"Everything in the trailer is mind-blowing, looks realistic like the hair."
"We're making rapid progress on autopilot technology."
"How could a 60-year-old plane possibly surpass a much more advanced one that’s only a few years old?"
"The jump from Xenoverse 1 to 2 was massive, imagine what Xenoverse 3 could bring after all these years."
"During these 50 years, humanity has sent probes even farther into our solar system with each reaching further than the last."
"The Honda made a really big step when it comes to driver safety."
"You'll even be able to see games up to 120 frames per second versus 60 frames per second on the iPhone."
"When you start getting into that degree of accuracy, there is very little benefit to having a bolt-action over a semi-automatic."
"So that's what we can expect in 2024 starting in early 2024 and then going throughout the year."
"This is so exciting to be in this time because a couple of years ago there was no competition. It was boring, and this is exciting."
"This is actually an exciting area of research that could be enabled and scaled by what we showed today."
"Iron Man is a walking powerhouse that has weapons the military only dreams of."
"These really are days of miracle and wonder."
"The industrial revolution brought significant change."
"Digital technology's advancements are revolutionizing black and white inkjet printing, offering finer control and impressive results."
"Space exploration can protect and improve life on Earth."
"The quantum financial system technically went live."
"Get ready because they are stepping up the game."
"These mysterious discoveries suggest that our ancient ancestors were more advanced than we originally thought."
"So much more convenient now to be able to do that straight from the mail application."
"Half the technology that we're using now on these cases that can't be solved any further would absolutely solve some of the cases that I've worked on for sure."
"We are engaged in an epic race for AI supremacy."
"An incredible story about underwater images and side scanning radar."
"The future of this company is far more advanced and exciting than any of us could have imagined."
"Short-term considerations due to macro headwinds may bring uncertainty, but fundamentally, I'm very bullish on the merge."
"These new data centers are very few applications if not one application used by basically one tenant and it processes data, it trains models, and it generates tokens. We call these new data centers AI factories."
"We now have the power to reclaim our past data once thought lost forever."
"Technology during the Tribulation will have also reached its limit."
"Faster saving and loading of files in Blender 3.0."
"There are going to be a lot of Space Mountain comparisons... all dark, can't see anything. On paper it sounds the same, but this ride is using a lot of new technology to make it something that is really next level."
"The whole quality has been ramping up quite a bit recently. This is not comparable to Mark 1."
"Advancements in technology are making it easier than ever for archaeologists to explore sites and artifacts without Excavating."
"These amazing experiences with next-gen... it's really extraordinary what we're going to experience."
"The Silent World was as much a documentary about the incredible technological advancements Cousteau and his team had made as it was about what they found."
"I honestly think that's gonna be our future in the next 5-10 years."
"Renewable energies are taking off, there is, I think, the greatest miracle of my lifetime."
"The metaverse offers the illusion of immortality."
"Humanity is progressing towards a new age of civilization, just look at all the science, technology, and development."
"Huge congratulations to NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory again for these amazing achievements."
"The potential to add this utility later on is astronomical."
"There is enormous safety potential in the future of some of these automated driving Technologies."
"The Apple device is a polished experience that we've come to know and love from iOS, but it's adding stuff. What is it adding? It's adding more features than ever before."
"The future is getting really to the point where certain things that you just didn't think possible are possible."
"Male pattern baldness, unfortunately for the soldiers of the Second World War, the internet wouldn't be invented for another 50 years."
"In an age where the motor car could barely break 50 miles an hour, nations like Germany were developing things like the King Tiger."
"The sheer research going into hypersonics can definitely help improve any sort of flight."
"Ray tracing is the most important thing that has come to graphics cards in over 10 years."
"At a certain point these Virtual Worlds will become full simulations of any reality."
"Another crazy week of awesome space news to cover today."
"There's so many tools out there, and new tools are popping up all the time. Like part of being a UX designer is always learning new tools and continuing."
"It's like okay, so you're a little bit on the short side, Michael. So it's like okay, in five years from now or whatever it is you'll be able to get robotic legs."
"AMD brings power and performance of the Ryzen 4000 Renoir processors to desktop PCs."
"The future is already being made in America by Tesla for over a decade."
"The real trick energy technology will spark a spiritual revolution and heal our planet."
"We're in for some very interesting advancements in the regulatory front."
"Not everything is bad, no artificial intelligence intelligence is helping us."
"This is a renaissance that far surpasses the one we all talk about that happened in the middle ages. But this is a new renaissance now where our thoughts can actually bounce off of satellites in the air."
"It's really impressive the amount of detail that you can capture here."
"The iPhone 5 increased the screen size from 3.5 in to 4 which seems like maybe only a minor improvement but it felt far more drastic than the numbers imply."
"We can print things we wouldn't dare print before."
"It's kind of amazing that I'm able to shoot ProRes 4k RAW on an iPhone, it's pretty impressive."
"The biggest killer of all was training because it was such an unknown profession at the time it was brand new and people didn't really know how an aircraft works let alone how to fly one."
"Honestly, pretty amazing to me how accurate they're getting nowadays."
"Millions years of human evolution and technological advancements, me and my brain start cooking."
"NAB has traditionally been a broadcast industry thing, but they're now including online creators."
"The aviation industry's next goal was to fly at supersonic speed."
"Everyone is talking about AI and what it means for our society."
"The advances Richard Trevithick made in pumping engines and winding machinery definitely gave Cornwall an unbelievable prosperity in between about 1800 and 1870."
"Technological advancements are inevitable and don't have to be used against workers. They just are because that's how capitalism works. That's not a tech problem, that's a capitalism problem."