
Visual Perception Quotes

There are 181 quotes

"Your visual system does it for you and one of the ways that it does that is through the neuromodulator dopamine."
"We are very visual organisms, and we look and see people are different from around the world and have different physical characteristics."
"Lines guide the eye, and your vision instinctually travels along them like a water slide."
"Human beings are extremely visual, and many people are hired for a job or they get the opportunities because they look good."
"The theory of double mats is usually the lighter colors on the top because it draws your eye and because it looks bigger on the wall."
"Studies have shown that people see hazards far sooner under this light, and as the bluer wavelengths match our scotopic and mesopic color sensitivity more closely, we can use less of it while also achieving a greater safety benefit."
"The health of the eye seems to demand a horizon we are never tired so long as we can see far enough."
"In photography, it's all about learning how to see."
"Rather than distort the entire scene, only the man seems to be tampered with."
"There's no way you could tell this is not a bunker if you're just looking at it like that. I mean, it's just... it has a perfect look."
"The more detail you add to the smiley face, the less it looks relatable. It's no longer your face, it becomes someone else's face."
"As the light changes, the dunes of the Namib take on a thousand different hues, of spectacular beauty."
"It's one of the most important steps to work on in a painting as it sets out the foundation of how we will essentially view a piece."
"Everything starts to look like you're looking through a peephole."
"The artist created a sense of depth by values, adding the dark elements further towards the back."
"Most people won't see a huge difference when they looked at Greece because the amount of data on film is just so much more."
"Comment down below if the sky looks like the Northern Lights to you and if you don't think it looks like the Northern Lights comment how much you love me cuz I'm funny."
"I think, like, from this angle right here, like, I don't know on screen, but like, you can see it a bit more, I think, like, the foil-ness of it gets a little too much at times."
"Discovering that the human eye can detect a single photon of light."
"It all starts with the horizon, as objects recede from you, they begin to look smaller and slowly disappear in a very unique way."
"It slides over, it looks like the Chevron is sliding in."
"It's like one of those magic eye paintings you see at the mall."
"Different visual neurons have different receptive fields for different parts of space."
"That's why when you look at the moon when it's full moon you look at the Shadows it looks like a woman sitting there that's her the moon lady."
"Not only is the disappearance of ships' hulls explained by the law of perspective on flat surfaces, but it is proven undeniably true with a good telescope."
"Putting that into visual light terms, you would be able to see that during the daytime quite easily while it was nearby."
"It's almost like a night-vision system but in full color."
"It's nearly impossible to tell what it is that you're looking at without shadows."
"Our primary objective was to prove that the Chicago skyline is not a mirage."
"Humans are visual creatures, it's the elephant in the room."
"When a viewer sees an image, they don't see detail first, they read emotion first."
"We have the perfect camera right here in our heads so we can make a camera that exceeds the specifications the human eye."
"I really love this shot because it's more like what you would see with your own two eyes if you were there."
"Now that we're a little bit further away, everything looks a lot more proportional."
"Colors can either be vibrant or super muted and dull - they're on a spectrum."
"Looks like it's full but trust me there is a lot more space to be used here."
"We cherish women more and we understand men are visual."
"The sharpness of the paint, you know, it really does look at that dude, that's crazy man."
"I played the Wind Waker remake and thought, 'This is how I remember it looking.'"
"Is it dark visually or dark like spiritually?"
"This symmetry is baked into the laws of physics and there it manifests as the Strong Force, but SU(3) is free to appear in many other contexts, like the behavior of the color receptors in our eyes."
"I'm just going to make sure that the top of this hill is reading as being illuminated from that sun in through there."
"Seeing lights and geometric shapes When You Close Your Eyes reflects not just a change in visual perception but an invitation to explore the depths of your own existence."
"The colors are incredible, the brightness, and it's huge."
"Just because the posterior is actually one of the most prominent things in the shot doesn't therefore convert it into a sexual object. Spider-Man is not being portrayed here as a sex object."
"You simply will not be able to very easily get past certain things if you can't see."
"I like have this all framed out the same way and you look ginormous, you're a big guy but like"
"This photo of Zelinski because there's something about optics that's just, you know, so..."
"The optical illusion just works. It just works."
"The brain's visual Machinery is not subject to the logic of the rest of the brain."
"Women have to again since men are visual men have to see the prize before they can work for it."
"One might even see the dimming with unaided eyes because it was so obvious for several months."
"Edges are very important to the way that we see the world and they can extrapolate from it and deduce what the overall structure is."
"If your game looks crap, people will think it's crap. If your game looks good and visually satisfying, then people will think it's good."
"That’s not one ration card. It’s just the way we see the cards straight-on that makes it look like one card."
"Nothing will ever convey that pure spectacle of watching a car at the track and being able to follow it with your eyes at your pace as opposed to someone else's eyes with a camera lens."
"Your eyes never stop moving while taking in visual information."
"Check out those eyes, they look so realistic and lifelike."
"It feels like you're looking at a toy inside a plastic box."
"If you can see the entire mountain, it's always more distinct at the top than it is at the bottom."
"I just swear to god if you angle just right it's pink."
"That's perspective, further away you get from it the lower it will appear, right? It doesn't physically change its height, it just appears that way to your eyes."
"It’s almost like you could reach out and touch it—like you’re in a movie theater with 3D glasses on."
"Visually it looks better and I definitely, where's Lady Bird on this side so if I turn that bright light on she goes to like the little bit dimmer side too so I gotta, I gotta play with that a little bit."
"A white aeroplane is actually hardest to spot against the ground."
"So that way it looks like we're looking through the glass."
"Being aware of this is a big step towards understanding how things set in 3D space."
"Welcome to Pareidolia! I probably butchered the pronunciation, but this is a subreddit for pictures of things that are kind of inanimate but evoke or look like other things that make you think of other things."
"If you look at it from just the right angle, the Devil's Bridge makes a perfect circle with its reflection in the water."
"Their eyes are never on the side of their head to the extent that they are on real cows."
"Objects in shadow appear darker than they are, wired deeply into the mechanisms of visual perception."
"You kind of got to back up to see them properly."
"Man these things look totally different in the torchlight it's so cool."
"Why would one photo look so different than another?"
"Jumping spiders possess one of the most advanced and highly tuned visual systems in the animal kingdom."
"Apparently blue light can damage the rods and cones in your eyes... everything kind of just looks like cool toned and you're like dang this world is a lot more fresh and clean looking than I remember."
"The world is very visual, human beings are very visual animals."
"The model can learn global visual notion."
"We talk about that and then obviously if those visual misperceptions become severe enough then we encourage discussion about different medications for that."
"Your eyes just prefer to look at the image with motion BL than they do the one without."
"Long hair also has a tendency to drag our gaze downwards."
"Short hair creates a visual break that stops the gaze from being dragged downwards further."
"I'm slightly disappointed in the result, but visually, I think we all could see that Gourd was the winner at the end of the day."
"...so if I save that and we go back you can see that now this is you can make this out because it's lighter than the primary color behind it okay so you can easily lighten and darken colors..."
"The base color this year is actually called billiard gray...it looks at first glance some people are saying okay it looks kind of like the gun gray but it definitely is a lighter shade of gray than the gunship gray."
"When I take my calibrated LG CX and I put it next to my X300, they look identical."
"These blooms are huge. I wish that you could see on camera the scale of them."
"It just gives me a little bit more of that wide open look."
"When managing light well, you're manipulating the eye of the viewer."
"Persistence of vision is the principle which makes movies possible."
"Strong pattern and strong shapes of dark and light create a good design that kind of pulls your eye in from the bottom."
"...seeing is absolutely believing."
"I agree, Sherry. When it stands up, it's like whoa, I've never seen anything like that!"
"If you're good at growing corals, you don't see the rock. It's true, to some degree."
"Once you see it with your own eyes, there's something very powerful about it."
"We're constantly predicting the future with all of our senses, but visually to a much higher degree."
"Typically warm colors will come forward and cool colors will move back in your coloring scene. That's a good rule of thumb."
"Using cool colors, it visually makes the area look cooler."
"The reason you would place that bottom hinge higher up is actually because of an optical illusion called foreshortening."
"Through the eye, we perceive the beauty of the world around us."
"When you start shooting in monochrome mode, you're training your eye to see like a photographer."
"It's a beautiful color, kind of a gray-blue."
"The human eye will always look at the brightest part of an image first."
"The visual world exists in layers: foreground, middle ground, background."
"The gaze is the point in the visual field where this field takes the subject's look into account."
"Contrast is another thing that can make something look really shiny."
"When you look at an image like this and you see texture, your imagination really does fill in the blanks that are not very clear."
"Oh my gosh, this does not even look real."
"It must have been crazy upside down, look at this light pattern."
"Humans respond very strongly to visual stimuli; we make snap decisions in less than a few seconds."
"From a foot away, you don't even notice anymore, whereas before it just looked like a big cloudy scratch field."
"We're able to take in visual stimuli with our eyes; we are very prone to being able to line up with the horizon very effectively."
"If you have a warm bright vibrant image, it's going to feel either aggressive or energetic."
"People have an innate sense for what proper depth of field looks like."
"We know more about light, how our eyes respond to it, and the concept behind how it is presented to a display."
"Just focus on the pure and simple experience of seeing in simple geometric shapes."
"The figure-ground relationship tends to segment our visual world into figure and ground."
"Proximity asserts that things that are close to one another tend to be grouped together."
"Interference colors give a nice read depending on how that light kind of rakes across the surface."
"The average person can recognize anywhere from 10 to 30,000 visual object categories."
"This actually gets closer to the human eye."
"Work with our eyes to see what we see and try to make sense of it visually."
"It's going to make that pattern look a lot more complicated than it really is."
"The theory that went behind it was an extremely sophisticated understanding of color relationships and vibration and how colors affect each other."
"Colour is something that refers to all of the shades and tones that we see."
"The universe you see with your eyes and this universe you see with the radio waves."
"As the distance between the eye and an object increases, the field of view, colors, and differentiation of objects is maximized for a much richer view."
"The way that something lands on your eye makes such a big impact on how you make audio decisions."
"Shapes, a lot of times your eye will identify a shape in a scene before it even identifies anything else."
"We're training ourselves to see, to understand what our eyes are telling us."
"This truck looks so much better in person than in pictures."
"Softer lines will tend to recede or go back in space, and harder lines will tend to step forward."
"The earth is very diverse in terms of its chromatic input into the optic."
"Dithering basically fills in the colors in a low color image to make it appear as if there are more colors to the human eyes."
"The mind always wants to find visual balance."
"Our brains typically look for either a photo or video, and when it's somewhere in between, it's just really mind-boggling in the best of ways."
"There is a highly underappreciated aspect of what helps us move forward in space and move through the gait cycle effectively with those biomechanics, and that is the ability for the visual field to help us sense where we are in space and move forward."
"Years ago, the motion picture industry adapted a rectangle format to match the way the human eye naturally views the world."
"Dark colors tend to make things look smaller; light colors tend to make things look bigger."
"We're pattern recognizers and as a painter, you want to exploit the fact that you and I recognize patterns."
"That's amazing because you can see that it captures the world the way my eyes see it."
"Most people look at something and they don't see all of the various colors that a simple object can have."
"If you see enough variety of light values and dark values, you know you have enough contrast within your piece."
"The beauty about the two-door is you can't even tell it's the smaller version when you're looking at it from the front end."
"For a long time, it has been recognized there are four psychologically elementary colors: blue, green, yellow, and red."
"Rods allow you to see at night and function well in dim light, allowing you to see in black and white, not a lot of detail."
"When I first saw these images, I thought they were photographs."
"Humans are very visual creatures and they're looking at images to see whether or not a product is something that they want."
"A 3:1 ratio is very natural to us because it resembles the way we naturally see the world."
"The area that's brightest or has the most contrast is where your eye goes to the most."
"Colors that look impressively close to what you'll see with the naked eye."
"The optics on this are outstanding."
"Our visual perception is actually generated in the occipital lobes at the back of the brain and experienced as part of consciousness."
"Photometry is the study if you include the limitations of the human visual system."
"A great way to make the icon appear larger without actually making it bigger is to contain it in a shape like a circle."
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that's not a natural concept."
"Opponent process theory was born."
"But mainly what a black and white camera does is that it makes you just forget about colors. You just see light."
"We are like visual creatures; we get a lot of information from visual stimuli."
"Projective geometry is about how things look rather than how things are measured."
"A lot of bonsai is like that, you know, you present your trees on display, and then your eye kind of sees a familiar thing and it fills in all the missing details."
"That is our visual existence in Flatland, an abundance of lines living together on a flat plane."
"The seemingly curved lines are perfectly straight and parallel to each other."
"The number one tip I can give you for exterior lighting is that you don't actually have to light up the room; you have to light up the wall that you're seeing through the window."
"By combining the relative intensities of the light captured through these three filters, we can fairly precisely mimic what the human eye sees."
"It's got just enough photo realism that you know when you glance at it, it looks real."
"Your eye picks up detail with almost perfection. It can see bright highlights. It can see dark shadows."
"It's like someone's upped the saturation on nature, the greens are so vibrant."
"When an object moves, then you know from time instant to time instant that it's the same object."
"The human eye can recognize symmetry very well."
"It creates this sort of illusion that the thing closer to the camera is moving faster than the thing further away."
"Light makes things pop out, dark makes them recede."