
Manuscripts Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"The Voynich Manuscript is a rather mysterious document written in an unknown writing system."
"We have about 5,500 Greek New Testament manuscripts."
"The existence of manuscripts is an amazing discovery, revealing details about life in Timbuktu centuries ago."
"Islamic extremists targeted ancient manuscripts and destroyed many of them."
"Hold on, we're going to find an awful lot more about these manuscripts."
"The Voynich manuscript, which gets its name from the Polish book dealer who purchased it in 1912..."
"It's very exciting to think that the parchment that the animal from which the parchment came could have been living at the time of the prophet Muhammad."
"My new favorite genre is people in medieval manuscripts who have been stabbed but simply do not care."
"Paleography is the study of old handwriting and the manuscripts that that handwriting is written on."
"These 2 manuscripts (Ramayan & Mahabharat)...are enough to show how rich our Indian culture was."
"In 1990, researchers stumbled upon a cave unlike any other. They called it the library cave because it contained tens of thousands of manuscripts hailed as the Oriental version of the Dead Sea Scrolls."
"Meet Abdelkaider Haidera, the man who risked his life to save almost four hundred thousand ancient manuscripts from Timbuktu from being destroyed."
"The more manuscripts that we found of the Bible, the more differences we found of the Bible."
"You don't even need the manuscripts."
"We have over 5,000 manuscripts of the Greek New Testament."
"...we now have actual Quranic fragments from manuscripts from the time of the Prophet himself."
"Here you can see the biggest and the smallest Armenian manuscripts."
"All accurate modern translations are going back to the same original manuscripts."
"We have an embarrassment of riches when it comes to New Testament manuscripts."
"The TR is an edited reconstructed Greek text based upon a small minority of very late manuscripts"
"Your Bibles are not written off of one manuscript or two manuscripts."
"Cheatham's Library's collection includes more than 40 medieval manuscripts."
"Most textual scholars believe that majority of the changes or alterations in the manuscripts of the New Testament were made before the second century."
"These seven verses are not found in any other Greek manuscripts."
"Manuscripts were considered as valuable as gold and silver and diamonds."
"There was interest, manuscripts were considered as valuable as gold and silver and diamonds."
"Families, particularly Royal and Elite families, they actually love to acquire these manuscripts."
"Thank you for your Super Chat I'm trying to find these book on the text of the gospels and the early fathers but can't find it is there another which deals with the New Testament as found in the early patriotics and manuscripts for the followers."
"Read about dancing in medieval manuscripts."
"The average time span between when those books were written and the first manuscripts copies we have of them is between five and nine hundred years. Now compare that with the New Testament."
"Even a dramatist as concerned with his legacy as Ben Johnson did not preserve his manuscripts."
"The statement that no play survives in Shakespeare's hand is actually false."
"No anonymous copies of Matthew Mark Luke and John have ever been found."
"This was discovered in the late 1800s, 1896 to 97, in this storeroom. It's the world's largest and arguably the most important single collection of medieval Jewish manuscripts ever."
"The apographa of let's say the Byzantine manuscript tradition is an identical form as the autographer so that means all Byzantine manuscripts are the same right no look for example at the difficult task."
"We don't have the original New Testament; they've disappeared, and the manuscripts have discrepancies among them; therefore, we have to do textual criticism."
"So what is a textual variant? Let's begin with that. It's any place among the manuscripts in which there's a variation in wording, including word order, omission, or addition of words, even spelling differences—all that counts. Those are textual variants."
"This catapulted St. Catherine's into number two position in the world for having ancient manuscripts, just after a little place called the Vatican."
"And this manuscript that I was looking at from St. Petersburg was one that Howard didn’t have."
"Probably the most important kind of painting in the Dark Ages is what we call illuminated manuscripts."
"Not a single manuscript is in tally with the other one, everyone is different to each other."
"Over his nearly 40 years in India, he amassed a collection of 1,500 historical manuscripts written on palm leaves in 13 languages."
"Egypt's dry conditions made the perfect place for manuscripts to be preserved in the sand for hundreds of years."
"Including the most ancient collection of all four gospels. Papyrus 45."
"And what we've been told is that they're very old, they get very close to the originals, and what was very exciting, they preserved the text of the originals."
"More than 70 public libraries of which the one in Cordova alone contained 600,000 manuscripts."
"Most of the oldest surviving manuscripts of classical writing... are copies that were made in Charlemagne's monasteries."
"That was my beginning, that's how I started with the editing of manuscripts."
"I didn't need to go to university for that, I read one book about the editing of manuscripts that helped me out as well."
"The more manuscripts that we have, the more we can start tracing the genealogical relationship among these manuscripts."
"Papyri are manuscripts that, as their name implies, are written on the material papyrus."
"These manuscripts are generally speaking our very oldest manuscripts of the New Testament."
"Uncials or majuscules are manuscripts that are written with capital letters."
"Continuous text manuscripts have a whole book in its normal chapters and in its normal order."
"We have almost 5800 numbered Greek New Testament manuscripts that exist today."
"...the texts in the caves at Qumran are 1,000 years older than the text than the oldest text that we had in 1947."
"We're pretty close to what were the original manuscripts."
"What an excellent example of the challenges that we find in editing or translating from complicated manuscript traditions."
"Scribes took the utmost care to really carefully copy these manuscripts."
"We do find the names of [SPEAKING TIBETAN] in Bon manuscripts that means, dating it back, as I said before, to the end of the ninth century."
"The basic Quranic Continental text is remarkably uniform across the manuscripts."
"These double-layered manuscripts are known as palimpsests and their invisible lettering can teach us a lot about the ancient world."
"Dead Sea Scrolls immediately move you back in time a thousand years like overnight."
"We don't need to have one or the other; we need to use the collection of manuscripts we have to find the best reading and the best understanding."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls... give us our earliest versions on record."
"Most of the text of the New Testament, there are no variant readings... so with the best manuscripts available... people can be completely confident that they're reading what the Apostles wrote."
"The precious manuscripts of Shingetti, the Sorbon of the desert, have resisted the onslaught of time."
"...there's something close to 6,000 manuscripts...in terms of accurately being able to reconstruct what the original was..."
"Did Jonathan tell you that he believed he had found an incredibly valuable manuscript among the ones he was translating that were found in an old church?"
"We have instead thousands and thousands of manuscripts."
"Drawings made in manuscripts in Western Europe in the earlier Middle Ages is vast enough in terms of techniques, contexts, and purposes."
"As soon as you get the opportunity to get your manuscripts in their hands, you don't want to throw that chance away."
"They edited ancient manuscripts and made the best editions."
"Once we found the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947, we found Old Testament manuscripts that were more than a thousand years older than the ones that we previously had."
"The very fact that we can read so clearly letters from the inside of a scroll is really incredible."
"This text is completely new and unknown, so this is really striking here, very exciting."
"The Anglo-Saxons are famous for a lot of reasons: making beautiful manuscripts, laying the foundation of the modern English language, but also for their martial prowess."
"The oldest [manuscripts] potentially date back to as early as 250 BCE."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls are among the most famous ancient documents in the world."
"The monastery of Sakya... allegedly contains 84,000 secret manuscripts, the history of all humanity for the past 10,000 years."
"New Dead Sea scroll text earlier this year researchers realized that a series of Dead Sea scroll manuscript fragments previously thought to be blank actually contain text."
"Christianity was a successful and prolific religion, that's what many manuscripts suggest."
"The oldest bits of the New Testament in the world have been found quite close to here."
"It's an extremely sophisticated manuscript even by much later standards."
"The text inside the tunnel predates the earliest manuscripts of the Bible, including the Dead Sea Scrolls."
"Archaeological technology advancing more rapidly than any period in recorded history, an ever-increasing number of ancient Hebrew manuscripts are coming to light."
"The manuscripts of the Bible are ginormous; there's no other book that has as much manuscript."
"We can demonstrate a very clear historical narrative about its preservation, evidenced by manuscripts, by oral transmission, by the people that engaged in this."
"The stakes actually are really high if you think about the possibility of revealing these manuscripts to the world from 2,000 years ago that no one's ever read."
"Every single manuscript agrees on the major testimony of the events of Jesus's life."
"Among the various recitations and even in the manuscripts that we're finding, certainly there are variations."
"Ancient manuscripts... are being documented online."
"When we apply carbon dating to some of the more recent manuscripts that we've found, like the Birmingham manuscripts, they actually literally go back to around the time of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him."
"Illuminated manuscripts and indeed manuscripts in general were not cheap; they were frequently bespoke, made by incredibly skilled craftspeople."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls are some of the oldest, most important writing in the world."
"The age of a manuscript does not necessarily tell you its importance."
"To facilitate the best possible trust in the Gospels, we've actually got to get back to the original Greek manuscripts."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls have provided Old Testament manuscripts approximately 1,000 years older than our previous oldest manuscripts."
"The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, however, changed all of this."
"A lot of the time, people think that the Bible is just one flat thing; they're like, 'This is what the Bible says.' But my response to that is, 'Which manuscript?' because different manuscripts say different things."
"It's important to absolutely look for evidence, it's important to have these concrete foundations of manuscripts and early writings."