
Prehistory Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"Green Sahara: There was a period in pre-history where much of the Sahara desert was not a sandy wasteland but once a lush and wet grassland."
"The entirety of this prehistoric animal's last moments alive are recorded in this rock, with all sorts of behaviors able to be interpreted from the marks it left all those millions of years ago."
"It's a universal human legacy from a lost civilization of prehistoric antiquity."
"Such discoveries paint the picture of how little we know about animals in our prehistory and how diverse the earth once was with many unique evolutionary one-offs now almost entirely lost to us."
"The site of Bruniquel Cave, with its structures made of stalagmites and evidence of fire use, suggests pre-planned ritual behavior dating back 176,000 years ago."
"The oldest known evidence of art made by humans is a series of cave paintings found in the Chauvet cave in France."
"Human prehistory is divided up into certain segments, some minor and some major, but none more important than the division between the Pleistocene, which includes the time most popularly known as the Ice Age, and the Holocene, which is our current age."
"The Altamura Man lived during the late Middle to early Late Pleistocene period around 150,000 years ago."
"It really raises question it doesn't prove anything in the typical sense of you know a scientific proof but it certainly creates a circumstantial argument that there was something greater going on in prehistory that has been lost to history."
"Here at the very edge of the earth then existed a prehistoric lost world of flightless Giants and winged predators left alone to grow to immense sizes in perfect equilibrium with each other for millions of years."
"Thrinaxodon, the ultimate prehistoric survivor."
"Before the beginning of the universe, before even the creation of the 'six singularities' that caused the universe to explode into existence, there were the Celestials."
"It is fascinating to think what else is hidden in humanity's prehistory, what other branches and peoples existed back then with their stories no longer visible in our modern world."
"Game of Thrones going back in time, like to when the White Walkers roamed the earth, that kind of stuff, you did good."
"You're looking at this animal that died, that fell in this spring more than 12,000 years ago."
"Roots of Pacha is set in the prehistoric stone age times, allowing players to develop the tools and ideas that reshaped the primitive world."
"Ancient cave drawings: A glimpse into prehistoric life."
"Imagine a world with a single vast landmass enveloped in a climate that was uniformly warm, stable, and possibly teeming with vegetation and life."
"This is where a groundbreaking discovery was made, a discovery which may shed new light on our mysterious prehistoric past."
"Venus figurines were manufactured over a vast period of time from around forty thousand years ago and up to around 13,000 years ago."
"Humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets."
"It's the mentor of all the greatest prehistoric Predators."
"Marine archaeology holds the key to uncovering more about prehistory."
"I mean, they could have changed the bevel. They could have made them as comfortable as they can be, dragged 65 million years into the future."
"These rock formations made between 8,500 and 4,800 years ago contain the remains of animal bones that might have been religious offerings."
"I'm a massive history buff especially for pre-history in ancient history because it's a very cool point where prehistory meshes with human history."
"People entered North America up to 33,000 years ago."
"The stone age was a time of limited materials yet endless creativity."
"The Hypogeum on the island of Malta dates back to around 3,300 BC and is the most impressive architectural achievement of the island's prehistory."
"What can we now piece together about the prehistoric story?"
"The Venus of Willendorf is a 30,000-year-old mystery, with over 100 similar figures found throughout Europe."
"It's also believed that the shape of their homes indicates some level of mathematical understanding beyond what would have been expected for a Mesolithic Society."
"Is your gut instinct that this is prehistoric? Yes, 100%."
"10,000 years ago the Native Americans of the Great Lakes were among the best scientists in the world."
"The humans before the event could have been significantly more advanced than we are today."
"Millions of years before humankind, the planet was ruled by massive creatures."
"The art really is beautiful and certainly invokes a Jurassic feeling."
"Like all of our prehistory, the Iron Age is shrouded in mystery, but clues can be found if you know where to look."
"This proves beyond all doubt that there were already humans in the Americas at the time of the last glacial maximum."
"It boggles my mind that something that big was roaming around the earth at some point in time."
"Dinosaurs are probably the coolest things that have ever lived on this planet."
"Rethinking what humans are and how we've lived over the last few hundred thousand years may then open us up not just to new discoveries about prehistory but new possibilities for our future."
"We know more about prehistoric migrations thanks to new discoveries challenging old narratives."
"And what this journey shows us is that our pre-history is still a part of who we are today and it's a part of our story that's only revealed with the health of archaeology and so the digging continues."
"The take-home message from my lecture here today will be that we are in the process of rewriting European prehistory and it will never look the same."
"This discovery is significant as it's the earliest discovery of wine residue in the entire prehistory of the Italian peninsula."
"The majority of prehistoric North Africa was black or of ethnic groups indistinguishable from what we would call Black Africans today."
"Before humans wandered this land, there were the animals."
"We can infer who was drinking milk at a personal level throughout prehistory."
"Neanderthals adapted to hunt giant elephants called pale loxodon antiquus with sharp stone tools."
"Anomaly opened in an airport leading to the Jurassic period."
"Woolly mammoths haven't been around for a long time."
"Lake Vostok: a prehistoric reserve sealed beneath Antarctic ice, holding secrets of ancient life forms."
"These are really our special places in pre-history."
"Velociraptors are dinosaurs that were really small and fast that lived between 70 and 90 million years ago."
"Life before domestication, agriculture was in fact largely one of leisure, intimacy with nature, sensual wisdom, sexual equality, and health."
"Constructed over 12,000 years ago, Göbekli Tepe predates the Great Pyramids by almost 7,000 years."
"The important thing to remember is when before we discovered and figured out things like Spears and bows and arrows and stuff like that and how to hunt, we were scavengers who would pick over what was left over from the other animals."
"A Forgotten Valley, Home to Relic Populations of Woolly Mammoths"
"She encourages a kind of fluidity which feels very modern to us but is in fact prehistoric."
"The earliest occupation of Alabama began during the Pleistocene Geological Era."
"Groups of nomadic hunters, ultimately from Northeast Asia, entered the area of Alabama, perhaps around 12,000 BC."
"These beautifully crafted fluted stone projectile points were the high technology of the times."
"Isn't it crazy that dinosaurs existed? Like these creatures were so big and they were like the top."
"Homo erectus persisted on the planet for almost 2 million years."
"Researchers believe Neanderthals had lived inside the cave over 40,000 years ago; they wandered out in the daytime to collect snails, then retreated into the safety and cozy darkness of the secret cavern, like the womb of the Earth."
"The roots of the human race are shrouded in mystery, lost in the depths of prehistoric time."
"Millions of years ago, this area near Hagerman was an ancient flood plain with grasslands and savannas teeming with wildlife from another time."
"Look at real human history, the Stone Age lasted two million years and we have no written record of it."
"Maybe there was a time before the Big Bang."
"Millions of years ago, in an era long before the emergence of humanity, terrifying sea creatures inhabited the waters of our planet."
"Dinosaurs have undoubtedly marked history."
"Here we are at the beginning of the Cretaceous, 145 million years ago."
"Archaeologists and students of prehistoric times almost unanimously agree that before the occupation of this continent by the American Indian, another race of men more populous and civilized possessed the land."
"It's like if you had a time machine and visited the British Isles around 100,000 years ago, you probably would have guessed the long-term history of this part of the world is going to be these repeated colonizations of the continent, followed by extinction events."
"Dinosaurs were huge animals with rough skin; they became extinct when the last ones died many millions of years ago."
"Dinosaurs used to inhabit the Earth long before the Ice Age."
"What if a man from the Upper Paleolithic survives till the present day and never dies?"
"It gives us an insight into the mind of people 42,000 years ago."
"It is a theory of consciousness unlike any other that encourages you to totally reinterpret all of human prehistory in society."
"Reflective thought is born, the development of man from the earliest forms of pre-hominoids up to present-day man."
"The Cave of Altamira offers a breathtaking glimpse into the artistic genius of our ancient ancestors."
"This is the story of a brave new prehistoric world, a story of cutting-edge science and heated debate about the evolution of our species, Homo sapiens."
"We learned how to grab stuff and bang rocks together to make pointed rocks."
"More than 3000 prehistoric standing stones... but no one has any idea about their intended purpose."
"Cro-Magnon appears around forty thousand years ago with a fully developed tool kit not found anywhere else on the earth."
"The megalithic temples of Malta...stand as remarkable prehistoric structures."
"We can never really know what dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals were like, but we'd like to think they resembled the characters in The Land Before Time."
"Primeval China: An international team of researchers have just shed light on the lifestyle of primitive people living in China 40,000 years ago."
"Wow, this is so cool, guys. We got cool caveman!"
"The footprint could be true physical evidence of a massive race that ruled the globe in prehistory."
"He's left the safety of the 21st century behind and travelled back to prehistory."
"It's the largest concentration of Ice Age tracks anywhere in the Americas so far."
"They were just as human as you and I, only in their own way."
"The site predates the Iron Age, the Bronze Age, or even the pottery age. Stone Age way beyond 6,000 years."
"It was a time when monsters like the plant-eating sauropods ruled the Earth."
"Dinosaurs actually lived in social herds 193 million years ago."
"The Jurassic Sea Dragon would have made modern great white sharks look harmless by comparison."
"The Lascau cave paintings... show extinct species of bulls called aurox, ancient massive horses, and strange figures of a man with the head of a bird."
"The world of prehistoric man is just as intriguing as any written in fiction."
"It was a nice day. All the days had been nice."
"The Neolithic Age was the final phase of the Stone Age and the time when humans began to first farm the land."
"Talking about the history of this type of places is talking about the Ancient Age of 4000 years before Christ."
"If you analyze the cave art, there are so many details that make it clear that this was an art of altered states of consciousness, of visions."
"Prehistoric North Africa was a time when the entire region was flourishing with wildlife, trees, grass, and even rivers."
"Dinosaurs lived from about 231 million years ago to 66 million years ago during the Mesozoic era." - Katie Weaver
"Long before the dawn of humanity, Lucifer attempted to overthrow God."
"The Kim Kim fossil formation in North Africa is probably the most fascinating fossil bed ever discovered."
"Before Time existed as we know it, before the dawning of the world, we humans were there."
"...it's the highest concentration of prehistoric sites in the world in the Dordogne."
"Forty thousand years ago is an important point in history for scientists."
"Hunter-gatherers follow herds of prey animals, gather berries and seafood, hunt small game and fish to nourish themselves."
"It's believed that language developed well over a hundred thousand years before even the simplest forms of writing."
"The evidence of man-made weapons embedded in the fossilized remains of a species extinct for that period was irrefutable."
"The Stegosaurus was more ancient to the T-Rex than the T-Rex is to us."
"It felt surreal standing there and imagining that 1.6 million years ago, an early human walked those lands."
"Countless millions of years ago, that was a rainy season, that was a dry season."
"Deciphering this has significant ramifications for the way in which we view the pre-history of the Indian subcontinent."
"What's a mammoth? It's a woolly elephant."
"We were there at the creation beginning of creation and we were there when there's caves."
"It was the time of the missing link, an epoch that scientists understand very little about."
"This is a story that happened before everything that you see, before these ridges, before the valley that Ellensburg sits in, before it became dry and desert-like here."
"The area was continuously occupied throughout prehistory."
"The Pleistocene is often referred to as the Ice Age."
"Mammoths had the highest HP of any Ice Age build and also some top-tier gear."
"An international team of scientists has changed history forever, proving that in prehistoric foraging communities, there were women hunters."
"We saw how the broad spectrum strategy combined with the storage of harvested cereals and pulses and grasses made the Epi-Paleolithic a terrific pair different from all earlier periods of human prehistory."
"Some of the largest animals ever to grace the surface of planet Earth congregated to feed and migrate."
"We're talking about the most important prehistoric archaeological area in Greece."
"This was Homo habilis, the very first species of true human under the genus name Homo."
"For almost a million years, these apes would live in social colonies across the plains and savannas of eastern and southern Africa and were our earliest human ancestors."
"Homo habilis is believed to have been one of the first users of early stone tools in the hominid lineage."
"The sun is beginning to rise on another warm morning in the late Pleistocene epoch of southern China."
"Gigantopithecus, one of the most awe-inspiring creatures pre-history has ever seen, co-existed with some of our early ancestors."
"I was always fascinated with dinosaurs and life before the human race."
"People from the Ice Age were counting using small marks drawn on cave walls."
"It proved that prehistoric creatures had tried to fly ten million years earlier than scientists had suspected."
"Let's just see if we're in the dinosaur period, see if this thing worked."
"Wow, that's a raptor tooth. Maybe we really are in the Jurassic time period."
"Look at how prehistoric they are, absolutely amazing."
"People used to hold the stone and hit it onto another stone to shape it into arrowheads, knives, and other household tools."
"Ice Age humans were definitely productive."
"Finding such sophisticated stuff before the advent of Agriculture suggests that humans are a lot more clever and a lot more capable than we ever gave them credit for."
"Lascaux cave... contains some of the most iconic cave paintings ever studied."
"DNA is going to be the way forward for everything to do with prehistory."
"To imagine this completely different landscape only 11,000 years ago is quite amazing."
"Homo naledi is a testament to the diversity of human evolution, almost an evolutionary anomaly amongst the ever-increasing brain sizes of the middle and late Pleistocene epochs."
"With the tracks sitting here looking almost like they were made last week, you really get the feeling that they might just come right back by."
"Disturbing a sleeping Cave Bear would have led to a deadly confrontation where spears clashed with claws."
"Perhaps some other species on Earth briefly rose to at least our level of development millions of years ago."
"Before we settle down and before the agricultural revolution, there's only two to three million people on the entire planet."
"It is believed that Stonehenge was built about 5,000 years ago."
"Stone Age man started to use bow and arrow."
"Ambling through sharp edges of coniferous plants and the aromatic fervor of ginkgo trees was a world bustling with shovel-mouthed, barrel-bodied herbivores."
"The standard of living, the technology here just before the flood was probably equal to or even surpassing where we are today."
"There were humans long before there was history."
"These tools are half a million years old, the absolute oldest ever found in Europe."
"About 73,000 years ago, the first doodle, an abstract hashtag symbol, marked the beginning of symbolic activity in human society."
"Early humans were using the cave as a home over 2 million years ago."
"Silbury Hill is the largest artificial mound in Europe."
"Silbury Hill is certainly an enigma."
"A single mammoth could provide millions of calories."
"A really interesting conclusion is the use of fire and the manufacture of handaxes are two parts of the technological package that they bring into the area at this time."
"Around 400,000 years ago, there's evidence of an expanding human population right across northern Europe, including Britain."
"Britain was a very different place, much warmer than today with animals that seem exotic to us now."
"The Deinosuchus was a terrifying prehistoric alligator, the largest and the Undisputed top predator of its day."
"Reaching dinosaur-like proportions, this living relic of oceanic prehistory has topped 40 feet and 20,000 pounds, making it the largest fish in the sea."
"The artifacts were found at a site in Kenya where prehistoric humans used stone tools for butchering animals and mashing plant material."
"There is a hominin with a brain case size half that of modern humans, that is doing things like utilizing fire intentionally, burying its dead, potentially using stone tools, and of course making art."
"The Ancients is a turn-based survival game set in the prehistoric era."
"It's safe to say that whatever the missing link is for humans and hominids and apes was engaging in very human-like behavior long before humans were ever a thing."
"I love collecting all these prehistoric animals, I don't know why, I love them a lot, in fact, I love them more than dinosaurs sometimes."
"Within a few years, this remarkable find would lead to the discovery of a prehistoric past that defied imagination."
"I am a paleontologist, so I study prehistory, like before humans essentially."
"The thing that I'm most passionate about is the period before we invented writing."
"Before there were any human beings on the earth, there were specified and complex creatures that appear to have to be designed by something other than natural forces."
"The great woolly mammoth seems to be the favorite of all the extinct prehistoric creatures."
"By studying the bones and studying the associated sediments, we were able to piece together these shreds of evidence to a much more coherent story of what life was like in the prehistoric past."
"While dinosaurs were ruling the land, the Mosasaurus was busy ruling the seas."
"The village of Skara Brae is considered one of the most remarkable prehistoric monuments."
"Welcome to the Paleolithic era, where players are controlling a tribe of prehistoric humans trying to survive as best they can."
"Two million years ago, the first known Pokémon walked the earth."