
Ancient Art Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Donkey-headed Jesus: This is the Alexamenos graffito, a piece of graffiti in Rome that might be the earliest depiction of Jesus."
"This is a 7,000-year-old petroglyph discovered in Mexico in 1966."
"The Etruscans reached their peak from the 8th to the 5th century BC in central Italy and were famous for their art, commerce, writing, and metal work."
"Fourteen thousand-year-old cave art in Spain."
"Imagine stumbling upon a cave with stunningly preserved Paleolithic paintings that make Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel look like a kindergarten drawing."
"A 2013 study analyzing a series of petroglyphs... determined that they constitute the oldest known rock art in North America."
"He's 40,000 years old. Wow, the oldest figurative art in the world."
"Lascaux Cave: prehistoric art, forbidden entry, and ongoing preservation."
"Chauvet Cave... the cave's walls are covered with intricately drawn animals, both painted and engraved, dating back roughly 33,000 years."
"NASA said they believed in Aliens... investigating unidentified flying objects."
"The ancient sculpture: The Lion Man, carved from mammoth ivory 40,000 years ago... Proof that people were capable of complex thought and art long before civilization."
"The stone pillars of Göbekli Tepe, carved with an impressive array of reliefs and symbols, are among the earliest known examples of narrative art, offering profound insights into the prehistoric mind."
"Certainly, there's some rock art in Australia that is at least 30,000 years old and it indicates the depiction of faces."
"The drawing appears to be the oldest known portrait of the human face."
"Some 44,000 years ago, someone crouched in a cave crushed a chunk of ironstone hematite into a pigment and proceeded to paint a rich scene onto the limestone walls."
"Inside the cliffside cave, Adam found ancient paintings going back 44,000 years."
"This drone made a chilling Discovery after spotting this on the side of a mountain... some sort of rock art, a carving of someone or maybe a god."
"The archaeologists called it the Sistine Chapel of the Ancients... as giant sloths and Ice Age horses."
"Ancient Egyptian mummy portraits have been a curiosity to archaeologists for centuries."
"The Nasca culture of ancient Peru created one of the greatest collections of geoglyphs in the world."
"Rock art: the Sistine Chapel of the ancient world."
"Rock art: Archaeologists were left stunned and even in tears when they discovered this breathtaking ancient art in the depths of the Amazon rainforest."
"The Terracotta Army: one of the ancient world's greatest engineering, manufacturing, and artistic achievements."
"The cave has paintings of people which appear to be swimming along with other animals such as giraffes and hippopotamus."
"The scientists told an incredulous Beaton that the figure depicted on the buckskin scrap was a dinosaur drawn in flawless anatomical detail."
"More than 36,000 years ago, these paintings were made in Chavez Pont de Arcave in France."
"Now we're moving on to some other thousand-year-old rock art in South America."
"But could alien visitors from other worlds have come to this spot even before Carahunge was built?"
"Could these ancient stone carvings actually be primitive portraits of visitors from the sky?"
"It's a amazing displays of ancient petroglyphs they're up on the Rocks here and it is just so cool if you stop and just stand and look at it you'll start to see all the different shapes."
"I found this absolute gem while looking through this massive folder of ancient artwork."
"Bush Barrow's golden-crusted dagger is a tribute to ancient artists' Innovation and ability."
"Art produced in the Gulf Coast of Mexico between 1200 BC and 400 BC is highly regarded for its fine detail and use of jade, volcanic stone, and skillfully crafted ceramics."
"Who were artists in ancient Egypt and what audiences did they address?"
"The spiral has been in our history for thousands of years... prehistoric man was probably putting it on cave paintings."
"They seem to stand for human figures and contain the oldest stone relief sculpture that's ever been found."
"The oldest depiction of the human form is the Venus of Hohle Fels."
"The artwork found in this ancient Cavern shows a messy integration of cultures not just a bloody Conquest."
"Rediscover the ancient art of mead making and create a world-class range of light and refreshing drinks."
"The church even contains some of the oldest Christian art in the world."
"The seated scribe... is one of the most remarkable pieces of ancient Egyptian art ever recovered."
"The body of the Statue of Zeus was covered in ivory, and his clothes in gold."
"For your information, he's probably one of the five foremost living authorities on ancient art and literature in the Orient."
"If you ever saw the glowing Nazca lines piercing the sky, it was probably too late for you."
"The Nazca lines are an extraordinary array of ancient drawings etched into the barren landscape of the Nazca desert in southern Peru."
"One of the sarcophagi is decorated with a Medusa relief and they all date to about 2,300 years ago."
"The gods have spoken, this guy is like perfectly carved, not even damaged at all."
"This is the first ancient marble statue in Turkish history to be found still in its original position."
"What you're seeing along these walls here is a depiction of the village that's down the hill."