
Intangibility Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"The most important stuff to us... includes love. Yes, there's no numbers to love, there's no cost, there's no money price you can put on it."
"The spirit whether religious or however you want to describe it, there are elements that will not be put down in the account book because they cannot be tabulated."
"I think there are some things that money can't buy and I think one of those truly is like love you can't you can't buy it you can't."
"You can completely pause it and build stuff in pause if you wish."
"It's a very interesting intangible culture that has been recognized by UNESCO."
"You can't quantify love, which is what reality is."
"Just because we can't see or touch love doesn't mean it's not real."
"The bond built up between soldiers in combat is something that you can't quantify."
"True change is almost a magical thing, it can't really be quantified, it's something that happens to a human being when the time is right for that person."
"Religions are faith-based and hope-based, not tangible things."
"The really valuable things in life are personal connections... which you can't buy."
"Handle me and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bones."
"Love is the mystery behind birth and death; it can't be owned, misused, or possessed."
"I am often exchanged, bartered, and sold, but never controlled."
"The Christmas spirit cannot be measured in terms of money."
"There's a reason people haven't been tackling it cuz it's like trying to grab a cloud."
"There was nothing human in the terror that held me prisoner. You can fight evil if it is concrete; this was something that could not be touched or seen, yet something always at my heels."
"You can't touch him, but it's touching you."
"That's what Bilis understood, that Iman is something which is just not to do with what you can measure from the physical and material things that you see."
"...it’s something more intangible, and more spiritual, that provides her freedom."
"Look at it, you cannot see it. Listen to it, you cannot hear it. Reach for it, you cannot grasp it."
"I'm telling you, man, you can't download love."
"...digital products are essentially intangible items whereas the physical products you can touch it you can feel it digital products are actually just in a different format."
"The most real thing that we have is something that you can't see."
"You can't touch it. How do you beat something that you can't touch?"
"There's substance that you cannot see but you can feel."
"Knowing that love is not something that you can grasp or acquire or grab onto."
"It's impossible to measure our spiritual progress because it's very subtle and gradual."
"You are not an object of the senses so it cannot be seen, smelt, heard, tasted, or touched."
"Momentum's a huge part of the sport but momentum's like the wind you can't see it but you sure as heck can feel it."
"Christmas spirit cannot be measured that is an intangible value Christmas spirit is just something in the air."
"Hope is not tangible; it's a belief."
"True peace, true love, true truth, true justice, true freedom, true you cannot be visualized."
"The memories danced in my mind, forever out of reach."
"True riches are not money; there are things that money cannot buy."
"The greatest reality is intangible."
"If we live so much in the intangibles, can't there be something in us that is intangible?"
"It has neither shape nor color, that's why there's nothing to talk about, you can't see it, you can only feel it."
"How do you beat something you can't hit?"
"The quality of leadership is the most intangible of all character traits."
"Evil isn't something you can pinpoint or hold, cradle or banish; evil hides, sigh and invisible, in the corners of everything else."
"The glory that really matters in life is not so important the surroundings; it comes from the abstract things that your accountant cannot count."
"Power does not require physical presence."
"Self-improvement, a commodity which is immeasurable."
"Some things in life you can't buy, and that's what Michael has to offer."
"Our inability to count, weigh, sort, or photograph some things does not mean that those things are non-existent."
"The most valuable thing you own isn't something money can buy; it's peace of mind."
"Music where it elevates a part of you that is unquantifiable."
"All my memories are like, I don't have a lot, like everything that I have is really in my heart."
"The things that matter most in this world are priceless; you can't buy them."
"It's a feeling, it's something that can't necessarily be quantified."
"There's just an intangible wonderfulness to them."
"You need to work in order to obtain the things that you really truly desire, the things that you can't buy."
"You can't buy loyalty, yeah, and you can't buy structure, and you can't buy a heart."
"Hope is something that sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and can achieve the impossible."
"It's intangible... it's a feeling, almost more than something that could be put on paper."
"We have a connection and a chemistry that doesn't really matter about the physical."
"You cannot buy this feeling; it's impossible."
"It's not the reason my heart sings, what I've got, you couldn't put a price on that, 'cause I got something real."
"Respect and love, because money cannot buy those."
"Confidence, oh my goodness, such an ethereal thing."
"The concept of love cannot be tested by the five senses."
"The concept of love can't be tested by the five senses."
"Love is that spark, love is something you can't see."
"I see my rewards shall remain spiritual."
"The Divine love doesn't grow in the fields; it cannot be purchased in the market."
"What Wall Street has really done has created all of these intangible products."
"You can't put your arms around a memory."
"Many things that count cannot be counted."
"Love is a noun, it is a thing, but it is not a thing that you can see or touch or taste."
"Kindness, can you measure it? Can you touch it, can you feel it? No, it's just an idea."
"Faith is having the confidence in something that you haven't experienced with your senses yet."
"You can't measure faith in dollars and cents."
"Your value cannot be measured in human material things."
"There are more important things, more edifying things, that may not be as visible but are incredibly tangible as far as their results."
"Don't assign genders to things that are intangible."
"The most important things in human life are in fact not visible."
"We get satisfaction by growing our inner resources as well. They are uncountable in monetary terms."
"R'hllor is the god of fire and shadow, and you can't flay fire nor shadow."
"Every relationship that I have is based on something I cannot see: love, justice, integrity, faithfulness. These are unseen, intangible values, but the evidence is that those values are real."
"The murderer seemed impalpable, incorporeal, like a ghost."
"Love, you can't actually pay for love."
"Perfume is the most intangible form of memory."
"Music doesn't exist in this; it's out here, it's in here."
"You can't measure personal development."
"The real star of Christmas isn't something you can steal, in fact, it isn't something at all."
"...you can't find the soul which by definition ended up being the proof that it was there; it was intangible, it was the thing that made you special."
"The most meaningful and most real things in life are not visible."
"This is not the type of legacy that you can measure."
"Joy lasts forever and joy comes from things that you can't buy and you can't sell."
"It's just impossible to detect and study because dark matter is intangible; it emits no light and only leaves a gravitational fingerprint behind."
"They have an intangible quality that can't be described, but it comes from deep within their hearts."
"The magic is that intangible universal luck that provides an unexplainable push towards success."
"Chemistry and charisma, those two things you just cannot buy."
"Quality is not always seen, but it is always experienced."
"Soft skills are skills that are not very easy to define because they're not measurable."
"The best presents cannot be bought."
"Confidence is such a crazy thing, like you can't buy it because if you could, we'd figure out a way to buy that stuff."
"It's like holding a cloud almost."
"It's natural to conclude that something that was there is gone and that this something must be invisible and perhaps intangible."
"It is not something I can hold in my hand or wear around my throat, but something I hold in my heart."
"Inspiration, it's impact, and like that can't be quantified the same way."
"Greatness is your gift and the ability that you have that's intangible."
"Be like vapor; do not give your opponent anything solid to attack."
"The connection we have, you can't put that on paper."
"The mind is this very amazing phenomenon; no one has seen it, but yet everybody feels it."
"Emotions and things like love are invisible, but we experience them."
"The things that can't be bought can't be evaluated, and that makes them beyond human reach, untouchable, safe, otherworldly."
"Most important things in life for me are things I know I can't buy."
"Trust is a physical thing, even though it's not something you can see."
"Physical things don't satisfy; it's the things that are not physical that actually bring the greatest joy in our lives."
"The formless is like emotional energy, love and joy and happiness that's formless because we can't put love into a test tube and look at it."
"The mind is invisible and subtle, but I've come here to tell you that sometimes in life, things invisible are more important than things visible."
"Love is a beautiful thing because it's intangible and it's felt and it's delivered and it changes."
"Love is not the thing you can buy and sell."
"I just wanted to get near to the magic of something that seemed intangible."
"I believe in love, but I can't actually see it, I can't actually quantify and hold it in my hand, but I sure do believe it because I feel it."
"Her hero will also be blessed with luck and the ability to move through walls like a ghost."
"In the spiritual world, boundaries are just as real but often harder to see."
"True beauty is not something we can take a picture of; true beauty is what's in your heart."
"There are certain things that are intangible, but they do exist."
"Spirituality is science that cannot be seen, cannot be measured, cannot be proven by physical entities but can be felt."
"Something truly invaluable that money can't buy."
"Peace is powerful, you can't buy it."
"You can't put a price on that; it's like trying to monetize friendship."
"This 'I am' has no name or form; it can't be touched or tasted."
"When you have love for something, it's priceless. You can't really put a price on it."
"The strength of friendship isn't always something you can see."
"It's really hard to calculate the power of friendship."
"You have to believe in God and in things that you can't see, taste, hear, smell, or feel."
"It's more important and more powerful than any magic."
"The best and most wonderful things in the world cannot be seen or touched but are just felt in the heart."
"Some things that are symbol are more important than things that are physical."
"Unreachable, intangible, your limit cannot be found."
"The concept of love is something that is not tangible; we cannot sense it with our five senses, but it exists."
"We have tried to buy what cannot be bought with money."
"I am so much into immaterial things, the things that you just can't touch, can't you know, you just can experience deep inside and emotional level."
"The entirety of this world's been built upon things that nobody can see, hold, measure, or lay their hands on."
"It was nebulous nostalgia, like trying to wrap your fingers around the fragment of a dream."
"Happiness, you can't fit that in a box."
"Love has nothing to do with tangible things."
"You can't see love, you can't see air, and it's still there."
"Resisting the spirit is like resisting the wind; you can feel it but can't see it."
"Love is immaterial, that's the reason you cannot prove it in a lab."
"No matter how much money you have, you can't buy that."
"The best gift is more precious than gold but it cannot be sold."
"Forgiveness will not be on any registry, but it'll be worth more than you could even imagine."
"He cannot yet take physical form, but his spirit has lost none of its potency."
"Love is so pure a feeling, and we can't measure it with money."
"You can hear and control me, but you can never see or touch me."
"Music is the only art form that touches you but you can't touch it."
"You can't put a price on it, you can't put a material value or measure it."
"The type of elegance that money cannot buy."
"Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it."
"Energy is something you can't put a price tag on; it is priceless."