
Bipartisan Support Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Investments in climate and dealing with the climate crisis are incredibly popular, not only among Democrats but among Independents and a lot of Republicans."
"The biggest risk is not going too big if we go too small. We've been here before. When this nation hit the Great Recession that Barack and I inherited in 2009, I was asked to lead the effort on the Economic Recovery Act to get it passed. It was a big recovery package, roughly $800 billion. I did everything I could to get it passed, including getting three Republicans to change their votes and vote for it. But it wasn't enough. It wasn't quite big enough. It stemmed the crisis, but the recovery could have been faster and even bigger."
"The vast majority of the American people support this bipartisan package that would bring relief to American families."
"We know what must be done. The solutions are clear, they have overwhelming bipartisan support across the country, and these solutions will save lives."
"If you sell it based on conservation, both sides, the left and the right, the environmentalists and the people who care about frugality, will all buy in."
"The package was designed based on recommendations from health experts from economists. It's been applauded by everyone from Senator Bernie Sanders to the Chamber of Commerce."
"This is bipartisan. It doesn't matter who you are. Any sane, reasonable person stands by exactly what I said."
"Let's finally get the bipartisan Equality Act to my desk."
"Reducing childhood poverty should be a bipartisan effort."
"Any White House would like broad bipartisan support for the eventual Supreme Court nominee."
"Bipartisan sentiment in Congress for the U.S. taking a harder line against China."
"It's a simple solution with essentially no downfall."
"This is one of the few bipartisan things that I know of."
"We must place country over party here and stand up for the basic principle that no one is above the law."
"There's a consistency in Congressman O'Rourke's record."
"This issue is becoming less partisan by the day... 88 percent of Americans support price transparency."
"It's refreshing to see that there is something that does have bipartisan support."
"The idea of confronting China is a bipartisan issue here in this Congress."
"72 percent support the bipartisan infrastructure bill."
"Let us hope that we join together, as so many of these bills were overwhelmingly bipartisan."
"Anyone, regardless of party, should want consistent, secured voting systems in this country."
"Trump of course has been insisting Congress write checks of two thousand dollars."
"Israel is one of those rare political issues where everything just lines up to make it a great nonpartisan issue to support as a politician."
"We may well get 10 Republican senators of good conscience to vote for this legislation."
"The overwhelming majority who voted to convict him represents the largest bipartisan impeachment in history."
"A majority of West Virginia voters support the Build Back Better plan—68 percent of West Virginia likely voters support it, 90 of Democrats, 64 of Independents, and even 56 percent of Republicans support the Build Back Better plan."
"I think having held the trial at all and potentially getting a number of members of President Trump's own party to agree and convict him, that in and of itself from the perspective of history would actually be very significant."
"This story warms my heart. Real bipartisan defense of principled conservatives, liberals, whatever, supporting Tulsi Gabbard on the principles, our anti-war message, her support for the troops..."
"Passage of the NDAA by big bipartisan majorities was a direct rebuke."
"A bipartisan bill would be good for America and help fix our broken immigration system."
"These were not people you can categorize as never-Trumpers or deep state operatives. These are career public officials, career civil servants who have worked under Republicans and Democrats with impeccable reputations."
"Eighty to ninety percent of Americans on both sides agree that we should have background checks for gun owners."
"No one gets everything they want in a negotiation, but make no mistake, this bipartisan agreement is a big win for our economy and the American people."
"It's time to return to it. Let's have this vote up or down, let the Democrats and Republicans express their will on behalf of the families in this country."
"I'm glad to see there's a lot of pushback on things now, and it's coming from really a lot of bipartisan folks. You have parents, politicians, kids, students, you know, a lot of pushback, and I am really, really glad to see that."
"The good news is Republicans have not bagged on the idea of a $1,200 stimulus check... we haven't heard any indications of Republicans saying no way not happening..."
"Protecting the First Amendment shouldn't be partisan."
"Planting trees makes sense. It makes sense for the environment. It's something we all ought to be able to rally around on both sides." - Greg Walden
"Pence's perhaps most memorable achievement... a truly monumental achievement that would earn him praise from across the political spectrum."
"We have large-scale bipartisan agreement that we ought to be competing with China."
"We saw a vote of over two-thirds of the United States Senate, Republicans and Democrats, to make sure that we boldly invest in what is candidly the most sweeping broad-based anti-Chinese Communist Party legislation in our nation's history."
"I'm proudly take the endorsement and support of any republican independent or democrat who wants to get rid of Gavin Newsom." - Mayor Faulconer
"It is really unusual, I had two Democratic senators who told me they were going to vote with me."
"Sensible solutions... really should be nonpartisan."
"Somebody that brought the country together, look at the vote in the Senate yesterday, 89-10 on USMCA."
"I am fully committed to passing a bipartisan infrastructure bill."
"Politics outside of Twitter and YouTube, people really do like Joe Biden, Democrats and Republicans alike."
"We need to get it done... it's actually has bipartisan support."
"Congratulations by the way to the pro-gun left... there's one thing we can agree on."
"Protecting the health and well-being of the people of our nation should not be a partisan issue."
"This is not a Republican or Democratic bill. It's not a green bill. This is a red, white and blue bill."
"The president's view and our view is that his agenda is one that is broadly popular in the country among many progressives but also among many moderates and frankly many republicans."
"Support for Ukraine is bipartisan, bicameral, and starts in the White House with our president prioritizing this."
"Any support needs to be passed by Congress, both Republicans and Democrats."
"Any legislation that emerges that creates a framework for crypto and as you say a framework for innovation must be bipartisan."
"If you're a Republican and you support ending the private financing of Elections, Wolf PAC will support you."
"Joe Biden is pouring money into bringing production home, and he has a lot of support from all sides of the aisle."
"I believe I'm going to get Democrats, Republicans, independents alike to come around some of the big solutions."
"Expansion of social security... large majorities of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents overwhelmingly support."
"I think people are starting to see that they can support these causes and be on both sides of the political spectrum."
"He believes there should be support from Democrats and Republicans to put in place common sense long overdue measures to reform our police and justice system."
"The bill passed 68 to 32. It shows that taking a hard line with China is one of the few issues with bipartisan support."
"Thank you to the MAGA Republicans and conservatives because a lot of my group were conservatives. They didn't bail when I told them I'm voting for Biden."
"88 percent of Americans want federal background checks, including an overwhelming majority of Republicans."
"A bipartisan bill boosting funding for the state's water infrastructure passed the Senate with an 89 to 2 vote."
"A bipartisan majority of Americans support Joe Biden's American Rescue Plan."
"I think we can do a great infrastructure bill. I think we're going to have a lot of support from both sides, and I'd like to get it done as quickly as possible."
"I want my president to be effective regardless of whether they're a Republican, a Democrat, an independent. We all should want that, right? That really is what America is all about."
"You need the support of the entire political spectrum in America to get things done."
"The public supports this left, right, and center."
"Protecting our children cannot garner the support of republicans and democrats alike, I truly fear for our future."