
Executive Power Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"The idea of constraints on executive power is absolutely fundamental to the American system, American way of thinking."
"The US president is empowered by Article Two of the Constitution to run the executive branch of the government."
"The idea that we're doing so much through the executive branch is horrific for democracy and for the rule of law."
"They deserve to have confidence in their government, and that confidence starts with ensuring that the vast powers of the executive branch are not abused."
"The framers quite explicitly and uniformly chose to vest executive power in a solitary individual because they believed that vesting executive authority in one person would imbue the presidency with precisely the attributes necessary for energetic government."
"I'd probably write an executive order that repealed every executive order ever written."
"This was created by executive action, this crisis. It could be fixed by executive action."
"Presidents have used executive orders more frequently in recent years."
"The President of the United States calls the shots. They can’t do anything without the approval of the President of the United States."
"Absolute deference to the executive branch." - Misuse and abuse of judicial power.
"President Joe Biden can stop this right now with an executive order."
"Now the good news is that President Trump can snap back those tariffs pretty much any time he wants."
"We're a post-constitutional republic now, acting through executive fiat and orders."
"The president, as head of the executive branch, sets policy within the constraints of the law."
"Decentralization is our Saving Grace... it's always good to have some executive position."
"The one good thing I can say about Trump's presidency... is that for the first time in my life the executive branch lost power."
"I think the power of his example is also the message he sends by signing 25 executive orders."
"He's going to just shred it from day one say with executive privilege he has the right to do this and if you want take it to the sue me let's take it to the Supreme Court."
"The White House has been far more aggressive in its claims that congressional oversight can be limited, curbed, and constrained by the executive’s desire to keep things under wraps."
"The president cannot just govern by executive fiat if he does this makes him a dictator."
"The judicial branch does not have to defer to the executive branch when the executive branch is misusing its prosecutorial power to harm a defendant."
"Anything that Joe Biden does via executive order, even if that's positive, it can just easily be undone."
"The President of the United States has plenary power to declassify anything he wants."
"What could be more terrifying than a rogue president with criminal immunity?"
"The majority of the founding fathers feared a chief executive that was too powerful."
"No more deference to the executive branch... no more expansion of second amendment rights."
"Elections matter to choose the executive branch matters because the executive branch puts all these appointees in who sign these rules at the end of the day."
"The First Amendment stands between a free press and executive tyranny."
"I'm showing you the face of the new world order which is seated within the president's administration, his executive branch."
"Think of the extraordinary nature from our perspective of an injunction against the executive branch in a pre-indictment situation."
"If Congress doesn't bring fairness to big tech... I will do it myself with executive orders." - President Trump
"The executive branch has power to do a lot of things through the agencies."
"Executive action seems to be the only way this government can function right now."
"How does the governor not say something to the effect of, maybe I should just pardon this guy or commute his sentence?"
"President Trump signed over 90 executive orders in his first hundred days alone."
"His absolute abuse for executive power is going to have the longest term consequences."
"Executive branch officials are not absolutely immune from the process if the president expressly directs such officials non-compliance."
"I'm all in favor of reigning in executive power and holding presidents accountable for their actions."
"Joe Biden's first act as president will be signing 15 executive orders."
"He can do an executive order, it's the weekends, he has the money, he can send out stimulus checks right now."
"If the executive branch has the discretion to decide which laws to enforce and which laws to ignore, then what's the point of having laws in the first place?"
"The president of the United States using an administrative rule to implement such a far-reaching policy that would impact over 100 million Americans is grossly overstepping that Authority."
"This [ __ ] is [ __ ] hired and fired more people than any executive in Hollywood."
"What Biden did with that executive order was effectively seized private property from the public without any resistance at all and no checks."
"The diluted standard asserted here would permanently weaken the presidency and forever alter the balance among the branches of government."
"If the president fires Rosenstein, he will then have his choice of who he'd like to put in that job instead."
"We need an executive branch that can be subverted and manipulated."
"There is a separation of powers and Congress should have oversight ability over the executive branch... what Trump is doing is trying to stop that."
"Once precedents have been established for presidents to exercise expansive presidential powers with little pushback, future Chief Executives will be less likely to feel responsible for dialing them back."
"Executive power without the control of a legislative is inherently discretionary, and thus leads to slavery."
"Under no circumstance would we ever be true to the preservation of the powers of the Office of the President to permit any investigator a fishing free reigning fishing Expedition into the vital discussions that occur in the president's office."
"Who's in charge of the executive branch? The president."
"The stronger the executive power you have working with you, the better your movies are going to be."
"...a president who rules by executive order is heedless of constitutional constraints poses a danger to our constitutional order."
"The executive power is vested in one person who's continuously in office."
"The decision set a new limit on the power the executive has to detain anyone in the same position as the plaintiff."
"The single energetic executive is necessary to protect against foreign attacks, provide for the proper administration of the laws, and protect both liberty and property."
"Energy in the executive is a leading character in the definition of good government."
"War is in fact the true nurse of executive aggrandizement."