
Pareto Principle Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"The live streaming industry exhibits the Pareto principle where 20% of people take away 80% of the profits."
"The Pareto principle basically says that for many outcomes in life... roughly eighty percent of the consequences come from twenty percent of the causes."
"Focus on the 20% that gives 80% of the results."
"The Pareto Principle allows you to figure out how to work smarter, not harder."
"It's truly the Pareto principle, 80% of the business is done by 20% of people."
"Ruthless prioritization: 80% of the results often comes from 20% of the effort."
"If you can identify what that 20% of the effort is that produces 80% of the results, you can focus on just that 20% of stuff and get 80% of the results from that."
"80% of the results come from 20% of the inputs."
"80% of your productivity, 80% of your meaning, 80% of your purpose, 80% of your profit comes from 20% of your efforts."
"20% of your efforts reflect 80% of your results."
"The 80/20 rule: 80 percent of your results will come from twenty percent of your actions or work."
"80% of the output can be produced by 20% of the effort. Find that 20% and act on it."
"For 20% of the efforts, you're probably going to get 80% of the value."
"20% of the information is going to give you 80% of the result."
"This rule is called the 2080 rule aka the Pareto Principle."
"Burrito chart emphasizes that 80 percent of the effects come from 20 percent of the causes."
"80% of results often come from 20% of the work."
"I wanted to give you but the answer is the 80 20 principle is the link."
"80% of our results come from about 20% of what we do."
"The 80 20 rule is that 80 percent of the work is done by 20 of the people. Maybe 80 are lazy. Maybe eighty percent are busy."
"The stuff about the pareto principle...was like a really, really important formative text."
"Make the most of the Pareto principle to learn your target language more efficiently."
"Bring some enjoyment into your language learning to help the Pareto principle work its magic."
"The power of one by using the 80/20 principle. One team can make a difference, one individual can make a difference."
"The Pareto principle states that approximately 80% of an organization's spend will be with around 20% of its supply base."
"It's that 80-20 rule where I can put in 20 percent of the effort and get 80 percent of the benefit."
"For 20 percent of your effort, you usually get eighty percent of your results."
"Based off the Pareto principle, the 80/20 rule says 80% of your results comes from 20% of your efforts."
"80% of your revenue comes from 20% of our customers."
"Document 20% of the steps to give you 80% of the results."
"The 80/20 rule says that 80% of effects come from 20% of causes."
"The Pareto Principle... suggests that a majority of benefits or outcomes are a result of less inputs."
"I'm also a big believer in the 80/20 rule."
"There is what's called the Pareto principle: 80% of the results come from 20% of the activity."
"80% of results come from 20% of actions."
"80% of the results come from 20% of the effort."
"80% of her revenue comes from 20% of her products."
"The Pareto principle states that 80% of your results will come from 20% of your inputs."
"I'm a big believer of the Pareto principle, which means 20% of your effort is going to cause 80% of your results."
"Focus on the twenty percent that gives you eighty percent of the results."
"I live my life based on the Pareto Principle."
"It really relies on Pareto's principle."
"80% of the results come from 20% of the actual actions that you take."
"The 80/20 rule has really come through for me."
"Focus on the 20. Hmm, 20% of your work will account for 80% of your results."
"We always talk about the 80-20 rule, 80% of the people are mostly normal."
"Eighty percent of your results come from 20 percent of your effort."
"For many events, roughly 80% of the results come from 20% of the actions."
"The 80/20 rule... essentially 80% of the results are going to come from 20% of the work."
"For many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes."
"You get 80% of your results from 20% of your work."
"The 80/20 rule says that we basically get 80% of our results from 20% of the work that we do."