
Product Testing Quotes

There are 499 quotes

"We're buying this to make content, to enjoy the truck, to compare it to other vehicles, and really demystify what the Cyber Truck is about."
"Try something affordable; if you don't notice results, then go for a higher price and see how it compares."
"They're supposed to help relieve motion sickness while providing a stylish look. I added that part to it, but this should be interesting."
"The proof is gonna be in the actual using it."
"Sales and reviews from everything I've tested play obviously the biggest role."
"If you find a gadget with a wow factor... generally between 20 and 80 dollars... and start testing... on Facebook ads... it will work if you stay consistent."
"Always do a test shipment to confirm if the product is actually selling."
"Three out of five of the products that I tested were successful."
"If Tesla wants to send over a Tesla Model 3 or a test out fine I'll take a Tesla s just for science for a video review."
"After 3093 rounds fired and two pretty major failures, we are calling the test."
"Always try products before agreeing to work with a brand."
"It's fun to play around with new products and to do something a little bit different."
"If I had to pick one of the three that I tested out, I would give the slight edge to the indestructible shoe."
"Taking the individual pieces and putting it through its paces, it's like taking a car out on the track and seeing how fast it can actually corner without crashing and burning."
"The fact that it was only day one of testing with no data previously accumulated and we were able to make enough to buy a Subway sandwich at this point I was like okay we might have a potential winning product on our hands."
"All jokes aside I was more than happy to try out these products for you guys because I love seeing what requests you guys have."
"Let's see if I feel energized... Kind of scared... okay, taste wise kind of minty... kind of sweet."
"If that's an issue for you first go to an Apple store and try weighing these and second ask yourself if you're okay with giving up that larger screen."
"That's the winner over all of our testing over a band we put a lot of rounds downrange a lot of shooters and a lot of time out here and in the hot Sun the winner and congratulations to Robinson arms for coming through on our test"
"These are the most interesting things I've tried on this channel guys."
"Casper understands the importance of truly trying out a mattress."
"The thermals and temperatures, battery life, gaming performance, video encoding, and all that will be tested all in the final review."
"U6 Light came out on top in every single one of these tests."
"Started out I was like oh this will be interesting to see what's wrong with it."
"So far though, provided that pannier tank starts running a bit better after it's been run in, so far it's looking really, really good."
"I'm curious to see how this wears throughout the day."
"If you test them under some sort of bottleneck scenario or you don't look at those edge cases that Tim talked about then you don't have all the information you can't make an informed decision."
"Charcoal, easy winner, this was almost a formality but we had to see."
"There you have it truth is truth right the shield was 100% reliable in our testing no jams no hiccups no stovepipes no misfeeds nothing hollow point FMJ it was a hundred percent reliable that is awesome."
"Even when away from the charger whether you're doing like davinci final cut pro you test the export times and it is exactly the same as if it was connected to the magsafe charger."
"It's as if they didn't do any testing at all... a tremendous oversight by power color."
"Do you have a stick burner quality pellet? I think the results of that test show yes you do."
"Let's get rigged up, launch the boat, let's prove that these worst lures on Amazon can actually catch fish."
"My recommendation: try the seats out uh, make sure you guys like them."
"I hope this gives you an idea for why you can't trust cooler testing just kind of out of the box."
"The more products you test in a monthly basis with the same high quality standards, the more likely you are to go viral."
"The only way to discover what works and what doesn't work is to actually take it out and use it."
"No animals were used in testing this product except for myself."
"People they want to check it out, they want to test the durability, they want to see what's really happening, they want to see what's really real."
"All in all, this looks like a really great test."
"It was so nice to test it out in a place so special to me. Making this review was so much more of a pleasure than it normally is."
"If you haven't tried one you won't know just how good they can be."
"The plan here is to use the power of digital creators as well as the internet hive mind as a testing ground to promote experimental coke flavors."
"I'm doing this for you guys so you don't have to."
"You know what, I might test all the blades out and just see which one I like the most."
"Well guys, I guess I'm gonna have to say it, this one actually kind of works."
"So, I guess I'm gonna have to say that this one one hundred works."
"Well, guys, I guess I'm gonna have to say that this one absolutely works."
"Hope this testing helps you pick the best dust extractor."
"I'm honestly surprised by the quality of this for the beta."
"Phenomenal from what I've seen testing this knife phenomenal and I'm talking about realistic use guys I mean if you're going to go out again."
"There are a lot of correct ways to test the device."
"I mean, are my eyes watered like no one's business? It was as good a testing experience as you're going to have."
"So far the reactions are wild. I'm really loving what I'm playing so far."
"Every time I get one of these, I especially make sure that the test drive is a joyful one."
"Every customer has 60 days to wear it, wash it, put it to the test. If you don't love it, you can return it."
"This phone passes the RDA test with flying colors."
"At this store we like to keep the testing As relaxing as possible."
"Last year, we became experts on 14-inch laptops. We literally got them all in and tested them side by side extensively."
"Most of the comments were positive... people saying they would want to try out and buy it."
"I'd love to see if these unbranded products are as good as the branded ones."
"I'm really loving it so far, let's see how it works throughout the day."
"Unlike other channels, we actually test and review our guns."
"Now, let's be fair. This is a release candidate. There are a number of issues."
"If you've never tried a pair of Yeezy Foam Runners, I definitely recommend trying them out."
"We have a series of tests that we're doing with these vehicles."
"Ultimately, this is kind of a test. Valve is intentionally trying to pace out how quickly these are reaching a large number of hands as they continually work on the system and improve the experience more and more with every passing week."
"After a week's worth of testing, I can confidently say that this is the real deal."
"Our test here showed that the system did exactly what we wanted it to do."
"You cannot tear this material. You can grab it with your hands, you can tug on it all day long, you can get your buddy to help you, you guys will not rip that thing."
"The best fixed blade for EDC that we tested in 2022 was the TJ Schwartz designed Overland, a super unique profile that really stands out from the crowd."
"Milwaukee also did very well. In my opinion, these are the best two brands that we tested."
"Will rank the Primark cocktails when we try them. I'm an expert cocktail try so we'll see how it goes."
"The EU does better and they have much better regulations. They actually require that a product be tested before it's put in the market."
"Excellent superb not a single failure out of our testing with lotsa rounds."
"Honestly, I wasn't sure how I would feel about this tent, but I knew I wanted a good quality ground tent that was gonna be easy to set up."
"In recent years researchers have been grabbing thousands of different supplements off the shelf, and testing them to see what's inside."
"The pixel 7 Pro's battery life did improve considerably about a week or so into my testing period."
"The least expensive brand we'll be testing is made by Aquaphor."
"It's all in testing right now, I can't make a clear decision just yet, but just my first impressions, you know, I think the new killer is fun."
"I don't care how tough you are, Savage Jerky can do it."
"After initial testing, might be my favorite ever Cobra driver, and that's saying something."
"I thought I had enough of a window of time... to really test the product and review it like they were buying it."
"It's not all supply and demand it's also the way that we're building homes it's a problem."
"Testing it out, renting it and really going through the way you like to shoot I think is so valuable."
"Michelin's testing showed impressive tread life and braking performance for both the Primacy 4 Plus and the Pilot Sport 5."
"Does it work? It looks really interesting and I actually kind of like it."
"I just want to try these, better to know if I like the formulas or not before I decide."
"All the brands passed this test with the screws maintaining grip until the pavers failed."
"It is our job as our viewers to do high quality detailed real world testing to help inform you guys on how to best spend your hard earned money."
"My first initial try on this car is as good as I had hoped in that role."
"Every single thing is tested, that's a big deal in our world."
"Overall, the Gundam edition power supply tested well in our first cross-loading experiment."
"I was able to fall asleep faster, and longer and deeper compared to any other pillow that we've tried so far."
"I'm going to wear these in the shower and for a while to test their durability."
"Now's your chance to test this out and see how it functions on a technical level."
"I was very impressed with the overall durability of the Razor during this process."
"Do the market testing. Don't use Kickstarter as market testing."
"Without further ado, let's go ahead and do a shooting test with this guy."
"I'd like to really dive deep and test them out and see if I can find a truly optimal build."
"Please let me know in the comments what you think about the presets if you're excited to try them."
"I bought all the things because I make videos about them and showcase them, but I'm here as a member of the community."
"I said oh yes please because guess what we are going to be one of the first maybe the first to check this out in real life outside of CES outside of the trade show so this is going to be really exciting to actually put to the test."
"I can't believe that I didn't Discover it before I did my sunscreen testing video."
"I have one last product to test out and that is their setting mist."
"That looks like it's the color code, I mean obviously I haven't tested it outside yet but that's what it looks like."
"If you try nothing else from this video, try the creamer."
"Test everything: test the stitches, test the fit."
"I smell nice and I even got naked in the shower for you all that's how dedicated I am to declaring my endorsement of Dr. Squatch."
"Start with a general store to test out multiple different products until you find your winner."
"We've got so many different fragrance and essential oils that we're experimenting with and testing out, it's kind of overwhelming at times."
"So this is the test bench over here and this is where they test the products out but also show the potential customers if they work or not and the customers can then confirm if that's the board they want and if so then you come to a bargain."
"I always try to get products to work out. I hate disliking products."
"You get something like 30 days for a trial, you have to try it out, try for yourself, see if you like it. And if you do, oh boy, you're gonna be in for a real, real good time."
"I'm very excited to try this out and see how it works with my skin."
"We try to honestly blow them up, we try to break them, and then from there, that's how we know what we got to fix."
"This is beautiful it's beautiful ah all right moment of truth can you see the West in this super super light colored wig."
"And once we get our hands on them in about a month's time, a little less than, I'm really curious to see how these two different experiences are going to compare and which one ends up leaving me with a better feeling."
"We've proved today that out of the test samples we've got, the fake Nutribullet is unsafe."
"Welcome to Bricks! Today we're going to build a Lego safe and try and make it unbreakable."
"Not all cars have good quality 360 cameras so just make sure you test this out before you buy the car."
"Let's take a look at it fit it inside and see if we can check out its performance."
"I was genuinely intrigued to try this product."
"I love trying brand new product. It's just satisfying. It's one of the best parts of what I do, is that first try discovery."
"Intuit provides a fully populated Qbo account so that you can test drive and get a feel for how Qbo works."
"Let's put them on the skin right next to each other and see which ones are better."
"We're going to put this thing through an extensive test."
"The big story here is the PO 15 with the top coat. It retained 98% of the gloss that it had at the start of the test."
"Regular daily activities. Now you just spent 1,000 bucks on the phone, let's see how it works in the real world."
"It's always fun to put dupes to the test."
"So if I do end up getting it, I would love to review it and test out how horrible it is."
"That is crazy. It works so well. Like if it was coming off, you would see, you know, a muddy color in the water."
"I test products so you don't have to."
"I test things out so you don't have to and to hopefully help you make better buying decisions."
"It has completely changed the way I pack, and recently I've been testing out some products from a company called Tripped Travel Gear."
"They were pretty correct, as the test ran for only a year before the product was pulled."
"This is what we have, this is our ripper. We're gonna pull this thing with the quad track and put it through the conditions and see what it does."
"The goal of this video is whoever picks the product that Matt enjoys the most gets to keep all of the other products."
"Underscoring the importance of rigorous product testing and design evaluation."
"Just for kicks, I'm going to test this newer Rubicon cap, see if it's actually as good as I think it is."
"I test things so you don't have to."
"...but when it comes to the Sonos Arc these are all of the options and I'm going to be testing today to share my thoughts with you guys."
"There's no better way to test out a new mattress than by sleeping on it."
"Not only do I get to relax, but at the same time, if I am testing a lot of outdoor gear, then what better way to test them than to actually be in the great outdoors, right?"
"I am so grateful for my job and that Brands want to send me their products to test out and hopefully come with good feedback."
"Not only are we going to be comparing if the more expensive one's going to catch more fish than the cheaper or inexpensive swim bait, we're going to be comparing the size with big versus small."
"I love product testing and you guys have seemed to love all the TikTok hacks videos that I have filmed and made for you guys."
"I'm here to actually buy them, purchase them and test them out for you guys so you don't have to."
"I love these little bottle stoppers. Let's see if they do anything. Oh yeah, they kiss!"
"We spent a little over $900 touching which it's fine all in the name of experimenting and testing out these products and seeing what these high-end brands are about I will spend the money so you don't have to."
"Never buy something that you haven't put the Mark 1 nose to work to test beforehand."
"The NESCO passed every single test... I am perfectly confident that this NESCO canner and its carry counterpart is perfectly safe for me and my family."
"When we test for these pickups when we're voicing them we test the car across you know amps like we had a PRS archon we had 5150."
"If you're not sure if your books are going to sell, this is a really great way to test a product and see how well it does in your shop before spending money on a large quantity of stock."
"I'm going to use it for that. Now, to be sure, this company knew they were sending this to someone who was going to test it and make a YouTube video about it."
"I always love doing experiments like comparing brands or types of things and so let me know is there any kind of product that you want me to buy a few different ones of and and do like a test between them."
"If you're you know going in you really want to see how it's going to thrive and perform on you always try it on clean hydrated moisturized skin."
"Freshwater Master Test Kit, oh wait, is this sealed? Oh, this is sealed, right there. Okay, that's kind of nice."
"I'm going to test the sharpness of this. Okay, don't ever do this but... yeah, that's sharp."
"I'll definitely use this in a testing new products video."
"If you guys want to see us test any other products, let us know."
"Thank you, Mossberg, for sending me this prototype and letting me abuse the piss out of it." - Gratitude with a touch of humor.
"One of my favorite features about Pinecone is that you even get opportunities to test out and review free products."
"...the silicone wire I made sure that each of the other three guys at the time got some of that to check it out and they all really loved it."
"If only Unity hadn't made a false claim about the frequency range that you just had to test. I was hoping to see if the meter could stand up to any transient test. It died too quickly."
"We'll be testing these products on these four tires and we'll see just how good these products work."
"...I'm always asking manufacturers and trying to get cars for longer periods of time."
"Test the product. See what the user experience is like."
"If it doesn't survive that test, you're going to buy it."
"...it's nice to actually have vendors who are shipping product to people like me to play with..."
"Honestly if you don't try a product for yourself you're never really gonna know if it's good or bad because everyone's hair everyone's body everyone's skin is different."
"...the waterproofing test went quite well."
"...so having done this test, I think by far the bigger problem is the fact that it doesn't have an app."
"What would Kendall Jenner use? She'd probably use this just to flip, so let's give it a go, friends."
"I try to get our weapons into as many different hands as possible with as many different people that really run guns hard because I want to know the failure points and where I can make changes."
"...to test these two we're going to do exactly what buyers do..."
"The first Tightbond Original sample provided 4,535 pounds of tensile strength."
"...the only way we're going to find that out is by putting it through the road test that actual car buyers trust."
"These kind of chemical resistance, wave after wave of testing, don't really tell me that much other than the modern-day car protection products are ridiculously resistant to detergent."
"If you do not get a sale after a hundred dollars then you should kill the product."
"So excited to test out your stuff. Let me know if there's anything specific you want to see in tutorials!"
"Can it cope with hot pans though? I don't know, so let's find out."
"...you're going to trust this person a little bit more cuz like okay she's tested out four of them and this one's the best..."
"Do thorough testing and really make sure that you're testing for all kinds of different people that are going to burn your candles."
"I bought this thing and I debated... if I wanted to shoot a few thousand rounds through it then get on video with it and tell you guys what all my findings were or if I wanted to just kind of take you guys along step by step as I evaluate this pistol."
"...I gotta say I haven't been this happy after a play test of a tennis shoe in quite some time..."
"I was really able to put my rare beauty products to the test."
"So now I can be a test platform and a voice for y'all and let you know if some of these are worth your time and money to install or not."
"An automatic water shutoff valve can stop a flood dead in its tracks. I'll put a few of them to the test."
"I'm in the business. I believe strongly in security and feel a separate obligation to use and test products and systems."
"The winner of this test was once again the Continental winter contact ts8 70p."
"So excited to try out these products."
"I want to have these tested for you. I think it's helpful for you to see somebody that's new using a piece of equipment."
"If you're in the market for one of these bikes i' definitely recommend taking a test ride."
"...I am so happy with everything that I tested today."
"...as I kind of was testing them out on my hand I didn't see any stray hairs flying everywhere they just feel so soft and velvety."
"I've been a professional biking kit tester for over 25 years."
"This is fantastic, so beer from a bag, success or failure? Absolutely 100% yes."
"I'm excited to see them because that early test already is fantastic."
"I really didn't have any interest in it until I had one sent to me to try out, but now that I've used it, I can definitely see the advantages."