
Climate Policy Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Investments in climate and dealing with the climate crisis are incredibly popular, not only among Democrats but among Independents and a lot of Republicans."
"The nation's policy on climate change really needs to be set in the first instance by elected representatives and then by the administration through the agencies that Congress has created."
"The fossil fuel industry continues its fight emphasizing doubt is a critically important speed bump to ambitious policy."
"But while they conclude that it is technically possible to achieve the rapid changes required to avoid 2.7 degrees of warming, they conclude it may be politically unlikely."
"We are the oldest, they're the largest. We would do more for global climate change than we can do by spending the amount of money that the Biden administration wants to throw at the word Climate change without solving the problems."
"Climate change will be the center of our national security and foreign policy."
"Your success is going to come from activity, from being busy, from being obsessed, from being so into it that you don't know about, oh my gosh, it's the Monday morning blues."
"The act includes more than $360 billion to address climate change - something the White House and major environmental groups are touting as a huge win."
"These net zero goals are insane... it's genocide, quite honestly."
"There must be a reasonable space between climate change doomers and deniers."
"Putting climate change at the center of everything the US government is doing and all our diplomacy and naming John Kerry to this major position."
"A new economic model must include a radical change in our approach to the climate."
"We've been told time and time again that we don't have the money to transition to a green economy, and yet we're inevitably going to spend billions bailing out some of the worst offenders in the climate crisis."
"President Biden hears climate, he thinks jobs."
"Net Zero plan is not actually about saving the climate or avoiding the world from being destroyed, it is a political decision that is used to crack down on people's freedom and people's rights."
"I do think that on the issue of climate change, there is a stark difference between Biden-Harris on their worst days and Trump-Pence."
"The president has taken more action, has been more aggressive on dealing with climate change than any other president."
"We're seeing these climate lockdowns coming. We're already seeing it they're forcing it upon us."
"Now, with China's newly updated climate targets, it certainly seems like the country has the political will to decarbonize, if not all the tech to make it possible."
"Their $2 trillion climate plan is actually pretty incredible."
"There's nothing less America first than the Democratic party's approach to climate change."
"The climate package was the piece that stayed in there and stayed pretty intact."
"Joe Biden has alternatively made climate change a centerpiece of his campaign and is proposing to invest two trillion dollars over the next four years..."
"Delaying climate action is as bad as denying climate change has always been."
"Biden's policy goals are set by an international community that is aligned at maintaining a safe climate."
"Paris is not the end game. What happens after Paris is very important indeed."
"President Trump does things like pull out of the Paris climate Accords - that's something else we're gonna have to accept as the new normal."
"Any climate agreement that doesn't have any teeth to it is really more of a climate suggestion."
"Climate change is going to bring lockdowns in very much the same way or in the similar spirit of lockdowns we had during the COVID thing."
"Italian council is flooded immediately after rejecting measures on climate change."
"They must be reduced by 43 by 2030 84 by 2050 to reach a goal and that means Global use of coal has to drop by 95 five percent by Twenty fifty."
"Decolonize the atmosphere, restore atmospheric space to developing countries."
"We can realize the urgency of approving climate policies that protect vulnerable populations."
"Not one country who signed on to the Paris climate accord actually followed through. So even though the U.S. backed out of it, no country actually followed through and met the guidelines."
"Good climate news: Biden reverses a Trump-era plan to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge."
"We can get to Net Zero in a way that maximizes benefits and minimizes the harms by implementing a just transition where our policies and actions are informed by climate Justice."
"We're either going to get half a billion dollars for climate spending and electric vehicle support or it's going to die."
"White House backed carbon tax site for Biden's climate bill."
"China is leading the way in fighting climate change."
"The White House is privately telling lawmakers the climate portion of President Biden's roughly two trillion dollar social spending plan is mostly settled and will likely cost more than 500 billion dollars."
"Any further delay in concerted anticipatory global action on adaptation and mitigation will miss a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a livable and sustainable future for all."
"Joining us now, Dr. Leah Stokes, professor of climate and energy policy at the University of California, Santa Barbara."
"We're not a climate policy agency we're a market regulator and it's about full and fair and truthful disclosure about public companies."
"Leaders of some of the biggest countries globally have signed up to agree to a limit of CO2 emissions."
"One of the most effective climate policies would probably be to expropriate all the assets of the richest 1 to 10% of the human population."
"Good policies that make sense no matter how the climate plays out that doesn't depend on getting people to agree on the scientific assumptions."
"The president concluded a negotiation with the Chinese and made ambitious commitments to lower our greenhouse gas production significantly."
"We have to make policies to change the climate in the long term to reduce the human impact."
"The UN approved Brazil's bid to host COP 30 on May 18th after Lula's request during last year's COP 27 meeting in Egypt."
"Under the new law, countries who don't take sufficient measures to reduce their climate impact will face consequences from the international community."
"The Paris agreement so far is the only mechanism to achieve this."
"Climate is the hardest policy problem I've ever encountered."
"The relationship between innovation and climate policy: a new approach with machine learning."
"Climate change policy is an economic policy."
"Urgent action is needed to meet the 1.5-degree target mapped out in the Paris Agreement."
"The biggest barrier to fighting climate change is political."