
Dyslexia Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"Jim Carrey has always been very open about his struggle with dyslexia and depression."
"Dyslexia is a really hard word to spell, don't you think that's kind of [__] up?"
"Dyslexia has made me simplify things. Complication panics me and confuses me."
"Talking helps with the ticks because I have really bad dyslexia and communication issues. Parts of my brain are really underactive, and it's a struggle to speak, so it takes a lot of focus."
"Being dyslexic and stuff really, you know, I could have been very different without that."
"Dyslexia is like a superpower, your brain processes things totally differently."
"Dyslexia doesn't really stop you from learning, it just makes the incumbent tools in schools useless to you. You have to learn how to deal with what dyslexia does."
"Many people with dyslexia often think in images as opposed to words, which is attributed to the unique activations in their brain."
"Dyslexia isn't stupidity, it's a way of learning."
"It's a positive outlook on like, I'm basically grateful to be dyslexic."
"Cross lateral motions balance the brain hemispheres... dyslexic kids can't access the left side."
"I think as someone with dyslexia, I would've loved that as a kid."
"It has been proven time and time again to be incredibly successful for kids with dyslexia or any sort of learning disabilities or challenges."
"Dyslexia... it's an invisible handicap."
"I found out I have this thing called dyslexia."
"It's a much better world that we don't teach kids with dyslexia that they're lazy and stupid."
"I ask myself, where does alternative thinking come from? It will always come from people who are dyslexic."
"My teacher told me I'll be no good at poetry due to my dyslexia, but so far, I've made three jugs and a vase. So duck you, Mr. McPherson."
"Because of my dyslexia, they never thought I'd make it this far."
"Dyslexia is caused by like a phonological weakness. So the reason people with dyslexia have a hard time learning how to read is it's hard for them to not hear necessarily but sort of discern and manipulate the individual sounds in words."
"What we know is that people with dyslexia can become very good readers if they're taught."
"I make a good living writing. I have dyslexia. I can't [expletive] spell and I'm able to pull this off."
"I think the combination of realizing that hard work makes a difference and that I'm not really scared of taking risk for whatever reason whether it be dyslexia or a multitude of things when I grew up."
"Is that a genuine form of Dyslexia? I don't know but I feel like it is."
"A large, muscular wrestler can often carry the stigma of people assuming he's a big, stupid lug, and Dave Batista faces an extra hurdle: he's dyslexic."
"I've heard they found a cure for dyslexia. It's music to my ass."
"Having someone who's dyslexic who interacts with words differently would be a fascinating story."
"I definitely feel that dyslexia is a superpower and I'm sorry for you people that don't have it."
"Even though I'm dyslexic, I've never stolen $1 of anyone."
"I see incredibly successful people in business and film and music and art and sport that are all dyslexic and they're all doing great things."
"This man is a proper entrepreneur. He's got dyslexia, this has not held him back. I love his attitude, I love his mindset: be happy, never content."
"Maybe they were trying to help me with my dyslexia the wrong way."
"It's good for dyslexic people because they, oh really? Yeah, the A, the lowercase A is like easier to see than normal or whatever. It's like dyslexic, so I don't really give a [__] about any of that."
"It's okay to say the word dyslexia, Karma. When you don't, it makes it sound like it's something embarrassing, but it's not."
"Dyslexia was an important contributor to his innovative and uniquely creative nature."
"You know, most of the guys I know, most of the criminals I met throughout my period in prison were dyslexic or they had learning difficulties."
"but the dyslexia did give me the ability to sort of uh visualize flows and and try and solve problems visually"
"Something that I've discovered over time about my dyslexia is that there can be such a thing as the wrong kind of light and especially there can be the wrong kind of light to paper relationship."
"Dyslexic people are gifted and speak a language we don't understand."
"You're not going to get them, even people with severe dyslexia."
"I'm so dyslexic, I thought this said 'Cat Interview is a School Shooter.'"
"I suffer from learning difficulties called dyslexia. Reading and writing was quite difficult in school. I did then go on to finish with a first class in University and going to study a PhD."
"I had such severe dyslexia that I was put in a dummy class with people from other nations who were also not dummies because we were not able to read them because they hadn't learned English English yet me because my brain didn't work."
"One of the reasons why it's a challenge is because I have dyslexia and ADHD."
"As a student with dyslexia, I struggled learning to read."
"Dyslexics tend to have really strong visual, creative, and problem-solving skills."
"It's estimated that one in every 10 people has some degree of dyslexia."
"Kids with dyslexia typically have ridiculously high verbal intelligence."
"If you do think you've got dyslexia, go get a test because I promise you now it will benefit you so much."
"I've been dealing with dyslexia my entire life."
"We're trying to evaluate visual processing in dyslexia to see how far down the chain do we have to go before we stop seeing differences."
"It's not that I did all these things and just happened to have dyslexia; it's because I have dyslexia that I was able to do all these things."
"What if we nurtured this difference like a gift and taught dyslexic students how to take advantage of their different ability instead of letting them think they have a disability?"
"Dyslexic thinking is not a disadvantage but a much sought-after skill that is in demand for the future of work."
"Dyslexic people were the ones that would be the scouts that would go off and look for other places, water and stuff because we saw the world differently."
"Being dyslexic and being how severely dyslexic I am really shaped my life."
"I really do believe there are things that you see differently when you are Dyslexic that can be a huge advantage in certain areas."
"There is no Dyslexia ceiling, it doesn't exist unless you create it in your own mind."
"Roughly 20 percent of people on Earth suffer from dyslexia... it is fairly common for those with dyslexia to be extraordinarily creative."
"This awkward teenager with dyslexia is about to discover that he is related to an ancient race of Gods."
"My dad's also dyslexic, and he wears a shirt that says 'A dyslexic man walked into a bra'."
"What if dyslexia isn't a disability, but a superpower?"
"Dyslexics have this unique superpower for trend spotting or creative problem solving."
"Dyslexics thrive using material reasoning, which is the ability to see something and imagine what it would look like from all different perspectives."
"I believe that dyslexia isn't a disability but a superpower."
"Let kids know that there's nothing wrong with them; they're not stupid, they just have a set of superpowers that haven't been unlocked yet."
"Dyslexia officially is a learning disorder that affects both children and adults."
"Dyslexia is real, so it's not so much like not denied anymore; most people accept it as a thing."
"Dyslexia is hereditary; it does run in the family."
"Remember dyslexia doesn't affect intelligence, so your brain is very aware that you're struggling to understand things."
"Look, I know I pronounce certain words funny, the truth is that I have a speech impediment and I'm slightly dyslexic."
"I have a son with dyslexia, he has severe dyslexia and really he's the reason I'm here today."
"That's why the NLS program is so key because if you are dyslexic, you have the right to use that program and get all these free books."
"Why are we only talking about the limitation of dyslexia but not celebrating the strength and the uniqueness that comes with the dyslexic mind?"
"We begin to value the strength of dyslexia rather than just focusing on their limitation."
"Children with dyslexia are born to stand out; let's not force them to fit in."
"Learning about dyslexia and embracing it has changed our lives for the better."
"That word, dyslexia, changed everything for him."
"There are an estimated 35% they say of entrepreneurs are dyslexic."
"I see dyslexia as a gift, especially in Jessica, with her heart for other struggling people."
"Dyslexia is a global issue. It affects up to 20% of the population."
"Being dyslexic, he had a very simplistic way of looking at very complex problems."
"I discovered Annabeth was right about my dyslexia."
"Dyslexia is an inherited condition that makes it so that children who are bright struggle tremendously to read by sounding out, even though they've had years of phonics instruction."
"In the United States, dyslexia affects one out of five, that's 20%, and yet it does come in degrees."
"Please spare a thought for dyslexic friends."
"Living with dyslexia is like living with trauma."
"We shouldn't take for granted that we think we know dyslexia."
"Many dyslexics master literacy skills completely."
"Just because I'm dyslexic doesn't mean I should be automatically pigeon-holed into a job which doesn't reach my full potential."
"Some people can be dyslexic and be successful."
"Dyslexia does normally result in being a great storyteller."
"Maybe when we find people are really successful and they say they're dyslexic, maybe we shouldn't be so surprised."
"Best way to learn about dyslexia is to ask a dyslexic."
"Dyslexia is not an add-on; it impacts the whole person."
"We don't need saving, we need support."
"What learning disability makes it difficult to read? Dyslexia."
"Blast Off to Reading! 50 Orton-Gillingham based lessons for struggling readers and those with dyslexia."
"Kids with dyslexia in particular, they need multi-sensory work whenever they're learning to help them remember better."
"As a child, I suffered but learned to turn dyslexia to my advantage to see the world more creatively."
"If you're dyslexic and you feel there's something holding you back, just remember, it's not you."
"In many ways, being dyslexic is a natural way to be; what's unnatural is the way we read and write."
"Dyslexia is not a measure of intelligence; you may have a genius on your hands."
"Having dyslexia can make you creative. If you want to construct a sentence and can't find the word you're searching for, you have to think a way to make right around it."
"I had to work much harder than everybody else because I had dyslexia."
"If you want to read one book about dyslexia, this is the book to read: 'Overcoming Dyslexia' by Dr. Sally Shaywitz."
"Dyslexia is a very common condition and it's greatly misunderstood."
"Dyslexia is due to a brain difference, a physical structural difference."
"Dyslexia is not classified as a reading problem; it is classified as a language processing problem."
"We now have over 28 years of independent, scientific, replicated research on dyslexia."
"If you're dyslexic, you can register, and you can listen to audiobooks for free."
"I didn't know how to read or write till I was 14 years old because I was majorly dyslexic."
"I'm dyslexic, I see the world in a different way."
"I'm Dyslexic, so reading was always so much more difficult for me."
"Kids come up to me and say 'I'm dyslexic too,' and I say to them 'Use it to your advantage. See the world differently. Us dyslexic people, we've got it going on. We are the architects, we are the designers.'"
"Dyslexia... is an impairment or difficulty with the way someone is able to read words or use language."
"With the right instruction, even students with reading disabilities, including dyslexia, can learn to read."
"Children with dyslexia need to learn with a systematic phonics program."
"If they're ever having that much of an issue, please get them tested for dyslexia."
"Dyslexics have brains that are physically different from a normal brain, and that is fascinating."
"Half-bloods have dyslexia because their brains are hardwired to read Ancient Greek."
"It's not an excuse, Jackson," Naruto chided, "I'm dyslexic too, and I managed to overcome it."
"How can dyslexic students learn to read? They need a structured literacy instruction that is marked by phonology, sounds-symbol association, syllable instruction, morphology, syntax, and semantics."
"Educate yourself about reading and dyslexia, share what you learn with your child's teachers."
"I am totally focused on improving teacher preparation so that other teachers will not find themselves feeling as powerless and helpless to reach kids with dyslexia and other related reading problems as I felt at one time."
"Listen, I know you're nervous, but don't worry. We got a lot of kids here with ADHD and dyslexia. Teachers know how to help."
"Dyslexia has defined me as a person beyond anything I think any of us can really understand."
"Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that occurs in about 10% to even almost 20% of the general population."
"I am a hundred and fifty billion percent sure that if I was not dyslexic, I would in no way be the person I am today."
"It takes a dyslexic child five times the effort it takes a non-dyslexic to read."
"There is no proven link between dyslexia and intelligence."
"Dyslexic students are not lazy; they have to work so much harder than everyone else."
"Dyslexia cannot be cured or outgrown; your brain is just different, and that is not a bad thing at all."
"Dyslexia is currently classed as a learning disability, however, I much prefer it being classed as a learning difficulty."
"Gifted children can be dyslexic or have a learning difficulty; there is no proven link between IQ and dyslexia."
"The most important myth: Dyslexia is made up. It's a real thing."
"Dyslexia is a type of Specific Learning Difficulty."
"Being dyslexic... your fantasy is so powerful."
"We're more creative than most because of that."
"I was born with dyslexia... Dad said to me, 'You're not gonna be very good at reading, writing, it looks like, so learn to work with your hands.'"
"Some of the world's most clever people are dyslexics."