
News Impact Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Ken Block truly inspired me, and the news that came out this last week absolutely floored me."
"The news is not on the financial page, the market, big market events are on the front page. This is all characteristic of the handful of great bubbles that we’ve had."
"Don't trade the news; at least at the release, wait it out and let the master pattern phases guide you into a good trade."
"Do not trade during a major news event, no matter how experienced you are."
"News moves the markets... money flow affects everything."
"The big story is going to be if you find huge cases here, huge cases there."
"The big news of the last couple of days has been the Supreme Court decisions."
"If Doge literally just has a little surge right now... easily happen if we see massive news."
"Negative news in the cryptocurrency space can impact prices, but it's also a buying opportunity."
"What a powerful way to connect the news to individuals."
"One of the wildest, most unexpected stories kind of out of nowhere with no seeming explanation."
"The news that was like the highlight of my week."
"Bad news sells best because good news is no news."
"Don't overreact to the news. There's always going to be times of war, especially at the time of this recording, right now, there's going to be times of insolvency."
"We need to get our house in order from any kind of scattering of the past or being buffeted by the news or world events or whatever and say no no I bring myself back to my center."
"When will that headline 'we are not alone in this universe' break?"
"There is a geopolitical power struggle right now that's not getting a lot of attention in the news but it's going to have an impact on you soon. It's a struggle over existing energy resources."
"We're living in a time where kids are literally showing up on the news begging for adults to believe in them."
"That news was so big that you might be forgiven for thinking that nothing else happened in the video games industry this week but that is not the case."
"The CNN effect is presumed to illustrate the dynamic tension that exists between real-time television news and policymaking."
"The CNN effect predicts the media's potential to influence policymaking."
"There was something like the media... was driving it."
"That's the headline that people need to read."
"This is not a drill, and this is not a normal news alert."
"When we see continuing bad news and then asset prices quit going down, that will be probably a pretty good heads up."
"It's almost always bad news, and we can learn and observe and see from that."
"These stories aren't just random headlines, they speak volumes."
"But hey, they just can't seem to stop screwing up and have recently found themselves in the news yet again, for yet another scandal."
"Breaking news: CNN is collapsing. Jeff Zucker resigns."
"the only way to write it is you think about what is you know what's happening in the scene or what happened in the news right what did Ted Cruz do and who's my audience and what does that make them"
"Things are looking better, but we can't outrun the terrible news."
"The news of the conquest of the lunar blade reverberated throughout the lunar faction, sending shock waves that reached even the distant Southern continent."
"Space out your investing over time since this week's news will be different than next week's news."
"This is prime time to take time off, to rest, to take it easy, to take a step back."
"This is relieving news for a lot of folks out there."
"Zayn definitely broke his nose, it didn't even last a day."
"Nothing can shake you, let the news be what it is."
"The front page is actually extremely valuable."
"Every news, every current news, it's like scoring two goals for me."
"Is it great news for the country and for the world? Yes, definitely."
"The primary purpose of the news in the current era is to make it harder for you to make decisions."
"They sent three security guards to my desk the day the story released."
"Everyone loves to talk about crazy news, and that's how the gossip starts."
"This is going to be front page news for quite a while."
"Moving forward for success, it's going to go quite quickly when the news comes on in."
"All it takes is a little bit of news and the general noise blows up."
"Cable news sadly really does impact the way that people think about the world and think about politics."
"Are we entering an era where bad news is always going to be good news from now on?"
"The stock market's also sort of an indicator that's on the news all the time."
"The biggest story ever to hit crypto really in my opinion."
"It's from Brian Brown. 'Dear Mr. Black, I hope you are well. Writing to you from Australia where world news [__] depresses most of us.'"
"If you cannot go in yourself, your mind is too busy thinking about other problems, and if you hear too much news, you get more fear, more phobia, more stress, more stress hormone. Now, we get big trouble."
"Don't let world events, don't let what's happening in the news freak you out."
"I woke up with a strange feeling... I saw the news about the shooting at Jacksonville Landing."
"The 24-hour news cycle is literally the worst thing that has ever happened to this country."
"The wider cryptocurrency space... not paying attention to such gigantic news."
"This isn't just news, it's a narrative that will define the trajectory of our nation."
"After the news of the missing stone had spread, headlines about it were made the world over."
"The biggest news story in all of our lifetimes."
"Perhaps the point is not to let the fears and the terror and the confusion that's there out in the news and in the world, not let it colonize your heart, not let it take you over."
"Just a really quick psychological thing: it's easy to look at the headlines and let it be almost debilitating."
"You realize that when you see something on the news and you don't think it can happen to you, it can very much so happen to you."
"Strong earnings or really positive news confirms the strong price action that I'm seeing."
"It's arguably the biggest news to come across black college football ever."
"That shook up the entire industry like it seems like for a few weeks that was the biggest news in Finance."
"News and surprises follow the trend."
"Generally good news for the economy is being viewed as bad news."
"That's proper risk management when news like that hits."
"Often times, scheduled news events can impact the market, causing a lot of volatility."