
Neptune Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Neptune is so far away that even our fastest spacecraft would take more than a decade to get there."
"Voyager 2's flyby of Neptune provided valuable information about this remote gas giant and its system, contributing significantly to our understanding of the outer planets and beyond."
"Neptune rules the sense of mystery, this sense of allure, and its placement in your birth chart can make someone very appealing or mesmerizing."
"I love you, Neptune, I want you to know this."
"Rains diamonds on Neptune, that'd be awesome."
"What comes to your mind when you hear the word Neptune? For many, it's a blue planet festooned with rings and moons."
"Neptune is much more than that, which is why scientists have spent decades studying the planet."
"It rains diamonds on Neptune, with an atmosphere primarily made up of hydrogen, helium, methane, and high temperatures and pressure."
"A day on Neptune lasts about 16 hours, and a year on Neptune is about 165 Earth years."
"For every three laps Neptune completes around the Sun, Pluto makes two. This repeating pattern prevents close approaches between the two bodies."
"Neptune's deep blue color is due to the absorption of red light by methane in its atmosphere."
"Wind speeds on Neptune can reach up to 2,100 kilometers per hour, the fastest in the entire solar system."
"Scientists have used the Hubble Space Telescope in the past to study Neptune, but nothing comes close to what the James Webb Space Telescope will discover."
"The fact that Neptune is in Pisces is interesting for any person born under the sign of Taurus because Neptune represents inspiration, intuition, Sixth Sense, sensitivity."
"Neptune represents our dreams, our spiritual connection with life, and our hopes. However, during this period, it's advised not to rely too much on intuition or inspiration, as it may not be quite right."
"Neptune's Discovery was significant as it marked a first time a planet had been located in our solar system through mathematical prediction rather than through observation."
"We can be very impulsive at getting involved into something that seems to be extremely positive. What it appears to be is linked to the energy of Neptune, which we've talked about."
"Beneath the outer layer of Neptune hides a constant rain of diamonds."
"One year on Neptune would cost you 165 Earth years."
"Neptune will be the gateway to the deep ocean of outer space, the last big port of call."
"What is the farthest planet from the sun? Neptune."
"The hunt for Planet X was on, but while Leverier was looking beyond Neptune, others were looking for this hidden planet closer to home."
"Neptune can bring some of the most beautiful blessings."
"There's always provision, there's always purpose."
"Voyager 1 and 2 have provided unprecedented measurements as they journey through Interstellar space."
"Neptune still holds a meteorological record with storms observed that reached top speeds of up to 1,305 miles per hour."
"Neptune was the first planet to be discovered by mathematical calculations alone."
"Neptune's fine ring system became clearly visible for the first time."
"Diamonds may be raining inside Uranus and Neptune."
"Neptune's great dark spot, captured in a recent image by the Hubble telescope."
"James Webb Space Telescope captures stunning images of Neptune's rings and moons."
"Saturn is probably best known, like Beyoncé, for having rings on it."
"Welcome to beautiful Neptune, everyone. It's got rings too, so amazing!"
"Neptune is associated with the transcendent, spiritual, ideal, symbolic, and imaginative dimensions of life."
"Neptune's clarity is like standing in the fog, in the mountains or on the edge of the water."
"Neptune, a blue icy giant pierced by endless ultrasonic winds."
"Listen to your inner voice, represented by Neptune; it will guide you to the right path and help you avoid costly mistakes."
"Neptune represents illusions, imagination, things you can't really touch but you can see."
"Being ruled by Neptune means being connected to spirituality, intuition, and dreams."
"Neptune is the windiest planet in the solar system."
"The 12th house can be a house of confusion as well as Neptune can also create confusion and fantasy."
"Discernment is key, especially with Neptune opposition this year."
"Neptune is everything that is Mystical."
"The hero's journey begins with Neptune, a state of idyllic harmonious at-home-ness."
"Neptune represents the spiritual dimension of life, so if you stay connected to that spiritual dimension, you'll have the best intuition."
"Neptune is the planet of unconditional love, the cosmic womb, something which wants to surrender for the other person."
"This transit actually began last year in March of 2023, so this is a continuation of it; but we'll see an intensification of it this year because of the proximity of Saturn and Neptune."
"Uranus and Neptune are fluid worlds, but they are mainly made of gases that freeze at low temperature, including water, methane, and ammonia."
"It's definitely Neptune's vibe, it's a whole other vibration, it's crazy."
"You're changing. You're changing. Things are changing, but just know with this aspect, Neptune also does rule like deception, a little bit of illusion as well."
"Neptune boasts the fastest winds of any planet in the solar system."
"Neptune and the Kuiper Belt are believed to have begun their dance far closer to the sun, with the edge of the far denser Kuiper Belt lying where Neptune is today."
"The positive things of Neptune are this intuitive sense that it has, this ability to tap into creativity, inspiration, intuition."
"Nonsense, I am the noble King Neptune."
"Neptune in Capricorn is probably relevant to a large group of you out there because Neptune was in Capricorn between 1984 and the year 2000."
"Neptune is often referred to as the planet of illusions and disillusions because it does have to do with things that are not real, with things that belong to the dream realm of life."
"Triton, a tiny captured world orbiting a planet of mystery, whose story is just beginning to become clear to us."
"The only reason that Neptune doesn't eject Pluto is because they're locked into this very special orbit."
"Triton's alien nature could be due to its capture by Neptune's gravity."
"My name is Neptune, also blue in color, I'm the eighth planet from the sun."
"Neptune is a beautiful blue color."
"Triton's high density and retrograde orbit both point to it being a captured object not something that formed in the vicinity of Neptune."
"The Voyager discovered auroras in Neptune's atmosphere which are identical to Earth's Northern and Southern Lights."
"The discovery of the planet Neptune was one of the highest points in the development of gravitational theory."
"Neptune shows our need to connect with something greater than ourselves."
"Neptune is a dark blue planet, it's an ice giant."
"Once that happens, Triton will be torn apart, granting Neptune a vast set of pretty new rings."
"Neptune's atmosphere is surprisingly active, with dynamic weather systems and the fastest winds in the solar system."
"Neptune is the water planet of dreams and intuition; it rules Pisces so it's very happy in that sign."
"The winds on Neptune are the fastest in our solar system."
"Neptune rising because that's just such a great descriptor of Neptune."
"Neptune represents our dreams, our hopes."
"Neptune's blue color has an unknown component that makes its color brighter and bluer than Uranus."
"Neptune has supersonic winds that are faster than the speed of sound."
"The winds on Neptune reach the speeds of 1600 miles per hour, that's three times faster than a commercial airplane."
"Neptune is peculiar in that it was the first planet whose presence was predicted."
"It's the return of some magic, some dream Neptune and Pisces very dreamy kind of energy here."
"Neptune is ruled by creativity, illusions, dreams, psychic abilities, and inspiration."
"Neptune was first revealed not with a telescope, but with mathematics."
"The winds on Neptune can reach speeds of over 2,000 kilometers an hour, the fastest in the solar system."
"Neptune emits 2.7 times more energy into space than it receives from the Sun."
"Neptune's high altitude clouds were observed by the Shadows they cast on the opaque Cloud layer."
"Neptune was the first planet to be discovered through mathematical calculations."
"Neptune's atmosphere is divided into two main regions: the lower is the troposphere where the temperature decreases with altitude, and the stratosphere where the temperature increases with altitude."
"My name is Neptune, the eighth planet from our burning Sun."
"I am Neptune, the eighth planet from our burning Sun, with six rings made of dust and some rocky chunks."
"It takes light more than 4 hours to travel from the Sun to Neptune."
"I'm obsessed with it that it rains diamonds on Neptune."
"Neptune is dreams, illusions, creativity, imagination, fantasy realm, your spiritual limits, mysticism."
"Neptune's supersonic winds can get faster than 2,200 mph."
"Deep within Neptune's atmosphere, scientists theorize that carbon atoms are compressed and form diamonds."
"Neptune has the most ferocious and fastest planetary winds in the entire solar system, reaching 2,000 kilometers per hour."
"Neptune's throne was all he'd ever heard anyone call it."
"Deep within Neptune's atmosphere, where pressures are extreme, scientists theorize that carbon atoms are compressed and form diamonds."
"It's really a great story with these outer moons of Neptune."
"I am having a vision of Neptune here, so there's an enormous amount of energy coming through from the cosmic planets."
"Mercury conjunct Neptune is an indicator of psychic ability."
"The moon is trine Neptune in Pisces, asking us to dream big and to really get excited about the future."
"Neptune is all about imagination, creativity, even dreams."
"Neptune in the seventh house is the best at accepting a person's flaws."
"When we think about Neptune, you want to think about your imagination and your creativity."
"Neptune enhances your intuition because since 2012 it is in good configuration with your sign or your ascendant."
"What I do like about this new moon is that the new moon is in a nice aspect to Neptune."
"Neptune represents your intuition, inspiration, sixth sense."
"Neptune represents our dreams, we all need to dream more or less, you know, and we need to dream physically, physiologically, it is vital to dream."