
Market Forces Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"Market forces are moving forward, getting rid of cars and reducing carbon emissions."
"A progressive activism is now effectively marching in lockstep with the very market imperatives that they are opposed to on the face of things."
"The business of saving people's lives is simply too important to be left to market forces."
"Market forces are at work here...and you, if you have executive function, the ability to sit down, shut up, and learn, can do this first before you make the decision to go a hundred thousand dollars in debt."
"Supply and demand is such a powerful force, you can't overlook it."
"The market will fix everything and should fix everything."
"It's not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest."
"At the end of the day, the market always decides."
"America is really the last standing pillar of democracy."
"What the markets keep doing is working against what the Fed's trying to achieve."
"This is what you live for, these next three, four, five, six months, however long the cycle goes. We're gonna see supply and demand tested, and that could really, really make things explode."
"Unlike most other goods and services, healthcare has some unique facets that result in a highly competitive market not actually creating the best healthcare system through those competitive forces."
"If they can't sell the cards at the higher prices they're going to have to lower those prices and that's what we want lower graphics card prices now."
"Death, divorce, diplomas, diapers, diamonds, and distressed assets—opportunities that will continue to move the market regardless of interest rates."
"It's trying to normalize things that are not normal."
"The ultimate solution is going to be through more Market competition."
"That's a function of the lack of competition to actually make that experience great."
"If Beijing keeps calling these bluffs and using the weaponization of the rare earth industry, the more likely that pressure will be applied on the two competitive market forces already working towards solutions."
"I didn't think that we were going to have a next generation of consoles I didn't think I didn't think we were going to have it but apparently they're probably going to do it because they need to make money."
"The value of a currency is related to the strength of an economy."
"It's not a big six, it's a three and a three, it feels to me like because it's United, Chelsea are breaking away from Liverpool, Arsenal, Tottenham for pure economic reasons."
"The market imposes standards; you don't make money over the long run by being dishonest."
"No plan survives contact with the enemy. The enemy is the market."
"High demand and low supply can create an infinite upside, and I'm not kidding when I say that."
"Gas prices are down in most places, and that's because of increased competition."
"I think Bitcoin will start to be seen as a safe haven asset... there's a lot of factors working against Bitcoin but also a lot of factors working for Bitcoin."
"Let the customers decide. If they don't want it, they won't buy it."
"The market is able to moderate itself... if you just leave it alone."
"The reality is, the reality is the reality and the marketplace is going to tell me the truth."
"The value of anything is determined by the forces of supply and demand."
"We're losing something, and throwing our hands up and handing it wholesale over to Market forces is this really deep loss."
"I agree, the power of the market and people standing together."
"The cure for high oil prices are high oil prices."
"Overall, what we ideally want is some form of equilibrium between supply and demand buyers and sellers."
"What causes price to go up? Simple: supply versus demand."
"When it comes to Bitcoin, if you ignore everything out there, all the macros, all the fundamentals, the only thing that really matters is supply and demand."
"These are massive deflationary forces."
"Value of silver and gold will be determined by market forces and supply and demand."
"Instead of business slowly or quickly eroding due to market forces, office Green embraced the changing market and remained flexible."
"Game companies need to go where the money tells them to."
"Appreciation is often out of your control due to market forces."
"The ability to exit... forces these businesses to compete on prices."
"I never want to feel this way again. So the market forced me to learn this lesson."
"Supply and demand dictates price."
"Market dynamics is just the tug of war between supply and demand."
"Supply and demand is why most things happen in the world."
"Competition forces each firm to produce where price equals marginal cost, and it forces entry and exit until marginal cost equals average cost."
"Consumers are going to drive change."
"You just have to let the market decide."
"Let the market do its job, your job is to do proper risk management."
"The market will determine your value."
"These companies are the envy of the rest of the world in many respects, and as history has proven time and time again, they tend to rise and fall by market dynamics, not due to regulation."
"Don't fight the fed, but no one is bigger than the market."
"The market is purely a function of supply and demand."
"The invisible hand of the market."
"Porter's Five Forces model is a terrific model to use to support your answers."
"As with any market, demand and supply are very important; increasing demand pushes up prices and increasing supply pushes down prices."
"The markets always got the final say."
"Price strictly moves because of supply and demand when the equation is out of balance or not in equilibrium."
"It is as ridiculous to ask whether supply and demand sets price as to ask which blade of a pair of scissors cuts the paper."
"The invisible hand of capitalism."
"The recessionary forces are going to be building more than what's priced in to financial assets or the economic consensus."
"Supply and demand is the simplest theory that explains the price action of anything in crypto."
"The forces of supply and demand converge in a global marketplace."
"Nothing can change supply and demand."
"It's all about supply and demand meaning when demand exceeds supply at a price point, price must rise."
"It's all about that supply and demand."
"Fighting the forces of supply and demand is like fighting the flow of water on a riverbank."
"Real capitalism is like there's an invisible hand that takes the goods from where they are and pulls them to where they're wanted to be bought."
"Price and volume itself, that's the only thing that could physically move the market."
"Price and volume are the only things that could physically move the market, and it's how the auction facilitates trade."
"Capitalism will only end up this way if you believe that myth about the freedom of market being the gods to which we have bow down and to whom we have to pay obeisance."
"If the money supply were determined by free market forces, there would be very little up and down."
"The market decides what is a fair price for something."
"The price is set by supply and demand."
"Financial markets are governed by the forces of supply and demand."
"Either the FED will take care of it or the bond market will."
"The marketplace is driven by supply and demand."
"We're witnessing a classic economic scenario unfolding: the supply and demand curve in action."
"The actual selling price is usually determined by market forces, by supply and demand."
"The so-called invisible hand will determine which producers survive as consumers buy those products that best serve their needs."
"The market forces can be so strong, it will still make you a successful startup."
"Wages were freely allowed to fluctuate to absorb all the workers willing to work."
"The equilibrium comes from the interaction between supply and demand."
"I think the free market would take care of itself, and I think Elon Musk is proving that."
"The main dynamic behind support and resistance is demand and supply in the market."
"In a market economy, supply and demand forces determine prices."
"Market forces will push a price that's too low up towards equilibrium and a price that's too high down to equilibrium."
"Price is determined by demand and supply."
"The market is run by market forces: demand, supply, or as Adam Smith called it, the invisible hand of the market."
"The price of the dollar is a price like any other; it's determined by supply and demand."
"Demand is greater than supply, the price will go up whether you like it or not; those are the laws of economy."
"Let the market dictate; the market does always dictate."
"Like everything else, interest rates are set by demand and supply."
"When demand is exceeding supply, the market will push up."
"Unfilled orders cause prices to turn; that's supply and demand."
"Porter's Five Forces is a method for analyzing and understanding the competitive forces that are shaping a marketplace."
"The real power of Porter's Five Forces is that it gives you a starting point to think about how you can shape meso-level forces to be in your favor."
"The external value of a currency depends wholly on market forces of supply and demand."
"A triangle reflects a balance of forces, causing a sideways movement usually associated with decreasing volume and volatility."
"Your healthcare transparency initiative will empower consumers and use free market forces to drive healthcare markets towards lower prices, better outcomes, greater access, and greater value."
"It wasn't the Invisible Hand of the market that led us to where we are, it was the invisible fist of government guiding the behavior of that so-called market."
"The free market is going to determine what's worth investing in and what's not worth investing in."