
Asia Quotes

There are 309 quotes

"Just 50 years ago, most of Asia was in the same economic situation as most of Africa today."
"A plot to smuggle 55 million methamphetamine tablets and more than 1.5 tons of crystal meth disguised in beer crates was thwarted by police in Laos, resulting in the largest single drug seizure in Asia."
"The Belt and Road Initiative really began well before it had a name. It's the process of Asia knitting itself back together."
"The best technology in the world is coming from Asia. The 21st century is Asia's century."
"China would not stop after swallowing Taiwan. Instead, Beijing would keep going, pressing forward to try to become master of Asia and, from that position, the world's dominant power."
"Washington's credibility in Asia, and thus its ability to muster a coalition to stop China's domineering ambitions, would be gravely damaged by failing to effectively defend Taiwan."
"Asia is currently facing a major Water Crisis, and by Major, I mean major: a record-breaking drought, the longest and most severe drought in recent history."
"India, China, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Pakistan alone account for nearly half the world's total groundwater use, sparking the Region's worst Water Crisis in years."
"The water challenge is plaguing the region are so severe and so intense, many believe that lack of water, yes water, if unsolved, will lead to the collapse of Asia as a region."
"There's nothing quite like Asia, the energy, the people, just Good Vibes."
"Mackenzie needed Asia to click, and when she did, it clicked immediately."
"A virus of disinformation is taking over Asia, and China is largely to blame."
"Japan and India for example makes a decent combo."
"India and China saw each other's countries that could move forward together."
"Asia is as strong in EV battery technology as they are in semiconductors."
"For centuries in the past, Imperial China was feared and respected as the dominant power in Asia."
"Asia's prospects and challenges are today very much dependent on developments in the Indo-Pacific."
"Scribe offers a great opportunity to both beginners as well as experienced transcribers."
"South Korea has a GDP of 1.8 trillion dollars, making it the 10th largest economy in the world and the third largest in Asia."
"Taiwan today is the second richest major economy in Asia following only just behind Japan."
"This is the hidden untold story of South Korea and Japan."
"Maau is like the 'New York of Asia,' the Las Vegas of Asia."
"Surprising archaeological discoveries that are shrouded with unanswered questions are still scattered in Asia."
"A mysterious phenomenon occurs on the Mong River in Asia: glowing fireballs known as Nagas rise from the water into the sky."
"The majestic natural wonders of Africa and Asia."
"Saudi Arabia sees itself integrating into Asia, and there's no doubt that out of all the Asian countries, China is the most important piece of the puzzle."
"In Asia, it's all about keeping your word. Handshake is the contract."
"The 21st century, however, is what most analysts... is the Asian century with India and China at its main players."
"The world should work together. I think there's going to be big, big clashes there between India and China."
"Developing nations including across southeast Asia... are rising because of industry and infrastructure driven by growing trade with a rising China."
"Hopefully this will continue moving forward. Thailand will develop, Thailand will grow its cooperation with China, and together the rest of Asia will arise."
"Asia has a lot of democracies and a lot of non-democracies." - "They all have very different parameters."
"There's something special about convenience stores in Asia."
"They will do what they can to undermine us and our position in Asia."
"Asia is really, really flying when it comes to adoption."
"China was still the father of Asia whether rebellious sons like Japan admitted it or not."
"The bull market in gold is centered in Asia. It's Off to the Races and there is so much money in the bank accounts."
"East Asia is the economic powerhouse of Asia and indeed the world."
"Southeast Asia is on the up and up region of the world."
"The elegance and Grandeur of its interior is described as unsurpassed by any Financial or commercial house in Asia."
"Asia is like so much more advanced on crypto and digital payments like you guys don't mess around with paper money like we do and we're way behind the curve so you're killing the game over there."
"Let's talk about the original landscape because it's very important for you guys to understand that Asia as you know is a region with a growing political and economic significance to the world."
"Look, the reality is Asia's going to be well over 50% of global GDP in the future. If China dominates it, which it clearly wants to do, it will dominate our lives, our jobs, our economic prospects, and security."
"People need to look at the big picture. Anyway, Asia is much more populated. You cannot go against that. If you go against that, it means containing them and keeping them poor."
"It's about time we change that; the West must come to terms with the New Asia."
"We're going to Korea and Japan this summer!"
"When you are a foreigner and you live in Asia and you build your network and you meet people in person many times... this is an unbreakable bond."
"I chose to travel Asia; it's somewhere I'd never been, and the ranging cultures from country to country, city to city intrigued me."
"We're undergoing a fundamental shift of great importance; Asia, because of the rise of China, is going to be the most important area of the world for the United States."
"... Asia's rise is leading to a New World Order..."
"The Asian continent has emerged from 30 years of political changes and incredible economic growth."
"Asia's rise is on a speed and on a trajectory that no one of you had anticipated."
"Asia will become, if not already, a technological hub."
"Why wouldn't you be here? It's the gateway to Asia, gateway to Southeast Asia, where everybody internationally comes to do business because it's the easiest place to do business in the world."
"...the closer we get to Asia, the closer the flavors on my table are getting to Asia."
"After the amazing show, we spent the rest of the day just looking around. I think this was the Asia section as well. The tiger was wow, I was just shook at how elegant and majestic all of the animals around this section were."
"The mura tower will rise to become the tallest skyscraper in all of Asia."
"But there are a lot of places in Asia where people are consuming 200 pounds per year."
"We are at a place where I think a more multi-polar Asia the large number of Asian countries each with 100 million plus India of course is 1 billion plus you have these countries today who have the capacity and the agency to reshape the neighborhood."
"...every year across Asia snakes from the Cobra genus killed tens of thousands of people."
"...Asia had hundreds of millions of brains always but they were never used... millions of brains being wasted."
"These people aren't just rich, they're crazy rich. Yeah, there's new money all over Asia, but the Young family, they're old money rich. On another level."
"Why is it a choke point? There are no alternative routes when you're trying to go from Asia to the United States, or Asia to Japan."
"For the first time in all my life I saw myself in the mirror of Asia."
"The thing I love about Asia is that you walk so much that all the food you eat just gets digested so fast."
"The 21st century will be the Asian century."
"Asia is creating a class of responsible stakeholders."
"The return of Asia is important to remember is a return to the norm."
"When the masks came out, so I've been going to Asia since the '80s. My first tour was like '83 or '84, so I've been to Asia literally a hundred times."
"Asia's over the top. She's got the face. We're not supposed to be seeking outside help."
"Whatever all that went on today was, I can almost guarantee you that Asia was told to be the star and steal the spotlight."
"Asia captured us all with that star quality, that sass."
"I think this was Asia's best performance."
"Asia will largely define the contours of the century ahead."
"It just blows my mind, like over here in Asia the arcade culture is still very much alive versus in America it's dead, it's like literally dead, arcades don't exist."
"Bangkok is like the New York of Asia."
"Taipei is a dream destination for many in Asia."
"Sri Lanka is one of the most beautiful places to live in Asia."
"My journey in Asia was one of the few countries where I feel like I talked to the most people. People were very friendly."
"American startups have a lot to learn from startups in Asia."
"The economic challenges and opportunities for Asia in 2024 are also coming into focus."
"Asia will become even more important, more strategic for everybody, not only for the Chinese, for everybody."
"...there is a return to normality. Now, the most important fact to know about Asian history is that the two largest economies of the world from the year one to the year 1820 for 1800 out of the last two thousand years were always those of China and India."
"The center of gravity of the world's economy will shift to Asia, especially to East Asia. This shift is unstoppable."
"Wow, the views are spectacular some of the best you'll find anywhere in Asia."
"The Philippines Basketball Association is the first and oldest league in Asia."
"Asia for the next 10 to 20 years is the most exciting growth story in the world."
"...these two tiny fragments prove humans moved into Asia for the first time at least 86,000 years ago."
"What happens in Asia or the Indo-Pacific... is what is going to shape not just what happens in Asia but in the larger global institutions."
"This is not only the most populous city in Asia but the most populous on the planet earth."
"It is a delicacy in South China and most Asian territories, specifically in Cambodia and Vietnam."
"I hope I get to Asia this fall and I can see some of you, and if not next year."
"Celestial eye goldfish are a more than 200-year-old breed originating from China or Korea."
"The three major empires were the Mughals in India, Safavids in Iran and Ottomans in the Middle East, Anatolia and Eastern Europe."
"Namely, these three empires were called the Gunpowder Empires because of their introduction, reliance, development and transmission of Gunpowder Technology from China."
"Asia is the largest continent in the world."
"Digital banking gaining traction across Asian markets."
"Japan is taking on a role in Asia and in a pan Asian trade that I did not have before."
"The children of the Cold War: Muslims from Asia coming to America."
"I love Asia. I'm trying to visit as many countries in Asia as I can this year and over the next two years."
"Asian countries consistently take the top spots."
"If you can only do one Cruise in your life, make it in Asia. Cruises are absolutely amazing. It's fantastic, every place is so cool, and I think a cruise is the best way to explore Asia."
"Sloth bear is an amazing creature from Asia."
"Honestly, the choice of stores here, I have to tell you, is comparably to some other Asian countries, pretty good."
"The United States has always said that we believe in a balance of power in Asia."
"I'm planning on doing a backpacking trip in Asia this year, so I'm so excited."
"Asia has always been the missing link, the population is there, it's just a matter of expanding."
"Roasted duck is a dish in Asia that was originally reserved for royalty. It's known for its crispy skin and tender, juicy meat."
"Asia has really fine-tuned the introvert part of me that recharges by doing nothing."
"You see, I have a particular set of skills that's quite sought after in Asia."
"This beautiful two-level building full of just amazing stores that represent not just Chinese cuisine but different parts of Asia."
"This whole question about how we adapt to the fundamental shifts in Asia is among the very biggest challenges that Australia's ever faced."
"I don't know what it is about Asia, but something about it just clicks with me."
"It is a beautiful city, one of Asia's most stunning, most modern, most built-up, cleanest, freshest, newest cities."
"Singapore is the London or the New York of Asia, so modern, so new, it looks like it's just been built."
"Thailand has officially kicked on the doors and set the blueprint for what weed should look and feel like in Asia."
"Growth is coming from Asia and the U.S. These are the areas the bank is focusing on."
"The 21st century is going to be an Asian century because you guys are going to lead, definitely both from an innovation technology and even from an economical standpoint."
"Asia is definitely a different place where sizes surprise you at every corner."
"That's so cool, probably the best views we've had in Asia."
"The center of economic weight in the world has been shifting relentlessly from North America toward East Asia."
"There has been what I call an explosion of cultural confidence taking place in Asian minds."
"In Asia today, you're seeing an improvement in living standards in one lifetime of 10,000%."
"How small my world has been and I really want to experience moving to Asia."
"The elegance of a modern Asia with a classic touch."
"Those street foods in Asia, oh sweet foods are the best."
"The result, not always appreciated by the majority of those who became their subjects, was the opening up of Asia from east to west and back again, creating such opportunities for cultural exchange and interaction."
"We're back for another overseas race, we're back in Asia, but this time, a new location, so we're actually in Bangkok, Thailand."
"The future of Asia will be written in four letters: R-CEP."
"Rice water has been used by women across Asia for centuries to help their skin and hair."
"According to the World Food Program, Thai students received the most nutritional lunches in all of Asia."
"One of the great experiences in my life was going on a tour that went through Asia."
"Every time you come back from Asia, you learn something new."
"The regional comprehensive economic partnership... sets the rules of the game for Asian trade set by the Chinese not by the Americans."
"The chrysanthemum is native to Asia and a lot of the techniques we use come from Japan."
"Asia isn't a random point in the middle of China but instead is the biggest continent on the planet not just by population but also by land area."
"The freest country to be in all of Asia is Mongolia."
"Culture plays an important role in economic and social change in Asia."
"Shimbashi Dori is supposed to be the loveliest street in the whole of Asia."
"Shows in Asia are so much better, on a different level."
"With such an Asia, our country and the world will be far more secure than it is tonight."
"Completing Asia was a massive moment, knowing that continent number two was under my belt."
"I'm just sort of excited to see Asia being represented."
"Their success is not only the very success of Korea but also success of the Asian culture."
"Asian countries have demonstrated that if left to themselves, they can form a useful and effective association."
"Land reclamation is particularly common in Asia, a region known for its rapid urbanization over the last few decades."
"The worsening crisis has a great impact on the Muslim nations of Asia."
"He did unite almost the entire continent of Asia under the so-called Pax Mongolica."
"That's what I love about Asia. I mean, anyone can make it, doesn't matter which stupid school you went to."
"We're in a common destiny here to try to figure out how to ensure peace and stability in Asia."
"It's not only about China; the rest of Asia has also been eradicating poverty."
"One thing that really amazes me about ancient fishing techniques, which can still be seen in different parts of Asia, are through the use of birds which have been trained to catch fish alongside the fishermen."
"If you don't know anything about Asia, the Philippines is like the jolliest of them all."
"Thank you, Asia, for making masks cool before it was cool."
"Terra is targeting payment processing systems specifically in a few Asian countries like South Korea and Taiwan."
"Asia is the most populous continent in the world, with its inhabitants accounting for 60 percent of the world's population."
"I just fell in love with Asia. I saw how people lived, I saw how their attitudes were, I saw the beauty of the country."
"This is the Tibetan Plateau, a huge geographic region in the middle of Asia."
"The 21st century is going to be the Asian century."
"It's a great place to travel from, a great base to set up and then go and explore the rest of Asia."
"We're officially in the heart of Asia."
"The world will become increasingly more Asian and, above all, much more African."
"It's one of the best places to work for, currently it has gotten the rank of being the Asia's best place to work for as an employee."
"Growing up in Asia, you learn to respect your elders or people who are older than you because they came first to pave that way for you."
"Just so many good young Korean and Asian golfers on full display right here."
"The ancient sinosphere... including Japan, Korea, Vietnam... the modern day diaspora."
"We're doing really well in Singapore, in Korea, and China, and Japan."
"We are at an enormous Mall of Asia."
"This takes me back to my childhood in Asia."
"In the world of horror, Asia has been one of the most prominent continents to contribute to the genre."
"Asia specifically withholds many interesting stories passed down from generations to generations."
"I had always wanted to come over to Asia and I'd never been before."
"The best samosa I've had in Pakistan, by far the best samosa I've had in Asia actually."
"As the day came to an end, I felt I'd achieved what I came here to do, to show a different side of the dog trade in Asia that isn't about eating them."
"This prize is major, not a minor, that you'll find surrounded by China."
"The international trade approach created the four Asian dragons."
"Double eyelids, V-shaped jaw, pale skin - these are just some of the many beauty standards in Korea and the rest of Asia."
"Living in Asia all my adult life, I can tell you with 200% certainty, there is no tipping."
"It's been called the most fascinating country in Asia."
"Of course, very, very proud because this is the first live event in Asia in over two years and it's a full distance."
"I've always had good experiences in Asia."
"I love Asia and I definitely am going next year."
"We're investing heavily in Asia and particularly in China."
"There's nothing fundamentally contradictory between a strong Asia and a strong prosperous Australia."
"The Asian order of which we've been the foundation has provided an opportunity for countries to see the best seven decades they've ever seen in their history."
"...we have a huge residual well of goodwill from people in Asia..."
"People in the West have very little exposure to Asia and what life is like on this continent."
"Shinzen's interest in Asia began at the age of 14 when he decided to attend Japanese ethnic school in his native city of Los Angeles."
"I was on the top of this beautiful mountain range in Asia."
"Asia overall is more peaceful... there's no huge drug cartel issue, no huge crime issue, no civil unrest."
"It's time for Americans to recognize that Asians can for the most part defend their own interests on their own."
"The birth of the British North Borneo company came about because of three phenomena: firstly, the British Empire had gradually begun showing greater interest in the affairs of East and Southeast Asia."
"China and India accounted for half of the world's trade in 1700."
"It's official, Singapore and Taiwan are ranked as the happiest Asian countries in the world."
"Some of you could take a trip to Asia; you also can meet someone from Asia."
"Filipinos are like the best friends of Asia."
"We've been going in and out of Asia for years, so it's hard to establish when the Silk Road was established."
"When you think of Asia, what countries pop into your head first?"
"This is Taiwan, one of the hidden gems of East Asia yet to be explored by many around the world."
"Asia will account for at least 25 percent of global R&D spend before the turn of this decade."