
Personal Relations Quotes

There are 235 quotes

"As I sacrifice my wife, I mean, I killed my own old wife, what do you think I'm gonna do to you?"
"He was just as much of a 'this indicated' a complete [__] and an unreliable prick."
"As much as me and Doug had our little back and forths at times, I just want to say thank you, Doug, for always being a great friend."
"You're left with about 13,000 days into which you have to cram all of the people you'll ever know, all of the love, the joy, the pain, the laughter, and internet memes."
"He's more transparent than last time, this is what I need."
"No two people are alike and that makes the job a lot more fun."
"We need to know our players in order to root for them."
"Some of the best people in the world... they do well with you not thinking they can pull it off."
"You gotta communicate with people and meet them where they are."
"What these Americans are talking about here and they can't find friends are two of the three kinds of friendship."
"You become an enemy, hence the devaluation and discard phase."
"Now they're super super supportive. My dad's my biggest fan."
"Why would he? I'm talking to you from sister to sister here, why would he?"
"He was the first person that actually felt... he was on my side."
"Aware of how they are perceived is a big deal."
"Zorro would not hesitate to suck you don't think she like like likes me."
"I honestly wish I would have acted better towards you from the beginning."
"If you constantly just having a one-sided agreement with somebody where you always agree with them, it doesn't make any sense."
"A true best friend is someone that you fight for that relationship."
"Believe people when they tell you something."
"Even if some of the things that Rue was saying were true, verbally abusing someone and screaming at someone like that is not okay."
"My idea for this round comes from the fact that Ruby is always taking my clothes and not just my clothes, she'll take my dad's clothes as well."
"Even if you said something crazy... you guys will communicate through that."
"Rejecting a narcissist is making a narcissist's worst nightmare come true."
"Our first Christmas gift today is from my favorite sister Safiya Nygaard."
"Kamara has been very nice to me but that ain't got [ __ ] to do with [ __ ] you."
"I mean, I was very nice. I mean, I just said 'you dming people about me,' I did the little bad boy Halo face."
"In order to understand a person, you have to really understand their context."
"You can't come back here, okay? We're not embracing you again."
"You're like we're best friends. Yeah, I'm convinced now, yeah, yeah, absolutely."
"I think the biggest issue for us a lot of times is mistrust, yeah, because I got to see you."
"Fundamentally, these two were never really all that different from one another in the first place."
"Put a smile on their face; if you can give them gifts, give them gifts before they even have to ask."
"Don't invalidate someone else's feelings just because you don't see anything wrong with the situation."
"She asks him if they could keep this a secret between them two."
"There is a feeling that you get when you have a workplace with people that you enjoy... it's very hard to encapsulate that."
"Let's just talk about this in person or on facetime. I think you're getting too mad and overthinking about this."
"His flattery thing works, Kim Jong-un, I love him, he says nice things about me."
"Well, you know, they're still around, I can spend something on them."
"But I'm also a Pisces, so I'll punch you in the face, but I will cry my eyes out about it later."
"Karen lost it on me, called me cheap, a bad friend, and then officially uninvited me from her birthday party."
"The whole thing started because she had a serious crush on a hairdresser."
"I can see why she's so cool to me, they made me a part of their family, I didn't have to prove myself to them."
"I feel like that's very mature especially for someone who's like 'I'm her best friend,' like that's kind of rare."
"Britney feels supported by her team and those around her."
"If you agree with me six out out of 10 times fine if you agree with me 10 out of 10 times there's something wrong with you."
"Set realistic expectations with yourself and others."
"I was your favorite, that's not my favorite, but that was the moment that I was like damn, this girl is ride or die."
"One time when I had food poisoning, I was your favorite. That's not my favorite, but that was the moment that I was like damn, this girl is ride or die."
"At the end of when Cotton comes marching home, he even accepts Hank's financial help for Gh's sake."
"When people show you who they are, you better believe them."
"He's a fabulous person, man. He's a really nice guy, he's, I've trained with him a bunch of times, hung out with him, man."
"The person most likely to screw you over is the person you least suspect."
"It's all about the context, consent, and how you portray in what way they touched your life."
"Friendship: I understand that a friend is in my life for a reason."
"I think people gravitate towards you because they know what to expect, there's like a certain honesty."
"It's just my way of saying I see you, I recognize you."
"You don't have to like somebody to respect them."
"He was just trying to defend me, the other dude was just trying to de-escalate the situation."
"They're very focused in on you, on making things right with you, on bringing balance to the situation."
"If you think you're hiding something from somebody, you're not."
"It was actually something really really stupid but we got in an argument."
"We watched this man publicly shame, mock, humiliate the mother of his child."
"We're the best PR hype man for the people we love ever."
"I apologize for like things I didn't do for you."
"They definitely want to call you, they're still going through this process of change."
"They definitely want to send you a message, so you'd definitely be hearing from them."
"I think other people's vulnerability allows me to open up more."
"It's all good, you know, as like a person, as like a person. It's all good, you know what I mean? Thank you, do appreciate that."
"MJ you know he's always been good to me and you know he intense competitor all of that but he always showed love."
"If me and Stallone, if I didn't feel like we could see eye to eye, I wouldn't have walked into it."
"I don't want your money, I just want your sex."
"Hunter was speaking with Anita on the phone and they were reconciling and he was speaking with her and telling her that everything was gonna be okay."
"She was the only one who could talk to him at eye-level."
"I'm sure my parents asked them to come... they can come and face the issue for once in their lives."
"I wouldn't be mad, I would just be disappointed."
"Making this fair for you, making this work for you."
"It's so much more upsetting when it's someone that you like thought you know."
"It really pisses me off because we're so much alike."
"I think it's having other people just genuinely enjoy your company and in a way that it's made their lives other lives just a little bit better."
"It's not about who you punch, it's about getting a free sample, my brother."
"I legitimately like most of you guys. I'm pretty honest, but some were different than I expected."
"I would respect people more if they would just say, 'you know what I don't like him.'"
"I had apologies to make to some people because I too pulled away from certain people because I didn't know how to say help."
"What people don't understand is the emotional side, and that is really what matters most."
"I predicted that you were emotional about something that you weren't emotional about, and it turned out that I'm wrong."
"For the most part, I find that people find it difficult to really get mad at just me, you know showing here's what happened and here's what I think about it."
"He was the Brett that I talked to before he actually showed up to work."
"I hate how much I like you, you piece of [ __ ]."
"She's sorry that she got caught, not sorry for having the affair."
"Sometimes you don't like the behavior but that you can have a little compassion sometimes."
"You're into them but the fact that they don't express themselves and they are like this, it has you thinking whether you should open up to other people."
"I've searched for you in others, nobody compares."
"That is what he deserves though for cheating on you and not just cheating on you."
"There's no willing to communicate anymore, not even personally."
"I think sometimes you just don't go against people who did something for you at a time when you couldn't do it for yourself."
"She's just such a wholly warm person, and I feel like every time I talk to her I feel like she's a sister that I wish I had."
"So if you block me now, and that time you allowed me, it is double standards because that time you didn't know me. It's only that I was doing it not in the light."
"If they can't see your true colors like I do, then they are not your real friends."
"You're a baby daddy, what do that got to do with a white woman?"
"I only wish I could have done for my beloved friend Adam what I've done for dogs."
"I legit thought he hated me, and then why would I you think like me did you?"
"I've always liked you, you. I'm sorry I couldn't be honest."
"I had no expectations of him, I didn't know what the [ __ ] a manager did."
"If you don't laugh mate you know you're gonna cry I'm in the doghouse I mean I was punching tables before everybody gets carried away."
"There's something different about that person and you just hone in on it straight away like a laser beam."
"He's my son, hence why his name is the masked."
"Communication is good. I should speak. I just don't think he likes you talking to people that don't agree with his worldview."
"The obstacle to this situation causes a lot of anxiety."
"Don't worry about how much it's going to cost, I'm not going to make a hassle over the money later on."
"We just trying to see each other grow. You know, I don't got nothing against bro, he don't got nothing against me. He's doing his job."
"Sometimes all you have in common with a person is that you have the same mother and father."
"He's more willing to give than you are to receive."
"One of the biggest downsides of having money is that you will forever question the motives of those around you."
"Be aware of who you're dealing with in your circle."
"My mom never gave out compliments ever... Not a [__] peep, she says it to her friends."
"You can't change people you can understand them if you want to if you care enough."
"If you respect me, I respect you. If you have a different political opinion, that's perfectly fine."
"Treat your audience like they're normal people just like you because they are."
"This guy is putting me in my place, I haven't been able to get away with this in a long time."
"How do I correct you in a way that honors you?"
"Tang has full trust in Wang and that he is always protecting her."
"You're liked, Maul, Joe, and myself are disliked. I don't know how anybody just likes me."
"If you give them honesty, that's all people are really looking for. They're not looking to be bullshitted."
"They feel really attracted to you and they don't know why."
"They feel like they're very sexually drawn to you."
"Sometimes you just gotta let your friends help you."
"There can only be vulnerability and intimacy with another human being when you can tell them how it is that you really feel."
"There's no piece of me that feels that you were pretending even if you were."
"Empathy comes in, and you're able to see them in a way where their actions aren't personal."
"I want you to have this as an apology, it's okay if you say no, but I like you to have it."
"The reason I'm calling you is because I think for returning my Rolex day-date that you borrowed."
"His inherent trust in the goodness of others had blinded him to the malevolent schemes brewing in his own household."
"My best friend Kristina... she is not imaginary to me."
"When you respect somebody, you have this wonderful sense of harmony with them."
"Bojack realized that everybody loves him but nobody likes him, and that is the loneliest feeling in the world."
"Everybody loves him but nobody likes him, and that is the loneliest feeling in the world."
"However, nothing that Kira says suggests that he hadn't seen Herrera before."
"I've realized that she lied to my face and took me for a complete idiot."
"His father just strongly disapproved and had questions that Kim."
"Lucrezia’s family relations and her many affairs and marriages made her a focus of salacious gossip and many myths in late fifteenth and early sixteenth century Italy."
"So thank you Sophie for replacing my bag... she wrote me the loveliest note to go with it just saying thank you so much for solving all my bag problems."
"I'm like, capitalism Jarvis. I employ Jordan. Jordan's my employee technically."
"They put on our psychology hats for a minute. You know what this is? This is a perfect example of black and white thinking. These two are so stuck in black and white."
"There's nothing I can do is going to make you like me."
"Relatability will take you further than anything else."
"Sometimes it's not always about being right, it's about being silly."
"I know challenge the sad now I like you your sweetheart."
"You may be surprised how much you have in common on certain levels."
"Imagine waking up and not knowing why everyone is upset with you."
"Conflict is like a bump, it's not always about who's in the wrong or right."
"Ethan Klein... He had my back when everyone else was against me."
"See, nobody talks to the love of my life that way."
"Forgive the past, but evaluate based on present actions."
"People would like to buy from other people that they enjoy or like being around."
"Yes, because at the end of the day, this is his daughter."
"Anyone that loves you genuinely, this is what they say: Those who care don't matter, and those who matter don't care."
"You remind me of some guy that I don't like very much, but you got good taste."
"The reality is most people aren't going to like you, want to be your friend, or even talk to you. That's just reality."
"This person genuinely wants to be heard but may not want to hear you."
"He's amazing... has befriended over it I think 20 KKK members or even I think it's more."
"I wish the brother nothing but the best but if we're going to be real about it let's deal with reality."
"I should have listened to you. I'm so sorry."
"They start talking real vague, there's just been an overall attitude changing you over the last couple of weeks."
"Telling someone how you feel when you feel it is so important."
"My heart for you is not to attack, but because I care."
"You need to forgive somebody in order to get from them what you deserve."
"When you're relating to other people 99% of the time you're actually relating to yourself."
"If I'm gonna be mad at somebody I want to be mad at you because and then I want to be unmad at you and oh it's just oh anyway I'm so happy for y'all that's dope."
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."
"Even if you dislike a person, you always have to weigh that against their positive attributes."
"You can count me as your Scottish friend in it."
"You're the []... you're definitely the [] if you ban her from your abode."
"If you told me Prince's nephew was leaning on us, I would say Prince might have been an issue."
"How could I have a beef with someone I don't know?"
"You should hear what they say about me, blooper, they don't even like you."
"You should be basing who and where you go on the conversations that you're having."
"It's one of those things where whatever she did or he did to separate the two of you, it's going to be that same reason why the two of you will reconnect."
"An important conversation with someone you've been avoiding is going to turn out completely different than expected."
"The ability to get on personally despite vehement disagreement."
"They're looking at you like you're somebody they feel they can rely on."
"I've always regretted not being more honest with you."
"I have the absolute confidence of Lisa's family."
"Zero experience, everything. Well, even the one with no experience could be trying to play you."
"Everything is fine, he may even suspect that people have ulterior motives when it comes to his Queen of Cups."
"Some people can, in fact, surprise you in the end."
"Who better to manage a fight week than the original coach -- Mom."
"Talking to bio mom was ten thousand percent the right move here."
"I don't think you really dislike me but I genuinely feel like you've realized over time that I'm not your kind of person."
"I never doubt his sincerity and his good faith engagement."
"I have this terrible, horrible feeling that it's not a coincidence, Pat."
"There's still unfinished business between you two."
"I just wanted to know like, 'Hey man, I'm proud of you.'"
"I thought you were a nice person. No you didn't, you were skeptical the whole time."
"No matter what happens, no matter where I go, you're in charge of the cookies."
"Being what you really are helps me see things clearly."
"Be cautious of inconsistent or unreliable people."
"People don't want to do business with business, they want to do business with people."
"You can be very critical of what they do... and they won't turn their back on you."