
Overreaction Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"Behind any sort of overreaction or any sort of regrettable behavior, there is always a need that I am trying to fulfill for myself."
"A tendency to overreact can indicate that they'll be extremely difficult to work with."
"Fear propelled the kind of massive, disproportionate overreaction that we saw by governments."
"The safest thing to do as a public leader is to overreact."
"It's really not that deep. Like, you may hate this song, but at the end of the day, to say it's degrading towards women and ending women empowerment, you've got to be a bit of a Sweeney Hut Jrs."
"The underrated part is they don't just act, they overreact - the way any parent supporting their child would."
"You don't have to send the whole kitten caboodle."
"There's too much bearishness in the bond markets right now, that this is a total overreaction."
"Eleni's getting a lot of messages and stuff on like Instagram and like death threats, you guys. That's ridiculous. It's a Minecraft video."
"He just, he cut it out, yeah, yeah, okay, that's just, that's just a good example of how, um, things got a little out of hand back then."
"Oh my gosh a fly has gone into my peach juice oh my gosh it's still life this is my peach juice fly it's not yours it's not yours I know it's gross first piece trick you can't let it go to waste."
"Most people can all agree... just an overreaction."
"Overreacting to small mistakes... common in the early 2000s."
"Disqualifying somebody over tea bagging their dead teammate is probably one of the biggest stupid things you could do."
"As a society, we're so freaked out over ridiculous stuff."
"We humans, we're strange creatures. In our life, there are these times when we overreact for sure, a primal response to some random, meaningless thing."
"Kevin Durant catches backlash for criticizing... a sixth grade basketball player... and I think that is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time."
"I'm a naturally calm person. I find it to be a problem when people are overreacting because things are out of our control."
"I've literally never seen anyone get upset about literally crying over spilled milk."
"There's no crime, no victim, no one was hurt, no property was damaged, and they're asking for jail time. Are you kidding me?"
"Sometimes people make too much out of nothing."
"The school called police after a kindergartner with Down syndrome pointed a finger gun at her teacher."
"Following the same rule, Taylor Swift dying her hair black was an attack to me and every people in the world with black hair." - Little Oreo
"Why do we have to immediately bring up old shit to ruin a guy's fucking life?"
"Honestly, this whole thing was blown way out of proportion, really. That's what I'm saying, it was one boob, man, it wasn't two."
"Violence is never an appropriate reaction to words, but that's getting played out."
"I think everyone who leaks stuff needs to take a chill pill and realize no one is maliciously stealing your info."
"The protesting of this film got so ridiculous, you would have actually thought that the makers of this film physically molested the country's children."
"Your husband has every right to feel annoyed, but I feel like his reaction was completely over the top."
"Everybody just overuses 'buried.' It's like, 'Oh, they've buried him, they've buried her,' and it's like, 'Just calm down. It's one week. It's a TV show. Just calm down.'"
"Ridiculous overreactions to words and opinions have become the norm in our society."
"Are you effing kidding me right now? This is what everyone's been making such a big freaking deal about?"
"A perfect example of what happens when Karen makes a big deal out of nothing."
"The overblown reaction of this is really quite astonishing."
"It's about this much larger overreach and overreaction of a corporate entity that has all the resources and power in the world and is now choosing to react to its children's toy product with this level of extremism."
"It's only been a day or two and you're already acting like this is the end of the world."
"The issue with cancelled culture is it's kind of like this: like you have a cut on your arm, let's just chop the whole arm off to make a statement."
"It's just insane that we've had a news cycle all weekend about too many people in the park."
"It's pretty cringe bro... but we were all cringe and overreacted back in the day."
"Canceling is when you're so sure someone's a bad person based on a tweet that you try to get them fired."
"In first grade, I finished a test and flipped my paper over."
"This woman don't want to let a little girl sell some water she called the police on an eight-year-old little girl."
"Why are people making a big deal out of nothing?"
"Keep an eye on those overreactions; they offer the best trading opportunities."
"A mountain was made out of a molehill, something I most certainly wasn't prepared for at the time."
"Alternatively, the children can't sled on the hill because a security theater panic has been ginned up and virtually no one in a position of influence has bothered even questioning it."
"It's very typical milk but yeah people are getting sort of their knickers in a knot about it over weird something that it's not."
"I really think a lot of the usual complaints about this game are blown way out of proportion."
"Allergies are when your body is just overreacting to something that is normally safe."
"That was an overreaction. She is old enough to tell you that it's making her uncomfortable."
"People make way bigger deal about this than it is, A."
"This is a serious overreaction. We cannot be illiberal with illiberalism."
"I think the market tends to overreact on both sides."
"At the very least, I think we can all agree that murder over math proof is the wrong reaction."
"The healthy brain overreacting to natural stimulus due to overindulgence, excessive stress, lack of sleep, and other such strains to the mind and body."
"You're the [__]. You have no idea where your niece would potentially be on the spectrum, so your overreaction was really unnecessary."
"He would see it as the biggest overreaction that Bruce could have possibly had."
"But if you had a little light and you know that it's him, you're going to be able to hang in there. Those who are true, most people won't because they'll overreact to that and run just the way they overreact if somebody hurt their feelings or whatever, right?"
"Never ever ever ever ever overreact to a game one."
"I just wanted to smash him and I went too far."
"It's like blowing out a candle with a fire hose. It doesn't make sense."
"There is something so special about seeing people freak out over a bee."
"I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all, Karen the self-appointed guardian of the neighborhood had made a fool of herself over a bottle of sprite."
"Y2K was a real issue, right? It didn't have the crazy ramifications that some people predicted."
"It's a storm in a teacup; you need to weather storms in teacups because you need to save your strength for storms on high seas."
"Obviously on this show, we are y'all just love to overreact to stuff."
"It's a peanut butter and jelly, Junior, what are you so mad about?"
"I think if baby snoring makes you angry, you got bigger problems."
"It's an old saying, don't make a mountain out of a molehill."
"...a great fool is one who overreacts at the slightest thing..."
"It's super easy. Why do they make a big deal about it?"
"The cut-off culture is really kind of unnecessary sometimes."
"I'm sorry, I overreacted; I'm sure whatever you're doing was intended to help her."
"Imagine being publicly mad about a meme."
"It's just Instagram; you're doing too much, it's not that serious."
"I asked you to snuff out a candle to help protect the king, instead you heaved a pot of wildfire at it."
"We're seeing people suggesting the adoption of sort of hysterical measures that really do not address the problem."
"One of the first red flags we often see in pathologically narcissistic people is their tendency to overreact."
"It's just a tie, just socks. Why do they make such a big deal out of such trivial matters?"
"I feel awful about what happened. I overreacted."
"Whenever you have a thousand dollar reaction to a fifty problem, there's probably something deeper going on."
"She's making something out of nothing."
"I totally overreacted and never should have spoken to you like that. I'm sorry."
"People overreact because they don't understand; that's what causes overreaction."
"I'm sorry, man, it's not that deep."
"I'm yelling because I'm thinking my dog is about to be hit by a car and then somehow I'm gonna end up with a mug shot today."
"You've got to stop tripping every time something happened to you like it's the end of the world."
"You're overreacting; it's not that serious."
"The market will often overreact and when the market does overreact, smart value investors exploit those over reactions."
"It is not that serious, calm down, you're being dramatic."
"Happy Thanksgiving week, this overreaction Monday shall be absurd."
"Middle-aged white people are going to see things, get nervous, and then call the cops 100% of the time."