
International Influence Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"But nobody could guess just how popular the show would become, and what it would lead to overseas..."
"Her popularity transcended borders in a pre-internet age; her impact and outreach were astounding."
"We have enormous talent in this country. They are treated like dirt and they're all kicked out and go off to other countries."
"China is the only country with both the intent to reshape the international order and, increasingly, the economic, diplomatic, military, and technological power to do it."
"Democracy is a process of self-determination, so if any part of that process is being determined from abroad through democracy promotion from another country, that is not actually democracy, that is actually undermining democracy."
"We need to revive our economy, copying successful strategies from other countries."
"For all its imperfections, America is still the beacon to the world, an ideal to be realized, promised to be kept. There's nothing more important, nothing more Destiny."
"The Philippines is definitely becoming a key power player in the world stage."
"For instance, maybe criticism of the Chinese regime becomes impossible because of China's economic influence over other countries, which is already happening."
"He came with that kind of foreign energy and swagger."
"It's incredibly worrying how the Chinese government enforces censorship abroad, even using tactics like calling the police."
"China created websites and shared fake news to influence Taiwan's election."
"Now it's just a matter of, 'Will democracies do the right thing, or they allow themselves to be essentially bought into co-opting their freedoms for profit?'"
"The CCP has extended that same exact database overseas."
"The Chinese government is spending billions of dollars annually on foreign information manipulation efforts."
"China's doing everything in their power to expand their influence to anyone who's willing to listen."
"Scribe offers a great opportunity to both beginners as well as experienced transcribers."
"It's heartwarming to think that a little Japanese shop gave life to all these characters and that Rankin and Bass influenced so many viewers around the world with the work they put into these specials."
"Free Enterprise in the United States cannot work if China dictates policy."
"I remember seeing Nightmare on Elm Street posters in Paris, in Germany, and in Italy... it's all Italian, you know, I want to take that home." - Robert Englund
"I got fans in Japan, I got fans all around the world."
"Don't dismiss our democratically elected leader; a bunch of U.S. fascists who are being backed by Germany rather seized hold of the White House instead of you."
"It might have looked like a small provincial Italian town by the sea but there's plenty of evidence of some of it from the skeletons in the cellar of just how far Pompeii's international connections stretched."
"Steve Wynn so he stepped down before this all started then the slot machines changed from American to Chinese that's weird now they are majority uh."
"It's not in the indicators. It's down to a force that's dictating the market. And I'm not just talking about the United States. I'm talking about a much larger global force at play."
"India is becoming a force to reckon with in more ways than one."
"Would Honduras be up to the challenge of investigating this murder in a professional way and taking it wherever it might lead?"
"TikTok is not just another social network because China is not just another country."
"He was like a legend who managed to change not just Russia, but several other countries throughout the world."
"China has promoted the shift towards a more Diversified international monetary system."
"They saw what happened in America and decided to strengthen their abortion rights in their countries."
"We should embrace it, understand it, and be the international leaders in this space."
"We hope that they will look at whether Russia had help in pulling off that attack on our election."
"Why and how to this little country in the Horn of Africa essentially become the 21st Century's global Military base for all of the world great powers to set up their operations in?"
"The civil war had a very significant international element often overlooked."
"There's some really good talent in South America... Manchester United are a massive club in South America."
"This kind of brought out an international element in music."
"Canada is a middle power militarily, an economic powerhouse, and a stable, functional, growing democracy."
"What happens in Canada does affect the rest of the Democratic world, believe it or not."
"Haiti became one of the poorest countries in the world while bankers in France and the United States made a fortune."
"Akira brought anime to the rest of the world."
"Food for days kakigori these delicious icy desserts which is Japanese but we have one of the best in Hong Kong."
"It's important when these Grand projects to counter Chinese influence come out that people really know what the United States and Europe are really up to when they're attempting these things."
"Manchester United is successful because it's always been an International Football Club."
"This signifies how important Burkina Faso has become for Russia."
"They're spreading cleverly disguised Chinese propaganda in dozens of countries to a combined audience of over 11 million followers."
"America's influence right now could be at its apex, and instead, Joe Biden is blowing it."
"It was the first war that one, America lost, but more, it hurts prestige, it hurts America's ability to influence what was going on in other parts of the world."
"Football is the global sport and is reportedly seen by the CCP as a gateway into foreign markets."
"Every time a Westerner comes, it's about the Chinese."
"If what happened in China stayed in China, that would be bad enough. But instead of America's changing China, China is leveraging its economic power to change America."
"Charles remains as an international historical example."
"Our strength and our example allow other peoples around the world to make a decision whether they share our values or not."
"The Chinese Communist Party is really, really good... at turning their terrible mistakes into propaganda wins—and convincing the rest of the world to agree."
"It's the theme of the whole book: small countries punching way above their weight."
"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stresses the threat of United Front groups in the U.S."
"By changing everyone’s maps, China wants to change how people think about the world."
"We're currently being subverted by the Chinese."
"China's remarkable Economic Development, technological advancements, and diplomatic Outreach have positioned it as a significant player on the world stage."
"HK416's global impact: from special forces to international adoption."
"China is telling the world we are the more attractive version of who you should be following because we are offering our services to the world."
"Brexit doesn't mean we've lost global influence and we're not turning our backs on the world."
"This could inspire other countries to see the do the same especially in the region."
"The Chinese Communist Party suppressing speech in the West because these companies make money from China."
"Stopping the Nordstream 2 pipeline is a critical credible piece we hold over Russia."
"Japan's second opening will change Japanese culture."
"All of these draconian measures... copying China chapter and verse."
"Now China is moving through with their initiatives to build out all of their infrastructure across all of Asia and Africa and we're just like sitting here like twiddling our thumbs."
"As goes one nation, the tendency is the others go in the same direction."
"The humor that I like most is American and British stand-up."
"Squid Game is enormously popular. It has permeated the Western blogosphere, and it's always good to see K-dramas find their way across the sea."
"Anytime we can show off American expertise and technology to the rest of the world, it makes me feel proud."
"The UN has got a very significant Muslim lobby... would not be very happy if the UK did what you just suggested."
"The investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency."
"The Dutch and Germans always bring the most unique and some of the most kind of innovative designs to the table."
"They have international reputation and sometimes project themselves as upholders of Liberty and freedom... they can get away with the violation of laws of the land."
"He became a member of the Comintern, the organization set up by the Soviets to take Communism to the world."
"God is doing something in Ukraine... and God wants to do exactly the same thing even here in the States."
"India is exporting such a tech-heavy platform to the world."
"This is the Russia gate Playbook... anybody who says anything that somewhat challenges the neocon consensus... they are being manipulated by Putin."
"So all this [__] Europe royally and yet the U.S. is having their way."
"Zoe's product zoella beauty I mean they're pretty much everywhere at this point but one place that they're really prominent where they're really big is here in Germany"
"The United Kingdom's role as a major country in international politics might also come to an end, damaging their seat at the table."
"These overseas territories are, so to speak, strategic enclaves that give the French Republic a vast international projection."
"The Baroque was the first truly international art movement."
"It's our time over here now, even the Americans are looking at us."
"The Isle of Man has become a much more mixed and colorful and international place."
"Hallyu refers to the rise of Korean pop culture internationally."
"NFL going to Germany, that's lit."
"His interpretation of Norwegian folk music in his compositions brought the music of Norway to international consciousness."
"The potentially very successful exporting article was copied all across the world."
"My cuisine is like a mix of all these that I learn overseas but I use local products."
"The influence of international fans made the Korean industry more open to different ideas and standards."
"You are the God of miracles and wonders; you demonstrate your awesome power among the nations."
"These days, Korean dramas have a big influence in overseas markets."
"The US needs to exploit its lead here in cryptocurrency and get out there internationally."