
Retirement Savings Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"At any income level, you can always have an IRA."
"This ought to be viewed as a very dangerous tool because this money... was going to be what provides for you once you quit working."
"Saving for retirement remains a bewildering and frightening challenge for millions of Americans."
"The average American is going to need one to two million dollars to retire comfortably."
"If you start at age 25...you would have $1.8 million by the time you're 65, completely tax-free."
"Retirement savings is a long run investment, and it's important not to panic during these dips because stocks do tend to outperform other assets in the long run."
"According to census data, 66% of millennials have nothing saved for retirement. And you know what? I don't blame them."
"IRA accounts you can open... It's really great because you don't get taxed on that money until you pull it out. So you don't have to pay taxes until you're like 65. Your money is able to grow and appreciate."
"The best way to build wealth is to invest in a 401k."
"You get to keep more money in your pocket each and every year."
"Roth contributors actually had 400,000 more in spendable dollars at retirement."
"If you can avoid just one bear market in your life, you're probably going to double or triple the amount of money you have when you retire."
"Biden is hammering your 401k. This is what it really comes down to."
"I think it's incredibly troubling... the people that are going to get burned are going to be the people that have the 401k." - Host
"If you just use $5,500 per year from the age of 18, you will retire a millionaire."
"Utilize retirement plans like IRAs to lower current tax bills."
"Save at least 15 to 20 percent of your net annual income for investing and retirement."
"If you put $100 a month away into an investment account every month until you retire, that alone would be a million dollars."
"You absolutely have to pay no taxes on that if you hold that money until the age of 59.5."
"It would mean riding in the streets by like pretty much throughout the entire country because people's retirement accounts would all be gone."
"If you maxed out your HSA at $7,200 per year as a family over 30 years, then at a 7% return, your account would grow to $680,000 of tax-free money."
"I'm a big fan of maxing out your Roth and any kind of matches that you get for retirement Accounts at your workplace."
"The vast majority of millennials are financially screwed when it comes to retirement."
"Take advantage of any employer-sponsored retirement plan matching. Always take it. This one thing can make you tens of thousands of dollars for free."
"Not starting my Roth IRA earlier when I first started working is one of my biggest financial regrets."
"That's unacceptable... we have zero for retirement so that's unacceptable we do not accept that."
"Americans are pulling cash from retirement savings to pay bills."
"Here's how big of a deal that is let's just say you open up a Roth IRA at 18 years old and you contribute 400 a month to it."
"Think about putting it into a Roth because, yes, you can only withdraw the earnings when you're 59 and a half tax-free."
"The retirement Savings of Americans shouldn't be politicized."
"If you want your lifestyle to stay the same without going down in quality when you stop working, you're supposed to save 1X your yearly income by age 30, three times the annual income by age 40, and by age 60, 8 to 10 times."
"Saving on autopilot, pensions, index funds, and compound growth: keys to financial freedom."
"Here's the deal: if you do so you will set up a 401k for her through her daddy."
"By moving your money slowly but surely to these other structures, the Roth IRA and Roth 401k, you can eliminate capital gains tax altogether."
"So I would go ahead and do your 15% all in the Roth 401k now."
"If your federal marginal tax rate plus your state tax rate is less than 25 percent, consider doing Roth contributions."
"Understanding the difference between traditional and Roth investments is key to smart financial decisions."
"The Roth IRA... tax advantage retirement account... max out your Roth IRA account... compounding interest all those beautiful things."
"If your employer offers 401ks and even better if they offer 401k matching then you definitely want to take full advantage of this—because the matching is literally free money."
"Do it in your IRA as well. You should be doing both."
"It's not normal for people to have retirement accounts worth millions of dollars, but it's doable."
"The Roth IRA dollars ought to be like the most coveted last dollars that you pull out."
"Help keep more of your hard-earned retirement savings in your pocket."
"You can retire on $500,000 in retirement savings, but with very low expenses."
"More Americans are tapping into their 401K plans because the cost of living is outrageous."
"I started putting 10 percent in 401k and you don't miss it when you're investing."
"Here at local 48, we have four different pension plans that are paid into hourly by our employers."
"401Ks actually help people to be financially responsible and save for retirement considering the fact that 35 of us adults have zero retirement savings things the fact that the 401ks help people to allot money for retirement savings is actually a very helpful thing."
"We are excited to be talking about Mega backdoor Roth 401ks."
"Utilizing that tax-free growth is going to allow you to build wealth, to compound your wealth, and really create a lot of tax strategy when you need to draw money, especially in retirement."
"You should be able to take penalty free withdrawals from an IRA or other retirement plan if you're 59 and a half or older."
"If you're willing to put in just a little bit of extra time each month, you can massively increase how much money you'll have for retirement."
"Public servants saving for retirement are part of the constituency the SEC is tasked with protecting."
"You kind of get a twofer. It's one less year where you're spending out of your retirement savings, and it's one more year to continue to save for retirement."
"After two decades of retirement, the average person still had 80% of their pre-retirement money saved."
"A locked-in registered account is designed to be a long-term income generator in retirement."
"Maximizing your pre-tax 401k and then maximizing your Roth IRA contribution gives you this tax diversification."
"These contributions grow tax-free until retirement."
"Way too many people say they are too young to start saving for retirement; it's the exact opposite."
"Now you can actually do Roth contributions as part of your SEP or your SIMPLE IRAs, which is great."
"Employers can now make matching Roth contributions, but employees pay the tax."
"A safe withdrawal rate is the percentage of your Investment Portfolio that you can withdraw each year without a high risk of running out of money over your retirement Horizon."
"It's actually really exciting and empowering because now you're not just blindly saving for retirement."
"Millions of middle-class workers can no longer afford to save for retirement."
"Once you get the money into a Roth, that's it for taxation; you get what's there, there is no more tax."
"If you want to become a millionaire... start when you're 20, stick 100 a month in the stock market, and by the time you're 65, you'll be a millionaire."
"A taxable account used in this way early in retirement can translate to thousands saved per month."
"Life happens to people, and sometimes you have to dig into your retirement savings before time."
"That's a clear example right off the bat where, yes, in theory, holding those shares would be more favorable in the RRSP versus the TFSA."
"You can use accounts like the 401K, IRA, and HSA to lower your taxes even more."
"Maximizing Social Security can save you thousands of dollars a year on taxes."
"In order to encourage you to save for your retirement, the government will give you tax back by topping up your pension contributions."
"With a Roth IRA, you can keep that $100,000 all to yourself, paying no taxes if you reach the certain age of fifty-nine and a half years old."
"Any amount of money you can contribute to a Roth IRA will help you in the long run."
"I opened a Roth IRA when I was 18 years old and did my very best to put the max in that every single year."
"Taking out an initial withdrawal rate of four percent is an incredibly safe approach to retirement spending."
"A 30-year-old with fifty thousand dollars today in a 401k who saves four hundred dollars a month, by the time they're 65, would have nearly nine hundred and twenty thousand dollars."
"Roth 401ks have zero income limits; you can make a million dollars a year and still contribute to a Roth 401k."
"Every one dollar that you can invest has the potential to turn into 88 by the time that you turn 65."
"One goal might be to max a Roth IRA or another goal could be to contribute enough to your 401k at work to get the company match."
"I'm not retirement rich but life poor and opportunity poor by not having that bridge account built up."
"The main benefit of contributing to super is that when you invest within a super accumulation account, all investment earnings are taxed at a maximum of 15%."
"With Roth IRAs and Roth 401ks, you will never have to worry about the uncertainty of what future tax rate increases could do to your retirement savings."
"If you're 30 years old and plan on retiring at 65, you could have 1 million dollars with just 150 dollars per paycheck."
"I do have a retirement account and I put the maximum amount each year that you're allowed to put in it."
"QCDs are allowed to take the place of your required minimum distributions."
"By using this strategy... you're going to be able to pay lower capital gains tax rates instead of your income rates on your income in retirement."