
IVF Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"IVF has rapidly increased...it's such a blessing for so many families."
"I thank God every day for that technology. I would not have my three amazing children if it hadn't been for IVF."
"The Alabama Supreme Court ruled that embryos created through in vitro fertilization are considered living children. And the craziest thing is they might be right."
"Many Alabama clinics have halted IVF procedures out of fear that, quote, 'Patients and our physicians could be prosecuted criminally or face punitive damages for following the standards of care for IVF treatments.'"
"What about embryos with genetic abnormalities? Must they remain frozen? Can they ever be discarded without charging someone with murder?"
"In Alabama, Governor Kay Ivey has signed a new bill into law to protect IVF treatment and not categorize it as abortion."
"Embryo conceived through IVF is legitimate and deserves a chance at life."
"We promote technologies like artificial wombs, IVF technology, allowing gay couples to have kids that are 100% biologically theirs."
"Louise Brown was no ordinary baby; she was in fact the very first baby to have been born after conception by in vitro fertilization."
"I actually don't think she said what people made her out to say I think what she said was she also had her kids via IVF and that she really wanted those kids and they felt like a life."
"Alabama Supreme Court rules Frozen embryos are children, imperiling IVF." - The Washington Post
"Eventually went down the IVF route because we weren't able to have children naturally."
"I hope that this story can help someone out someone who is going through it currently or someone who is thinking about it or if you're just curious in general and want to find out more about IVF."
"IVF itself can be scary I know I got a message on Instagram of someone telling me that they're thinking about starting it but they're terrified don't be scared it's not."
"I found ways to make it work with my lifestyle I didn't stop living my life just to go through IVF and I was in such a better place in my life mentally."
"I just want to leave on a positive note because I know I did a lot of crying, but it's a happy ending and two happy results."
"Guarantee the right to IVF nationwide. Like most Americans, I believe Roe v. Wade got it right."
"Every mother and father who created their child through IVF, we are not questioning whether or not you are a good parent, whether or not you love your child, whether or not your child is a blessing to you, made in the image of God and so precious."
"I get so many questions about what is mini IVF, what is it good for, and how do I find someone who does it."
"this is all a part of the process so if anyone else is is thinking of doing this or going through ivf like have to know that it might not it might not work or it might take multiple rounds or you have to just be prepared"
"Any child who is created, any child who is born, who was conceived through IVF is a beautiful blessing, of course."
"I'm so excited I can't believe we're here and we're doing round two of IVF."
"It's either we go with the slightly weaker embryo and if it doesn't work out then the next time we do two or we do two now and then we still inshallah have one more if it works out or not."
"Here we are round two of IVF it was a success and we're so grateful and feeling so blessed."
"IVF can be very expensive and it's not a decision that is made lightly there's a lot that goes into that it's not something you can just do it okay let's do IVF well at least we didn't feel that way it was an emotional financial physical like all-encompassing decision."
"The chances of getting having a miscarriage going through IVF are higher so you're kind of like excited but then you can't celebrate because you don't really know."
"The hard thing is that many who consider themselves pro-life have refused to extend their own logic to the huge moral crisis posed by IVF procedures."
"You should still be able to get genetically normal embryos if you were to do IVF."
"IVF is not a Surefire way to have children. This is not a guarantee at all, and we are going into this process with eyes wide open."
"Amen, the days of IVF yes are over."
"Embryos to me are babies, so even those created through IVF, I mean I had artificial insemination, that's how I had my son."
"I strongly believe my son would not be here. I would not have gone to Alabama had this ruling happened."
"I don't want to be 40 and freezing eggs and going through IVF. You might be 70 and suicidal."
"...IVF cycle can cost anywhere from 10,000 to 20,000 dollars just depending on your doctor's office all the different add-ons you're gonna get."
"...every day unfortunately most women unless you're one of those who are lucky enough to have you know 30 eggs retrieved and 20 of them sure are 20 of our lives and all 20 of them minutes in Rome then god bless you but we're not like that."
"In vitro fertilization Protocols are customized on a patient-to-patient basis."
"IVF medications are usually self-administered injections that you do at home."
"We officially started our round two of IVF."
"Welcome back, this week we are continuing on our IVF journey and talking about the egg retrieval process."
"I'm Sarah, I am a board-certified OB GYN, an IVF doc now doing IVF myself."
"This journey has certainly been different, as we found ourselves faced with some male factor infertility and now are doing IVF."
"The first baby born via in vitro fertilization or IVF was Louise Brown in 1978."
"Everyone knows that IVF is expensive."
"It's a big reason why a lot of couples don't end up doing IVF."
"The first IVF cycle can sometimes be considered like trial and error."
"You may need more than one IVF cycle."
"There's so many things, literally thousands of things that are involved in a successful IVF cycle, and as a patient, you really have no idea which one of those things caused the negative test and you should virtually never blame yourself."
"I wish everyone luck who's going through IVF; it's an exciting time, it's a scary time."
"In the end, I hope everything works out for everyone who's trying IVF and wants their miracle baby."
"They were my little IVF Miracle babies so they do have special meanings behind those names."
"Most IVF doctors want you to have a healthy, normal baby."
"That miracle didn't happen for us, so we are moving forward with IVF."
"We did the IVF process and everything, we inseminated one time, we did the transfer one time, and it stuck."
"My name is Carly, and I am pregnant with twins via IVF."
"We transferred two embryos and ended up becoming pregnant with twins."
"It's kind of a really big day today; it's basically the start of IVF."
"We got the clear to start our shots tonight."
"Social media has helped us be able to pay to do IVF, and there's no other way that we would be able to afford it without this platform."
"This is also the week that we do our egg retrieval, which is huge and such a big step."
"I'm having IVF, or in the middle of IVF, and I need to basically act like I'm pregnant."
"I just feel like it feels really nice to kind of tick all the boxes around IVF."