
Content Review Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"The rules are simple: since there's four platforms, I'll be watching 250 videos on each of them, and every video I watch will be getting a score one to five, with one being brain rot and five being actually entertaining."
"I absolutely love hearing your kind, funny, and passionate reviews of such a diverse range of voices."
"I don't really have a bad thing to say about any of the new content in this map pack."
"Chapter 249 was incredible and therefore has to be a chapter we cover."
"If you did like this, like it's perfectly fine, I'm really happy for you. I personally didn't like it."
"When should you replay this video? Well, it's never too soon."
"Welcome back to Screen Crush! I'm Ryan Airy, and this is all the Easter eggs, references, and little things you might have missed..."
"I'm finally caught up, but before we get to that, let's get right into my reactions."
"The movie's about half an hour too long, which is its biggest downside."
"Did you like it? What did you think? Did you like it?"
"Before you comment, see if you can watch the whole thing and look at other comments to see if I respond to them."
"There's nothing like the buzz before the launch of a new expansion in Destiny 2. We're taking a magnifying glass to the content, finishing up our final test passes to prepare for the next year of Destiny 2 for launch."
"Thank you all very much for watching I shall see you all next time for whatever Minecraft mod I end up reviewing next."
"Two out of five because the show is too long."
"We're back next week with more channel reviews, we're back tomorrow with an incredible video about YouTube."
"And as always, let me know in the comments below what you thought of this video."
"Disney Chief Financial Officer Christine McCarthy told investors, 'We are in the process of reviewing the content on our direct-to-consumer services to align with these strategic changes in our approach to content curation.'"
"Thank you so much for watching my category overpowered analysis."
"Not every campaign book hits the mark, but they still have enough material to usually make them worthwhile."
"This video got way too spooky and dark for me."
"That does conclude my theory video, so please let me know what you thought of this down below."
"Classic interesting video. Some things I didn't necessarily agree with, but I think what it did really well was emphasizing the thing that we've been talking about in this video which is the dynamic and how you use it for contrast."
"Please feel free to discuss anything I got wrong below."
"I'd still take it back. I've uploaded over a thousand videos, and I'll take back probably five of them."
"Now we still got more rust Devils, legendary, what the [__] is going on, this is awesome, Automatron DLC underrated."
"Thank you guys so much for watching just a little breakdown of what they've shown."
"His entire video is full of him not getting the point and being incredibly slow on the uptake."
"Normally I hate Logan Paul, but this isn't bad."
"Hopefully you guys enjoyed our reaction to Last Breath and the Chris Lemons story."
"This is some good stuff so far, this is some good stuff indeed."
"Should you see my take and find that you disagree with it, all that I ask is that you do your best to watch the entirety of my video."
"Thanks for watching though hopefully that Recaps it well for you."
"If you make a review, you need to watch at least a good majority of the show."
"Hope you guys enjoyed the guide. I may have been a little bit all over the place but I think the material is good."
"Great intro: 'Patch 13.5 is here, let's talk about what's in the patch, what's going on, and maybe a little bit of what isn't going on.'"
"I just want to quickly end this video by talking about in-game content because, you know, around the office we noticed something: Battle for Azeroth has less content than the original launch."
"Either way you pick your winner, that's it, thanks for watching, see you on the next review, ciao."
"I really enjoyed that you guys recognize that I'm just being like as genuine as I can. I'm not fanboying or anything. There are things I liked and there are things I didn't like."
"After releasing the video it was one of the biggest sentiments in the comments so I looked into it and from afar its visually very impressive."
"A big thanks to Twitch chat, we actually went through the entire season on stream looking through all of my recordings to make sure we didn't miss anything."
"The review space is moving more towards people and personalities."
"Are you looking back at this live stream after it's done?"
"Let me know what you guys thought about them."
"If stuff is bad I'm way less likely to cover it... there's so many games on Steam."
"Look, the gameplay might be a little bit bugged. A lot a bit bugged, but the stuff's cool, right?"
"And it matches a lot of things that come in the pack you'll see."
"At the end of the day, it's all my opinion, so only I'll know if something's really wrong."
"Welcome to the first video in a brand new review series... analyze every story arc told within Bleach."
"What do you think? Write your thoughts down below. Thank you so much for going over this with me and of course, as always, you can check out some more videos right now."
"I really do hope that you enjoyed this review."
"I don't watch other Game of Thrones youtubers, they're boring."
"That'll do it for this video. That's about everything there is on this map. So until next time, this is YBR. I will see you."
"A lot of things we've done over the past year with our show is that we reviewed a lot of lists."
"This video is spot on in so many different regards."
"But I want to point out, and we're going to watch the whole video by the way, in its full glory, in full context."
"Part three is just me reacting to a performance."
"Besides that guys that's my review for today you thought what I said are useful hit the like button if you found what I said they're really useful hit that subscribe button."
"The review is over get the AG plate see later."
"Review your work before publishing... You want to review your work because if you don't... you put all that effort into it and then you're going to realize... hey your video is low quality."
"So, I'd say this is a pretty good video, pretty good idea, and the results are interesting nonetheless."
"I'll check it out. And you guys have some good takes, so thanks for what you guys do."
"This is exactly what we're seeing there, beautiful."
"I've been watching your channel for two years and I like that you are positively British in your reviews."
"Now the post has been published and we click here, view post, we can check it out."
"Our goal is, first and foremost, to help you review the essential content and skills of the course that you're likely to need on the AP exam."
"Review your content before you publish."
"These breakdowns won't be going in depth on any big reveals for the series that are best experienced at your own pace."
"Please leave me some feedback down below as to what you think of the footage."
"I think it's important you're aware that we've had conversations with Joe and his team about some of the content in his show."
"We have more than 35,000 people who work on content and safety review."
"I am purchasing these Advent calendars because it is part of my job here on YouTube."
"I'm super excited to break this down, to analyze and review this video."