
Celestial Quotes

There are 453 quotes

"Long ago, there were two alicorn siblings who ruled the kingdom of Equestria. The older ruled the sun and the day; the younger ruled the night and the moon."
"Hermes, the master of the road the sun drives upon and the guardian at the horizon gates."
"It was as if the heavens themselves had opened up to bestow upon her its divine power."
"Earth is a star trying to break out of its shell."
"The very heavens and planets do witness that there is a Supreme Creator."
"Sometimes when you wish upon a star, the star calls you back."
"The map of the sky at the time when you were born."
"We have certainly beautified the nearest heaven with lamps."
"There's abundance of love coming towards you, the Sun and the moon."
"The variety in stars is honestly kind of baffling."
"The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars, that is a dream. The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars."
"These alignments continue to take place, like a grand celestial clock."
"It is hard to predict their fate; they may be smashed on collision with a celestial body or they may be recaptured by our distant descendants."
"Celestial objects with a high Earth similarity index, over 0.7, are potentially close to those of the earth."
"Oh, for the love of God and all things holy, Scaramouche, please come back and reconcile these damn stars because I can't take it anymore."
"The man was pleased to have experienced something not present in the celestial realm."
"You are the Sun, they are the Moon."
"The solar eclipse, a celestial event that has captivated humanity since ancient times."
"The Sun and the Moon and the Earth have become one, and so have we."
"Thank you for the sun and the moon for showing up today in a big way."
"A Celestial bridge to the heavens is opening for you."
"You make me feel like I'm in the stars and we're dancing out into space"
"I am the morning and the evening star."
"The stars become subservient to this god and the various stars."
"You have chosen to sacrifice a Celestial, and I will return the judgment."
"The sky was helping their city-state of Zulon and sending its Mercy."
"The celestials put a little something in all of humanity."
"So how can we use celestial circular innovation to put humanity’s lack of real estate in the rearview mirror?"
"The journey of a star seed is about bringing those Celestial qualities to our Earthly existence."
"Then with a great rush of vulture-like wings, he soared into the stars, dwindling, dwindling among the play of the flaming fires and the lights of the haunted skies."
"Imagine the mix of emotions flooding you as you see this celestial being; fear and awe intertwine as you find yourself at once terrified and moved by its presence."
"Those who are blessed with a celestial resurrection will be possessors of all things."
"...a massive cloud with a reddish tint appears in the sky."
"He is going to seal the Heavenly gate."
"We are minutes away from the total solar eclipse over kville Texas."
"Such a wonderful way to experience my first total solar eclipse."
"Entire star systems were rearranged, their celestial dance rewritten to align with some inscrutable cosmic plan."
"As the world turns, so does our understanding of the celestial dance, guided by ancient wisdom and modern discovery."
"The glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another."
"As the moon slides in front of the sun, it casts a shadow onto the Earth."
"A love story written in the stars."
"An asteroid enters the atmosphere."
"Celestial Judgment of a hundred thousand exploding stars."
"We have a clear change from earthly symbolism to a more celestial symbolism."
"Beneath the celestial dust of stardom, a Sinister Shadow lurked."
"The heavenly hosts with shouts and acclamation of praise and celestial song attended the joyous train."
"It's written in the stars, it's written in the stars."
"All the real stars are in the sky."
"The Ojibwa people of Canada referred to a comet called the 'long-tailed heavenly climbing star.'"
"There were stars, the ghosts of the stars."
"It's like the stars up there are like, right now, I feel like it's my turn."
"It was on that day that the Sun moved northward, and began its great journey to bring fertility and security to the peoples of the northern hemisphere."
"That's neat. It's clear, but it's got this celestial thing going on."
"Bonnie saving Zor from Celestial Dragon, she does not care for those people, even though she probably is part Celestial."
"I've got the moon on my side this morning."
"They look like Celestial snow globes."
"Jasmine glanced up at the heavens with a rue smile."
"There's a war going on in heaven between light and darkness."
"Cosmic disturbance something happens to the sun moon and stars."
"...a Celestial now this Falls in line with what's going on with the Avengers in the main Marvel Universe right now."
"God will be there, the city had no need also for the Sun or the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it."
"Celestial Deliverance is Bonkers."
"This sign that appears in heaven right, it correlates to seeing the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."
"The moon was on the way to being full, a gibbus moon."
"When this star seeks us out, multiple blessings are bestowed."
"The sky overhead is filled with dancing curtains of color, charged particles from the nearby star make auroras far more extreme than the northern lights on Earth."
"Welcome to the cosmic campground. It's celestial, it's interstellar, it's astronomical."
"Chicken the Moon Venus and Jupiter will be aligned to form a smiley face on May 16th."
"Intrigued and perhaps wary of the celestial Revelation."
"I live in cadence rhythms of a shooting star."
"I'm thoroughly confident that if there was a celestial Sean Carroll watching over us, you'd be shaking that in shame because I'm pretty sure there's just an answer to this question."
"Stars in the sky fall all the time."
"You could really love the moon, love the stars, all that jazz."
"The celestial background had taken on a luminous hue."
"I see new things dropping from the heavens."
"Embrace authenticity amidst the celestial energies that surround us."
"I think it means that the orb itself is of a Celestial nature."
"Sounds a bit like a Celestial courtroom drama with a Jesus flavor, doesn't it?"
"They set it up in the movie with her turning like some dude into a celestial into a celestial but a diving into a tree and it's like okay so like that was your first time. Yeah, your second time is stopping a [ __ ] celestial."
"Imagine a magnetic nuclear force that tugs at the deepest desires of a man's soul like the gravitational pull of a celestial body."
"On the 25th of Elul, a star will appear in the sky."
"200 inch screen, you have stars above like you're in a Rolls-Royce."
"The emergence is when the celestial comes up out of. Side note: the celestial partly came out and that had to [__] up the earth."
"The heavens themselves as part of an essentially interior decor. By day, heaps of clouds like dust balls floated across the empty rooms of the sky."
"The Sun star has a nine blade star to it that just looks very beautiful."
"It's often depicted as the center of heavenly activity."
"Very just came down from heaven vibes, very fresh angel vibe."
"May we 'think celestial' and be honest and true as disciples of Christ."
"There is another type of love that is required to make marriage work, celestial in nature."
"Whose bodies are celestial, whose glory is that of the sun."
"This eclipse is doing a soul cleanse, a recalibration of your foundational vibration of happiness or unhappiness."
"The others are star children, they're children of the moon."
"Last night was a full moon. It looked like a Halloween Moon."
"The sun's position among the constellations at the vernal equinox was the pointer that indicated the hours of the precessional cycle very long hours indeed the equinoxual sun occupying each zodiacal constellation for almost 2 200 years."
"The 25,776-year cycle of recession is the engine that drives this Majestic Celestial Juggernaut along its never-ending tour of the heavens."
"I just love the color green, and if you've been on my channel, you know that I love moons and anything celestial."
"From the Ashes, a new cycle was born, a new sun emerged, and the daughter of the Dead Sun Goddess Sol took her place in the sky."
"You're naturally pretty, unnaturally handsome in a celestial way."
"Where he is still to be found with the brightness of the starry plains in his eye, and the freedom of the heavenly breezes in his wings."
"Understanding the celestial sphere."
"The phrase translates as 'the children of heaven', referring to those who would inherit the lands destroyed."
"When you're here, I feel no doubt 'cause you keep me where the stars are found."
"Things will shake in the heavens, things will shake in the earth."
"It's a celestial kind of world so it's like based off the stars."
"The first thing that happens in the elven history is important to note that when the elves awake there is no Sun and there is no moon."
"From their abodes, the children of light descend."
"For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light."
"Celestial navigation is fairly simple, but it's giving you a position on the face of the earth within half a mile."
"He was like watching a comet streak across the heavens."
"Reflecting on his past life as a celestial being, Roman acknowledges the drastic changes he underwent."
"Parallel lines of light are crucial for celestial navigation."
"Blessed are you Adonai, who fashions the luminaries."
"The whole idea of it is that you take a rough estimate of your position and then you calculate exactly where you expect to see a selection of celestial bodies."
"My Celestial Clan inherited the secret order of the lord of the universe of great expanse."
"She deserves the stars and the moon."
"The sky was a deep purple like a bruise, dotted with stars and three massive moons that hung overhead."
"The twelve-spoked wheel of the True revolves round the heavens and never decays."
"I got my superpowers, the Jupiter and Saturn dude."
"Astrology is the deviation of the supposed influences of the stars and planets on human affairs and terrestrial events by their positions and aspects."
"Jupiter might have been enriched with heavy elements and then headed towards our star, completing its formation."
"The sun and moon were created to give life to day and night."
"The sky burned; it was like a star had fallen."
"And then the moon, like to a silver bow new-bent in heaven, shall behold the night of our solemnities."
"The sun was created to give light by day to govern by day, and the Moon by night."
"Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand."
"The face of brightest Heaven had changed to grateful Twilight, for night comes not there in darker veil."
"Tables are set and on a sudden piled with angels' food, and ruby nectar flows in pearl, in diamond, and massy gold."
"The sun can never overtake the moon, a night can never overtake day, and they're all floating in an orbit."
"Seraphim are Celestial beings described in the Bible as attending the Divine Throne of God."
"His face was as the heavens, and therein stuck a sun and moon."
"This celestial object shines a hundred times brighter than all the stars in our galaxy combined."
"Heavens are open, I hear the sound of the 24 elders cry."
"O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon."
"You are more beautiful than the Sun and the Moon."
"Some words you could use to describe ethereals are otherworldly, angelic, poised, graceful, ageless, wise."
"This Spirit has the power to lift you to the Stars."
"My body is made out of crush little stars."
"He made the stars, there's no doubt, sun and moon got to shout."
"When the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?"
"Zenith is the point of the celestial sphere that is directly opposite of the Nadir and vertically above the observer."
"Celestial people do not want to hurt with their words, they don't hurt with their eyes, they don't hurt inside themselves."
"These celestial bodies continue to capture the imagination of crypto-astronomers."
"There's also an important role played by the heavenly fig."
"Invoking the powers of the heavens, calls upon divine assistance."
"Among the celestial races, none embody the essence of Elysium more perfectly than the azata."
"You are a star in my sky, and I will love you forever more."
"I am the real master of the Heavenly Immortal Palace, the embodiment of Heaven's Omen."
"You are a star seed, and your nurturers, the angels above, are nurturing you with love and light."
"The first church breakup happened in heaven, the assistant pastor left God."
"The whole firmament, over all the United States, being then for hours in fiery commotion! No celestial phenomenon has ever occurred in this country since its first settlement which was viewed with such intense admiration."
"It's nice to see the friends enjoying the super moon together as well as their wonderful friendship."
"The light of sun and star and moon in shining lamps of crystal hewn undimmed by cloud or shade of night there shone forever fair and bright."
"There was once a second moon in the sky that cracked like an egg, and a million dragons poured forth."
"The father reached his hand into the heavens and pulled down seven stars."
"Celestial alignment, eclipses, and the like are often said to be portents of change."
"The red comet looks like a long scratch across the face of God."
"The heavenly body Sirius is also called the 'Dog Star'."
"I am able to recognize celestial and terrestrial omens and can discuss them in an assembly of scholars."
"A huge star that flared up in the dark sky, impulsively sending shafts of light to the Earth."
"Heaven, exclaims the singer, cannot compare to his love: 'No, if the angels took me from this Earth / I would tell them bring me back to her.'"
"For as long as a red moon shines, the astral realm will be open, and this circle is the door."
"Each celestial event composes its own cosmic verse in the grand ballet of existence."
"The true purpose of our mission was to bring forth the Celestial Tiamat."
"Then a new moon and a new sun appeared and went travelling through the heavens."
"Without the Sun and the Moon, the world will wither away."
"You did it, you experienced a full solar eclipse."
"He has power over night and day in the heaven to cause the light to give light to men, Sun, Moon, and stars."
"...all the powers of the heavens will give sevenfold light forever."
"He loves magic and spreads its knowledge as he waxes and wanes across the sky of Crin."
"Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his heavenly assembly."
"I love you more than the sun, the moon, the stars."
"New celestials create suns which generate energy, heat, and energy for the planets and for life to continue."
"Praise Him, Sun, Moon, and stars; praise Him, highest heavens and the waters that are above the heavens."
"—You refulgent ministers of light, Who through the heavens conduct the gliding year."
"I just love the star and the moon."
"Once in 900 years," Hesper said, "and that was tonight."
"The sun shall not strike me by day, nor the Moon by night."
"The celestial attributes—such as love, patience, mercy, meekness, and submissiveness—embody what we are to become."
"This one's one of those wow worthy names to me and it means evening star."
"The blessed gods laughed out a loud applause as they saw him bustling about the heavenly mansion."
"Celestial powers only aligned once a year."
"Let's combine them, the power of the Sun and the Moon."
"...any entity which possesses a cognitive capacity or nature or celestial influence beyond the comprehension of a modern sapien human..."
"But when the Sun and the Moon cross paths, an Eclipse occurs, which is a fateful encounter of the two from opposing realms of Day & Night."
"The face of the moon is covered in deepening darkness like a covered eye, while the sun illuminates the moon's hidden side like an open eye."
"These 2 concurrent Lunar Cycles run inversely but are still connected and adjacent because the sun remains to be the light of both sides."
"The moon and the sun steal each other's light."
"Celestial objects were spheres, the most perfect shape."
"And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean."
"They did it. They created a new moon, and so ends the tale of the Loonaverse… Or does it?"
"The worship of the Sun, Moon, stars, this is all Astro theology."
"I loved and hated the moon in equal measure; it brought suffering and bliss, damnation and salvation."
"It's the moon, our moon, a celestial constant in an otherwise ever-changing sky."
"Brandish your crystal tresses in the sky, And with them scourge the bad revolting stars."
"The Immaculate Moon is our guardian and protector."
"Rejoice, you heavens, and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you!"
"Emily Hope Rose Zinschlag, I love you with all that I am. You are my moon and my stars."
"When one is mourning, it is as if their weeping could drown the very stars."
"These are the moments we live for, where stars and planets align."
"The moon being an instrument of the armies above, shining in the firmament of heaven."