
Transformative Impact Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"You are in a position to mentor somebody behind you in a way that would be transformative for them."
"I believe that RNA as a technology will be transformative for the biopharma space."
"He actually turned out to be much more and turned out to be like the absolute mind."
"You've changed your family tree in so many ways."
"I think it's going to be a major game changer... I really, really feel that very strongly."
"Praying in the name of Jesus changes everything."
"The Democratic budget Resolution is transformational."
"I want to make the client happy, make their spaces better than their dreams."
"I want a legacy that is bigger than just one or two, I want us to absolutely transform the lives of people."
"This could be a game changer for a lot of families."
"Just tell them to watch the only person that has to buy into this is you and if you buy into it so many other people's lives are going to be changed because you went for it."
"Investing in spiritual charitable causes you care about the things that typically don't have a bunch of money behind them right Pluto can transform some of this."
"Everything about this man is outstanding, everything about him… He is someone who does not leave a place without changing it for the better."
"The one word that is so overused is transformative because a lot of things aren't, this is the moment that is a transformative moment for women's sports, this is the moment, it's really exciting to see."
"Money is a measurement for the amount of transformation you create."
"It's a revolution that's going to change the world."
"This awakening is coming, nothing can stop it. You're healing our land, you're going to save millions, you're going to deliver millions, you're going to transform people and nations."
"The ministry, this church, is about the salvation of people, not just getting them saved to get to heaven, but getting them saved so that heaven can get into them so that they can destroy hell."
"Love is going to heal me and heal others but also love is going to be what makes a difference."
"In just 10 years, more than 16,000 of them were produced in the US, revolutionizing air travel."
"Use your voice and knowing that there's a transformative quality to your communication."
"Teleportation technology could change everything."
"We are in a great position because of those constraints to build that experience that you talked about. That things that sort of life changing experience for these products, and that's in the end what it's about." - Tim Millet
"This is definitely going to change the fabric of society."
"Great joy in the smallest things turns into gratitude which you broadcast out, and amazing things happen when gratitude comes to you in that way."
"Solar and wind are the cheapest sources of energy, period. This is going to change everything."
"Cryptocurrencies may or may not persevere in the long run, but they are bringing transformative changes to money and finance."
"Ageing, because I think it'll change the world more than that."
"Prussian General Friedrich Von Steuben joined the camp and trained the Continental Army."
"God is calling you to change that Legacy; you're the one chosen to end the dynamic and build something different."
"Jordan Sean is a game changer, program changer, perception changer, vibe changer."
"Changed the game for Nike... changed the game in athletes."
"Belief in God changes people's lives maybe one of the strongest proofs for the existence of God is the fact that belief in God has transformed countless lives throughout history."
"When God gets one man, he can turn the world upside down."
"It changed the way that I perceived games... and the experiences I could have with them."
"You'd be surprised what seems normal to you can be totally mind-blowing and really change people's perspective."
"You have to have full conviction of what you are offering people and know that the value you're bringing will change their lives drastically."
"When SB came out that kind of changed everything back again."
"AI applies to literally every industry. AI is a new electricity."
"Gene editing has the potential to transform life on Earth."
"When you heal that inner child, everything in your present is going to take off in an amazing way."
"Chat GPT is a game changer you don't want to miss out on."
"Rule this kingdom for generations, transforming the fates of people."
"If you get a drop on a platform like Nifty Gateway it's almost guaranteed to be life-changing money for you."
"You can never discount the power of the Word of God."
"COVID-19 is causing a die-out of what has not been giving many people life."
"Gratitude is the foundation of life, nothing will change your life more."
"Bless the coming and going of him. His passage cleansed the world."
"It's gonna be a game changer for the women's game."
"This is going to change the landscape, you're gonna look at that as like the iPhone."
"If they can pull this off, it'll quite literally change the industry forever."
"Self growth books have been at some of the biggest catalysts for change along my journey."
"Chelsea simply is the club that broke football, and then they did it again and again."
"Blockchain is going to be such a pivotal factor in the future of the economy in the world."
"The justifying death of Jesus opens for me the sanctifying life of Jesus."
"One vision and one decision can change your whole Destiny."
"I honestly already feel like it's changed my life."
"Steph Curry's influence fundamentally changed the way the game of basketball will be played forever."
"Moldavite lives up to its reputation of shaking off the dead leaves of your life tree."
"You're turning the world upside down in a good way."
"The book of Acts... Radical, revolutionary, mighty."
"When you see John Lewis, you're not looking at an individual, you're looking at a movement that transformed this country."
"There's just so much potential in the future for this type of technology."
"Pluto's influence on societal transformations."
"You have to try psychedelics to discover this."
"Even the smallest things can lead to big transformations in your life."
"These numbers represent actual people being transformed by the message of the Cross."
"AI is going to change the game for all of us."
"Thank you for making a man out of me with your book."
"If we all understand our role in being a source of buffering care to a young person in need, that is truly transformative."
"It's you've, you know, you've made miracles for people, it's changed people's lives with the neuro program technology, it's amazing."
"That unique mission of having men become leaders, that just changed the world, practically."
"The power of one soul becoming a butterfly influences millions."
"My daughter changed the way I think about everything."
"Thank you to all of you guys that came in through this game. It changed my life in a very dramatic way. I come from the struggle, let's just say that."
"Whenever you utilize prayer and praise, you have power to shake heaven and earth."
"I mean honestly I've had a great life. This has been bonus time, boys."
"When that movie came out, man, it fundamentally changed everything."
"This is scary stuff, heavy-duty industry-changing shit."
"It can really change the face of medicine as we know it."
"Yoga is a poison pill to a kind of force Westerners to rethink these premises is a very powerful one."
"You are a catalyst for transformation in other people's lives."
"It's completely blown us away. It changed our worldview and it's gone on changing people's worldviews ever since."
"The Sanders movement is incredible; he really sparked something magical, powerful, beautiful."
"The Fall of the Western Roman Empire was the event that changed the course of history."
"A staffer for Bernie Sanders' office now reports this channel is transformative for the passage of the forced stimulus recon."
"The morbius minute is going to change everything."
"This is one of those things that is going to change the world forever whether you like it or not."
"This channel has literally changed my entire life."
"One hero changed everything during a period of immense crisis and war."
"He turned the world upside down through this type of Kingdom manifestation."
"War is horrifying, and if there's one thing I think Miyazaki can teach us, it's that it will turn us into monsters if we let it."
"It's incredible what something as simple as a train can do for a person or even a whole country."
"It's just crazy what a difference just paint makes."
"That's not just cool, that is awesome, that is earth-shattering."
"Could you imagine if kids after college got to venture out into life with no debt? That would be transformative."
"I did not know I needed a story about princesses falling in love until now, but oh my goodness this book absolutely changed the way I view YA relationships forever."
"I get emails from kids that have said the show has changed their life, that has saved their life, that this show has got them talking to their parents again—like really intense stuff."
"Let the Living Word teach you his words to Pray by they will change your life and bring Kingdom transformation to all those around you amen amen be blessed."
"You've come to sort of shock and transform either by your beliefs or the problems you've had to shock and transform the people around you."
"If it can change one little thing, then it can change everything."
"The most high has awakened his people the knowledge and understanding he's given us has now devoured these two serpents."
"Whatever decision you make, it's transformative. It affects your future in a good way. Justice will prevail."
"The one that would go on to change literally everything."
"You were just all this light, this angelic energy that you have, tamed the beast within this person. They weren't ready for this, they don't know what to do."
"Being a masterful teacher and facilitates powerful transformation."
"Life is really beautiful and worth living once you let the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad enter into your mind, your soul, and drive away all ignorance, superstition, and fear forever."
"Monday Night Nitro changed the landscape of wrestling forever."
"There's nothing more humbling than giving veterans motorcycles. It's a total game-changer."
"This could be transformative treatment... This could change the world."
"Fundamentally change the world... it is going to help build the kingdom."
"The transformative power of modding in games like Baldur's Gate 3 echoes the success that we've witnessed in other beloved titles."
"This game has been an absolute miracle of a success."
"It's really amazing. It's so enlightening. That one small piece of advice can really just change the outlook of your entire business, and that is just... That's amazing."
"This is going to change the hobby forever."
"A true partnership with hyper-intelligent robots with their intentions aligned with our own will transform humanity for the greater good."
"Sport, and in particular sport like boxing, can also play an important role in tackling youth violence and can have a transformative impact in the prevention and early intervention work with children at risk of offending behavior."
"If you actually stop and think about what it means for AI to learn how to do science, the rate of scientific discovery goes up by a factor of a thousand."
"...from the time of their inception until well until the 2nd and 3rd century before we had a Canon of scripture, they were quoted from, taught from, they were considered authoritative, and they were changing people's lives."
"With talent, hard work, and a commitment to authenticity, an actor can not only succeed but also become a transformative figure in cinema."
"If we can build a university that's truly global, that makes the frontier of knowledge accessible even to a kid in the slums of Nairobi, then we have achieved something truly world-changing."
"To be a truly great emperor, one has to be transformative in a way that's positive for one's empire."
"It means a lot, giving a second chance to so many now Boilermakers."
"If you provide a supportive environment to children in their early years and invest in their futures, the results will be life-transforming."