
Family Themes Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"That's when Atreus officially became a part of the family."
"Earthbound closes with quiet contemplation and dinner with mom. It's sweet, moving, and something that I wish showed up in games more often."
"It's revealed the game master was his brother or something."
"At its core, it's a story about mothers and sons, and those themes are so universal."
"It's a much better film about family than Star Wars: The Last Jedi."
"It's quite an emotional and heartwarming story and it explores themes of family love."
"These films convey so well... family. It's really beautiful." - "David"
"Children obviously relate to the young characters, but the series' grounded approach, everyday setting, and universal themes certainly resonate with adults as well."
"This book was amazing also cried while reading this it was just a beautiful portrait of a family."
"Emotion, humor, heart, love, family bond, Misfits... saving the Galaxy, saving each other."
"Bird has revealed that The Incredibles 2 will not focus on the modern superhero but will again be focusing on the family dynamic just like the first one."
"Bowser may be a tyrannical monarch who does some terrible things, but at his core is just a deeply flawed character, a lonely kid looking to piece together the family he never had."
"The themes of family and culture make this movie special."
"I thought George Lopez as Uncle Rudy was the heart of this thing."
"The theme of family runs strong throughout the sequel."
"Magic, the family, the small town setting, I can't wait."
"Gunn's movies are all about the importance of family and acceptance."
"Here's to a drama that'll give you a sense of brotherhood without any romance. Pure as a family."
"Family can be very dysfunctional, so he writes around that idea of like these are all people who are not blood related but they were forced into circumstances to be here."
"Under all this insanity, it still focuses on these characters. It's still a story about family, and the actors maintain this through all this crazy [__]."
"Especially that tower scene in the desert... that family drama stuff works."
"It's a beautiful film about family, a movie that perfectly illustrates a very realistic sisterhood."
"This isn't a movie about overcoming an enemy or standing up for the sake of good. This is a movie about finding family and overcoming trauma and personal pain to trust yourself and the people around you to connect."
"This novel tackles a lot in a very short amount of pages but I think the key theme of this entire series has been family and belonging."
"The found family component in this is amazing."
"This film felt like it was more about family and love."
"I think this was probably my second favorite one season 2 is still the top for me but this was brilliant and it's so good being back with the family."
"Finding Nemo touched our hearts and our funny bones with its relatable themes of love and loss and a father's desperate search for his son."
"Finding Nemo is in fact a story about a father coming to terms with his family's death and the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance."
"Star-Lord's dad is a living planet that's insanity but yet you know now that it's like it's Kurt Russell they're gonna have a back and forth it's gonna be a very much like ant-man it's gonna be about family." - Commentator
"The central theme and meaning of Steven universe is the unconditional love a family has for one another."
"Even if you didn't like even if this book isn't for you you can agree that at its core it's just a really happy found family story."
"The broad idea that connects all of these characters... is family."
"It's a movie that Hollywood hasn't really done in a long time about family."
"Cameron's done it again he's created an amazing spectacle but at the heart of it it's a story about family that appeals Timeless."
"One of the main messages of Black Clover's story has been what makes a family."
"I absolutely adore the found family, the character inner relationships with every single character."
"God of War features a beautiful story about a strange father and son told in a great and poignant way."
"Mexican-centric properties always seem to nail the concept of family, and this show is no different."
"There's an incredible amount of heart in these movies. And family, like, you feel it."
"The movie is fun and beautiful and makes you laugh, it makes you cry, and a real family was born."
"Deaimon is a found family story, oh you know how I love those found family stories."
"There's a lot of themes in this story of ties to your family, the love you have for your family, these ancestral connections that you have."
"I absolutely love books with families."
"I'll pretty much always read anything that is about a teenage girl and her father."