
Replay Value Quotes

There are 294 quotes

"Each playthrough... tells something different or gives you more to dive into from another perspective."
"I think what I loved about this game is how you can appreciate it with a newfound love the second or third time round. Every location and creature takes on a different, deeper meaning."
"Achievements done properly can give the player a valid reason to explore elements of a videogame they would’ve otherwise ignored, it can extend the replay value by demanding near perfection like in Mirror's Edge."
"Even after playing it a second time... I got goosebumps."
"The vastly different factions and the routes they open up make for plenty of narrative reason to replay."
"Gold, Silver, and Crystal... they're not just good for their time period; they're refreshing and valuable to replay even in current day."
"Not only is it a fabulous game that has great replay value, it also influenced gaming as a whole in several different ways."
"These four distinguished campaigns create a lot of replay value."
"The feedback loop of running and jumping in different ways to reach shortcuts and find secrets is so compelling that you can’t help but want to replay this game over and over again."
"That's what I love about this game, it's so replayable."
"Oh my God, I want to watch them again and again. It was so moving; I had goosebumps."
"Thank you, Skyward Sword, for everything. May we meet again in another playthrough."
"This game may not be too much of a looker, but this is a game that basically has infinite replay value if you enjoy tinkering."
"It was at its strongest for me when the gameplay was simple and accessible... the gameplay captured me because of how repeatable addictive and simple it was."
"Grand Blue Fantasy Relink is an action-packed RPG with stunning graphics, engaging combat, and high replay value."
"You can still go back and play Final Fantasy seven."
"Replayability is an independent characteristic."
"Permadeath is a nice challenge. I really get a kick out of restarting a game and starting everything fresh."
"The replayability of this game is really high."
"There is a seemingly infinite amount of replay value available in Battlefield."
"Star Fox 64 this game has some of the best replay value I have ever encountered in my life."
"I love this game and as of the time of writing in early August 2017 this is easily my favorite Sonic game ever made with levels I could play any day of the week 100% completion that's extremely satisfying replay value through the roof."
"I think Splatoon 2 has a lot of replayability."
"Competitive playlists dramatically increase replay value and overall player satisfaction."
"The replayability aspects are one of the best things about the game."
"Elden ring is like it does an amazing job at a first playthrough but I don't think that it has the same replay value as dark souls or Dark Souls 3."
"It's probably my most played video game because it's the one I return to at almost every opportunity. It's that timeless."
"Don't let the graphics put you off... demands repeated playthroughs."
"Unlock a little more of the story each time you replay it."
"I hope people just end up loving playing it over and over."
"You have your own likes, your own dislikes, your own needs, your own wants, your own desires."
"Beer is not just highly replayable, it's effortlessly relatable."
"There are lots of solutions to these problems and that means there is great replay value here."
"It's a damn near perfect action game that I've replayed countless times over the years."
"I love replaying from software games and Millennia is definitely worthy of this top spot but I am never fighting her again even though I know more of her moves and how to counter them this time around."
"One run is not enough... play the game again and find the true path."
"Total War: Warhammer 2: a must-play game that far exceeds in terms of quality and replayability."
"All right let's go through again like I said though the good thing about replaying this is like you always... there's new anomalies every time."
"Every time you play Shadows of Evil, you'll find something new that you didn't notice in the map every time you load it up."
"Multiple endings emphasize both narrative and gameplay, increasing the replay value of the game."
"I loved this game so much and I want to keep playing it again and again even after the credits were rolling."
"Resident Evil games are very, very replayable."
"I love the series and now I have another reason to replay them."
"This DLC has definitely managed to add an absurd amount of replayability."
"You can play re4 for hours and hours and never get sick of it."
"This is one of those games that I could see myself repeatedly playing."
"Fast forward to 2019 and I've probably played through this game at least 15 times by now."
"For me, judging off a fun factor, the fact that the common person won't want to invest the repetition and work that it takes to beat this game, I can't give it any higher than an 8."
"The game was a fantastic ride from start to finish."
"Encourages repeated playthroughs too because when you beat the game you get double experience in double AP for your materia."
"The sheer amount of creativity present in this game's mushroom flower and star worlds and the amount of replayability you can get out of the Coin Rush mode is something I will always appreciate about it."
"The game perfectly marries up some of the tropes of a classic beat em up genre with a modern art style, new play mechanics, and a plethora of reasons to play through the same stages over and over."
"The branching paths will certainly keep you coming back for more."
"Small details like this genuinely make the Fallout series fun to replay over and over again."
"Personally, I'd really, really love to play it again."
"A skating Heaven that offers endless replayability."
"Resident Evil has a simple appeal, controls that are easy to get to grips with and it's got design that is inherently satisfying on your first playthrough, and your sixth."
"Driver's License is fantastic and I played out the whole thing because I really do feel like the whole song works as an experience."
"It's going to be replayable minimum okay like super replayable like it can't be like one and done I play the campaign unfinished I don't touch this again it's gonna be very replayable that's all I'll say for now."
"Continue on until you get bored, then start all over again applying the Lessons Learned in an entirely fresh playthrough."
"Dead Cells has eaten up more of my time than any other game in these last two years."
"The game is designed to be replayed several times over, new game+ is totally a thing."
"Diablo 4 can be that great action arpg that maybe it doesn't have a thousand hours of gameplay inside of every season but God damn it it's got 200 and they're really fun."
"The entire package of Ragnarok hit different to the point that I can see myself coming back to do a hardest-difficulty New Game+ run once the inevitable New Game+ update drops in a few months."
"It's a record that I'm continuing to replay over and over again."
"Mountain Blade is one of my favorite games and what I do return to every once in a while to have another go at it."
"I love this game. I figured you would. Wanna play again?" - Blippi
"Even after that incredibly frustrating realization, I found myself loving the game even more on a second playthrough."
"This game has its charms... revisiting levels again and again acquiring tools."
"Mario Maker - endlessly replayable, endlessly brilliant."
"Better rewards and replay value for strikes, adventures, and lost sectors."
"Difficulty in games is important because it gives players potential for infinite replayability."
"The difference between good and great games is not just having fun but having an animal craving to play again immediately."
"Every time I go back and replay this game I find myself enjoying it more and more."
"Fable's narrative can be two different things to two different individuals. The power of volition gives it very unique replay value."
"Even to this day, I go back and play them every once in a while, they're just so much fun."
"Overall, it's a game that's got a lot of replay value."
"Honestly, I made a Trickster and it's been different enough for my Devastator that I wouldn't mind playing through the campaign once again."
"You'll get a highlight real goal that you'll love to show replays of over and over again."
"The team wanted the game to have high replayability."
"This is huge, not only just content but just you buy a game especially a VR game you play once probably won't play it again but this there's so much you can do."
"Each one of the archetypes has their own storyline that increases replayability."
"Charger is so good, I'm going to want to redo the charger run like a billion times."
"Creating this type of experience for each map would take a lot of time, effort, thought, and resources but the payoff is a game mode that has so much replayability."
"I always rate a game when I finish it and immediately start replaying it."
"The level of player choice in everything you do makes the game feel almost infinitely replayable."
"I had so much fun, I wanted to play it again instantly."
"Randomization is going to provide a lot of replayability."
"I think the moments are so cool and I think you're reliving history that I think I think some consumers are really going to enjoy playing it a second or third time. I really do."
"There's some cool replay value in there too."
"Blizzard's goal is to make as fun and replayable a game as they possibly can."
"The touching yet eerie story they managed to tell had me wishing I could go back and play it again."
"I have had so much fun with this game and there are so many unique playthroughs and experiences to have."
"One of my favorite things about this game is the replayability."
"When fun games dry up, it's because they don't provide enough content replayability. They don't provide enough variety yet familiarity."
"It means that each playthrough is over quickly enough that you don't have the chance to get tired of it."
"A good game you can play and play and play and play."
"What do you guys look for in a game? Replayability and if it uses the Unreal Engine."
"I spent a great 20 hours with this game, and the fact that I want more from it says a lot."
"This final battle scene will always be fun to watch every time."
"They're not good enough games that I'd want to replay them. Especially the base version, you know? Without a challenge." - "They're not good enough games."
"In my original playthrough of Mega Man X4, I played through it four times because I loved it so damn much."
"Recompleting Mega Man X4 was just as fun as I remember it being."
"Adding a good deal of replayability and layer strategy to the mix."
"The action kicks up and then all of a sudden you get to this ending where like I'm sitting there going damn do I want to replay this game or do I want to go watch it on YouTube?" - Game Informer Review
"Replayability and great stories of neighborhood shenanigans."
"The open world alone just adds so much replayability."
"These are the types of things that give you a bit of replay value and a cool reward for spending your time doing something."
"Sometimes new circumstances make a town interesting to revisit, and there can be random surprises in the fields…"
"The best video games in my opinion are the ones who can come back to you any day, any time."
"This game has been phenomenal, like I really think this is one of those games not only will I beat, but I'm going to probably wind up playing it long after I've beaten it."
"For the first time in a long time in a game, I really want to go back and see how it went the other way."
"You want replayability more than you want that first time experience."
"The game offers replayability, especially for historical fans."
"I think one of the best things for a first boss... is re-killability matters so much."
"I always enjoyed Path of Exile from the early days. You have nothing, you build your character, your build is functioning, now you feel like you've ticked off the box, go again."
"Replayability is pretty high actually because you can use the chapter select to pick any level in the game, play it on any difficulty you want to."
"Ape Escape is a wonderful game that will have you wanting to play it again and again."
"All three characters have their own weapon Loadout... replaying the game with each changes up your strategy."
"But I would have to say that the aspect of these games that keeps me coming back for playthrough after playthrough is the incredible catalog of romances to be explored."
"Honestly I'd say 9 is probably my top 5 maps of all time. 10 out of 10 solid map would play again. I absolutely Gruman again, it's the flow."
"You're going to get a lot of different sounds that you want to go back to and you're going to want to analyze."
"A fundamental aspect I look for in Sonic games is their ability to be replayed and mastered by proficient players."
"One of the points they really drilled home was how much replayability and just different options there were."
"The game begs to be replayed, you're going to want to try new things, new builds, new outcomes."
"This game was made with multiple playthroughs in mind so the creators expect people to want to go through and make different decisions."
"It's the kind of thoughtfully made NES experience that you can enjoy over and over again."
"RE3 OG had tons of extra costumes rewarded based on ending ranks, enhancing replayability."
"Infinitely replayable games are great because they hold your interest for a lot longer than other games and they're easy to keep coming back to."
"If a game’s narrative is barely worth telling once, it probably won’t be better on the second run, no matter what you do."
"Hard games you can come back to again and again."
"Pizza Tower doesn't just beg to be replayed by the end of your first playthrough, it injects its manic energy into your veins and demands to be mastered."
"Playing through Borderlands 2 again on a higher level difficulty is the way to go."
"Every new playthrough could net new rewards, I'm a really big fan of that kind of game."
"I enjoyed multiple playthroughs and highly recommend it, despite some annoyances."
"Jaws of the Lion offers hours of entertainment and replayability."
"It's the kind of game that is so mechanically sound, so fun, so well crafted that it never goes back on the shelf."
"It's different every time you play it, right?"
"Despite the fact that I've played this game before, I'm like I want to play more of this game."
"Awesome gameplay, great replayability, and overall an incredibly fun game."
"Every playthrough of Majora's Mask is personalized."
"It took everything that made those original games great and... made them even better."
"I could watch that match again and again, it's that good."
"I think these versions play very well, and for the Zero games especially, I see myself coming back to the PS4 renditions."
"...definitely want to replay this game again..."
"This game is an amazing experience and certainly requires many playthroughs as one run is never enough."
"I love the diversity. I'll never play the same game of this twice."
"It actually might be the biggest replay update beyond obviously the original stuff that came out back in 2001."
"What steals the show though has to be the replay value that The Bouncer packs in."
"I'm having a blast replaying The Witcher 3 right now."
"It sucks that I couldn't get that out, the live games. But I hope the replays, you guys enjoy, almost just as much, maybe even better."
"I love replaying through Zelda games and this is the best excuse to replay through my first."
"That's so cohesive and seamless that's why I always end up replaying it at least once a year and every time I go back I'm reminded why it was so amazing to begin with."
"The added emphasis on puzzle solving and strategic combat ensures that the origami King never once feels repetitive."
"This is just a great game bursting at the seams with content and replayability."
"This game is great, it's super satisfying and replayable."
"Each playthrough can be way more different than each playthrough of Sonic 2."
"It is worth it to go ahead play new game plus again complete the whole story once more and even more so play that legends mode because it is absolutely top-notch."
"Strike exclusives allowed for a ton of replayability."
"I never get bored going through this one from beginning to end multiple times a year in fact."
"These choices immediately give the game replay value."
"It adds kind of like a bit of a freshness and a bit of extra interest to each new run being quite different."
"Skyrim is a timeless game that I can always go back to."
"If you do not mind playing through the campaign, I know you can play through it multiple times."
"After finishing my playthrough, all I wanted to do was either play another game in the style of Planescape: Torment or play Planescape: Torment again."
"The weather effects added by Survival Mode might make Skyrim worth replaying."
"Space Chem offers a lifetime pursuit for reaction engineers, with endless configurations and replay value."
"It's an absolute blast and you know, just the other week I thought, you know what, I want to play through this game again."
"This game literally has everything from creative level design to a remarkable amount of replayability."
"As long as the content is fun and offers plenty of replayability, that's frankly a really good idea."
"It has a story that sucks you in, a ton of replayability options, and frankly, it's one of those games where if you like Fallout, you'll almost certainly like this one."
"Hitman has been widely recognized for its remarkably complex systemic world, engaging design, and highly replayable missions. It really is a remarkable achievement."
"The game was fun, I can see myself playing this for sure."
"I think I'm gonna try to play this game again, it is a very deep game."
"Naraka Bladepoint is probably the first battle royale game I could see myself playing over and over again."
"I could play this again and again and again and not be bored."
"Half-life 2 excels at making each chapter have its own gimmick that's supposed to be fun and entertaining, but they're not very replayable."
"Near Automata doesn't just cheaply throw a second playthrough at you to pad out runtime, the whole game was built with this structure in mind."
"Even still, I'll be replaying Spider-Man 2 for years to come just like I did the first."
"This song is so freaking good, it has so much replayability."
"Even if they're tired now, they can come back re-watch us anytime you want, rewind."
"If you like this presentation and you're like, 'You know, I think I want to watch that again,' even after you get your CEU, it will be posted to my YouTube channel."
"I had a lot of fun with this. I did get a lot of replay value out of just going back constantly trying to get through these missions."
"This was so much fun and I feel like this is gonna have a lot of replay value."
"That was an experience. I'm probably going to rewatch this to find out what I missed."
"Honestly going to rewatch this for every year for the rest of my life."
"I love this. I'm going to be listening to this again."
"I think that's really cool and adds some more replay value."
"Time does not age this film a day. Amazing replay value."
"More than sergeant pepper's or any album from that era forever changes gay stature with every play it's a record that weaves its magic with every listen."
"What actually makes them replay the most is a great story."
"Focus less on trying to have some ingredient for your song to be successful. Focus on making people feel a certain way and wanting to listen to your song again after it's over."
"What do you think? I go, 'Play it again, it's awesome. Play it again.'"
"You're joking me, first try for 14 months and that's worth rewatching time and time again."
"A Triumph that I return to over and over again."
"I can listen to this one over and over, never get tired of it."
"A lot of good replay value because there's tons of different scenarios."
"She shows a really fun personality that I would actually like to see play again."
"It's going to come down to what people have, what has more replay value."
"I think if you just play what people like more, Jeezy has more records that people actually like and have more replay value than chart-topping records."