
Technology Usage Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"Already 25% of the Internet's using this or traffic on the internet."
"If I'm not on my phone, I'm on my computer. If I'm not on my computer, I'm watching TV. Sometimes I'm doing all three at once."
"Amazon Web Services... it's a cloud computing platform right, who uses it? Individuals use it, companies use it, governments use it."
"We want to help people find balance and digital well-being. And yes, sometimes, this means making it easier to put your device away entirely and focus on the times that really matter."
"Our attention and technology usage is kind of like a gas; it fills up whatever container we give it."
"The big people, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, do not allow their children to use internet or mobile. Why the hell they are forcing us to do?"
"Hey Google, play Todd Rundgren, 'I Saw the Light.'"
"Facebook addicts its users to the platforms. It's addicting society to their services."
"Using the technology on a daily basis to find some sort of ability to use that muscle in order to shape the way that you feel is one of those things that could really be transformational."
"The magic of the band and the material they had written was immediately apparent."
"I really hope you got a better understanding of what you can do with JavaScript."
"It's less about technology and it's more about user experiences."
"It's not top of the reality is Selena Gomez is probably never gonna see this person's video and if she did it would definitely be harmful to her because what she was saying was harmful and cruel."
"Customize your function menu for quick access."
"We're spending more and more time on our phones than any other time in history."
"This isn't half bad if you want to be without your phone for a little bit. It even has like a tiny little camera so you get tiny little memories. It's a good kid phone."
"When we're ready or happy with where it is we tap done and now it's there."
"I mean even down to enthusiast programs like Core Temp."
"Blender gets more downloads than that in a month."
"In this day and age still has an alarm clock of one of those big old school alarm clocks next to your bed I don't know if y'all still using those not me."
"It's very easy to throw into a backpack and take with you wherever you go."
"If you're browsing photos, reading text, or otherwise looking at static material, you can dip all the way down and you won't even notice it."
"Energize! We're in a situation where everybody in the world uses technology."
"Oh my god, guys, did you hear that? If you've ever used a cell phone, you're a criminal."
"Three, two, one, play chat, let us know how it sounds."
"Would I be able to extract my complete save file - my personal digital history with the game - and put it on my cartridge - in a way, bringing it into the real world? Using the Retrode, yep."
"I'm gonna go ahead and plug it in and fire it up."
"I think this is a machine that would be great for casual users and last them a very long time."
"Search folders make finding those things that you're always searching for very quick and easy."
"A big part of productivity when using a machine is trying to minimize the time between you thinking that you want to do something on the computer and then that thing being done."
"It really just comes down to the mouse fitting in your hand and being comfortable to use for a long period of time."
"It's far more convenient and straightforward to use your mobile phone apps to do e-commerce these days and it's becoming more and more popular as mobile phone technology improves."
"It sort of becomes a game of how frugally can I drive this car so just now for example when I was coming down this hill I was controlling my speed purely by adjusting the strength of my regenerative braking via these lovely paddles."
"I think it's awesome. I can't wait to use it."
"If the product you're using is free, you are the product."
"So if you're somebody who is a power user you're going to need to charge this at least one time through the day."
"You're an Evernote guy... Evernote's awesome isn't it? Yes, Evernote is awesome. But Evernote is not a great personal note-taking app."
"And even do payments to send money to friends, with things like Number 26, Square Cash and Alipay in China."
"Whenever you open up a new terminal now, you'll get the environment that you're in written out there."
"Note-taking and iPads go together like copy and paste, like nitro and coffee, like frodo and sam, like smoke and fire, like zebras and stripes."
"I think there's definitely a healthy and unhealthy amount of screen time."
"Always make sure your batteries are charged."
"Our daily interactions with smartphones and social media are so pleasurable."
"The average American video gamer is 33 years old and plays first on their smartphone."
"Once you understand constraints, Fusion 360 will be your baby."
"Digital purchases have convenience, you can access a variety of games quicker."
"Assign speed-dial contacts to numbers for quick access."
"We were beating them using Skype, free Skype, and broadcasting software."
"Certainly trying to dissuade you from using it."
"Protect your eyes Felix Gray's lenses are specifically designed to filter blue light and eliminate glare from screens."
"I think in the long term, we will get a nice balance, actually, between using it too much and not using it enough."
"You've got other options, keep screen on while viewing, the camera will detect if your face is looking at the actual screen."
"Once we understand crossovers and where we should have them in our system, we're going to get better performance and our system is going to be more reliable."
"I actually want to have it charging when I don't care... just so we can keep the electric juice running."
"Humans and technology have been intertwined since we first realized hitting rocks with other rocks was more effective."
"Speaking of reroute nodes did you know the node Wrangler allows you to add reroute nodes to either all outputs with loose outputs or linked outputs just by pressing the forward slash."
"Even if everything on the system gets ported into something else in a few years, I'm playing these games now on my current switch, and to me, that's what matters most."
"You can search for them too, just like all the Google products."
"I don't think I could ever stand using a commercial engine now."
"Data is very important so you have to properly manage it."
"You simply tap on the icon and choose the new function."
"If you get a PowerUp band... you can figure out new secrets and collect coins."
"Now, that's a quick rundown of the menu when we're in video mode."
"I would confidently end the day with at least 20% battery life on the Pro Max."
"Now that we've entered, click generate, oh that looks just perfect, very, very nice."
"Give it a try for yourself, it is time to get your online life locked down."
"As you can see it's integrated directly into my Google Chat so I don't have to context switch while I'm figuring all the stuff out."
"The RAM allows you to open more applications and load more samples into your sampler."
"Turn your biggest enemy, your phone, into your most important tool."
"Get a library card and download Overdrive or the Libby app to your phone."
"Invest in good audio, you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't."
"It's not about the technology, it's about what the individuals can do with the technology."
"Get good at the basics and this will 100 save you when it comes to night vision."
"Set your expectations, skills first, and then the technology will support those skills."
"People say, 'Oh, you use a GoPro,' yeah, that'd be really inconspicuous in a store."
"Thanks to MSI for sponsoring this video with a Creator 15 laptop."
"I've actually been having a lot of fun with this whole concept."
"I'm using the older Mark one which already seems to work especially well with the p90."
"Here's my honest opinion, if you're looking for a machine that's simple to set up, easy to use, not all that super fancy technology wise, buy the Case machine."
"It would be great if we could simply turn it off for the handful of times we're not using the feature especially for the people who choose to buy their camera."
"I just want my digital die cutter to cut the best that it can cut and I wanted to cut everything that I need it to cut."
"That was really cool of you. I can't wait to start using it and see what I think."
"As an advanced Mac user, I just don't find it all that useful."
"Stay away from the apps... if you're single, try them out. I met Justin on there, it's a good time."
"You can use the keyboard as a trackpad by doing a 3D press on it."
"I just seen some [ __ ] the other day they said uh we used to pay 5.99 for ringtones now we keep our phone on silent."
"The big thing though is when I click into my different cameras, so I go into my cinematic camera and or my my free viewing camera and it doesn't jump back and forth."
"Why would you want a manual? It just doesn't make any sense to me."
"JavaScript for the win: you can build web apps, progressive web apps, and more."
"Once you stop trying to use these sorts of technologies to accurately replicate something they never could, and instead embrace their particular advantages, limitations, and invocations, you can use them to make unique and groundbreaking art."
"Over 90% of wireless transactions on contactless payment are now made with Apple Pay."
"Every time I open this phone up, it just invites me to use it even more."
"It's amazing you can just browse the web, check emails, play games, and most importantly, you can run top-of-the-line design software."
"The phone is obviously a major device all around the world that people are carrying around with them."
"Let's talk about keyboards for a second. Most people are like, 'Ah, keyboards, whatever.' But you know what? Let's be honest, it's physically, other than the mouse, the thing you interact with the most on your system."
"But being able to look down at your utility belt, grab a bat gadget, and use it, that makes it all worth it."
"Staring at a computer in a dark room will damage your eyes. I don't care because the glasses I wear completely block out blue light and no matter how much I strain my eyes they never get tired."
"Starlink now has about 140,000 users in 20 countries."
"For someone like me who is a power user, the iPhone gets boring after a while."
"Oh, it calls the speaker horn, I made a mistake."
"One of my favorite Parts about the Android operating system as a whole is the flexibility offered to its users."
"Now I have matching presets everywhere I go."
"I certainly in all of my weekend projects and so forth I can't imagine using anything else at this point. It's really fantastic."
"If you charge your phone overnight every night, if you charge your phone every night, you apparently are a better credit than if you don't charge your phone every night."
"Then you A and M, which switches you from automatic."
"Utilize the app for wait times, mobile ordering, and more."
"It's like an on switch and off switch, all you have to do." - Adam aka Marf
"Ultimately, you know, the right Linux for you is the one where you feel right at home."
"You also get the option to jump into split screen view... to have the two apps side by side."
"Until Tesla says, 'Hey guys, you don't need to pay attention anymore,' that's a user error."
"The auto mix feature is a really great feature."
"You can literally just set it and forget it."
"When you use ExpressVPN, your identity is anonymized by a secure VPN server so ISPs cannot see your online activity."
"That's pretty exciting especially since Google Play is literally my go-to place."
"Pixel shift on the Sony cameras has been around for a while but I literally never used it until the a7r5."
"Learning how to use Google effectively is very, very important."
"It all comes down to like what is it that you do are you a photographer or are you just someone that likes to take photos that doesn't want the extra camera these differences are what's going to obviously drive a purchase to this or away from this."
"Anybody can send and receive not only crypto but real money with just a link."
"IR remote controls use light to transmit data... below the visible spectrum of light."
"Beyond all of the shiny extras, the core thing for me personally is always going to be the pen and screen experience."
"Adaptive power saving is going to help you save quite a bit of battery."
"Even though I've been enjoying using this phone for the past two days, the real question I've been asking myself is, is it actually worth it?"
"Literally off camera everybody is tearing at their phones."
"I was number 17 on the overall face reveal list but number one for face reveals on a Google device."
"This can be very useful for those who need the extra RAM for that sweet good old performance when gaming."
"It's really not about the technology tool, it's really the technique and how you use it in the classroom with your students."
"Educate yourselves folks. So in conclusion, leave your graphics card to the gamers."
"You're the genesis of all this. You make these platforms."
"If you're interested in a tablet with pen... the handwriting recognition can be very useful."
"Rarely will you do anything inside VirtualBox."
"I think our generation in old folks' homes are going to be very different. You're absolutely right."
"That's basically it, that's all my apps that I use on a daily basis."
"You want to have that balance so that way you can enjoy the phone as it was intended to be enjoyed and get better battery life."
"Rename screenshots... easily organize your photo library."
"Pick one that is popular and... it becomes quite advantageous... because regardless of what language you'll be using you will be using an IDE."
"I think it's really important, I think if you use a mouse you're really limiting yourself."
"It is such a relief when you land in a plane and you refresh your airtag app and it says in Germany assuming I'm in Germany it's like oh thank goodness thank goodness."
"...you need to make sure your software is updated so I'll show you in a second how to check on that."
"The option I use the most is when I ride my bike, then I listen to music on the speaker of my phone and I control it over my watch."
"Let me go ahead and click on print."
"With just six months or so, the adoption and the excitement is through the roof. More than 30 percent of our customers have used it on a weekly basis."
"I personally like it because I'm used to Android units, I love the size of the screen, I love using it for my navigation purposes and music."
"We should democratize the whole system so that everybody can use it."
"It's not the technology, it's how you use to get to the outcomes you want."
"If you use it the right way... it's fantastic and it's kind of fun to go and use this thing."
"The large increase in usage of unmanned aerial systems is both an asset and a threat."
"Imagine looking back on your life... I just was on my phone the whole time."
"You can see our internet usage and our phone usage over time and how it's trending."
"Most of the current use cases are kind of in this kind of like enterprise settings from what I've seen."
"Technology can be implemented, but if it's not used, then it is of no value."
"If you're 18 years old, you will spend the rest 93% of your life scrolling your phone."
"What's being tested isn't actually how a new creation will change us, but how we will utilize a new tool."
"We'll be using SQLite, but keep in mind that not just in this course you'll use it, but also, it's used in a variety of applications here too."
"Excel is actually the most used product of any software or app in the entire world, even more than TikTok, Facebook, uh, Pinterest."
"We will be using OpenAI for this, so there will be costs associated with this."
"Some countries have a steeper change; some of them have adopted phone and internet usage and have stayed pretty similar, whereas other ones have only really adopted it in the last couple of years."
"Most people that I know who have an iPad use it for at least 3 to 4 years, maybe longer."
"On average, a user is unlocking their phone 150 times a day."
"It's understanding of technology and how people, adults and kids, use technology today."