
Progressive Values Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"When scripture talks about how we need to be taking care of the fatherless and the widow, that's a very consistent thing progressives are very familiar with these quotes because they'll often use them."
"These are very progressive companies that have the interests of women in mind."
"If you're progressive, if you care about the planet at all, it's a perfect place to put your money."
"Let's face the challenges ahead. Let's keep building a better America."
"Thank you for reporting the facts and holding those in power accountable. Proud to be progressive."
"Freedom prevails, freedom is on an upward trajectory."
"I am proud of my progressive beliefs, and I'm gonna talk about progressive policies."
"The left needs to embody the slogan 'not me us' going forward."
"If you don't believe in rehabilitation, you're not a [bleep] progressive."
"I want to shore up our position, not attack the left, because I believe the underlying principles are real."
"Maybe the west was wrong, maybe these guys are the right ones."
"We must put people over profits and progress over special interests."
"I believe in a progressive revolution... stand up for our values."
"This is their lives, and those of us who are progressive need to say that."
"Real journalism is the painstaking reporting that will fight for progress and reform."
"He is the essence of everything that we fight against as progressives and ostensibly as Democrats."
"The guy who actually did the work should be representing progressives in Congress."
"Empathy, non-discrimination, egalitarianism, and honesty were mainly the core values that progressives were very, very fond of."
"Now we know what equality looks like... continue to apply it."
"Let their pettiness contrast with my desire for Progress; let their cruelty contrast with what I believe is at the heart of my politics which is compassion."
"Steady progress: Acknowledge the contribution you're making to the world through your thoughts, feelings, and actions of love."
"No progressive wants injustice... we're fighting for justice."
"They're accidentally doing ads for progressive values."
"Someone uses what she means by a progressive prosecutor is someone who uses the power of the office with a sense of fairness perspective and experience unlike every other prosecutor."
"I don't care about your little group or your little Club if you guys just want to keep talking to each other and wearing all the same shirts or whatever you do you can do that but the rest of the world is moving on and and that gives me hope."
"I think there is more education in the media. I think that there's more conversation, communication, progressive values in the media."
"Sorry, we're Progressive unlike your [bleep] hole state of Missouri."
"Guys, we should be saying good job Carl, not [__] you Carl. We should be saying good job for in the past five years you've completely changed the person, you've learned and you've become more progressive and you are much better."
"You're gonna love the stories and it's part of what made me progressive."
"We need more people who are pushing out, who are telling the progressive story on our terms."
"We need to convince progressive media consumers to support progressive media."
"The American people do not want to go backwards."
"Actions speak louder than words, so look at which progressive media outlets are actually in the trenches."
"The enforcement mechanism for progressivism is political correctness."
"Abraham Lincoln was the Republican, what people really don't know is that all of the sort of bedrock progressive ideas that we have in our society... comes from that era, comes from Republicans Radical Republicans."
"If being progressive in 2018 apparently requires us to support biological men going into the ring to kick the crap out of women, then I think somewhere along the line we may have lost the plot."
"It's not enough to be progressive on 90% of the issues."
"This is our strength, this is how we should go forward."
"If you have an organization committed to recognizing the best performances, regardless of gender, age, or sexuality, that's a step in the right direction."
"We've got to have a new normal based upon progressive and socialist values."
"I just think this whole idea that it has to be exclusionary in order for us to benefit is just really as backwards."
"I let my kid be whoever they want to be that's so great and awesome and Progressive you know I completely agree dude if my kid grew up to be an autistic gay furry pedophile you know what I would have absolutely no problem with that whatsoever."
"The Netherlands is an enlightened progressive society, famous for cooperation and toleration."
"You cannot be Progressive and be connected to an organization that is moving you to the right."
"The Adventures of Superman radio show frequently manages to be startlingly ahead of its time. It’s bolder and more fearless in its promotion of progressive values and social justice than most popular stories are today, especially within the superhero genre."
"Jesus did not move in a more progressive direction on sex and marriage; he moved in a more conservative direction."
"They feel more inclusive than the world we live in now."
"I think the storytelling and the actual making of human connection is a strength for progressive people."
"Progressives shouldn't be judging people based on the color of their skin; it should be by the content of their character."
"Freedom, democracy, security - when you actually take these seriously, they point you in a decidedly progressive direction."
"People are a lot more progressive than the media lets on."
"Practical leadership guided by progressive values."
"Progressive capital means in action, not just in words."