
Extremes Quotes

There are 710 quotes

"People live for love, they kill for love, they die for love, they pine for love."
"The lowest of lows and the highest of highs, the thrill that intoxicates the mind and leads many to ruin."
"The extremes inform the mean, not vice versa."
"Probably either gonna do super good or like super bad, it's gonna be just one of the extremes."
"Everything permitted is the ultimate freedom, but it's also a door wide open to the deepest forms of tyranny."
"Unless you're willing to go to extremes, it's impossible to change a normal person into a perfect genius."
"That's the cost of extremes... if you have an extreme of one thing, you will have the extreme of the other."
"The world has become excessively polarized, where you're either one thing or another. If you don't, you can't live in no man's land. Everyone's shooting at you."
"What do we want to do? Blow up Earth? Save Earth? Turn Earth into something else?"
"It's either don't care about privacy or phone in the ocean."
"In the unhealthy aspects, they can be suicidal or murderous."
"There's no in between, it's trash or it's insane."
"Everybody wants you to come out and say it's either going to the moon or it's going to zero."
"It's really crazy how feeling loved can make you do the most atrocious things."
"What kind of level of psycho do you have to actually be to do this kind of thing?"
"There is a horrible curiosity that comes from wanting to know the extent that awfulness can actually reach."
"It's like something it broke through a barrier where it was so unpleasant that it once again became weirdly pleasant."
"That's some of the most extreme weather ever measured on our planet."
"Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures."
"I think love ultimately is a great thing but just we got to remember that love can also drive people to do some wild things."
"The reason that Netero was considered to be extreme is because he trained his body to its absolute Peak."
"Adult Gon is considered extreme because he made a nen vow asking for all the power he would ever have, implying that Adult Gon is the strongest that Gon could or would ever be."
"How did Free Speech go from protecting socialists to literal Nazis?"
"Its highs were just about as high as any game can get."
"If the burning down of private property is permissible, then everything is permissible."
"That's why they have to frame that as the extreme event."
"Every possibility is 100% dopaminergically giving him a dopaminergic kick, and so it's complete positive emotion catastrophe on the manic side."
"It's also been an extraordinary year for amazing things... it really has brought the best and the worst, I suppose."
"You gotta push it to its utmost limits and beyond."
"The Niagara Falls challenge was a horrifying beginning and a relieved ending," describing the intense experience of a daring feat.
"They will kill, steal, and do anything. If you don't humble yourself before God, there's nothing you won't do."
"The overton window is only so wide right and obviously given everything that's happening in the world right now certain political figures have stretched that overton window to places where it's sometimes insane or crazy."
"Excessive responses: superstition, threats, violence."
"Path to Extinction... take all the factors of collapse and turn them up to 10 or turn them up to 11."
"Too many people try to be number one, and then if not, they wanna be zero."
"The highs and lows of this year are absolutely insane."
"If you can arrange a man so much and he's prepared to defy the Grim Reaper to proclaim how crap you are, you must be bad."
"Letting people die because they can't afford medical treatment is extreme."
"We live for love, we kill for love, and we die for love."
"You can convince anyone to do anything you want including Build-A-Bear BDSM or puberty blockers for six-year-olds."
"The character is just really really nuts, absolutely ridiculous."
"You need to go to hell with this person in order to experience heaven."
"Connecting folks who are out in space is about as extreme and cool as it gets."
"If we could not be God then we would be the thing that kills God... we would be absolute and true Carnage."
"I've been sober, I've been wasted, I spent most of my life in between."
"There's no medium things are either really really good when you're with a king of Wands or really really bad you know."
"They walk their dogs, they go to Starbucks, they sit ringside at cage fights and shear wildly as someone tears every ligament in their knee because they took too long to tap."
"Both extremes, not acknowledging the problem or saying it's too late, lead to the outcome of inaction."
"You can't be half communist just like you can't be half pregnant."
"I tried to break my arm one time because I wanted a castle. I wanted to look like Ryan Sheckler."
"Making the character his own but also on the flip side of that what would be the worst version of this."
"Either you go super cringy like insanely or you go super into Pinterest mode."
"It's not this either or it's not you you either are very strict and restrained with this intense willpower and you deny yourself everything or you let the floodgates open it doesn't have to be that extreme either or."
"Combining the two, getting blasted into space on a collision course with Mars would be the ultimate."
"The opposite of leaving teammates behind is suicide."
"Sometimes when a person is obsessed with another we hear this phrase that they're willing to die for them and willing to kill for them."
"People either loved me or hated me, like even now people are like, 'I'm obsessed with you' or 'I want to drag your naked body through a mile of glass because I hate you so much'."
"Every virtue taken to his extreme becomes a vice."
"That is the definition of ride or die. Honestly, if my friend doesn't want to go into an alligator tank with me, I don't want that friendship."
"Parents go through every extreme to get exactly what the kid wants."
"A friend will help you hide the body, but a best friend helps you eat it."
"We either learn groupthink or start screaming bloody murder."
"There's a very thin line between botched and snatched."
"How far would you go to look like your favorite celebrity?"
"It's cutting off your nose to spite your face... it's so incredible that they go to these lengths."
"I don't think there's ever such thing as too far. You remember it though, right? And we're talking about it months later."
"Pluto and Virgo Generations actually have sworn off the Sexes as well so you can see both extremes."
"Two opposing extremes aren't always wholly good or bad."
"The absolute stubbornness and the creativity of how far they can push it, that is insane."
"People compare themselves to the most extreme best transformations out there."
"I don't want you guys to feel the need to swing to these extremes and then if you mess up or fall off to beat yourself up."
"Trained to remain unflinching in the face of everything from extreme weather conditions to people screaming abuse."
"Perfectionism is very much black and white, all or nothing."
"It just brings out the best and the worst of humanity, doesn't it?"
"What in the world can happen so extreme that the rest of our society could totally fall apart into immorality?"
"Dubai is a land of extremes: extremely hot, extremely full of money, and extremely shiny. Outrageous things exist just because people have enough money to do whatever the heck they like."
"When you get pushed to extremes, that's when the most fun happens." - Brian Frioli
"It removes the middle ground but keeps in the extremes."
"That was the biggest roller coaster in my whole life."
"There's emptiness in my heart, I love my son more, I feel my life itself. I would die for him, I would kill for him, I would do anything for him."
"Everything Everywhere All at Once, the best and worst."
"The traps are found on both sides, there's this extreme here and there's that extreme there, you gotta find that perfect balance in between."
"Burnout's about taking fantasies to their extreme without a hint of reality to pull them back."
"The universe is full of extraordinary extremes."
"Either the reader is extremely clumsy or the necklace is haunted by the bad juju of the Titanic. There's just no in-between."
"Pluto has a real potential for extremes, right? Like the huge and the tiny, the all-powerful and the utterly powerless."
"Only one person in history has been into space and the lowest point of the ocean floor."
"The culture war is actually about the far left and the far right."
"People are willing to do just well anything to make a name for themselves for clout."
"Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, carve his name in your walls or carve it into another human being."
"It's mentally easier to go full blast, and it's also mentally easier to dismiss it completely."
"I’ve seen the worst in mankind, and I’ve seen the best, the most beautiful in mankind."
"There is a band where you can live around the most extreme objects in the entire universe. How cool is that?"
"We live in a time where people will do anything for views, anything. They would record a dead body, eat a cat, they would throw a cat... people do some crazy [ __ ] for some views on the internet."
"This story boils down to Good and Evil... it's really hard to find anything in the middle."
"The goal was extreme, but the result was even more frightening."
"You can build something like this or like this or you can take things to the very extreme and turn things that really shouldn't be airsoft guns and tear soft guns just like this."
"If you're too far on either extreme you are going to fail. That's simple."
"We can't have culture revolving around extremes."
"She asked him if they knew what it was like to love something so much that you would kill it."
"This is gonna be the ultimate, the Omega, the Alpha and the Omega rollercoaster."
"Highlighting the extremes is often the most compelling and illuminating way to understand how generally fragile our grip is on concepts like basic probability or identifying your attacker."
"Nothing illegal, just No Holds Barred Mayhem."
"I've seen it all, from the absolute bottom to the absolute top."
"Some people just don't have any limits to the things that they would do."
"Terrible and incredible... you can't escape death and murder in the past and like horrible atrocities but you also can't escape like the most incredible beautiful things."
"Women will go through extreme lengths to get your attention."
"Bitcoin is literally going to either a million dollars or going to zero. There's no in between."
"I kind of go to the other extreme where I'm eating way too much."
"Too much is never enough; it's a selfless act."
"The basic philosophy between extreme left and right is really the same."
"I struggle with these extremes, whether it's just good or just bad."
"You might not think that a wheelie is traditionally that extreme, but if you do it for long enough, not only is it extreme it's also a world record."
"This is one of the most terrifying locations in the world."
"I mean, I could have died or I could be doing some crazy speed."
"If you are policing the number of fingers people can insert into themselves then you've gone too far."
"Chaco Canyon and the San Juan Basin as a whole is a region of extremes where heat and cold and rain and drought cozy up real close to each other."
"The universe operates in ways that we are not accustomed to when you look at extremes of mass, length, or speed."
"People are either angels or demons, saviors or torturers, and this viewpoint tends to vacillate a lot."
"It's a place of extremes, a place where icy polar air hits warm wet Southern winds in a violent collision."
"The temperatures in these parts are wild, swinging to huge extremes in a matter of hours."
"Let's see just how fast a PC can go at negative 40 degrees."
"Vostok Station, this is officially the coldest place on Earth."
"I take you guys to the most extreme and epic places."
"New Zealand has the steepest residential street in the world."
"In Hawaii, you can experience two extremes on the same island."
"One extreme invites another extreme."
"Nothing should be mid, nothing should be okay, it should be 'I hate this' or 'I love it'."
"Would you rather jump into a pool that is 200 degrees like fire or negative 10 degrees?"
"Most products are kind of mid, but if something is really, really good, oh that's interesting. If something's really, really bad, sometimes that's interesting too."
"He was a reflection of us in the extreme."
"Humans at either their best or their worst, displaying that."
"When it's good, it's amazing... but when it's bad, well, you know, it's awful."
"Every person is guilty of irrational anger sometimes, and some people take it to dangerous extremes."
"I think it's really important to see the extremes for sure."
"New York has the hottest summer coldest winter most temperate fall and spring months"
"The best and worst of human nature was on full display in the ancient world."
"Oman, a country in the Middle East, gets just around 100 mm of rain annually and can go long periods without rainfall. However, in just 2 days during July of 2022, the nation experienced a deluge equivalent to a full year's worth of rain."
"The worst day and the best day of my life."
"The middle ground on the Internet is boring. So, you have to go to this. It's like, 'Hey guys, just being a reasonable person, having a reasonable day.' Like, boring. No likes. Yeah, yeah, that doesn't trend on TikTok."
"A lot of research, a lot of data, and a lot of people's arguments fall on two extremes."
"Did some of this go too far? Probably. Maybe. But at the same time, people on the internet have gone further for less."
"Extreme examples tend to be more easily remembered."
"Having those two extremes to me is the mark of the type of movie that I want to make because there's no other way it could be made."
"Mario Kart Wii: It's Mario Kart at its absolute best and also its absolute worst."
"The most extreme dinner times were in her unfinished novel 'The Watsons'."
"That's the middle road is to say that well sometimes the formalists are right and sometimes the extreme realists are right in the hard cases."
"The duality of this perfectly exemplifying both ends of the extreme."
"Either the best day of your life or the worst."
"It's just those engineering stories of such extremes which I think underpins just why these things are so special."
"In the age of YouTube and fanatic fandoms, something either has to be a Masterpiece or an atrocity to garner more views and attention."
"Life sometimes decides to hit you with your highest highs and your lowest lows at the exact same time."
"I bet you I could rip somebody's guts out on camera and not lose an audience member."
"The highs are high and the lows are very low."
"The most extreme Human Experience, Agony and Euphoria, are woven into each other."
"I don't know how to meet in the middle. If I'm nice, I'm extremely nice. If I'm a b****, I'm extremely a b****."
"The universe is a place of extremes and mystery."
"Both are kind of at the extreme ends of the spectrum and we have to support each other somehow."
"Extreme cold hurts and extreme heat hurts."
"We have only good and very bad. We don't have anything else."
"There's a kind of joy in watching somebody go to those lengths."
"I love extreme things, I love extreme examples of what humankind can finally achieve once the aliens are kind of pushed to the sides or below."
"It's either all of God or all of Satan."
"The extremes inform the mean, but not vice versa."
"I'm an all-or-nothing, you know? I either win or I lose, and there is no in-between."
"It's like the razor edge of super lucky or super unlucky, like there's no middle ground."
"Bipolar disorder elevates people to extreme highs and then drives them to extreme lows."
"The real conversation is always about where are the boundaries. That's always the interesting part about any discussion because the extremes, if you look at the extremes, they're always 100%. It's like, yeah, that's like kind of dumb."
"For those two extremes to be represented in such extremes of, like, the peaceful ocean versus literally nothing, yeah, it's fascinating, the difference."
"I love seeing this gray side of the show where it's like even your hero will have to do the extreme."
"Things are all or nothing. I'm either safe or I'm terrified."
"God is Extreme in his Mercy but he is also extreme in his judgment."
"There's no middle ground which I kind of love."
"It's like from the sublime to the ridiculous."
"We have the highest freaking highs and the lowest freaking lows."
"Who's the prostitute now? You serving an overarching male figure, throwing all your money into one. I mean, you know, there is something to be said for the fact they're both embraced an extreme."
"Explorers have always sought out the extremes on Earth."
"Survival in Alaska is all about taming the extremes."
"People really want to go from one extreme to the other, not an army move takes a lateral step."
"So there are two extremes that we've talked about: rapitis and Rapture Mania."
"When you get into other weird extremes of Human Experience ecstasy think of absolute pleasure so that there is a domain where Pleasure and Pain reach each other so that we weep for joy and shudder with delight."
"Under the right circumstances, there is nothing a man won't do."
"Incredibly vast and ridiculously up and down."
"An absolute world of difference between the two extremes."
"...the wildest night in MLB history that showcased the best of baseball and for some its absolute worst."
"Saving money is good, but it can get to the point where you're like a TLC cheapskate."
"If you keep having to raise that bar, eventually that bar is gonna be so high that you're gonna find yourself like renting out a mansion having a little Shanty Town living there with like homeless people and people like bum fighting pepper spraying each other in the face."
"I know how to be low in money and I know how to abound and how to increase. I know everything. I know all extremes. I can choose to be on zero. Wow!"
"His story, with its ups and downs, its highs and lows, is a lesson in extremes."
"...the highest peak in the contiguous US, the lowest point in North America, the oldest tree in the world, and the highest ever recorded temperature on Earth all in Inyo County."
"So I don't mind at all a coach being hard on guys or a GM being hard on coaches or players, but there's a different extreme to what he was doing."
"...murdering six people does feel like Hudson took things a little too far."
"It's like either so much fun I've never had so much fun in my life or like this is the worst thing ever made. No in between."
"Humanity is a race of extremes and Neto's asceticism simultaneously represents two nearly opposing sides of mankind."
"When you have to protect someone, you go to certain extremes that you never thought you would go to."
"Favorite person is the best thing and the worst thing in the world."
"The weather is as bad... it does actually get hot... it can break your mental health."
"We appreciate great art and we appreciate cults and we appreciate food and we appreciate sex and we appreciate good sleep, you know? But like we live our lives in extremes."
"Sometimes to really find yourself, you have to have been at both extremes."
"War is bad but it's not only bad. Every aspect of human behavior comes out in very extreme forms in war."