
Mind Reading Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"If I could have any superpower, I would want to be able to read minds."
"It's like you are reading my mind. - Well, that's because I'm in your mind."
"I could have any superpower, it would be to read minds... that way I could know more about you and become the perfect friend."
"Can she truly read minds? That'd be so cool and an incredibly useful skill."
"If you could read minds the government would have huge tools of potential control."
"I expect to photograph thoughts... every thought of the individual could be read... our minds would then indeed be like open books." - Nikola Tesla
"Invulnerability: it means that they can't be hurt at all and it is literally the perfect ability to have in a fight."
"Mind-reading: this power could actually be pretty useful; you could find out if a girl likes you, find out someone's pin number, and if you used it in conjunction with the police you could actually help them find and stop dangerous criminals."
"Mind reading assumes we can read someone's thoughts or behaviors, stop making assumptions."
"You have the ability to read anyone's mind but everyone knows you have the ability to."
"Researchers at the University of Texas developed an algorithm capable of reading the thoughts of a person."
"The guru guru no me allows its user to see through everything—whether it be layers of physical matter or even deeper concepts like being able to selectively read minds."
"Above all this floated the specter of Asahara, followers believed he could levitate for hours at a time and that he was capable of reading their minds."
"Last Light comes to a hectic conclusion. The big meeting to decide the fate of D6 goes ahead. The Dark One reads Moskvin’s mind."
"This is the equivalent of like being able to read a person's mind which I think is like the worst superpower ever because it would drive you insane."
"If we could read each other's minds, I think we'd go crazy."
"It just looks like a hat, but it also reads thoughts."
"Not only can she read minds, but she can also dig deep into people's minds and look at their past experiences and memories they had from a very long time ago."
"Reading minds is not some esoteric thing; it's pattern recognition."
"Ghost is a mind reader, honestly for me that's I think is a mind reader, a good thinker."
"That's crazy right and they did so it could interpret the brain signals to say this is what you're looking at yes yo awesome that's mind reading mind reading yes it is mind reading."
"I can read your mind. It's like a TV watching the TV like [__]."
"The narcissist believes that you should read his mind."
"People with codependency are hyper vigilant to the needs of the dysfunctional other going to the extent of what we call mind reading trying to guess what this person wants in order to make sure that they have their needs met so they don't get angry so they don't abandon."
"It's like wow wow I'm reading your mind, it's like a phone notification."
"Experiments in mind reading aren't just about spying on what someone is thinking. They're about figuring out what thoughts are even made of."
"Most people are horrible mind readers... people don't ask for enough... how can we have conversations with people?"
"Imagine a world where you can read minds, one where you know the second someone in your area is concerned about mold in their closet."
"I think I like reading people's minds more than I thought. Time to talk to my crush."
"it's kind of insane we are going to get to a world where people can hook your brain up to the mind reading machine"
"How can you sneak up on someone who can read your mind?"
"I'm going to teach you how to read minds... without spending 20 years mastering body language."
"If there's one power that a lot of people would like to get, and that's the ability to find out what the other person's thinking."
"I trust Fugaku and Shiu. Will consent to you taking a look through their minds."
"Brett legit read my mind. Thank you for the request."
"At the end of the day, we just don't know. We're not mind readers."
"...I'm gonna attempt to read a few people's minds in the audience."
"He knows everything that happens, Jim; he can read people's minds."
"By night I am a traveling mind reader... I've gone all over the world with a 70-minute mind-reading show."
"They have seriously some of the best food and it's like they read their minds."
"You're impossibly strong and you read minds."
"He wanted her to be a Legilimens in that moment, so she could read his mind and know all the things that he didn't have the courage to say."
"If I had the ability to read minds, oh my God, I would go... I'd love to know what's just going through his head right now."
"She was literally reading your mind."
"Xavier does understand Eric, but he also understands humanity because he's read the minds of humans and mutants alike."
"Space aliens can read your mind, this is true, gorillas can't."
"Would you want to be able to read minds?"
"Your superpower is reading minds."
"It's like somebody reading my mind, which is scary."
"You literally read our minds like I can't even believe it."
"Wouldn't it be great if you could just read your partner's mind to know exactly how they feel about you?"
"If you can read my mind, there's something really wrong with you."
"Mind-reading... basically refers to the ability to recognize that behavior is caused by mental states."
"If two people are telepathic and they're both reading each other's mind, whose mind are they really reading?"
"A master legilimens could dive into their target's mind and see their memories, experiences, and anything that the mind offers."
"Anya being able to read minds can be a source of comedy in the show for sure."
"Reading minds would be so sad, and just like hearing people's thoughts would just destroy you."
"I wish I was able to read people's minds."
"Sirens can read minds, they see what you want most."
"Somebody who could see into the future is almost borderline a mind reader in themselves."
"If you had the power to read my mind, would you use it?"
"Being able to read people's minds is a superpower I would love to have."
"Grom can read minds and shapeshift into your worst fear."