
Personal Projects Quotes

There are 473 quotes

"I've always talked highly about how everyone should get into personal projects, for the same reasons why it's good for your career, good for self-expression, personal achievement, and great for learning and improving on a certain skill."
"I've been working on a special project for the past few weeks now... I decided to just go for it, why not?"
"I knew that what I liked the most was working on my own projects. That's when I had the most fun and I learned the most."
"I just built a lot of stuff for myself all throughout my childhood. I built games that I wanted to play. I built a music player that I wanted."
"Them the Miso steak in that Wasabi slaw, my God, I got to write my cookbook."
"Focus on the present, focus on projects that make you happy."
"The happiest you'll ever be is when you can work hard on a project that means a lot to you."
"Now's the time...to do those mods you've been thinking about."
"What Tucker's doing with his own thing... is a way forward."
"Gears within gears, combos through the roof."
"There's a couple more little things I want to do for some extra detail."
"People actually finding something useful that I made and implementing them into their lives. It's just mind boggling."
"I can make whatever videos I want to make and now I will bring them straight to you."
"Finish the millennium falcon and got a bunch of new lego stuff."
"This deck has transformed the greenhouse, it's exactly what I dreamed of and more."
"It's a great time to pick up some old stuff and finish it up."
"I've just now felt like that new burst of motivation again for my channel and it feels really good."
"Building a computer today, getting back to my roots."
"Looks like it is time for one of my pic deck your experiments."
"I casually just told Katy Perry I was like, 'Oh we are also filming something for my channel, nice to see you.'"
"You need to be pursuing a project on your own that will lead to you having autonomy and you being able to pursue mastery in the thing that you want to master."
"I have a huge announcement in about an hour. We're gonna be revealing a secret project that I have been working on for a very long time."
"I'm glad I finally did this and made a bit of a portfolio for the style of Animation that I like the most."
"You're making a movie? You wrote a movie, right?"
"Genuinely and truly is going to become a project car."
"I was starting to enjoy working on these personal projects."
"She shared my hunger for messing with technology and was super interested in all my silly experiments."
"Out here it's like you can meet a girl that works at Starbucks but like she has like a swimwear line that she's like working on."
"I could have done the same thing by spending $300 to buy an existing silicon hand."
"I think the first project that I can remember really feeling like it was my own and it doing pretty well was Roll Smokey."
"If there's something that I want to make, I have a direct line to all of you."
"You got to make something, yeah, you got to make something that's yours."
"I just finished up making 29 of these trailers."
"You are going to see whatever it is you have been building or working on grow to the next level."
"Whatever inspires you this week is what I would be working on, you know as far as projects, businesses, careers are concerned if something excites you or makes you feel inspired go do it definitely hobbies as well with that fifth house."
"There's something you're working on Sagittarius, and it's going to be really beneficial for your future."
"She wasn't actually making anything, she was just running around going I'm the victim."
"Let's make something for yourself, and if you love it then other people will."
"I just don't want to feel ashamed about working on more humble projects and acknowledging that growth isn't everything."
"I'm doing work on uh... doing some media bits and pieces."
"She gets to kind of do what she wants with this project."
"Both are good, both of these projects, both of these things you're trying to manifest are fine, they're going to bring a lot of joy into your life."
"Keep reminding people to get out there and keep working on stuff. It's never too late to start working on a project."
"We got some real bangers coming out, lots of just Gus and Eddie stuff."
"I've never compiled a video like this before where I talk about movie recommendations, some of my favorites that I like to watch this time of year, recipes, traditions."
"Skillshare's online learning community encourages creators to pursue their personal projects."
"When you go out of your way to make something that is very personal and very creatively unique."
"Your personal project is the one thing that makes your resume stand out and your skills sharper than the rest."
"It comes back down to a little bit of why we watch the PJ tour or live golf or anything, it's ultimately to be entertained, isn't it?"
"But more so for me, it's like having the time to do it and having an Editor to handle it."
"I'm always thinking of like random like series and stuff that I'll be doing."
"This is all kind of an experiment, right? I mean, doing this whole solar and battery, I'd never done it before. I'm just doing it and I'm sharing with you what I learned."
"I always had something to do but I have this sense of accomplishment looking at this cool little world that I built."
"I care about it, so for me, it's more like passion projects."
"I'm just creating the things I want to create."
"This thing was honestly so worth the amount of time it took me to build."
"I started this channel back in 2010, as a place to upload videos of projects that I was working on."
"Passion projects and every day being new and exciting."
"Venus going back from the second part of the week into your sign, so something that you've been already working on will manifest."
"I literally can't even get the wood I wanted to write him a sign."
"You have a very big imagination, so you have all these ideas of awesome things you can do."
"Embrace the self-starter in you and initiate your dream projects."
"What I'm doing tomorrow is going to be new, unseen before."
"Check my insta on what I've been working on, and it would be freaking sick if you guys can show me some love."
"Transforming a house into a home, one step at a time."
"It's inspired the world building I've been doing for my own DND campaign."
"I just did this for Speed and it looks rather good once it's in."
"I've been thinking about how I'm probably gonna write something about this so I'm scooping myself."
"I just want to live my life, build something that will last longer than I will be here myself."
"You can definitely get very inspired by creating your own."
"I think this is fun, I think this is sweet, I think this is cool if you want to help me surprise Trisha with these boots."
"Maybe I should make like proper bathrooms, I think there's, yeah, there's the wash basin, maybe I should do that."
"What a fulfilling Just moment I I love doing gaming setups but I especially love doing them for family members especially my sister."
"Get creative for yourself. Channel your energy into something personal and meaningful."
"I love knowing your opinion and don't be afraid to try that project you've always wanted to try."
"It's never too late, what have you been working on?"
"I do intend on furthering it to do a lot more with this."
"We're excited to turn this house into a home."
"I will figure it out as I go, I will take my time and be safe, and I will try and make the coolest thing possible."
"I just needed something funny and positive as a project."
"Work with friends and family if you need to, but make sure they know you have creative control."
"Just put yourself out there with an idea for a project and do it."
"The things I did because I was excited and wanted to see them exist in reality have never let me down."
"It's been pretty incredible how fast this crazy YouTube channel of mine has taken off."
"I've never felt more excited about a project in my whole entire life."
"This is like our superhero juice, like Superman."
"I feel like I'm putting a lot into my creation and I'm confident that it'll at least go over well."
"This settles it. This is probably the weirdest thing that I've ever made."
"It is so super cute. I really love how this one turned out."
"I absolutely think this turned out so gorgeous."
"I've got some great video ideas and some builds that I just can't wait to get to."
"So yeah, I recently got invited by a subscriber from this channel, hey magic. He invited me over to his garage here in Verotrav to come on over and work on a few upgrades and fixes to Odyssey..."
"Thank you guys so much for hanging out with me today and I hope that this has inspired you to go work on your own little painting project."
"I want to incorporate that somehow. I'm keeping that."
"I was doing muskrat. That's what I was trying to do but I got interrupted."
"David took it from a personal place and made it a gigantic National project."
"I will be able to show you guys the final form of my centralized gaming system."
"I kind of became obsessed with the idea of making something that was much bigger than anything I had made previously."
"If you want to make something fantastic, do it."
"Whatever you're working on is growing in February."
"We've got the blue ball, I got the mod and have put split my computer in that two monitors."
"I have the greatest job in the world. I get to pretend and I make ungodly amounts of money."
"I'm not gonna share it, you're gonna have to wait and see."
"I think we should make a chef's garden, a chef's garden just for us."
"I'm tempted this December to whip out a marathon project."
"I want the time that that's taking up to be creating things of my own."
"I know I can make my own font by making my own letters but even though it's very time consuming, I just find it so therapeutic, relaxing, and fun."
"The whole purpose of this video is really just to get you excited to code and to work on your own projects."
"It sounds like the two of you make games very much for yourselves, like you're making games that you're entertained by."
"It's the beginning of a new series I've been wanting to do for a while."
"It's kind of like I have my own dress-up game but I don't need to code and do all the fancy stuff."
"Whatever you're doing needs to be sustainable."
"We're looking forward to cooking, baking, home projects, room makeovers, and just lots of fun content coming your way soon."
"I'm not using it until I finish building my setup."
"I've never done anything even close to this huge."
"I am genuinely quite excited to show you this. Boom, there it is!"
"This project has been a complete passion project. I've always wanted to create an emulator."
"Once you do something on your own with personal projects, that's something you can do forever."
"Personal projects are where most of your practice comes in."
"We're fine. Because no matter what, Mo and I could set up some microphones and just talk."
"Thanks to you I built a new deck and I'm sorry the cards are in bad shape."
"We've found a way to do something that's actually really personal and small."
"Why not start a tech YouTube channel and why not build a rocket engine and test fire it in Southern California?"
"I love this, it can also go in this direction too."
"This is the weirdest creation I think I've ever done."
"I've got some fun ideas, I've got some creative juices flowing, and I'm really excited to sort of show you guys kind of what's in my mind."
"And last but not least, a sketchbook... I will definitely be doing this."
"This place is incredible, maybe I'll name it Frodostan."
"This isn't that bad of a shape, especially for our little house or our little first base here on Frodostan."
"I've been dying to create like a family styled craftsman home for quite a frickin while."
"This is my little side project, I thought I found out a bunch of interesting things, I felt I wanted to share them with you."
"But all in all, I'm working on a lot of new content."
"I find it rewarding to spend all night programming computers just by myself."
"Eventually, my long-term goal is, I want to like, ideally years in the future tear it down and build a new shop in its place that's more of a garage rather than a shop."
"This video I've wanted to make for nearly a decade."
"I mean, I can have a whole baking tip wall, this is the kind of stuff I dream about."
"I'm going to commit to a handmade Christmas this year."
"It's the full restart button like a hard restart and so I'm uh I'm thinking of doing I I've been hankering to get back into short content."
"Just building things on your own time... that's what this is all about. No rush, just building things on your own time."
"I share these projects because it's something that I am doing and I want to inspire other people."
"I have really cool things planned for next year."
"Getting to create a website... has certainly been the most enjoyable part of my time at home."
"I am building a sneaker wall in my new studio."
"Always have a personal project that you are working on for yourself." - Sean Andrew Murray
"Hope you're excited for that. I'm excited for that."
"Start making things you like... be excited about what you're creating." - T. J. Geisen
"Recently, I put in these plants that were in my other two marvel studio."
"I like going low budget and just seeing what I can achieve."
"You want to be doing one project that's just - that's just your long bomb project."
"You can have your own project that's just yours, that nobody can take away."
"I've been tinkering with it in the same world."
"I've spent so long tinkering with these ideas."
"Love, sweat, and tears into it hurts even more."
"I think it's a good time to do the things that we probably always said that we were gonna do."
"It not only promises to be extremely cost-effective but also capable of launching payloads in excess of 150 metric tons to low earth orbit with full reusability."
"Mom, I want to do a concert in the backyard."
"I wanted to play Animal Crossing, and because I wanted to build this thing, and I wanted to do it on stream, I was like, 'Well, I gotta stream.'"
"I've been really tempted to do a month where I do videos that I can film in an hour."
"Construction of his mansion is in full swing."
"It felt like an act of self-care to make something so purely for me."
"One man's passion project turned into something far beyond what anyone could have possibly predicted."
"It's like that structure is very doable on a personal level."
"This is one of my most favorite builds I've ever done. I absolutely love this architectural style."
"I am super excited to bring this to the table today. I hope we just clean Joseph up."
"I'm determined to play Barbies and The Sims and make the ultimate Barbie."
"I built those beds just in time, oh, look at em! They're so cute, I love you guys I love you guys."
"Just because I make some hard [ __ ], you know what I'm saying like damn, I want to put this out you know what I'm saying."
"Making fan games has definitely improved my knowledge on game design."
"Let’s do the passion project and to hell with the consequences."
"I actually sat down and thought about doing exactly that, like a top five."
"My favorite part of this project is definitely the hair. It took me a little while to figure out that in order to make the bantu knots, I had to comb out the yarn, but once I did I think it turned out pretty good."
"You work on passion projects when you're not working on your primary project."
"You have no idea, not even a little bit, how excited I am about this."
"Part of the whole thing is being able to continue doing this thing."
"You have the capacity to create and finish and nurture anything that you want to put your time and energy behind."
"This is turning out absolutely much better than I thought it could do."
"Do what you gotta do today, make that website, whether it's personal or professional."
"Let's get the garden popping once Kobe's over."
"A rusty tank... maybe that's the vehicle I need to fix up."
"My first collab has to be eyeshadow. It has to be."
"I guess I'm doing this for a bit and that's my project."
"This ride is everything. Michael really knew what he was doing when he was building this."
"You can make your own Spider-Man story if you wanted to."
"Menchie, are you so beautiful? Yes, you are. You going to win a beauty pageant and start your own YouTube channel? Yeah."
"That dumb nerdy thing I did a decade ago ended up being this so much bigger."
"Next week when we modify this thing, oh my God I'm so bloody happy with this."
"This is such a silly project, what a silly, stupid dog project."
"I've never been so hyper focused on something."
"I'm still just doing my little job... Can't get fired, you know?"
"Once you've done all of that you can move on to the next step... honestly have fun the thrill of the chase I think is really nice."
"I'm really happy I decided to make these trails a few years ago."
"Finally at long last, we have put up the shelves that I have been talking about, threatening about for I don't even know months now."
"What do you think compared to my first build?"
"Encourages me to try things that have kind of been at the back of the drawer."
"So out of everything I've done on this project, even though LEDs are completely just for aesthetic, I can highly recommend giving this a go."
"I think I finally worked out my Stardew designs..."
"I'm very motivated to expand and improve my home."
"I do think we should just make a philosopher's stone personally."
"I'm trying to make something positive about this."
"Hopefully he'll do what Christopher Nolan did: make one for me and one for them."