
Media Content Quotes

There are 196 quotes

"People just wanted anything and they were willing to favor the mere presence of gay characters above anything else about these stories."
"Perhaps is the first live stream/video you've ever seen on the channel."
"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is TotalBiscuit. It is the end of 2017. I know what that means, kids. Yes, arbitrary lists, discussions, and arguments. It's our favorites, isn't it?"
"You lose 4-2 at home to Wolves and drop a video with Specs, there you have to ask questions."
"We want our content to reflect the rich diverse world that we live in."
"The main thing is that none of these videos are intended just for men. They might feature male superheroes, but the point is that the same training advice on the whole applies to everyone."
"They really started to focus on a lot of like goofy, kind of crazy reactions to things."
"90 or 80 percent of stuff is just okay you know I totally feel that way and you know that there's there's another ten percent that's total [ __ ] and there's another ten percent that's like amazing I think most without is like really good yeah."
"I remember watching this video when I was a little kid and I had absolutely no idea what was going on."
"Treats for Beasts... the videos all have a pretty creepy vibe."
"I've not seen anything like this in a very long time on YouTube."
"We talk about the things that matter, real issues that affect you, your family, our country."
"I didn't realize I was going to like that so much, but I do, I really do."
"Absolutely devastating. I have never gotten through the ending without crying."
"There's some stuff that's historically explicit that's going to be shown."
"Spoiler alert: this video is going to have a lot of vampires in it."
"Jojo doesn't shy away from the dark stuff, never has."
"It doesn't really get much more Jojo than this, really does it?"
"It sounds like it's gonna absolutely destroy me."
"Considering how strict tv censors can be, especially in children's shows, it's a wonder how some of these things got through."
"Thank you guys for watching Channel Frederator's 107 facts that you should know about Ben 10."
"We love the Lord, we love His word, we love truth, we're all about truth here at 3ABN."
"The emotional payoff of everything is so good."
"I love this series and hope it never stops. Keep up the good work, guys!"
"I like directly getting to song, I hate watching something and having to go through a painful introduction or some dialog like when you're watching a tutorial especially."
"This video resonated with fans better than anything else."
"Speaking of continued support that adds value stay tuned at the same same channel same place you're watching this for up at noon at 5:00 which we found out is noon in Fiji so if you're watching from Fiji it's still up at noon."
"If you guys didn't check out my first two commentaries on A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, make sure you guys do that."
"I think the best content right now is on HBO Max and Apple TV."
"What a sad, pathetic, and miserable life. I hope we never have to discuss Mark Feely on this channel ever again."
"Honestly, in the last few years of making videos pretty much daily I have never seen so much excitement and so much overwhelming interest in any kind of a scientific field until now."
"I just want to go look at the trailer and see what it actually looks like, it's awesome."
"We want everyday people to send us messages saying that they're making money based on what we're talking about on this channel."
"Family channels are supposed to be a safe space."
"I love the fact that they ended up together in the end, obsessed."
"This is definitely not the end of the road for superhero content here on my channel."
"Parents should be protecting their kids more so than the government interfering with what a network can or can't show."
"What we want is we want that content in the long run to be either first or better or best or pick your differentiated experience on our platforms." - Tim Stewart
"You definitely don't want your sons or daughters to be in this situation where these are the sort of things that they're exposed to."
"Everything they're saying about it, everything they're showing, I am all on board."
"Thank you so much for watching. This is good TV, this is good TV."
"Why'd you guys recommend me squid game? It's so gory."
"A sinful lifestyle that scripture clearly deems is wrong." - 1 Million Moms
"This is not clickbait, this is all really going to happen."
"The old show is dead... We're only talking about Combat Sports, MMA, martial arts."
"Best Star Wars content since the OG trilogy."
"That was fine. I think that's a great inclusion. Nothing negative there."
"That's just going to be kind of surreal if we're actually getting like new content of Suge just talking about [__] every week."
"The effects were decent, thus we continue with our Season One Wikipedia recap."
"It's something we can kind of get done, put alongside this series, and then also have recurring revenue."
"I'm sure a lot of you who saw the last video know what that one's about. So stay tuned."
"I'm kind of amazed at how well this still holds up to be honest."
"Tati fans were absolutely devastated when Tati posted a video to her channel."
"Come for the T&A, stay for the experimental philosophy."
"There's worse in the recordings than in the docu-series."
"This is a very violent beginning to this video."
"This is our second uh Jason Sudeikis uh thing on the channel and our second soccer thing on the channel so it's gonna be cool seeing them combine."
"I agree with rep C on on everything that he said but I did feel a little dirty watching it just because it felt like some of it was a little unnecessary."
"This teaser was absolutely mind-blowing it had so much attention to detail inside of it the lore inside of it everything inside of this teaser had so much love and care put into it."
"Cyberpunk needs more Edge Runners content while the iron is hot."
"Teens don't seem to be that interested in sex and romance in their television... they want to see more friendships."
"Regardless of the reason, there is quite an obsession when it comes to True Crime content."
"If there's no porn of your game, it's just a flash in the pan."
"It's really easy for us to turn on someone like Leafy because I've never seen a single video of his that I've ever even been able to easily sit through."
"It's all about the content, the content, the content."
"Tell us what you think in the comments and then click subscribe for more great videos from CBR. Bye for now!"
"The show uses fanservice is like one of those red lasers from Men in Black."
"Exposure to explicit content often leads to a distorted view of sexuality."
"By JEEBUS, that ending. Every time I see this ending, I get goosebumps."
"I did expect Aaron to die and the way it happened I was actually very pleased with."
"At the end of it, leaves you feeling good, happy emotions I would say."
"Pull up the upcoming slate and just show that to the camera."
"Days with J and the Lion, you all, and more celebrity stories begins now!"
"Every time I see some sort of pic or video or story, it just fills me with happiness."
"Are you happy with what you guys put out to the public compared to like the samples?"
"There are so many moments that make me go okay, you finally got me."
"The reception, the reactions, are just all over the place."
"There's nothing good you can say about that government."
"I actually think this is happier news rather than sadness."
"I feel like Nagisa she's probably the most common. Yeah, even like those, like here, I feel like you find out, it's not gonna be like that... Oh, there it is."
"Jimmy Snow was just a good [ __ ] conversation."
"Holy crap man, this looks fucking fantastic."
"Phase four was big—51 hours of programming, more than the other three Marvel phases combined."
"Just pause the video there... I mean personally I think just this image alone is absolutely mind-blowing."
"It was so wholesome and pure and wonderful and it made me so happy and I loved it so much."
"Americans are much more comfortable with films that are explicit in their violence than in sexuality."
"We've got a fantastic bonus show coming up for you today... thank your lucky stars every day you're not Dave Pacman."
"You can feel the influence of the creators' previous work, but Milo still feels like a whole new thing."
"It's all about those characters... it's because we want to hang out with these people."
"If it's too graphic for the six o'clock news how is it okay for a 10 year old school child?"
"It's really refreshing to see content like this instead of the negative ones."
"Thanks for watching, and we'll catch you guys next week with a potential guest. Peace, peace."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and I shall see you all next time goodbye."
"He's one of the few that it's a quick hit Style video and obviously YouTube wants longer form content so it's kind of been it's lagged behind in terms of like Forefront."
"It's all about the library, and with Disney, you have a very clear idea of what you're getting."
"Each upload is a clip from a local access channel... with a horrifying twist."
"I'm very glad that we've got That's Football to be able to sit and watch and chat about it."
"iOS 14.6 brings subscription support for channels and individual shows."
"We're gonna have to go over to Daley wire comm and subscribe for $9.99 a month you can get a subscription to daily wire you know what you get with that."
"Thank you so much for watching The Skid Factory. I'll see you next week."
"Thank you so much for tuning in again today... stay tuned for the next one."
"Disney is also taking us on a rare trip inside Walt Disney Imagineering in a new video series."
"Voters need objectivity, not partisan cheerleading from their news sources."
"Maybe society progresses to a point where this type of stuff isn't made as much anymore in the future."
"We got you covered fully for the NFL draft... more content here on the go now for the draft than anywhere else in the world."
"This ain't that, but Disney can only go but so far, right?"
"I feel like something that is lacking on YouTube is a situation where two people can get together in this format, a professional just a everyday person, and break the barriers down a little bit."
"I really enjoyed the story of the Transformers."
"Honestly, the more the merrier with these type of clips."
"I didn't lie in the video it's all true right the the things he did and said were true."
"Your dedication is truly admirable because the fact that folks put up with this, I know this meandering discussion, this raving stuff about shortwave and broadcasting and movies and current events and stuff."
"I just don't feel like it's a valid thing to say and I think this isn't about Shane Dawson this videos advice Shane Dawson."
"This gives an opportunity for a competitor to maybe come in and produce children content that is not woke."
"Thanks for watching, we'll catch you on the next one."
"I loved the spread of like what's in my bag and celebrity would share what's in their bag those kinds of things always like excited me so these videos are kind of like my little reach into my younger self and what I love and still love doing."
"If you've enjoyed this and you'd like to see more gremlins related content."
"I am so excited for this game. The more I've seen of this game in trailers and gameplay, the more excited I get."
"It's nice to see a title which makes a bit more sense than previous titles."
"One day someone's gonna compile all this shit into like a three-hour long super cut."
"That's the one where they keep cutting off his arms, right?"
"It's a great library of content including the shows that we did earlier this year which if you haven't seen them yet they got great reviews for death before dishonor and super card of Honor."
"Remember, that is just a stream, alive a stream."
"This video is no one's side. This video is the truth."
"These clips are pretty unsettling but also somewhat fascinating and I wasn't alone on thinking that."
"I've been really digging the Cuaro BBC series."
"Is it library content or the ability to create new shows off of known brands?"
"If you really enjoy the Angry Joe show and you wanted to continue the way it is please consider supporting us on any of those platforms."
"Heavy spoilers ahead, you've been warned." - Host
"I'm so here for a cheesy love story. I want more of it. I want to see cute gay moments."
"So, does it sound good? Does it sound amazing? Yes."
"There's plenty of room for everybody as long as you're providing content that is entertaining and informative, you win."
"I want a whole documentary on like the psychology of a troll that would be God is hosting actually a genius idea hilarious is he a troll though or is he was he just trying to win the fight."
"Are you getting value out of these Q and A's? If you're looking for just quick videos, we got plenty of that too on our YouTube channel."
"Thank you all for watching this video, I know it's been a little while but as Gabe once said, hopefully, it will have been worth the wait."
"There’s really a sizeable overlap between the content you see or read in children’s horror and what you see in adult horror."
"Maybe they'd like it if the writers put in some effort."
"Bad cops are great for YouTube, they get all the views."
"Inside Out Bing Bong cut scene was too much for younger audiences."
"Thank you so much for watching, and as always we'll catch on the flip side, peace."
"That's where I draw the line. We're going. What was wrong with click? Click is formulating, boring as [ __ ]. I did not like Click. That's just me."
"I liked how they showed how big the world is going to be."
"On this channel, we are all about non-bs market updates."
"I never expected to see Darth Vader snapping a kid's neck on a Disney Plus TV show. It was so intense."
"I've been obsessed with the content that this company produces, and I have been for so long. I think it's the most misunderstood content on television."
"That's what the show is about... giving you different paradigms."
"A lot of people say they've missed this kind of like, yeah, let's just do nice long uncut stuff."
"Have an absolutely lovely day, ladies and gentlemen, and I will see each and every one of you in the next one. Goodbye for now."
"The themes that it touches on speaks a lot to me."
"From a series standpoint, I think it's more entertaining than anything."
"These are the games I always liked, including in these videos."
"We always try to go through 'em and figure out what's at least the most interesting."
"I remember people finding that to be very, very jarring, very, very weird."
"We're long past the era of content droughts."
"This isn't really a traditional reaction Channel."
"Nobody cares about that stuff, at least not on YouTube."
"Seriously, who was the intended audience for this?"
"There's nothing offensive about it, there's nothing so bad that I can just immediately dunk on this and point out that it's horrible."
"A show can be thoughtful and engaging and full of deeper meaning and also show nudity."
"The show doesn't understand that just pointing something out is not the same thing as making a point about it."
"This is only a minute-long trailer but it's packed with so many different scenes."
"This is just a reiteration of the same crap from January."
"History is being made here in the classic review show."
"Excalibur totally worth it. I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes."
"It's going to be probably about one of the most valuable videos you could watch here in quarter two of 2022 and beyond."
"The MCU has desperately needed this kind of raw violence."
"Thanks guys and I will see you in the next video." - Closing statement.
"There's value to be found in everyone's channel."
"Try anything in your canceled bro that's not you I had heard that that line was in this trailer seeing it in context is uh worse than I imagined it would be."
"Viewers seem to be drawn in by this odd creation in droves."
"CEI just broke a dollar for probably the first time in ages, interesting for sure."
"It isn't Patreon, I'm [__] you why you can see it."
"Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you a Tuesday morning bright and early with a brand new video."
"If you're a fan of any of these properties I'd recommend it."
"Hopefully you all enjoyed, like a lot Hunger Games IP down below and see ya."
"I'm finally old enough to watch Stranger Things."
"Ultimately, the series earned a warning beforehand about its content to prevent similar distress from viewers."
"Let's bring up Food Fight by Jontron and let's start this video."
"...that's lovely to hear because it means because that's part of your the media content that I create, you don't realize how it can be impactful in different ways."
"I thought this was an excellent interview."
"That's my favorite video of all time."
"I loved it and I'm excited for the whole entire thing, the TV shows, the movies, whatever they doing, I'm there."
"Their programmes and their content have to inform, educate, and entertain."
"We need more World War One stuff."
"Western culture in television seems to glorify independence, violence, sensuality, and consumerism."
"Some highly anticipated films and TV shows have come and gone, both of which far exceeded my expectations."
"And to me, this is rather alarming."
"I want entertainment to be entertaining."
"Thanks for watching, we'll be back next week with another edition of Still Untitled."