
Community Defense Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Successfully helping defend a village from a raid will earn you that sweet, glorious hero of the village status effect."
"Defending a settlement successfully or doing a quest for a settler in your settlement will increase happiness."
"Kyle Rittenhouse deserves to be remembered as a hero who defended his community."
"Community defense operations involve protecting vulnerable people and activists who are threatened by fascists and state violence."
"When Republicans or outsiders like Donald Trump come in, there is this rise up of people protecting their city, protecting the state that they have built up."
"Black men stepping up to defend our honor, which we do need, but at the same time, we should find ways to not take down other people who look like us."
"There are many serious stigmas about the gaming community, but events like AGDQ prove such accusations are effectively baseless."
"A threat as great as the super mutants would force communities to band together for mutual protection."
"How in God's name are they going to stop them? You need some younger, vibrant, strong, healthy individuals... who can put you on your ass if they have to."
"But he's our he's a person who defends our community."
"If we're all getting it, it's very, very hard to attack."
"It is every Citizen's duty to fight for their City, fight for their community, and no one else will do it."
"You have no friends and no enemies in America right now. All the groups in America are against you. Blacks must stand for themselves."
"Forget what the celebrities and the politicians are telling you and get organized in your neighborhood to protect your people."
"We have to be really serious about how we even allow people to approach us as black folk with their political agendas and trying to get us to vote for people, candidates, and policies that do not empower us."
"Black women had their cape on for true Thompson and defending her because she's the darkest you know little Kardashian baby."
"To defend the honor of a believing man or woman is very important."
"And as communication improves and the danger of the warmongers becomes clear, the gravediggers realize it will take both the fishers and pastoralists united to stop them."
"We will not stand for this and you arm yourself with whatever else you whatever you think you need to do bats you bet don't stand for it cops aren't around suck we're going to have rule of law in my neighborhood."
"We are the hammer and shield because we are strong; the strong protect the weak."
"It's being part of this community, defending the best tool humanity's ever conceived."
"Just spread positivity and love the people that you're with, you know? A lot of people are coming down hard on Nikki and the people; they don't deserve it."
"All it takes to stand up to the bad guys is just a couple of people. That's it, just not one, two."
"He was always looking for ways to legitimize what he was doing um whether by wrapping it in the the trappings of it's not a militia it's a community preparedness team um we're not a militia we're an educational outreach group."
"Just because we met doesn't mean that you're not going to get clowned on for doing a disservice to the Asian community."
"The local militia didn't even want to leave their County."
"An armed citizenry is the absolute best defense."
"The average gun owner would be willing to give his life to help anybody around him."
"If we don't stick together as a black people, they will kill us, and they've been killing us for over 400 years."
"Being silent in an instance like that would be against everything I believe in... I will fight for my community because I love the black community."
"The gacha community is honestly not as bad as people are labeling it, and if you spend some time watching and engaging within the community, you'll find a lot of good content and a lot of good creators within this community."
"Those who unfairly criticized the shield hero both the character and the series have been repudiated by the wider anime community."
"Black folks stood their ground. They did not let them come in there and destroy their communities."
"I aggressively defend my community, especially the young guys and the young women."
"Tachibana defends the people of the Champion District because Kamurocho grew out of here."
"Elections are defensive. They are moments when the voters, and in this case black voters and the black community, will say we're voting this way because we're just protecting our community right now."
"Georgians will not be bullied, we will continue to stand up for secure, accessible, fair elections."
"We're not standing for this in my, my, uh, for you, uh, people coming in our communities disrespecting our people."
"The Kyle Rittenhouse precedent is that many more people will show up armed to defend themselves and their communities from violent rioters."
"I was not going to let my community be consumed by this madness."
"Defund the police, fund rooftop Koreans instead."
"I honestly cannot stand aside... as the community I love gets ravaged by incessant greed."
"Demand leadership that represents and defends us."
"If you stand up for your friends, family, and neighbors...we'll use our multi-million dollar Corporation to destroy your life."
"He forgives his father for lying to him about learning Chi and he steps up to teach the panda village how to defend themselves against Kai."
"We're not going to stand by while you starve our community."
"The only thing that's going to be dealing with white supremacy on the march is going to be black people who are armed and organized."
"The Night Watch was formed to defend against the various threats that plagued the reborn town of Darkshire."
"The first line of defense... it's your neighbor, it's your friend, someone who lives nearby."
"The fight continues; we will not allow your sleazy enterprise to pollute our community."