
Private Sector Quotes

There are 181 quotes

"After all, Reagan promoted the idea that the private sector worked better than the government, providing 'creative, less expensive, and more efficient alternatives to solving our social problems.'"
"Fast and fully private, it was the first of its kind in the US."
"It's not just about the private sector...the actual responsibility for something like this is with the regulators."
"This is really the first reusable capsule and the first reusable rocket that has transported astronauts, and no private company has ever done that before."
"The next pandemic...is going to be the great pandemic. I consider COVID a minor pandemic."
"The majority of our critical infrastructure, as you know, is owned and operated by the private sector, and those owners and operators have the ability and responsibility to harden the systems and networks we all rely on."
"I think this mission raised some awareness of that side of going to space as a private citizen."
"Private Enterprises can solve the problems that a lot of governments do create."
"The first private company ever to launch astronauts into Earth's orbit."
"Libertarians may want to see a broadening of free speech protection, even against private entities like Google."
"Learn economics and look around. See the miracles the private sector does."
"Censorship won't come from the government, but it will come from the private companies."
"The part of the world that's still working is private enterprise."
"You intervene with the government in the name of doing good, you crowd out private alternatives, and then you point to the fact that private alternatives have been crowded out to grow government even more."
"It starts with private organizations, eventually it will be the federal government."
"The private sector is an important player in this equation."
"What if I told you you've already paid twice for nearly every single private service and commodity? It's true."
"The innovation coming from the private sector is going to do more to solve this problem."
"Xi Jinping knows... that the private sector is the main engine of Chinese growth."
"Private companies are often worth very different amounts to different buyers or investors."
"Voting for what you don't want is throwing your vote away."
"The private sector creates twice as many jobs as money put to the federal government."
"The First Amendment applies to the government... it does not apply to restrict content of private companies."
"Xi Jinping wants private enterprises to do what the CCP says."
"The private spaceflight industry is growing at an unprecedented rate."
"Fed now comes after the private sector instant payment services."
"NASA has hired private companies to do the development and the operations in a new program called the Commercial Crew Program."
"What we need to do is to strengthen private mechanisms and use those instead of the compulsory mechanisms of the state."
"These changes are long overdue reforms that will actually benefit the private sector and average Chinese consumers instead of the rich and powerful who run the country."
"They probably would benefit from effective communicators that could bridge the gap between the private and public sector."
"The private market, the private sector, is responding. They're responding to inflation, okay? Where can we cut? How can we still increase margins while facing higher prices?"
"The gov never understands the private sector always has a counter move."
"So they separate by saying the most important things are run by the government, but you can have some private companies."
"So if the government runs a deficit, the private sector actually has more cash."
"SpaceX is really the first private company to break through this barrier."
"We need to increase our cooperation with the private sector to identify the financial flows of this illegal money."
"Let the private sector do what it does right."
"Private military companies are big business."
"Thank you for taking an interest in this. This has been a dominant American private sector operation."
"Aggressive anti-discrimination rules are crucial in a co-op dominated private sector."
"Soldiers dying for leaders who fail to provide ammunition."
"Private military contracts are a very lucrative business."
"It's going to create a market for private health care."
"There has been an explosive growth in just like private concentration of wealth with private companies."
"Remote viewing belongs in the private sector."
"It has to be an all of nation approach, driven by the private sector."
"When the government exercises so much control over a private entity, it becomes a state actor."
"Jobs come from businesses in the private sector."
"More people are working in the private sector now than at any point in American history."
"The left hates success. They hate private sector success. Elizabeth Warren hates success, Bernie Sanders hates success, Joe Biden hates success."
"I'd much rather it be a government standard regulation than private companies making these decisions."
"It's great to actually see it happening in the private sector stepping up to the plate."
"The private sector's progress is overcoming regulatory hurdles and driving innovation in space."
"American ingenuity, that is the government of President Trump and the private sector."
"President has really put the fire under the private sector."
"Private enterprises have become the backbone of China's economic development."
"The heart of Ivanka's vision for this project was to use the private sector, not the government, to go through this training, reeducation, and reskilling."
"These private sector leaders... have been exceptional partners."
"Censorship is when the government does it, it's not censorship of a private company that you could use or not use, you know, they have competitors, that's not censorship, you're using the word wrong."
"It's a downturn in the economic output of the private sector."
"They're essentially commandeering a private industry and forcing them to censor on their behalf."
"The good news is that the solution to this crisis can and should be a private sector solution, not a whole bunch of government bailouts."
"This is a momentous day for a private company launching astronauts, launching NASA astronauts."
"For a long time, the conversation has been about someday having private space flights and someday we'll have private astronauts."
"...it's the private tells the government what to do all of the costs are borne by the government all of the risks and the profits go to the private sector it really means we're creating a opportunity for banks to make a killing..."
"Public sector deficits are private sector surpluses."
"The private sector performs better overall."
"India's private sector, ducking around governmental obstacles and bypassing the stifling patronage of the state, has actually transformed the fortunes of the Indian people."
"It is important over the long term to make sure that the private sector is growing faster than the public sector."
"If you cut a trillion dollars of federal spending, you return that trillion into the private sector and it grows the real economy."
"Every dollar that the government borrows and spends becomes a dollar of savings that the private sector can use to buy those bonds."
"We have a better chance of solving an issue if the private and public sector work together and collaborate."
"Government net spending actually increases, mirrored by an increase in net worth in the private sector."
"...the best form of public service is providing something useful to the public in the private sector because it's a lot harder to do and it's a lot more rewarding."
"So you know I think that the private sector simply needs to continue to aggressively look for opportunities to grow the economy."
"The choice our country faces is how we grow the economy. Do we continue with big government, high spending, high borrowing, and high taxes, or should we change our approach and grow the economy through the dynamism of the private sector?"
"Innovation can only come from the private sector."
"The private sector is the key to all of this."
"I think it's likely that private sector dollar stable coin becomes one of the most important Innovations in global Finance over the next 20 30 years."
"This is really that public-private partnership that you see going on."
"The US government essentially transferred wealth from itself to the private sector by issuing trillions of dollars of debt and sending the proceeds to households and businesses."
"We as government and the private sector will need to co-invest."
"In January of 2018, a private search and salvage company called Ocean Infinity launched its own search effort."
"The first time a private company put a human being into space."
"The prime driver is to transfer the risk of infrastructure development to that private sector partner."
"Their reduction in emissions was done through innovation and mostly the private sector and technological advances."
"The private sector is firmly in the driver's seat of today's China's economy."
"The private sector moving into space is what's really exciting and new."
"The party's ability to maintain its monopoly control of the country is threatened by the independent wealth and power of the dynamic private sector."
"The critical partners in addressing cyber is the private sector."
"Private enterprise has in many ways taken the place of government initiatives in space and aerospace."
"Running private philanthropy is going to be fun."
"Conventional wisdom says the government is more expensive than the private sector, and yet here we are with the biggest private sector spending the most."
"It's the largest privately owned rocket... that's supposed to revolutionize commercial space play."
"It's critical that the private sector plays a crucial role in formulating the transitional measures."
"We believe the role of government is to create the conditions for the private sector to thrive."
"We know that private sector led growth is important or we're not gonna have jobs."
"The administration's effort to engage with the private sector to create jobs and expand opportunities for America's workers."
"We have the smallest percentage of these new jobs in the public sector and the highest percentage in the private sector in the United States since the 1920s."
"There is so much incentivization in private companies to be wasteful and inefficient."
"We are all set to create another history today where India takes a giant leap towards private sector participation in the space industry."
"The private sector can speed up timelines dramatically when everyone agrees on the urgency and the direction."
"Seventy percent of the wealth belongs to the private sector, which is also providing eighty percent of the jobs, seventy percent of national output, and the majority of innovation."
"The private sector all too often focuses on short-term gain to the detriment of long-term goals."
"The private sector could contribute to a competitively free market."
"The private sector got to be controlled by the indigenous people, man. We have to be the creator of jobs, we got to be the employers."
"The private sector has as its prime purpose commercial activities, often funded by borrowing for the purposes of making a profit for the shareholders."
"The private sector created something much better."
"The private sector has a positive multiplier; the government sector has a negative multiplier."
"The private sector does a better job than the public."
"Private sector dynamism brought a lot of foreign direct investment into these countries."
"This is the largest private sector union contract in the entire country."
"Self-employment and private sector would be the major employers."
"When you say some things must be owned by the state because we need them, I don't know if that's a good enough argument to say therefore it should have a monopoly versus having a private alternative."
"I really love the Nordic model... I do see a place where private businesses... there are sectors of the economy though where I think that introducing or having a profit motive causes more harm than good."
"Public-private partnerships are essential in this area."
"Advanced market commitments... say we have a need for the private sector to fill, but they're not doing it because there isn't enough of a financial incentive."
"The private sector can do more than we think to solve social problems."
"To put more money in people's pockets, we need a thriving private sector that is what drives growth, creates jobs, and lifts living standards."
"Artists should obtain money from the private sector."
"The private sector, which is the volunteers, are so far ahead of the government."
"Businesses grow and economies grow through private sector-led growth."
"Our experts have drawn attention to the need to rethink the approach to fixing state fragility, including greater emphasis on local solutions and on private sector development."
"The main aim of any business, especially in the private sector, is to make a profit."
"The structure of public investment and its ability to catalyze private sector investment is what matters."
"The focus should be on economic recovery... the solution is to run strong market-oriented economic policy and allow the private sector to recover."
"The world is really more battling with the real issue about how we are going to address this issue of injustice, access of education, access of health, job and what is the role of the private sector which is really needed."
"When you have a good infrastructure project, a lot of money, including especially private sector, is actually willing to actually chip in."
"The idea behind smaller government is starved the government and by starving the government you caused a proliferation of private-sector activity."
"This is a private company owned 60% by global investors."
"The embrace of the private sector leads to greater economic growth."
"The economic system where market decisions are made by private individuals and businesses is known as a free market."
"It's about mobilizing capital; the government really isn't going to do this, it's going to be done by the private sector."
"In the private sector, businesses must earn our money by offering us products and services that we want or need."
"The market-driven private sector is more efficient."
"The private sector creates wealth, not government."
"Project finance gained momentum as governments saw the opportunity to allow the private sector to assist with the development of assets and services."
"We want rather to view the complex economic relationships and conditions through a prism that includes government policy, economic analysis, private sector actions and reactions."
"Private clinics in the Argentinean capital are some of the best in all of North and South America."
"Governance might actually be stronger in private businesses."
"The fact that the markets [are] working... showed to private sector that it was possible to do things and created a lot of creativity [and] innovation."
"It's exciting when the private sector decides to do what government is not doing."
"The dialogue between the U.S. government and the private sector, especially what we would consider high vulnerability sectors, I would score them very high in terms of preparedness."
"I'm working on a proposal for creating a national investments fund, pulling together capital from both the private sector and government to invest in these communities over the next decade or more."
"Government investments in research and development can lead to scientific breakthroughs that ultimately increase efficiency and productivity in the private sector."
"Satellite launch services given by ISRO, Antrix, NSIL was exempt, now by private players also made exempt."
"SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Virgin Galactic show different sides of private space flight."
"The private companies are achieving incredible things now."