
Edge Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"The first-ever undisputed champion on SmackDown, Edge became the World Heavyweight Champion."
"Judging support and resistance based on historic price is something that can give us an edge in the market."
"We want to make sure guys are improving... We're noticing things like you're getting better with sophistication in expressing your edge."
"We are always bringing a different edge, something that was more creative."
"Risk less on setups that happen a lot and have marginal edge advantage."
"These phones are pretty much what you would want to get if you wanted to be on the bleeding edge for new users out there."
"It promises to be an informed look at the bleeding edge of today's investigative journalism."
"It's very hard to get an informational edge. You can get an analytical edge."
"Remember what Stephen said earlier, the edge is like one or two percent, so just under half the time card counters lose."
"Edge versus Randy Orton from Backlash 2020 was a tribute to professional wrestling and just how bloody good it is when it's done very bloody well."
"We're on the edge that we're at our best."
"Edge continues to just bring us great matches at his age... appreciate him while you got him please because he's not going to be around that much longer."
"Each one of us will have an evolutionary Edge."
"Roman Reigns just ate Edge in the main event and this was when Cena returned to confront the tribal Chief."
"If you play perfect basic strategy every time, your Edge only decreases to about a 0.5%."
"Once you learn this and once you figure this out you pretty much have an edge over the market."
"You need to build your own playbook and begin defining the trades you have edge in."
"The universe as far as we know is like that. It's three-dimensional but no matter what its global geometry is, there's no reason to think it has an edge."
"You have to live on the edge of the inside to be creative and to ask new questions."
"Edge is the GOAT. Love what he's doing. Pat was awesome, night 2 was okay but not great."
"Edge and AJ Styles had one of the best matches of the entire weekend."
"So if you find yourself with a quilt project and you have reached the end of it and you don't want to go to the trouble of putting binding on it, this finishes the edge without having to do that step."
"Most strategies and techniques taught by supposed trading gurus have zero edge in the real world."
"If you have no edge, no matter how good your risk management and your psychology are, you will lose money."
"I need someone with a little bit of an edge to them."
"Here is your winner and the new World Heavyweight Champion, Edge."
"Edge is doing some of the best work of his life right now."
"WWE did everything right with Edge and Rollins."
"Most people know that deer or turkey - most game species - are critters that like edge, especially like a hard edge."
"Edge becomes a better heel than he was a baby face."
"Know your real edge and don't fake it."
"There's a lot of competitive nature to it because everyone feels like, 'Oh, there's just this one little edge and we all have to compete for it.'"
"They've reached the lip, the rim of the cliff."
"I'm just going to get it to go a little bit brighter just to indicate that this is in fact um kind of hanging out outside the edge a little bit."
"Once you have an edge... as each loss comes, the next loss is less likely."
"The losses are going to come regardless but as each loss presents, once you have an edge, the next loss is less likely."
"Fabiola may not be the most powerful character in Black Lagoon, but she has the most surprising style which gives her a reasonable edge."
"We find ourselves literally camping on the edge of the world."
"The edge does lie within the trader. Anything that happens to you can affect the edge."
"Edges change, so when people are thinking about, 'Okay, how do you start at trading?' The first thing you want to do is think about, 'Okay, do I have an edge? Do I have a system in place that finds exploitable edges in the market that's working right now?'"
"Let's just be honest. They needed Sassy on his edge."
"If your humor has an edge you can still do it in a loving way."
"Big margin edge dweller on the paste."
"The champs do have an edge. If the chumps pull out an improbable victory, that would leave the series knotted at 2-2-2."
"I'm gonna have to give the slight edge to the ruthless aggression era... because I just loved it, man."
"So, with the refine edge tool, what I'm really doing is painting an edge."
"...when it comes to getting the final edge, higher hardness can be beneficial."
"It's very easy for me to create a system from that, a step-by-step system of this is exactly what I look for and what that means. Every time I come to the market, I'm trading an edge."
"We approach very much into tape reading. Of course, we are aware of what's going to happen taking the whole picture of what's doing the blockchain. But we really believe we have an edge with the level two and the tape reading."
"I'm actually a little bit nervous to get to the edge, because that drops right off."
"Starting off today's haul, we're going to talk about the newest from Carolina Herrera, Bad Boy Cobalt Elixir."
"This is going to be one of those fragrances that's going to give you an edge."
"There's very few things in archery that you could do to give yourself a little bit of edge."
"People will go to extraordinary lengths to try to get an edge."
"A big part of my Edge has been the fact that I'm a long Trader that understands Short Selling."
"Only bet when there is value, only when there is an edge."
"Maria has a slight edge with one more strike."
"If you love standout powerful and fragrances that will give you an edge making you the best smelling person in the room."
"This gives you really a view of sort of the edge of the current state of knowledge, the edge of the current state of research."
"Man, I gotta ask you this. Did you really tell the Edge you body surfed?"
"The Edge found a way to fill a space and be the whole orchestra."
"This looks like a scene from Lion King. Savannah, you're scaring me. Everything she does, she's doing it on the edge."
"One thing's for sure: soldiers haven't lost the competitive edge."
"The point is, if you don't have an edge, the longer you trade, the more absolutely certain it becomes that you will go broke."
"We're on the edge of a strange new mechanical world."
"You don't want to drink when you're gambling. It takes away your edge."
"If you looked away you think a score, you'd have three or four takedowns but just not good finishing on the edge."
"This was a very well-done Rumble match, an incredible return bout for Edge."
"You're right on the edge of disaster."
"...it's brought that competitive edge to me."
"Like this could have been a basic cutesy little dress but then you add these and it's like wait she's got some Edge to her."
"I think that's probably one of your biggest problems it feels like oh my gosh we're on the edge because you kind of are on the edge."
"The first step to having an edge in the market is to identify a characteristic that continuously repeats on stocks that seem to be moving up."
"100% edge. Like, you can have the best psychology, the best execution, the best risk management, but if you don't have an edge, how are you going to be profitable? It makes no sense."
"It's nice to be able to look really professional and put together but you can also have just a little bit of edge."
"Do you have an edge? If you do have an edge, perfect."
"I'm going with the Rated R Superstar Edge I do consider him a legend and this is Classic Edge bro this is a great figure by the way Legends Target exclusive super underrated or mine next pick."
"Your Insight remains at the bleeding edge even still."
"In terms of where the edge is, it's really being made by lone individuals."
"I'm always defining my edge wherever, whenever, however I can."
"You have to be willing to say my edge is this tiny stupid thing."
"Innovation always takes place on the fringes."
"Can I find an edge where I've got a higher degree of confidence?"
"To be successful in the market, you have to have an edge."
"Comedy turned edgier and more political."
"I always liked the madness, the edge of the madness."
"Tons of edge can be found in simplicity."
"The Principal Financial Group will give you an edge."
"What gives me that edge is the risk management side."
"In this world, a little extra edge is all you need."
"Being nervous is really good; it makes you be on edge, and that's a good thing for playing."
"Obsidian flake will break down to a single molecule edge which is the finest edge humanly possible."
"Our edge is very small in trading, but it's very important."
"The key is to stick with your edge and stay on the right side of the trade."
"How big is the universe really? There's no widely accepted measure... the universe might not have a clearly defined edge at all."
"Skateboarding is cool, people are always living on the edge."
"This look is going to give you that sort of grunge, that glossiness, that sort of edge to your look, while lasting a little bit longer."
"I think you have to play on the edge."
"LeBron James had a chip to him, he had an edge to him."
"You feel refreshed, you feel renewed, you feel like you got that edge."
"I love a moto jacket because it's got a little bit of edge to it but it still has that classic look."
"I'm so edgy, I'm ahead of the curve."
"It's about finding the line and find the edge, and stay there."
"Avoiding sexual activity the day before a leg workout... might give you a small edge."
"Richie McCaw is somebody that plays it right on the edge."
"You gotta have an edge to run at this pace."
"This was right at the bleeding edge of technology."
"You must have a very specific strategy, system, and setups that give you an edge in the market."
"I actually really loved Edge's brood entrance, I always thought it was so cool."
"It really makes you feel like you got an edge again."
"Edge... had the greatest return in WWE history."
"You need to have a winning strategy; your strategy needs to have an edge."
"Think about things conceptually, think about them in terms of edge and where your edges lie."
"Most of the things in the Sugar Thrills range are really cute, pastel, pretty, feminine, with kind of like a badass kind of edge to them."
"He's a real competitor, someone who battles, who takes every decision extremely seriously, always looking for an edge."
"We fought really hard throughout the whole tournament, that I think that's why it gave us an edge."
"You've got to have a bit of an edge somewhere, don't you?"
"I think they're just smarter, funnier, edgier."
"I don't worry about dying, but I do think about how I'm living each day to the fullest, to my Edge."
"I feel most alive when I'm on my Edge."
"Mastering this is what really gave me the edge in most of the competitions."
"It still smells fresh even though it does have a little bit of a darker edge there off the top."
"You want to feel a little bit uncomfortable, right? Like you're getting to the edge."
"That's what you have to do in Supercross; you just can't let the guy have that edge."
"The weight of e is less than or equal to the weight of e prime."
"A true competitor looks for the edge, even in the face of a challenge."
"When you're at the top, if you don't have an edge, you can't stay there."
"It's all about having that edge, that impossible advantage."
"It really adds like an edge, this dominant sound."
"Anything that you're looking at has already a statistical edge in providing a profitable outcome."
"...this is about as cutting edge as you're gonna find."
"It's unique, it's on the cutting edge, it's trying something different."
"Mother, do you think they'll try to break my balls? There's a sharpness and an edge and a desperation to it."
"It starts with the intelligent cloud and the intelligent edge."
"It feels beautifully immature, yet gritty."
"It's really neat to be on the leading edge of this."
"My flow is cutting edge like it's sponsored by straight razors."
"I'm always trying to find the edge in everything that I do."
"Living at your edge is being brutally honest, 100% with yourself."
"I've always been the type to just live life on the edge."
"It's really special that's when you go for absolutely everything, when everything is on the edge."
"We trade in a world of probabilities and statistical edge."
"We managed right on the edge of chaos."
"I play on edge, yeah, 100% I feel like it definitely complements my game to feel like that."
"Understanding your trading edge and then once you do understand that edge, trying to maximize your trading edge, whatever it may be."
"Keep pushing; we're right here at the edge."
"I love taking something that's super girly and making it a little bit more edgy."
"You're flirting with the Leading Edge Of Consciousness."
"We're about competition, being competitive, and playing with an edge and a swag."
"There's a very real edge in not being afraid to lose."
"If you don't have an edge, you're not going to make money."
"I really, really love Edge. I will always love Edge."
"This video is all about classic style with a little bit of edge for women that are over 40, 50, 60, and 70."
"Ultimate closeness, ultimate comfort, that's the edge."
"I love to have basics that have some edge to them, like a different shape or cut, because it just adds some 'umph'."
"At the end of the day, the thing that takes Luffy over the edge constantly is determination and willpower."
"A moto jacket is the perfect piece to put on when you want to throw an edgy vibe into your look."