
External Influence Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"The reason we feel sad, or afraid, or ashamed when something external happens is because those feelings were in us anyway."
"True peace can come only from outside of ourselves. We humans simply can't change of ourselves to the degree necessary to end all war."
"Your gut is never wrong. So sometimes you confuse the voices of other people and the opinions of other people with your own intuition, but if you really just shut out the outside noises and you listen to your intuition, you listen to those feelings and you listen to your gut, you know exactly what you need to do in your life."
"If you don't know who you are, you're gonna fill yourself up with the things around you and the people around you."
"Those who have this knowledge do not allow the external world to dictate their inner state."
"How you are internally has an effect on the world but also on yourself."
"Harmony within is expressed as harmonious people, environment, circumstance, and condition in the external world."
"When we become strong and aware in our inner world, we're able to move with strength and awareness in the outer world."
"You can't let other people tell you what you are and what you're not."
"Your experience of life is determined by you. If your happiness depends on what happens on the outside, you being happy is a remote possibility."
"They're not afraid of him, they're afraid of themselves because they've lost control to him."
"You never allow people to define you who did not create you."
"Disruptions almost never happen from within, they're almost always from somebody on the edge."
"It's an internal game, but you're playing in a massive external realm."
"For some of you, there's a third party that has been telling this person lies about you."
"It's great to have the outside influence just like they did with the music."
"But I've decided not to do that, and the reason I've decided not to do that is because that would allow external factors to affect my voice."
"Living your life based on other people's opinions is the quickest way to live an unhappy life."
"Turks are the reason why they made me do this."
"It's scary for them not to really do anything about what they have, but it's also scary that some people are thinking for you and you don't even know."
"I'd also like to learn how external factors could affect this."
"It's outside of yourself in some way that was very cool."
"All those voices you struggle with on the inside... they originated with some kind of voice on the outside."
"We do our best to make decisions based solely on the science, regardless of whatever pressure or attempts at persuasion may be made by any outside group."
"Doug, you've inspired many people. Don't let external factors be a foil to that perception."
"This whole region is a mess because of outside meddling right."
"When an artistic creation succumbs to outside pressure with the explicit goal of modifying what it contains, that is censorship."
"Your energy moving back out there into the world in a healthy, positive way."
"None of us would really like to believe that we're vulnerable... to the world around us."
"Israel will have to change or be changed from outside by the people who make all possible in the first place."
"If you don't get your [ __ ] together someone else is going to control your life for you."
"Wouldn't be laid low by outsiders, wouldn't constantly be a passive force acted upon by external powers."
"Just being as you are and learning to be yourself without having so much influence from the outside all the time."
"Don't let what's happening around you affect what you're trying to create."
"It's not a problem created by Venezuela, it's created by external pressure."
"Other people, situations, and circumstances in life don't make you who you are."
"Sometimes we just don't want to turn loose of peanuts and we allow someone else to tell us what our value is."
"I think these kids were tricks that came from outside forces."
"The more that you work on changing and shifting your internal experience, the more the external is going to shift to meet you."
"You're here for a reason right and you don't need anything on the external to dictate what you are worth."
"Don't allow their projections to become personalized and become your own thoughts of yourself."
"Quakers believe that people should follow their inner light of the external rules."
"The only time that you feel like yourself is you need the external world to remind you of it."
"You can't allow anything outside to deter how you feel about yourself."
"You want to pass on the back from your oppressor; you want your oppressor to come into your community and put things right."
"Finally, we have someone that isn't connected to the club... huge step in the right direction."
"It's Christ's action exterior to you alone that saves."
"I would say inside out first but that inside out shapes what we react to in the world."
"All of us are in a peaceful loving State inside it will no doubt impact the external world around us and influence how others feel as well."
"Their self-worth comes from external validation."
"We are not the Thinker, we are the soul who hears the thinking."
"It's factual that the bodies have been found, but those bodies have been brought in from another location."
"Don't let these [ __ ] trick you out of your position."
"Putin is just really happy that the United States seems embroiled in this chaos that he has helped create." - Emphasizing perceived satisfaction in chaos, applicable in various contexts.
"Don't allow whatever everybody's saying to take you away from the core of who you are."
"The fragmented soul you inherited reflects in your external experiences."
"Perhaps the Lord needs such men on the outside of his church to help it along. They are among its auxiliaries." - Orson F. Whitney
"The only thing I don't like about her is not even anything to do with her. It's not Jim Ross's her endless 'she weighs 90 pounds.'"
"Stop letting other people edit your reality."
"The way I control my internal environment ironically is the way that I treat people in my external environment, not the external environment dictating it to me. I dictate it to the external environment."
"You define your reality; remember, the external world doesn't define you."
"There's no way back as things stand without external pressure."
"Let it be because it's right for you, not because someone else pressured you into doing so."
"Only a large outside force can hope to keep the lid on."
"Your life is not defined by somebody else's headline."
"What anyone can want for you may be enough to motivate you but not to inspire you; you can only inspire yourself."
"I just want to say that the sad thing about it is that people allow themselves to be defined... by what these people say."
"We should focus on who we are as people, how we can improve the beauty from within, and it will naturally bleed to the external parts of us."
"Your outer experiences may reflect your internal condition, but that does not define your worth."
"People will always try to impose their vision on you, but what really matters is what you want inside."
"This new approach by Ancient Aliens and Gaia is really telling you who you are before you can develop the faculties to understand this yourself."
"That's largely because they want Star Wars, whereas Disney is coming along and putting a load of external things into Star Wars because they want to push a certain message."
"You know who you are, and don't let other people tell you who you are."
"Hillary Clinton suggests Russians are grooming Tulsi Gabbard for third-party run."
"You're just enjoying your life and blaming yourself for the depravity of other people."
"Protection in place because that means the jurors are protected from any interference from either pro-scientologists or anti-scientologists..."
"Interventions from outside can seriously damage marriages."
"There are no liberators from outside."
"If your pleasantness is dependent upon what happens around you, the chances of you being pleasant all the time is remote."
"Honestly, sometimes you're not finding the motivation from within and you just need it from an outside source."
"...we need to understand what the mind is and what the brain is and then you can understand the role of external influence."
"Is there dark magic out there? Definitely."
"The enemy doesn't have to steal your confidence, he just has to put enough pressure on you."
"The gift of hope is the grace to not allow anything on the outside to change what we believe on the inside."
"Innovation comes from outside our business."
"Our lives are manipulated into a direction, just like driving a vehicle." - A thought-provoking observation on the influence of external forces on our life paths.
"Courage that conquers fear does not come from deep inside of me, it comes from outside of me."
"The space of the psyche, although invisible, shapes everything outside you."
"You can't let other people tell you what you are, dude. You have to decide that for yourself."
"There's something outside that's involved in our appreciation of mathematics."
"Never let how they feel about you change how you feel about yourself."
"If they didn't create you, why are you allowing them to control you?"
"Ultimately, it shows you that there is something that exists outside yourself that is kind of important."
"We shouldn't let strangers dictate how we're supposed to live our lives and our paths."
"Do not question who you are based on the fact that someone else is telling you what you should be doing within your situation."
"Self-doubt comes from a place of maybe not necessarily someone making you feel lesser than you are, but someone making you feel like you're not who you thought you were."
"I've always had a very strong sense of self, but I was never fully insecure about things until people started to tell me that I should."
"The grail is just like a cup, literally; it's the medium of communication of something from outside to inside."
"There's a world out there trying to tell you who you are, and there's a world in here that's trying to tell you who you are."
"Once you get out of the distortion of what the external world has on your internal world, then you start to really feel it and embrace it, and move with it as one."
"What's going on inside is very much going to impact how you deal with the things on the outside."
"You're not going to allow strangers to dictate what you do with your life, are you insane?"
"You cannot control what happens outside, you cannot control what people do, the only thing you can really control is yourself and how you respond to them."
"Not letting external factors affect my spirit."
"What makes 'I'm Scared' a psychological masterpiece isn't creeping around in the darkness... it's what happens outside the game."
"I have never been this happy and I don't want other people and Outsiders to affect my happiness."
"It's so incredibly important to not allow other individuals to influence how you move inside your waking life."
"Our memory is more like Wikipedia; it changes every single day according to external influences."
"Love is not complicated pleasure associated with an external object, hate is pain associated with an external object."
"If you allow somebody to define you externally, that's really going to be your problem, and this is going to become society's problem."
"It's coming from the patterns or behavior of others; it has nothing to do with you."
"Why would you let somebody else tell you who you are?"
"Don't let external factors affect your own mood."
"Don't call yourself a bad person because somebody else's actions are affecting your life in a negative way."
"It's not me shining, it's the sun shining on me."
"Confidence is internal. You're reacting to something external."
"Don't let strangers tell you how to live your life."
"If you don't know who you are, other people will tell you."
"You simply cannot create states from outside anywhere."
"Most of the time your problems do not come from you, it's the world outside of you."
"I hate external factors affecting how you run a game."
"There must be an external mind directing it toward an end."
"I'm secure with who I am, and outside things don't really affect me anymore."
"If we're always connecting to the information from the outside, then we can neglect our inner wisdom."
"It is a crazy feeling, you know it is not coming from within."
"I do not let an external situation determine my internal direction."
"We are the agents of change for the outside world."
"A lot of things in life that affect you actually has nothing to do with you."
"Deep energies of Love here that are coming from the outside towards you."
"You have the nine of cups in your external factors area, which I absolutely love for you."
"Don't try to let you know everybody else on the outside try to change you."