
Casual Quotes

There are 2255 quotes

"Honestly, only this one, but whatever man, you get the point."
"We won a football match, apparently. That's cool."
"It's been a day, hasn't it? Oh, James. Oh dude, right next to me."
"The time has come for world domination and pizza. Who's up for pizza?"
"Let's go, oh some tacos, oh it's Taco Tuesday, bro."
"I'm just gonna eat some mac and cheese. I don't remember when we ever made that."
"In photography, sometimes you just want a nice memory, and there's nothing wrong with that."
"I think we should just call him goat for now."
"Luckily my reflexes are really fast and I am still sitting on the couch today."
"Hey yo M, what you think about my fishing pole?"
"Yeah, I'm just with the wife right now. Oh yeah, she's my wife, man. Come on."
"No SK! Everybody, no SK! Come on, it's a snow day!"
"Is that where Mario's from I think so or maybe so I thought it was the Melting Pot that's the number three American restaurant this is the number three of"
"I'm a big fan of diner breakfast, so Denny's."
"It's just an odd coincidence that it pops up."
"I was sure a lot of people they hang out in real life, you think that these guys didn't go like upstairs made a [ __ ] hot pocket and said yo bruh yo did it."
"I think the outfit itself, it's kinda streetweary."
"I've got quite a bit of crates left, let me check."
"I didn't edit that one in, I'm pretty sure he literally just meowed. That was adorable."
"Guys, we just want you guys to enjoy the merch, it's lit, all right? What's up next, bro?"
"Adam getting dizzy bro I'm getting so dizzy not even close."
"I enjoyed it it wasn't anything special but it was definitely a fun read."
"Feet are alright, alright alright, we're done."
"I think it's going to be a good thing." - Sean
"It's for members only. Yes, whatever. Let's go and get some juice."
"I might as well just get the purple key while I'm here."
"I feel like when you have it off it's more natural, henna?"
"Can I take that bottle and can I get one more bottle? Yeah, to go to bed."
"This is just dumb fun and a quick way to get back to the Mantis."
"I mean, I was gonna end the stream, but now I kind of got to try out the proton blaster on one of our allies. Just a casual day."
"Are we running this back? Are we running this back?"
"Let's spin the wheel here, give it a couple of clicks, get something good today, bro."
"This session today was brought to you by coffee."
"We've got brand new set up we've got new couches got myself table here a fern which you need in every interview set up I wouldn't get into do without it exactly."
"I'll see you guys soon, take care, bye for now."
"It's just orange juice, my best friend guys. This is a big birthday, wow."
"She loves to hang around whenever we're out here working, you know, like I said, when the doors are open, she loves to be out here anywhere we're at."
"But most of all, most of all you guys, have a good day. Laters."
"That's just a stream, a live stream. Thanks for lending."
"I will see you guys all in the next video so see you later!"
"After a lovely day playing with the boys...we're having a very lazy dinner tonight."
"It's not a visit to the tower without a dance party."
"Thanks for watching everybody, this will be Teching and Barry signing out. Have a good weekend everyone."
"Bruh, Steve is vibing. This is the best. This is the best. Today was... Look at that, jogging along. He's so happy."
"It's just it's got nothing to do with anything it's not serious it's just me and it's a good excuse for me to hang out with a couple of my friends every week and just just shoot the [ __ ]."
"Some people just want a little bit of trash to be pressing buttons on while they're watching something else on television."
"That's just the way it goes boom, at least you can talk to it."
"Love the Swagbucks, give me like three seconds, four more seconds, it would have been over."
"It's insane that someone makes an attempt on their own life and your first thought is, 'oh well, looks like we gotta fire them.'"
"Let me finish it real quickly, hey hey let me live."
"You want to be casual and polite which actually can get under their skin even more because they want you to fix it for them."
"Hot Cheetos with cream cheese, that's an American thing. It's good."
"Good morning peaches, I'm not quite sure what the time is now."
"I'm going to enjoy my Rose from you because I'm going to win this easy peasy lemon squeezy."
"It's a vibe with five, but you already know."
"It's like you're actually just going into some office and just having to like talk to people and shit."
"Shake Shack fries are my favorite fast-food fries."
"I'm just gonna order what I like." - Command Zone
"Hump day, hump day, what a day for football."
"Let's eat some of that fish with the garlic."
"Let's try the sandwich before we get into today's topic."
"We're gonna make this an action casual game with a pirate theme for the mbox next using the long dong silver 2.0."
"What do I do with these glass permits now? Have fun, I'll have them."
"The plushies and I will, you know, everyone can just we can all just accept it."
"Breakfast of champions, right? That's right!" - Rick Wilson
"I hope you guys enjoyed it and I will catch you guys later. Peace."
"He's just like, 'What's up, Tobin?' It's awesome."
"Just out here wasting flavor, okay it's a requirement not only that I need you to grab the bottom of the bag and then drink it to be certified."
"In the meantime, if you're in the Boardwalk area and you're craving a little extra something something, consider saying hi to this old friend."
"Okay, all right, it's a fun one this, Helen."
"No roof on my top and my vape see through, hiding on the pen don't stop, ain't gonna feed you."
"So, are we chilling, chillaxing here a little bit on Micro? Yeah, a little bit of a chillax on the Microvision run." - Individual speaker
"Until then baby I will see y'all tomorrow, what time is it tomorrow? 6 p.m eastern time I don't know, I had to look at my phone for that but tomorrow's 6 pm eastern time all right, be there be square I love y'all."
"Baseball caps are casual, sporty, and easy to integrate."
"I really did like Banana Eats, it was fun, it was pretty fun."
"We're just having some fun, okay? That's all."
"Here we go, draw cards please, card draw the cards please."
"Till next time, as always, no chick flick moments. Peace."
"There's nothing else going on, so it's just all right."
"Hope you enjoyed this, speaking to you later! Take care."
"Here we go, little sip of old water. Hey, Vlog Dad, you timed your entry well."
"Grab some popcorn and let's just jump right into this."
"I'm literally just a dude out here hanging out watching the charts with you."
"That's a cool looking candle, let's light it."
"Grab a drink, grab a snack, and let's get into it!"
"And that's it for me, I'll see you all next time. Pew!"
"He's just stylin' right now, at the spindrift."
"But he felt good when he beat them... sometimes people would be like 'nah I'm not gonna do that' but they laughed and like fair enough man, you do you."
"I never normally happens actually so exactly so I don't know if everybody's got a cocktail you have to always have a cocktail today."
"Thanks for hanging out with us guys and I will see everyone later bye."
"Gigi's only, I'll catch you in the next one."
"Mama's down for absolutely anything Mexican food."
"Thanks for coming, have a great day, and I will see you in the next video. Take care everybody."
"This has been scrapped man and I'll see you next time. Bye!"
"Longer those fold up chairs, welcome back man, good to be here."
"Thanks for the t-shirt mate, you bloody legends!"
"Do your thing, get your money, homie. It's all good."
"It's in some sort of like tacos, it says taco style sauce."
"Now I could eat all right so we're gonna sign off uh every on Thursday this one Sylvie has them edited edit that [__] up subscribe to the channel."
"What type of pizza spot do y'all hit up? I'm more of a Domino's type person."
"Thanks very much for watching, we're out of here. Peace." - Hosts
"I'm gonna add some bronzer to the sides, okay?"
"The majority of Sonic fans are casual fans who simply find the gameplay to be fun."
"I'm insane without... thank you all the videos, dude."
"How are you doing girls? Oh, you know, I was on the way home, I was in the area, I just wanted to come say hello, that's it, that is all."
"Happy birthday, eat lots of cake and nuggies."
"I'm gonna go get some food now. I'll put this up on the channel so you guys can watch it."
"Wow, onion rings, how do you have bad onion rings?"
"I woke up at like noon today so it is basically already lunchtime."
"That's it, you know a movies yeah three o'clock in the morning."
"That's cool, that'll be fine. That'll be fine."
"That's what happened, that's what hot to me."
"Let's just have fun, all right? Not too terrible, all right?"
"I feel like we should get to know each other a little bit, you know, drinking some orange juice or something."
"From the start, Liz and Dave agreed that they were both not looking for a serious relationship."
"This is broken, I hope you guys enjoy the video." - Toba Landon
"You could just bring it to the shower, you'll be like gotta take a shower let me bring my trunk."
"Thank you for watching and peace on, there'll be a pizza raid tomorrow, I promise! Pizza raids are over, thank you watching dudes, please, that delay is VY."
"I'm chillin', illin', emerald shimmering, eating that bread. No death, only living."
"He's a hands-off parent, all right, let's play this video."
"And I'm gonna catch you all tomorrow, okay? Bye everybody."
"Just saying, I'm just saying I'm just saying."
"Thank you kindly for watching, this has been Cities Skylines Green Cities part whatever it is, part 9 I think, whatever part whatever it is."
"It's rice and asparagus yeah, you know rice asparagus some ground turkey."
"I don't care. Sometimes I just want to get blown up after cheating, you know?"
"Leapfrog memories, yes! Cheerio juice, I actually hate that. I hate when, oh my goodness, when you have cereal and milk and then the milk gets all like disgusting."
"We're gonna be back in one fortnight, and until then we'll catch you on the flippity-flop."
"Every time you say it sounds like you're speaking Italian."
"Let's play okey-dokey, uh, we're missing wallpaper."
"You can literally just bang a plane right on top of them and just have a little look around."
"Quesadillas are about fun, no matter what anybody says."
"Oh my god what I was going to ask will wait can I get it can I get another kettle one on the rock."
"Keep it easy breezy and beautiful hashtag not sponsored."
"Okay, we are halfway done with grocery shopping. Got myself a little pink Drink as a reward."
"The camera man was a little bit sus there, I can't lie."
"I'll walk in, what's up guys? Okay, yeah, I'll come back in half an hour. Are you guys having a good time? Excellent, excellent, okay great!"
"He's just a dude, like he's just chill as hell."
"Meanwhile all right guys so the boys finally got here."
"It's cold, it's fine, oh no, oh no, traffic lights."
"She's got those Jersey Mike's, baby, you feel me?"
"I'm about to wake up, so how's your guys's day?"
"Dad grass is reviving the pleasure of the casual smoke so you can chill out without the stress."
"I think we just gotta go for the binka rooney, you know?"
"Free hotdogs at the park - You just found free hotdogs, no questions asked."
"You're not gonna remember the crazy [__] that you said."
"I think I might go with an eighth for cuz I did like kind of like the mixture."
"I'm a taco person. My name is Mary and my favorite food is tacos."
"Let me know what you think and I will see you all hopefully very shortly. Cheers guys, take it easy."
"That's okay, it's also like 11:00 a.m., something like that."
"One of those guys like how Seinfeld sees a show where everybody else sees just hanging out."
"You're telling yourself that just sneak back, it's like just chill."
"Hey buddy, you need to get one last selfie before you leave."
"It's so weird to even be talking about that, bro."
"Oh man, this is the type of place I just want to stand around and eat dosas all night long."
"Diddy said he's making music for the Strokers."
"Pizza maybe like the number one thing people know me by."
"Pizza is the best food ever, you guys know that."
"Just go live for like 12 hours, you know what I mean? Like there's no reason I couldn't just leave this thing going."
"Feels like I'm wearing like a whole new shoe."
"Thank you guys for watching... peace out my dudes."
"Wow, everyone who just joined, I'm just eating and then I'm going to play again, okay? Don't worry, I'm not just eating on a stream."
"Reality is, this is fun. This is like the thing that we're talking about."
"Sorry about your damn luck, ladies and gentlemen."
"Knowing our luck, they're not going to have it."
"That's the physique of a guy who eats donuts here and there."
"I got food on the way, what were you saying bro?"
"That's amazing where'll yeah amazing like where does he hit like going to Starbucks."
"A little extra sauce for the boss, you know what I'm saying?"
"My room is getting hot man thank you oh my god."
"Maybe you got a bunch of gift cards piling up. We don't judge."
"I kind of want to use the pizza. Let's throw this down. Let's eat this. Let's take a slice."
"Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to the beach."
"That's an easy answer. Just enjoy the fucking show cuz I know we all did on Wednesday night."
"First order of business: Doritos and a cup of coffee. AI, make it happen!"
"We've always been like that though... and whatever we can like."
"Hope you guys enjoyed today, my name is Rhymestyle, I'll see you guys next time. Peace."
"Good stuff, good conversations. Looking forward to doing it again next week. Take care everybody. Bye bye bye bye bye."
"Win this game, eat the burrito, maybe watch a YouTube video. We're chilling."
"Life was never meant to be taken serious. This [expletive] ain't serious."
"Thanks, carrying on, carrying on, cool thanks."
"Thank god it's Friday, right? I don't know about you, but it's been quite the week."
"Hope you guys enjoyed it. Peace the fuck out!"
"Number 3: 'The biggest crap.' 'Sharon, you gotta come see this!'"
"But anyway, that's about it until next time Dawson Ryder signing out."
"That's right, I remember now, this little rodent's name is Chad."
"Wonderful, a gold selfie with me in the background."
"I love this, it's such like a laid back and cutesy style."
"Thank you for watching, take it easy, catch you next time!"
"Grab your chaturang board, get something to drink, get some cold cuts and let's do this thing."
"Get your snacks and drinks and enjoy the slaughter."
"Complete the pizza, get back home, and maybe you'll have a few laughs along the way."
"I've had more of these things, man. How many? A lot."
"Happy Father's Day. Order Hardee's... Maybe I'll get McDonald's."
"They wish they could just, so it's, it's, it's cool, it's cool."
"Men have it good when it comes to having a piss."
"Let me just, I'll water this real quick no sweat let's go clean some poop now."
"Thanks for watching, I don't know how to end a video like this, have a good day."
"I know there's another super coming in here and there it is. Alright, off subject a little bit..."
"Casual doesn't mean it's not serious. You can have a serious casual sexual relationship."
"Let's get into some things okay, it's you know evening afternoon somewhere."