
Business Insights Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"By the end of Day 1, you will have transformed local data, web data, and a little bit of curiosity into stunning visual analysis and business insights."
"Well, I'm not somebody who knows a lot about marketing, you know. I wouldn't enjoy being a salesman for a position where you're actually creating the products and thinking through what those features should be." - Bill Gates
"So, tomorrow in the newsletter we're going to have a deep dive on that."
"Goldfish have never been a good seller for us."
"Tesla's quarterly earnings showed some pretty interesting snippets of information other than the financials."
"Price is an arbitrary metric, value is what matters."
"Real business talk today ladies and gentlemen, we're getting meta."
"Every boss works for somebody, that's why they call it 'hire' and not 'get hired.'"
"They think that food franchises are the biggest moneymakers but according to a franchise business review report fifty one point five percent of food franchises earned profits of less than $50,000 a year."
"What happened to the guy on top? He becomes the idiot, there's a couple people that I've heard give good gems about you know some of the best things it's not about it's not about the money you get it's about those that you showed how to make money."
"The best type of marketing is marketing that doesn't feel like marketing."
"Sometimes you don't need the best product; you just need to be good enough to take advantage of a company that has rested way too long on their brand."
"The most important thing here is they're signaling the obvious things they should have known this whole time."
"Conversion intelligence enhances your marketing intuition with AI insights."
"Business is one part of his life but the other part of his life was sitting with people getting new ideas."
"When anecdotes and data disagree, the anecdotes are usually right."
"One of the details that Carol Roth lays out..."
"If you have not watched the lemonade CEO interview yet, it is so worth watching."
"It just tells you what are they thinking like it's not that's why it's not about the stadiums and that what people what teams make on Match days now from the stadium is doesn't even touch the sides."
"I was wrong about Tesla and I'm gonna get into that a little bit later."
"The hybrid ecosystem that enables to connect all the on-prem data to all the public cloud data to enable companies to get visibility into their businesses."
"We know we all have those clients that love a good contrast."
"Take the job that pays one-third where you're going to learn the most. You're going to learn about the business. You're going to learn from the ground up."
"Data scientists are the architects of insights, bridging business needs with actionable analytics solutions."
"I grew up in the wine business. I'm very fascinated by direct-to-consumer wine brands. I knew I had a ton of leverage with farmers. I just knew that I could."
"Competition is a good thing; it tells us what's selling and what works."
"Had I been a bit more concentrated, that would have allowed me to catch on to what was going on on the risk side."
"Selling is collaborative... helping them find and solve problems that maybe they didn't know they had."
"Big differences in terms of the underlying numbers."
"So many brands out there making a lot of money both big and small that you can take little things from."
"Lessons learned I think that for me at least this proved of the market is broader than you think."
"Operation Suite ingests this data and generates insights using dashboards, charts, and alerts."
"A data analyst plays a crucial role in extracting, analyzing, and interpreting data to provide valuable insights that drive business decisions."
"When you can bring and integrate all these different sources of data together, they can actually provide you a holistic view of your business or of your customer."
"Bookkeeping isn't just for tax purposes ... main reason we do bookkeeping is ... so we have insight into what's going on in our business."
"We can see the total revenue that was generated from the sales."
"I can start every morning with a picture of what's going on with our viewers."
"Have a play around with the analytics section because you can generate some really awesome business intelligence from this area of NetSuite."
"The truth is that no matter how much we think we know, we oftentimes don't know what our clients want."
"Getting unbiased customer feedback."
"Free users will give you different types of feedback than users who are actually paying you."
"How to leverage reviews for getting insight into the buyer's mind."
"Take a seat, get comfortable, and let us reveal to you the 15 things you didn't know about Airbnb."
"Welcome to Recipe to Success, the show where we sit down with entrepreneurs from all different backgrounds to learn more about their journey to success."
"It gives you real insight into your inventory, your cost of goods, your stock counts, and so on."
"We're not going to be talking about things like hashtags or the algorithm... we're going to go a lot deeper than that."
"Having a single view of your sales operation, all the way to the accounting operation, allows our customers to be able to get insights around market demand shifts."
"My goal is to showcase that the business that wants to operate multiple clusters and want to have insights on the application metrics around that."
"Existing customers are more valuable; they spend on average of 67 percent more than new customers."
"Data scientists are people who take disparate sets of information... and we organize it in a way that lends insight to your business."
"I logged into the dashboard and saw that 80% of the sales were all coming from Pinterest."
"The inventory sales and purchase reports give you an insight on ongoing and prior transactions with stock reports that can be customized as per your requirements."
"It helps you understand the past performance a little bit better."
"...provides cutting-edge insights into the semiconductor supply chain, bridging the gap between business and the chips industry."
"Bot Insight delivers real-time interactive and intelligent insights into the business process and operational intelligence."
"Process mining is all about obtaining knowledge of and also insights in processes by means of analyzing the event data that was generated during the execution of the aforementioned processes."
"Most startups fail, but most of those failures could have been prevented."
"What you believe about your customers is going to be proved wrong a lot."
"A data scientist uses statistical methods, data analysis techniques, machine learning, and related concepts in order to understand and analyze data to draw business conclusions."
"This dashboard gives me answers really to all my questions just from the logs that you see."