
Human Perception Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"The human eye can detect one ten-thousandth of an inch of misalignment, so I want to be real careful here."
"This bizarre idea that nature is taking revenge on us...is really quite insane."
"Angels can put on a physical form and appear as people so that means that they're so good at blending in and they're so good as appearing as humans that there are people who exist on earth who are actually angels and we're never the wiser to it."
"Why don't we notice the structure of relativity in our everyday lives? It's because the scale of human life is so slow and small compared to the speed of light."
"People seem to think, as humans, because we have words and we describe things, we falsely assume that the categories that we've created for things are far more rigidly defined than they actually are."
"Pride is very self-important, seeing humans as toys or slaves and trying to convince his siblings to do the same."
"We really can name God, starting from the manifold perfections of his creatures, which are likenesses of the infinitely perfect God, even if our limited language cannot exhaust the mystery."
"A seal is a big steak with a slice of chocolate cake; a person is an old piece of celery that's been on the counter all day."
"The appearance of God cannot be reconciled with the conceptions of man, much less can God appear at the behest of man."
"Human perceptions of sight, among other senses, is proportional to the logarithm of the actual intensity measured with an accurate nonhuman instrument like a light meter."
"We have a very human thing that we do, which is pattern recognition, and sometimes we project patterns onto the world where there are none."
"You are seeing the hottest thing you will ever see with the human eye."
"A picture can never match what we see with our eyes and it certainly can't capture what we feel in our hearts."
"The best cameraman in the world is no match for the human brain."
"Narratives are important because everything a human being conceives of is effectively some kind of narrative."
"Thinking about beauty and design, I think that our minds can appreciate beauty in a way that a rock can't appreciate beauty."
"To them, natural wonders were clearly the work of gods."
"The team feels their experiments here support the theory that the human body can detect Earth's energies."
"From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh."
"The best possessions of man are his senses and when he uses them all he will not be deceived in his survey of nature."
"When you live in your truth, the voices of all this noise no longer matter."
"For most of human history, if you wanted to know what you looked like, you had to get your friend to smash up some blueberry and rub it on a cave wall."
"Definitive proof that extraterrestrial life exists and potentially surpasses us in intelligence and technology would profoundly challenge our perception of humanity's place in the universe."
"Since sleep is a time for the brain to relax, some experts have suggested that humans may be able to sense paranormal activity more easily in this state."
"Our brains had been pre-programmed to see faces in everything."
"Humanity's perception of reality is ever evolving."
"There's a 2D image in front of you that you can put your hand on that you can look around the side of a monitor, and it's enough to trick our ancestral mating systems into thinking sex is about to happen."
"When your favorite artists become so big, they stop being human to people."
"Morality isn't equality of the universe, it's a valuation from the human perspective."
"When it's real, you can tell. You can see it in the eye."
"Kazuma states that a human knows the truth the best but despite the danger she chose to fight."
"This transformation of human society has to come from a transformation of human perception."
"I can be wrong about people, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover."
"Common sense is the ability to fill in the blanks. So if I, you know, if you only see my left profile, you can tell where my right profile roughly looks like because most human faces are more or less symmetric."
"Normal people... are not going to be able to tell when you are telling a lie."
"We have the perfect camera right here in our heads so we can make a camera that exceeds the specifications the human eye."
"Our eyes have tremors at 75 to 110 Hertz, that means 75 to 110 times per second your eye is constantly twitching and stabilizing."
"Human minds often tie meanings to arbitrary objects."
"Extraterrestrials are already among us, and we could not differentiate them between normal humans."
"Tigers never stop seeing humans as prey, even the humans who raise them from their earliest life."
"All objects are human-made constructions, including abstract constructs such as purpose, time, and ego."
"A whale could break your bones and take your life with a flick of its tail, but most won't do that. Humpback whales in particular are generally non-aggressive."
"For some people, only one fact is enough, and for some, not even the biggest Miracle is enough."
"Attractiveness is an instantly recognizable attribute for every walking person on Earth. It's easy to spot a face that is attractive or unattractive in less than a second."
"Humans think of women as being more beautiful than men, but in most animals, it's the males that are competing fiercely for female attention."
"Vision is so important to humans that almost half of your brain capacity and 25% of our day's energy is dedicated just in seeing."
"You have expanded and contracted and receded a lot larger a lot longer than them so you've got a larger mind and that mind created larger organs so you have larger perceptions of the world."
"It's all part of something we can't wrap our heads around, and it exists in spite of how we feel about it."
"We can all agree that we're having an experience right now."
"Only human beings find their way by a light that illuminates more than the patch of ground they stand on."
"Humans interpret reality through seeing objects or issues as symbols of meaning."
"Even if we can't prove it, we have that kind of resonance when we hear stuff."
"The sole truth of this world I found is that there is no truth. Any one of us can become a god or a devil. All it takes is for people to believe it."
"Symmetrical faces were judged most attractive."
"Everything you see is decoded electromagnetically; we're essentially energy beings."
"The human brain is so extraordinary that it can detect the smallest movement out there in this landscape."
"Realizing people are stupid is disappointing. I think because we tend to see people as the best possible version of themselves, creating an unrealistic image of them in our heads."
"And the human ability to sense truth is utterly amazing."
"Did you know that feeling whenever you rub on your eyes and you see all those like weird colors and shapes? It's a phenomenon called phosphine."
"I think it's that you're afraid of being intimate with something that's not really human." - Exploring the uncanny valley and human perception.
"I love it when they go, 'They don't like the taste of humans.'"
"Your mind has evolved to give you an experience of space-time."
"Peak and Rule: People seem to perceive not the sum of an experience but the average of how it was at its peak and how it ended."
"Our senses shine a light on our immediate environment, but they also place a fundamental limit on what can be directly experienced."
"From the perspective of aliens that have gotten to that level, we're a very lesser species."
"Value in the sense we use it is something humans give to things and it's variable." - Andrew Clavin
"I see them as a child, I don't see them as a person that's a bad person."
"Everyone either looks like a rat or they look like a frog."
"Perhaps the most important lesson that we can learn from the history of trying to define the continents is that humans have constantly tried to define the space around us."
"Human beings are drawn to four things in particular: the brightest element, the most saturated color, the area of highest contrast, and human faces."
"Does evil truly exist? And if it did, if it looked you in the eyes, would you see a gnarled monstrosity staring back at you, or would it be the face of your smiling neighbor?"
"The fallibility of Human Experience cannot be overstated. Our perceptions and understandings are often clouded by emotions, biases, and a limited grasp of the bigger picture."
"Nature is weird, but our mind's ability to come up with things to explain what we just don't understand is even more strange."
"Humans like to think that we're the smartest animals on earth. I am now thoroughly convinced we're not."
"I think men should be able to see a man and say that's a man or that's a woman if that's a woman."
"The view that you are conscious agents who can make decisions, that you have free will, is deeply ingrained in people."
"The main thing that we can be certain of is that they are greater than man-sized."
"Us as humans are so good at identifying when something looks wrong, but we're not that good at identifying what looks wrong or why."
"The human eye and the human brain can tell the difference between lots of little cubes and a real life real image."
"Our human brains can be convinced by a print, that it's 300 dots in an inch."
"Tragedy reenacts a deep-seated human perception of world history as guilt and curse."
"Art makes no sense. Animals don't make it because it is not inherently beneficial. It is worthwhile because we as humans say it is."
"Art after all only exists if humans value it and as a species we tend to be pretty biased about our abilities."
"People were terrible at knowing when they were interacting with an AI-generated response or not."
"Like most rational humans, we consider pigeons vermin, flying bird shit dispensers."
"An entity is perceptual in scale in size, in other words, it is of this which you can point to by human perception."
"What do we know of the world and the universe about us? Our means of receiving impressions are absurdly few, and our notions of surrounding objects infinitely narrow."
"People aren't stupid; they can sense."
"When one sense is closed, it empowers other senses."
"Human beings are storytellers; we socially construct a version of reality and then we live out of that reality as if it were real."
"When it comes to the creatures that humans are afraid of, I always say there's the three big S's: sharks, spiders, and snakes."
"Humans always see through a glass darkly, and all knowledge isn't perfect."
"We don't really sense atmospheric pressure very well, because our bodies tend to equilibrate inside and outside."
"If all men went blind tomorrow, it would not diminish the glory of the sun or the moon or the stars."
"Cosmic scales are so stupendous that they can hardly be appreciated by the human mind."
"This is a great example of how humans fail to grasp exponential progress."
"The visible spectrum is the portion of the larger electromagnetic spectrum that we can see as humans."
"They are amazing creatures and mostly misunderstood by us humans."
"The panoramic format is very close to the way that our eyes see."
"Human beings' biggest flaw is that they can only see things linearly but they can never understand them exponentially."
"We are all human beings; we like to see things and understand things in a visual way."
"Our minds are so tiny that we can't perceive infinity, so we can't perceive the enormousness of space, enormousness of time."
"We think of ourselves as the most powerful beings in the universe; it's unsettling to discover that we're wrong."
"I think it's really hard for people to like fully view you as human when you give people the impression that you're this unflappable, impossible to hurt person."
"When it comes to shark intelligence, we humans have been kind of stupid."
"We can hear sounds with frequency components that range from 20 Hertz to 20 kilohertz."
"We have way more than five senses."
"Randomness is a word human beings use to describe that which they don't understand."
"I realized with a shock that this was no costume; what I had presumed to be a partygoer in exceptional makeup now seemed anything but human."
"This is a binaural microphone that is designed to emulate or mimic the way human ears actually hear sound."
"Your human visual system is probably one of the most efficient and low-cost types of approaches to dealing with data."
"Our concept of geometry is very dependent on the kind of bodies we have."
"Humans... can perceive or at least imagine the future which allows them to move in what they imagine to be free will."
"Human beings are more attuned to the supernatural when they're asleep."
"...the fact that nature has a greater imagination than we do."
"Chemicals... beautiful, wonderful electrochemical reactions that let your eyes see the world, your brain understand it, and that central core of what you experience, that which we call existence."
"You're welcome, Kit. And I think you changed what I think about humans nowadays."
"The infinite, on the other hand, tends to both mystify and terrify us as human beings."
"A period is different because it's based on what we would perceive as human."