
Excel Quotes

There are 795 quotes

"The future of Excel is Power BI. Let's get started."
"Share, export, or print your Excel file directly into a PDF format."
"Pivot Table is a way to summarize a large group of data."
"Hi everyone! Welcome to a new tutorial from Simon Says IT. In this video, I'll show you how to fix the spill error in Excel."
"But before we do that, we need to first understand what spill means in Excel and what is exactly causing the problem."
"In most cases, the reason is very simple. Some values might already be present in the spill range of a dynamic array function. This will create a conflict and Excel will alert you with a spill error."
"In some cases, you may want to quickly identify all the name errors in an Excel worksheet."
"Creating a pie chart in Excel is so simple. You can now easily portray complex numeric data in an easily understandable form."
"Using the find and replace functionality or the trim, upper, lower, or proper formulas that we have in Excel makes your work a lot easier."
"Index and match, another one, a pairing of functions that are perhaps one of my favorite ones inside of Excel."
"It is a proven system to increase your Excel skills and career."
"If you know one more feature than your colleague, then you're seen as an Excel expert."
"Create your own Excel applications for passive income."
"Excel does know, just like you and I, that Sunday comes before Monday, comes before Tuesday and so on."
"Excel is not just a spreadsheet tool, it's a calculator!"
"Dynamic formulas in Excel: the superior way to calculate."
"Autofill handle: the shortcut for extending patterns in Excel."
"Excel's relative cell references: the key to efficient formulas."
"If you'd like to learn more functions in Excel, check out my other videos. I have lots and lots of different functions that I show in those other tutorials, and there's more to come in the future."
"Once you have your chart, you can go up here to chart design and you can add some chart elements."
"Pivot tables in Excel are a powerful tool for analyzing and summarizing large datasets. They allow you to display data in various ways and easily filter and manipulate it based on different criteria."
"You can specify larger data bars to represent larger numbers, making it easier to identify key components within your spreadsheet."
"The beauty of Excel: if I change this bunch of numbers, the total is going to change automatically."
"Conditional formatting in Excel allows you to spot trends using bars, colors, and icons."
"I simply drag this down, Excel does it for me."
"A very commonly used function in Excel is known as the vertical lookup."
"Power Query can replace crazy array formulas with a few simple clicks."
"Transforming data in Excel with Power Query is just the beginning."
"PivotTables make calculations with criteria more easily than any other feature in Excel."
"PivotTables, the most amazing data analysis business intelligence tool in Excel."
"Excel: A powerful tool for numeric calculations, data analysis, and business decision-making."
"Excel's versatility: From basic arithmetic to complex financial modeling, it's got you covered."
"Excel empowers users to manipulate and analyze data with unparalleled ease."
"Unlock the power of Excel to streamline your data analysis workflow."
"Pivot tables are super fast to build and automatically include any new data upon refresh."
"Creating custom color themes will save you time when formatting your reports."
"Using the formula bar to link text boxes to cell values."
"Adjusting chart settings for better visualization."
"Tree map suitable for displaying hierarchical data."
"Waterfall chart illustrating income to the amount left at the end."
"Changing color style and adding legends for better chart presentation."
"Top five categories table for quick reference."
"Expense by category: [List of selected categories]."
"What is a pivot table? It's very simple. That number right there? That is a calculation with conditions or criteria."
"That's what conditional formatting can do so well: help visualize the data."
"Pivot tables: the ultimate data analysis tool."
"Pivot tables: where data manipulation meets simplicity."
"Pivot tables make complex tasks simple with just a few clicks."
"Columns function: counting columns dynamically."
"Extracting fields vertically instead of horizontally."
"VLOOKUP tells us it's in the second position. Is that not totally cool?"
"Let's create a dynamic named range for the item ID."
"Let's create a named range for our receipt numbers in our sales history."
"I'm gonna add the name, the quantity, the price, and the total through a formula."
"It's a great thing that Excel allows you to save the modifications you've made to a chart so that maybe one day you can apply it on another data set."
"What if we wanted to see these country jazz pop rock as the bars and not the quarters?"
"Excel automation provides higher production rates and increased productivity."
"Excel automation improves quality in several ways, including eliminating human error, increasing consistency and accuracy."
"Better product quality: Excel automation improves quality by eliminating human error, increasing consistency and accuracy."
"Improved safety: Excel allows you to protect your work, whether it's to prevent someone from opening a workbook without a password, to grant read-only access, or to preserve a worksheet."
"Reduced lead time: Excel automation reduces the amount of time that elapses between the start and finish of a process."
"Productivity: Excel automation provides higher production rates and increased productivity."
"You can think of pandas as supercharged Microsoft Excel."
"We successfully automated our Excel report."
"You need to learn all about Excel data analysis; you landed on the right video."
"Power Query is the greatest Excel tool invented since the pivot table."
"What if analysis is basically the process of changing the values in cells to see how those changes will affect the outcome of formulas on the worksheet."
"It has automatically calculated the totals for all your rows for these three columns."
"We can always do simpler computations here by converting our data into table format."
"Once we do this, it will basically get the data from web and put in here."
"You can get the data from different sources into your Excel into your spreadsheet and then you can continue working on those data sets."
"We have already learned some basic operations which you can do in Excel."
"Let's implement our knowledge by working on this particular data."
"Find the total units that were sold in the East region."
"It would be good if we know how do we use a function like SUM IF."
"SUM IF adds the cells specified by a given condition or criteria."
"When you talk about SUM IFS, this is when you could give set of conditions or multiple criterias."
"You are filtering the data, so you have given the rows, you have given the criteria, and then you have given the range on which you would want to sum up the values."
"What was the total revenue generated from binder?"
"What is the total revenue generated from the Central region where the item is a pencil?"
"We are looking at the revenue column, we are selecting all the rows."
"How many units were sold by Sales Representative Jones where the cost of each item was greater than four?"
"How many units did Jones sell excluding pencil item?"
"Excel allows you to beautify your data and present it in the form of charts, tables, and data bars."
"Excel provides good security for your data with features like password protection."
"Sorting and filtering data in Excel can be handy when working with large datasets, allowing you to organize and analyze information efficiently."
"Tables in Excel allow you to convert your data into a tabular format for easy computation and analysis."
"We could use a VLOOKUP to do this."
"A formula is basically a mathematical calculation that tells Excel what to do to give you an answer."
"Think about this too: if you've got a thousand numbers you want to add, do you want to go plus B2 plus B3 all the way to a thousand? Probably not."
"Anywhere you happen to be down in your workbook, if you want to get to the top again, you just hit A1 and hit the enter key."
"What split screen basically does is allows you to see something in one part of your file and then something in another part that you normally wouldn't be able to see without scrolling back and forth."
"My analysis has got a lot deeper simply by knowing a few commands in Excel."
"Now hopefully what we should see is if I click India, it's going to change, so we now have a dynamic chart title happening, which I think is actually pretty cool."
"Pivot tables are actually super easy once you understand them."
"You can just drag and drop these fields down into any one of these four areas to build up your pivot table."
"How do you remove duplicates from the country column? Data cleanup, remove duplicates."
"This is an extremely important concept to understand: cell referencing, especially when we're talking about relative and absolute."
"That's a little bit about tables and slicers. You need to have a table to insert the slicers to it."
"That first one is locked into the column, but this second spot here is relative to the row that I'm in."
"It's that easy to put in a sort of drop-down list."
"The reason why I named the ranges is because I'm going to use this indirect function."
"In data view, you have a new tab on your ribbon called 'Column Tools' and you can navigate using the fields pane on the right."
"This is the perfect use case for an if statement."
"In this course, we've started at the very beginning by how to navigate in Excel."
"I want to show you how to start building your own loan schedule or what we call a loan amortization schedule in Excel."
"The auto sum button is a great way to create a formula."
"We're going to use this Excel spreadsheet to compare sales totals to commission fees."
"If you're doing anything with Excel and Google Sheets that require certain analyzing techniques such as this, you can ask chat GPT a wide variety of questions with a wide variety of file formats."
"If you think Excel is boring it's because you've never known about the power of Excel formulas."
"Highlighting in the active rows is going to help you avoid the hassle of going back and forth."
"Freeze panes come in really handy when dealing with large sets of data."
"Track changes in Excel helps you avoid errors when sharing workbooks."
"Split screen in Excel provides an easy way to view, compare, and contrast values."
"What if I want to split the window vertically and horizontally at the same time? Is that possible? And the answer is yes."
"Comments and notes can be very helpful in Excel."
"It's rather useful to set cell styles that you want and then at the very end, pick a theme that you want."
"Grouping is extremely useful for those last minute edits to a workbook."
"Freeze panes will make it easier to scroll through the spreadsheet by locking the top rows of my headers."
"I've had Coco since I was 18 like she's literally been there through my entire like adult life."
"With the unique function, we can instantly clean our datasets, removing duplicates or extracting a list of distinct items for use in other Excel tools like data validation."
"The FILTER function is my favorite. It allows you to filter data based on criteria you specify."
"XLOOKUP is the new improved VLOOKUP. It's the Swiss army knife of lookups offering a versatile way to find and retrieve information across a table or range."
"The TEXTSPLIT function divides text into separate columns based on a delimiter which is way easier than the old left mid right function combination we used to wrangle."
"Easier than nested IF formulas, the new IFS function is a streamlined alternative allowing multiple conditions to be evaluated in a single elegant formula."
"With the LET function, you can say goodbye to repeating complex calculations and make formulas much easier to write and read."
"Keeping up to date with new functions like these is just one piece of the Excel productivity puzzle."
"These days knowing basic Excel won't set you apart. You have to keep up with the new features that enable you to improve productivity or you'll be left behind."
"These functions will not only make your life easier, they'll also make you the go-to expert in your office."
"Excel formulas are the instructions you write to perform calculations or manipulate data. They start with an equal sign and can combine numbers, cell references, and operations."
"If you're fairly new to the application, you're probably going to go through a good few weeks where you're not 100% sure what each of these commands does."
"All of these commands have been arranged logically onto their corresponding ribbons to make it a little bit easier for you to find the command that you're looking for."
"So now that we've established how to activate the Quick Access Toolbar and how we can very simply add any of the commands from this customized Quick Access Toolbar menu, let's take a look at some other customizations we can make."
"Not all commands available in Excel have an icon on the ribbons. There are some commands that purely exist in the background, and they're usually commands that you don't tend to use all that often."
"Most people have 10 to 15 keyboard shortcuts they use all the time."
"Templates can be your best friend when faced with a blank workbook."
"You can save any workbook as a template file if you want to reuse it."
"Excel's inbuilt templates are organized into different categories."
"Templates are reusable, saving you time and effort."
"Templates are definitely worth checking out if you want to get a head start on spreadsheet creation."
"Fundamental to your understanding of basic Excel is knowing how to work with your worksheets."
"All different types of data can be entered into cells in an Excel worksheet."
"Excel recognizes certain patterns, like months of the year and days of the week."
"Formulas are really the backbone of Excel. It's really what it's known for: its calculations."
"Don't forget that very useful keyboard shortcut of ctrl shift down arrow to make a selection of all of the data in the column."
"It's now time for us to move on and concentrate on the exciting part of Excel, and that is formulas and functions."
"A formula is a calculation that uses Excel functions."
"Now let's click on Trace Precedence. This is going to show me any of the cells that are being used in this formula."
"The beauty of this is if I start to type a function... excel is trying to help me by showing me all of the functions that match what I've typed."
"For example, you can separate a column of full names into separate first and last name columns."
"Flash fill can be used to break up your data or combine data together, a really useful little tool."
"Importing data into Excel in order to put it in a pivot table."
"Importing data into Excel in order to use that to create a pivot table."
"A really nice quick little way to remove duplicates from your data."
"So if that's the kind of breakdown that I'm looking for, this is a super quick way of me creating this pivot table."
"...and that is, I want to show you how you can combine data from different tables and utilize it all to build one pivot table."
"...fairly simple to group or create your own numeric groups as well."
"Excel has given me years and quarters as well."
"One misconception with pivot tables is that when you want to format your numbers or your values, the misconception is that you can simply go in maybe select them all and change the formatting."
"I want to finish off this section by showing you a couple of other really useful tips and tricks when it comes to managing and organizing your pivot tables."
"...you can use formulas to combine cells..."
"Pivot tables and pivot charts are certainly one of the most powerful features of Excel and Google Sheets."
"Knowing how to clean data in Excel is actually extremely useful."
"The second formula that comes to mind is an index match and it's actually a combination of two different formulas."
"So what makes Excel powerful is cell referencing."
"So this is what makes Microsoft Excel powerful."
"Formulas and functions are a key again to make Microsoft Excel go to that next level."
"Co-pilot in Excel: analyze, understand, visualize your data with ease."
"So in Excel, a true is something that is false plus a zero, and a true is anything that's greater than one. So we end up adding them together. If you add two trues together, you get two. But Excel will treat that as being a true."
"Always reference values in pivot tables using get pivot data."
"And this, my friends, is how you can actually create your own rates of return calculator inside Microsoft Excel."
"And essentially, it's basically the output that looks like an Excel spreadsheet."
"When you're creating a pivot table in Visual Basic, two objects are used."
"In the next hour or two, we're going to be learning about Excel pivot tables."
"Using pivot tables and pivot charts together is a powerful combination to speed up your browsing and analysis of reports."
"The total row allows us to do high-level calculations for each column."
"The data set has a filter dropdown for each column, allowing sorting and filtering."
"With the tools you've been provided, you're now capable of doing so much more than the average user inside of Excel."
"Consider subscribing to our YouTube channel for great Excel, Power BI, and finance content."
"Why is this better than index and match and vlookup in my opinion number one it's simpler number two it can return more than one item as we're seeing here it's returning both sales and location number three it defaults to an exact match."
"Even if you don't know Excel and cannot write a single line of code, Chad GPT puts the capabilities of a junior data analyst at your fingertips."
"Your shapes are now actually tied to the rows of data in that Excel sheet."
"Conditional formatting is one of the most powerful, exciting features in Microsoft Excel."
"Hack number two is freezing cells."
"The most basic way to actually add something in Excel or to run a formula, an equation, a function is to start your cell with an equal sign."
"Freeze panes will actually freeze everything above the selected row."
"A lot of us still with large amounts of data in Excel and what's become very prevalent over the last few years is the ability to be able to display that data in an engaging way."
"You can access named ranges by typing the name into the cell or via the name box next to the formula bar."
"Build on SharePoint, remember, never, ever, ever use Excel as a data source."
"Now it's also worth noting that you can use flash fill not just to split up data but also combine data."
"Excel tables are one of the best things in Excel...they help you update data super quickly."
"Three different methods for invoking flash fill."
"We're really stretching the limits of what can be done with Excel."
"The easiest option to fill cells or automatically populate values in Excel is through the 'Flash Fill' feature."
"Ready to get started with your Pro for Excel 4030."
"In this section, we have learned what are functions, we learned how to use the sum, average, max, min, count, counter, and count blank functions."
"The IF function doesn't just return text but can also return the result of a mathematical operation."
"The OR function returns true even if any one of the conditions specified within the function is true."
"The SUMIF function calculates only the sum of values that meet the specified criteria."
"The COUNTIF function returns the count only of the cells that meet a specific criteria."